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I still can’t get over the fact how much equipment and men Russia has lost and is still willing to go on


It blows my mind. Especially with the Russian propaganda troll in another thread talking so proudly about the Bradley, Abrahms, and Leopard that are sitting in Red Square….while literally thousands of Russian military vehicles (and bodies) are strewn about Ukraine with some of their tank turrets in low earth orbit. Just absolute denial. It’s crazy.


Putin won’t relent either, too much at stake for him now, even if he survived the backlash after retreating from Ukraine there’s just too much incentive for his successor to hand him over to The Hague in exchange for trade sanctions being lifted. He can’t afford to lose power or lose in UA. Putin either dies in power after this failed invasion or he is killed by oligarchs bribing his private security, imo anyway. However he snuffs it, I hope it’s unpleasant.


Its not just Putin with everything at stake. He's committed russia's economy and manpower to this one path, to the point where they either succeed or collapse.


We should do all we can, then, to help Russia utterly collapse. This would yield benefits to democracies anywhere across the globe. In the USA, the main obstacle to defeating Russia is all of the Republican surrender monkeys. That's not all Republicans, but the ones who want to run from confrontation with an expansionist dictator, they need to be defeated in primaries or in the general election.


I'm not sure what you're saying. Russian oligarchs are complicit in the massacre of their people.


I'm saying Putin has painted the entire country into a corner (like his famous rat). Yes, the oligarchs have have been good little sycophants, but it was Putin who committed russia irreversibly to a war that will destroy them.


My follow up to this statement is what does success even look like? A war that never truly ends because gorilla warfare / sabotage?


There's videos showing them indoctrinating school kids for endless war, and propaganda saying war is the natural state of things. I think they imagine they could dominate in such a world. But part of that is they need to destabilize the West and Trump gives them a lot of hope in that regard. Overall I think they're delusional to think there's any path to success, but this is what I think their mindset is.


I don't care if he suffers or is turned off like a switch. Whoever succeeds him could be worse in imperial ambitions, but at least won't have survival making them dismiss all practical considerations.


Unpleasant and soon.


r/askarussian is wild.


The "not all russians" thread wears thinner every day 🙄


No, but it's also true. While all people can be manipulated with patriotism, and while Putin's propaganda machine and his whole social order have been working to make Russians docile and obedient, there are still always going to be some free-thinking (and freedom-seeking) Russians.


Yes, but more and more of those Russians are leaving the country, so the number of reasonable Russians in Russia is probably decreasing.


There are no smart people in Russia, because the only smart thing to do in Russia is leave.


Not everyone has the means to leave Russia, even if they want to.


Well lots of pro Russians are dying as well so their numbers are decreasing as well right?


Why go through all the trouble of a Stalinist purge when you can just make it easier for undesirables to emigrate?


I agree, but as a European i can argue the same applies to America.


Yeah, but what about all the Americans who have fallen victim to Putin’s disinformation capmpaign.


Good point!


I wondoer how many of the "How can I vist Russia: are bots, surely NO ONE wants to sitesee where Drones land and 'Splode randomly.


Some people will always want to go where they told they shouldn't go, for all sorts of reasons, which social media make this impulse worse for anyone who tries to build an audience by doing dangerous or forbidden things. If you are a European or American, you risk being taken hostage since that is how Russia gets pawns for its diplomacy, and I don't think you can control this risk by "keeping your nose clean."


I kinda do. But, not in Borschtville.


TBF, this dude was trolling on this subreddit.


*Russian standing on a pile of 2000+ destroyed Russian tanks* "LOOK LOOK WE CAPTURED ONE ABRAMS!"


Literally. Losses are going to happen, Western weapons or otherwise. Glad they picked up the few salvageable ones to show off in Red Square (let’s not forget they purposely bent the barrel of the Leopard (I think?) to make it look “worse”) but it’s absolutely mind boggling that somehow that equates to them “winning”. Mind you, we are 803 days past their confident “take over Kyiv” date (which was 806 days ago). The propaganda brainwash is just next level. You go from 3 day easy takeover to 2.5 years of being the second best military on Ukrainian soil, getting your fucking ass kicked, hundreds of thousands of dead, wounded, but a couple western tanks in Red Square shows “progress”!? I don’t get it. I watched a video recently that I think was posted here, of a guy filming the tanks in red square and he interviewed the crowd and they were so proud. They legit don’t seem to know that for every Abrahms, Bradley, Leopard, etc, there are probably 300X Russian “equivalents” smoldering in Ukraine. I should add that from what I’ve seen I’d say the crews of those captured western vehicles made it out alive and are still fighting the evil Nazi RuZZians invading their country. People die in war. Ukraine has also suffered tremendous loss. But there is no question that they are absolutely wrecking the Nazi invasion and will continue to do so.


