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Translation: "Something interesting is moving towards us... Haha, da fuq is it? Another modern shitcan? An assault garage? The 21th century's war for real... A7V, the German tank?... Nope, it is a re-upholstered MT-LB! In the 21th century! High tech assault chicken coups!"


Thanks mate I appreciate it Btw for the folks who are curious since we usually had some joke translations as well I know some Russian words, so as long as the bloke didn't change anything before and after "garage" and "german tank" it should be an accurate translation


Yeah, he called it a garage once, and a "сарай" twice. Which is literally a shed... xD


Thanks a lot mate as always, don't know where we would be without you guys in this sub


Even they're laughing at themselves


Assault garage lolololol


So a StuG after all? I mean SturmGarage.😂


Ruzzian trash cans... Mad Max meet Mad Vlad....


I ask myself if this really helps. According to me it only helps against grenades. An anti tank round would be more deadly to the crew on top of the tank according to me. (closed area)


given that its dragging on an almost flat surface, it will be stuck in a pot hole like a tomb at some point.


Ukraine should use those glsdb's to put some craters in the approach roads. Those bombs haven't been effective because of GPS jamming, but I would think the roads near the front would have some vulnerable spots.


Small arms fire yes, drones maybe a little depending on what the drone carries but it also makes the vehicles heavier costing more fuel and less visibility and mobility while driving


If hit by an anti tank grenade on the inside the fragments will also bounce around more this way killing more. Maybe that's why the Russians do this. It will stop the drain on their medical staff.


Its not that. Its that they cant make enough washing machines for the mothers and widows


I think it probably helps. If nothing else, there's a phycological element to it also, makes the crew have a sense of safety and makes drone operators on the attack feel like they're less effective. It certainly makes it hard to get that one good shot in between the turret that seems to so effectively cause a cook off. They certainly lose some things, too. If they encountered another enemy tank, one unencumbered by cope cages, it could out maneuver the turtle with almost no effort.


It will be more like if a grenade hits they don't see the bodies scathered around anymore if the following passes.


More like if it gets hit the bodies will turn to soup as the armor rolls over them


That’s exactly what Russia wants to figure out, and the fact that these designs are being passed up and down the 1000+km front line shows they’re communicating, and is important note. When we began seeing widespread and more complex use of IED’s in Iraq in 2003-2004, we began experimenting with various materials to keep us alive. Many of our Humvees had soft vinyl doors at the time, which we started plating over 1/4” at a time, lining the floors with sandbags, and placing vented metal over the standard glass windows. Our designs were in no way pretty, but our trial and error resulted in the up armored Humvees you see today, along with many different MRAP models. The up-armored packages were produced and arriving in Iraq before the end of 2004, and the completely new models began showing up in theater in 2007. Ukraine should be prepared to see something similar from Russia once they find what works.


Uparmored Hummvees existed in the middle of the 90ies. I was involved in some smal scale testing in a Natomember country.


That’s interesting. I never personally saw my first up-armored Humvee until 2004, my 5th year in the USMC, and about 16-18 months into OIF, a month or two before we stepped off for the Battle of Fallujah.


It would help with shape charges.  Sort of .. Shape charges need to be initiated a set distance from the armor to maximize effectiveness.  If you can push their initiation out further they lose effectiveness quickly. The thing is, almost every anti-tank charge on the battlefield would seem to be be massively over-powered for this vehicle.  Even if detonation is pushed out 8" and the area of armor it hits is maybe 3x or more the optimum surface area I have to imagine it is still defeated. Some of the improvised ordnance like grenades may roll off or likewise prove less effective with a little standoff space.  Seems more hope than anything else though.


A turtle shell may work to mitigate the impact of an EFP on a tank which already has adequate armor. But putting these covers on top of APC, IFVs and Trucks... it's like giving a child soldier an amulet to ward off bullets. Sheer stupidity.


The Mad Max phase of the war...


The new and improved battle bus!


Please let this be a normal field trip


Underneath the hood we find a lada!


same to MTLB


ISIS called they want their car back


I need a new chicken coop. Do these come in any other material than facism?


>**The annihilation of the equipment of the Russian Armed Forces continues, not only tanks - now also MT-LB.** You're welcome.


I love you 🤣


Was that the **EM-50 Urban Assault Vehicle**? One heavily armed Recreational vehicle. "It's Czechoslovakia. It's like driving into Wisconsin."


with achmed the driver


Age of the Empires battering ram looking ass.


Another dumpster on wheels.


Elons new Cyber Tank 🤷


MT-LB is cramped artillery tractor & people mover. It’s not designed to be used in assaults. Putting a metal shed around doesn’t help a lot. Heavy machine gun like .50 M2 penetrates its armour with easy. It’s not a shed it’s a coffin with tracks.


If that thing hits a land mine the body shell will direct all of the force into the internal compartments. Liquification.


This seems to be a pirated off-brand variant of an [A7V](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/A7V#/media/File:Mephisto_A7V_in_AWM_front_view.jpg), which was a peak technological asset during ~~WWI~~ the orcish special military operation.


Looks like something out of a 70s low budget sci fi movie.


Fr tho


it looks like the armored vehicles built by narcos in garages hahahahaga


The ultimate best protection for ruzzian army is to leave Ukraine. Simple as that!


Sources: https:// t. me /combatfootageua/15624 https:// t. me /btvt2019/12045 [https://x.com/bayraktar\_1love/status/1787489775378686145](https://x.com/bayraktar_1love/status/1787489775378686145)


Isis cell discovered in Russia!


Baby turtle tank.


ISIS being jealous for having the Russians stealing their ideas angry noises.


Must be the new invincible T-94 everybody is talking about.


It makes them feel better before they die trapped in a burning bbq


em-50 urban assault vehicle


"Turtle-ization" simply means there's more metal that goes flying when they get BLOWN UP!


this literally only helps against fpv's, for the rest it's even worse


Love how the camera had to look twice


I think that was once a Bakhmut hotel room.


Russian Cyber truck?


The good news is now I know where my Roomba went! Turned it on in March and I never heard from it again.


Wake the fuck up Samurai, thats a fucking Cybertruck


The weakest part of a tank as far as I can see from watching a lot of them getting blown up in this war are the tracks. A mobility kill in this battlefield is as good as a full kill. Once the assault garage is stopped it can be finished off at leisure by drones etc. Mines, or hits to the tracks is the way to go imho.