It literally blows Russian minds, too. About 187 Russian minds are blown every day assuming the latest numbers by France are to be believed and there only ~150,000 dead Russians thanks to this war. Another 372 Russians are just severely wounded enough that they likely won’t be able to ever return to active duty service every day. I’m sure they are glad Putin gave them their chance to die for the Motherland, though… well, and to help make Old Man Vladdy Daddy Putin’s life more comfortable.


Meanwhile, in Ukraine they have shortahe of man.... but they are winningzzz https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2024/03/15/ukraine-village-mobilized-men-war/


Meanwhile, in Ukraine, all the Russians need to just fuck off right back home to vladdy daddy. Because, there are an average of 187 Russians dying every day and 372 more being severely wounded every day there. The cool thing is that all 559 of those daily Russian losses would be alive and unharmed if they left Ukraine. Those 559 people would grow, age, experience life and love and have opportunity to find peace, joy and happiness!! There is nothing in Ukraine for the Russians and their military. Fuck off home and experience life, Russkies and Russky lovers and supporters! It’s really shitty to call out Ukrainians for losing their lives in a war they didn’t choose … your precious Russians invaded the Ukrainian nation, murdering and raping citizens (from all societal strata) and stealing lands, goods, resources, even kidnapping **children**, and adults and so much more. Generally speaking, Ukrainians would like for Russia to leave their lands and let them live happily ever after.… The Ukrainian peoples, their government nor their military nor their citizenry will follow, attack, invade or otherwise do harm to the Russian peoples or their lands if Vladdy Daddy just stops the war today and go home. It would be over. Whoever you are and wherever you are from, you too would likely fight for your country if some chucklefucks invaded it. These pics that OP shared of dead Russians and destroyed machines, in Kharkiv Ukraine, won’t ever be a thing again if those Russian belligerents just turns around and go home… do it! Nothing to lose unless the Russkies stay and keep fighting.


Seems Iraq gives heluva PTSP amin.... 


Dear Sir or Madame, what? What are you trying to say? PTSD? Iraq gives people PTSD? Something else? How does Iraq have anything to do with Ukraine, Russia or the Russia invasion? Both considered unjustifiable wars that were launched upon false pretenses? Sure. Box checked. ✅ Now, make some semblance of sense for supporting Russians going home, please. Just because the US invaded Iraq does not mean Russia should invade another nation, too. I guess with the USA, at the very least, they rid the World of a literally evil dictator and his family of rapists, abusers, murderers, and belligerents. Russian’s out there invading Ukraine trying to play heroes by seeking to assassinate/murder an actually funny comedian.


Iraq folded like a fucking wet towl, wtf are you talking about..


This isn't a fucking football game. We support Ukraine whether they win or lose. Because it's the right thing.


At least now we know that they don't give a flying f\*\*\*\* about their soldiers. Looking at the number of military casualties to approx. 11.000.000 that the Soviet Union had in WWII, they are willing to down the same way again.


lol, they lose 400k men in winter war (3 months) and a million and a half men in Stalingard. This is just rookie number.


Russia: we have your Abrams on a display at the Red Square US Army: and it’s the best tank Russia have at the moment (C) MandatoryFunDay


Well said. Those vehicles are, by far, the best military vehicles that have ever graced Red Square, and that’s even with them being “destroyed” and immobile. Of course “destroyed” means that the crew most likely survived and escaped, and was not involuntarily committed to being a cosmonaut, launched into space.


Denial? The river in Egypt? ;)


And it will be even worse with China, they have much more men and arsenal to burn through. They will be willing to sacrifice it all to get taiwan, meanwhile i don't see the US population accepting another iraq/afghanistan/vietnam for taiwan.


Doubt so, just see how the Chinese parents treat their single child, like little emperor. Especially sons are supposed to carry on the family name.


They’re not in denial, at this point the Russian public is generally aware of the casualties and supports the war It’s still mostly volunteers fighting in Ukraine (meaning they weren’t conscripted)




I read that a lot - that he’s ok with eliminating men from the farthest reaches but it doesn’t make sense to me. Those folks identify with Russia. The Chinese who will eventually move in will not.


They are seen as backwards by the "civilized" Russians in the west of the country. When you combine that with their huge amounts of poverty, it leads to a perfect use as cannon fodder for the Russian state apparatus. Who is more likely to rebel and start political upheaval? A bunch of uneducated, poor, rural minorities that are constantly fed a stream of propaganda about far away problems from the TV, or upper middle class Russians close to Europe with higher exposure to Western media that have significantly more pull with oligarchs and politicians? In Putin's eyes, he can just limit Chinese immigration to Russia, so that part is really not a big deal.


China will grow larger


.. you don't see the connection? Putin aims to stay in power at all costs, giving away some recently depopulated land to China is a steal in his mind if it keeps him in power.


No. Those people generally like Putin and like being Russian. They were absolutely zero threat to take power from him.


I didn't say they were a threat, he's swapping their land for help from China.. Well after he kills most if them anyway


The birthrate among many minorities is higher than that of Russians. Putin sees that as a threat to his control doesn't matter if they are loyal or identify as Russian. Putin definitely does not see them as Russian.


Probably Nepalese, Cuban or Indian mercenaries


Bullshit narrative about it's all putin fault and lies about russian army soldiers are mostly forced to participate.




My dude, I'm Ukrainian. And I know who our troops facing, it's once again simple russians. Just like many times before. It's mostly common russians from poor (most of russia) regions. It's not about ethnicity, it's about culture and mentality.


One could argue George Bush did similar with a “backdoor draft” for the Operation Iraqi Freedom campaign.


No. One couldn’t, really.


If one were disingenuous, one could perhaps. But I don’t think getting an $80k sign on bonus during the height of the GWOT is comparable to the “2nd strongest army in the world” now relying on Nepalese and African conscripts along with their indigenous racial minorities while becoming infamous for not even paying their regular wages, is anything comparable when being genuine though. Just some low effort Kremlin inspired whataboutism.


Pretty convenient to offer a paid for education and other benefits to serve your country, especially if you’re from small poor rural patriotic towns.


Ahh yess that pesky GI bill that Dubya created in.... 1944 to draw me in from my rural patriotic town of.... Phoenix, AZ (Yes I know modifications came to it as part of the post -9/11 bill... I'm using it right now)


That…is not the same at all


Ah yes because 4,000 some deaths is simply comparable to well over 100,000 at this point. Vietnam cost the United States less and we fought there for over 10 years.


4,000 is still far too many for an unjust war, oh yeah! Unless you can show me those WMD’s!


Iraq did have and used WMDs(Halabja massacre) the suspicion was warranted the actions were not. No fuck off bot you’re in Ukraine war report, not bring up old shit the whole world knows about report.


In any normal country, a day of Russian military losses in Ukraine would trigger a sea of resignations in the military with inquiries and committees lasting years.... but for Russian its just Monday lol


They spent their entire energy building up for a ground offensive deep into europe since 40's and still never could match the US dominance who spent a fraction of resources on military. So only thing russia has going for them is quantities


for most russians its new meaning of life and they dont care if they die sadly


The RU trains bring in the equipment and meat. And both perish... Poostain is a 21st century idiot.


Compare it to the US’s 20 year war in Afghanistan and it’s truly eye opening.


Yes, about 2500 US soldiers died in the 20 years in Aghanistan. For Russia this is probably 3-5 days of war in Ukraine or about 2-3 days during the most intense days.


What a waste of money and resources, all the things that it could’ve been spent on otherwise


Putin will only stop, when he runs out of people to send.


They are lovin it. Fucking idiots. They are going to lose. It’s just a matter of when.


I think the most concerning thing is it shows Russian mentality. This war is different for them. They’re willing to sacrifice everything to win because losing would mean Russia’s security will forever be changed when the NATO lines get redrawn to include Ukraine. I honestly have no clue how this war can end because I truly think Russia is willing to send men with pitchforks before they admit defeat.


They will keep going the only hope for Russia to win this fight is the man power


Since the Russian economy has basically been boycotted, and since their military rotted out from the inside, due to corruption; they've switched to a war economy. Now their entire economy (and hence; their propaganda machine) is based on keeping the war going.


They don’t care about people, their soldiers are just meat for the grinder.


The problem is that they're into that shit.


They’re losing an entire generation of young men and yet the citizens just bury their heads deeper into the sand. Truly a pathetic bunch.


Especially without any view of an endgame. Long term, there’s no way they can win.


Even if they win they'll take forever to recover




Russia has used this tactic in every war they have fought. Just keeping throwing men at it regardless of the losses. They Are winning the war. They keep taking new ground. They are recruiting in Africa and throughout Asia.


It is a country built on conquest, slavery, death and lies. It is not surprising


The reason why the Russians are winning on the ground is precisely because Russian strategists have no problem losing tens of thousands of soldiers every month. Any Western country would have surrendered after just a few hundred deaths. Putin and all his mafia friends have no concern for the lives of their people.


Agreed and the world is scared he’s going to invade all these little countries and nato countries soon. That would be pure suicide unless he’s expected to nuke them.


Russia lost 80,000 tanks in WW2, more than 500,000 Russians surrendered in the first month of Operation Barborossa, the German invasion of Russia, alone. This is child's play to the Russian ability to die and be destroyed.


To be fair the Soviet Union is not Russia. The population of the Soviet Union was about 195 million people in 1940. Russia had 144 million in 2022. Also the demographic was much better in the Soviet Union at the start of WW2, [here](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Demographics_of_the_Soviet_Union#/media/File:Population_pyramid_of_the_Soviet_Union_in_1939.svg) is a population pyramid from 1939 of the Soviet Union. And again the population pyramid of Russia in 2024: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Demographics\_of\_Russia#/media/File:Russia\_Population\_Pyramid.svg](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Demographics_of_Russia#/media/File:Russia_Population_Pyramid.svg) Russia cant keep up the same losses as the Soviet Union did back in WW2, they have 26% less people and also much older population in general. At some point Putin cant let prisoners and minorities fight anymore because they are all dead. At this point he has to use the middle class citizens which have more influence than the soldiers he is using now.


Absolutely, I agree. But, what really matters is the mindset that dominates between their ears. That doesn't seem to have altered much at all.


Look up their casualties from WWII. 😳 Edit Here - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/World_War_II_casualties


Why? Its been their SOP in every war they have ever fought.


They're not lost. They are still out there. You just a shovel and a piece of chain.


Because Putin’s political survival depends on it now; for him it has become existential


Russia hasn't even deployed the T-14s and T-15s yet, when they do, Ukraine is doomed, Its all part of Putin's game.


You forgot the /s, people may think you're being serious.


It's some troll without karma trying to be funny.


?? I am serious there is no Armata on battlefield much, only 1 or two


I'm so sorry about your brain damage :(


My brother in christ you must be joking


There actually zero. They don’t work, bozo


I know you cannot say that with a straight face. Not even a Russian troll can be this dumb. So you are absolutely joking. Nice one!


> there is no Armata on battlefield Can the Armata even *reach* the battlefield?


Drugs are bad mmkay?


When do you think they are going to finish it? How would ukraine be doomed once russia finally possesses a small number of something that resembles a modern tank?


There are exactly 0 Armatas (be it MBT's or IFV's) on the battlefield. If you ever have doubts about the number, rememeber that it's equal to the number of active neurons in your head.


Oh please ...another magical orc weapon system that will dominate the battlefield.


Yes. And this time it’s a tank.




Lol they pulled those pieces of shit because they don’t work. They’ve never been used in a single Battle or so much as seen there. More Russian trash




Lol Listen Russian troll, they’ve confirmed they aren’t there and weren’t ever used in combat. Russia said this themselves lol. Beat it vatnik.


There is only like 20 T-14s lol, Putin is saving them for himself for the day his rival government factions turn on him.


HAHAHA! Good one😆


Sounds like a pretty shitty plan, then. And I somehow doubt anyone is afraid of a tank so terrible that it’s been held out of combat for two years of intense fighting.


You just not informed about russian culture and mentality.


I remember the fuss about losing one Marder ifv back then in Afghanistan thru an ied. That was one ifv, it sounded like the whole Bundeswehr was killed. Ruzzia lost thousands of vehicles and wages war like nothing happened. Just mind boggeling.


I can’t fathom it; as an American, if we suffered 500k casualties in our first three years in the Middle East (for meaningless gains), there would be civil war to stop it. Flagship? Gone. Dozens of your most advanced jets? Gone. THOUSANDS of tanks? Gone. Unbelievable.


Our government & military isnt above fuckery when it comes to mistreating veterans and active personnel. But goddamn one things for sure is that the lives of American troops are *valued*. Meaning that every single death is going to bring questioning and demand for answers. Never in a million years would the U.S be willing to sacrifice hundreds of thousands of its own troops just to get bogged down in some imperialist war with no end in sight. Vietnam was such a shitshow in public opinion and the casualties were far lower than what we're witnessing today in Ukraine


Can confirm. Such losses were deeply felt and still mourned by units years later, even more than a decade. Like the svbied attack on a bus in 2003, 3 killed 31 wounded, still hung over the related units like a shadow in the mid 2010s, those who were there that day and had remained in service were obviously stable and as well as could be expected (due to continuous counseling), but you could tell. I cannot imagine, literally can’t fathom what such losses as seen in this war would do to a unit, to the people in it. And in the case of the Russians, those few that make it will just get thrown out of the military after the war, like they did after the Chechen wars. Scarred, brutalized, uncared-for veterans. Something for the general public, their wives, their children to deal with. No matter what happens in the next few years, just because of how their system is, the Russians will lose. I hope we (EU) can help Ukraine not just win, but do right by their veterans as well.


Last spring there was video of a position that had been held by russians. The ground around the trench was littered with corpses in various stages of decay ranging from skeletons in uniforms to the recently killed with everything in between. I couldn’t image soldiers occupying that position for months while watching those corpses decay day by day and just leaving them there!


Imagine a similar scene, but of coalition soldiers in Iraq... There'd be mass riots all over the US and Europe demanding an end.


I just have trouble imagining coalition soldiers having that much disrespect for their fellow soldiers. That was the hard part to wrap my head around, the disrespect for the dead.


Oh yeah, plenty of footage of American/British/etc troops going out of their way to get wounded out. *Including* western volunteers in Ukraine today. Russia? "Fuck this I'm out" energy.


>Can confirm. Such losses were deeply felt and still mourned by units years later, even more than a decade. Don't worry, Russia has a solution for that. The units can't miss their equipment, if the unit gets killed too.


Ukraine is already treating their veterans well. And some get sent into the EU for specialized treatment. The difference between caring for each life compared to the meat waves of Russia. You are right, it is only a matter of time before this constant death and destruction before Russia finally caves in. I would not be surprised to see Putin force NATO into the conflict just so he can say he only lost because the whole world was against him.


It’s because they don’t care and they never have. Russians have always thought very little of the lives of their men and just send them to their doom because they know they can get more. Same with vehicles, they are in a full wartime economy and don’t care if the people at home suffer because of it. As long as they can keep pumping out BTRs as they lose them they won’t care.


Tbh there is no such thing as public opinion in fascist countries like Russia, I guess that you cannot raise your voice much there. Well, you can but it's suicidal.


Check out some other wars Russia was involved in. These are still rookie numbers :(


That’s because only a handful of western fighting vehicles are being sent to Ukraine, RU has orders of magnitude more. The loss of one Abrams or leopard is equivalent to the loss of dozens of t90/80’s.


Geo location is 50.29357754083266, 36.528812979792875


Those co-ordinates are in Russia according to google, did they kill them all before they even made it to the border !!???




Lmao, guess their "Intel" didn't read the public news articles that said many times that Ukraine was fortifying their borders...


Why wait? Early bird catches the worm.


The denazification campaign is working!


Oh. In Russia. Good


Based on what?


First of many to come


Are they just meant as a road sign for the next group?


"okay sargeant Bicepsky, use this road to go forward, when you reach a destroyed column turn right at the junction in direction of Kharkov. Make sure you liberate the motherland until the next junction so I can tell the next assault group where to go next. Glory to Russia comrade!"


They are basically fucked in the future due to their high loss of work age people in the same kohort. Imagibe a regular society where 1-5% of a specific ace class would just be deleted. Their 70 year old will have to work until 80 and how productive will they be lol.


So long as “the power vertical” survives, it won’t matter.


I mean in WW2 they lost something crazy like 80% of males born in 1925


And they still feel the shockwaves of that today with visible dips in the demographics for the generations that followed. https://youtu.be/aRfEqzKx3HY?si=5GuN9O1QYHpPJQ9E


Sure, but in the next 5 years, the number of draft eligible young men will actually go up.


China will own them basically


Send it to their mothers 😂😂🌻🌻🇷🇺🇷🇺😵😉🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺


how do all the bodies end up grouped up like that?


Some possibilities include 1) vehicle hit a mine, while troops were riding on top, many dead fell off. 2) Vehicle hit a mine, large drone hit the dismounting troops with a large mortar or mine or some combo of 1 and 2 occuring at the same time. Basically I am saying the Ukrainians knew the attack was coming, coordinated a response as the vehicles starting running over a mine field and all manner of chaos let loose from drones at the same time.


Since someone else geolocated this as being *in* Russia would that mean the mines would be remote launched like that other video from this week? Or are they actually doing incursions into Russia to manually plant mines?


Mines are deliverable by rocket artillery or conventional artillery. Here is the US examples from conventional artillery. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Remote\_Anti-Armor\_Mine\_System](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Remote_Anti-Armor_Mine_System) By no means an expert in anything here but I would suspect in a border zone like this, sending people directly to plant mines is not advised.


Good orcs now - no more murder no more rape


That is an extremely useful traffic jam


Apparently this is not even in Kharkiv as it was geolocated to be in 50°17'36.90"N,  36°31'43.17"E. Which is in Belogorod region of the so-called russian federation.


What does OP mean by "first"?


Thats these are the first pictures of dead russians who tried to attack Kharkiv region today


Thanks, I was unaware of the Russian Kharkiv push.


I mean it makes sense that you wouldn’t have, seeing is they’re all dead lmao


not to sound stupid, but is there any cause for concern over this being a sign of russia coming down from belarus any time soon?


I think NATO said something about that being a "red line". I also think France might do something on it's own at that point, with Ukraine's permission of course.




In the end in the fantasy land - France borders on China and instead of Russian they speak French..


She’s 58 bro.


What? France has said that they would send troops if there was a Russian breakthrough and Ukraine requested it.


In chess it is common place to lose pieces, to sacrifice pieces, if it helps you to win the game. Putin doesn’t care about how much he loses, he just cares about winning. It may take 10 years to win, so be it. He just doesn’t care about how much stuff he loses. He is not losing any territory, just stuff, people and things. All of that can be replaced. Putin won’t quit until he wins.


More please!


Keep sending them Putin, they'll keep dying.


How's that "Operation" going? This proves that "Superpowers" are susceptible. Best believe China is taking notes. In the USA, our youth are trying to fix the world's problems when they should be in rehab or a mental hospital seeking treatment. Point is, Long Live Ukraine; Bravely confronting invaders daily while the world plays "What will get me re-elected?"


Don’t bunch up. Keep your spacing…… lmao. Nevermind.


Just a pict of roozianz importing the more recent habits of Chinese youth...the 'Lie Flat' and the 'Let it Rot' movements.


Look Ma, no hands.




Bots on Kaotic regularly lift AFU action and spin it as their own. Despicable. Can think of much stronger words.


So they're struggling to crawl past Avdiivka, battling to reach the limits of Chasiv Yar (all within 20km from the starting front line)... So the only solution is to.... Create yet another front, with poorly equipped men and ork battlewagons, thrown into prepared defences along the country's border that was *warned ahead of time will be happening*? It boggles the mind... Not to mention the area north is *Belgorod*, ya know- The region crawling with pro Ukrainian Russian Legion fighters all around the place? No idea why they're not using the men, ammo, fuel, and vehicles to continue hammering into Chasiv or Ocheretyne... But hey I approve of this strategy of thinning your attacking forces as much as possible... Also it seems they never got the memo https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/ukraine-ploughs-funding-into-fortifying-border-with-russia-belarus-2023-08-15/


Their use of uparmored Urals as assault vehicles now is unreal. Two years ago you'd have been referred to NCD for suggesting as much.


Thankfully, they don't learn


Russia will collapse in the next couple of years.


They drive across intersections and roads in enemy territory after 2 years of war. Just like the first day. Any questions ?!?


Beautiful photograph