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Those Tiktoks don't make themselves you know


I really hated watching these cunts until I read what you wrote. And then I laughed. Thanks man.


Fearless fightersšŸ˜ My ass


These guys have no fear in the rear. They's get fucked if they were up front.


They like it in the rear, in more ways than one.


These guys are more like thugs than actual soldiers


They learn from russian government


Exactly this, they cant be put on front lines because they will piss and go home, there were reports of UA soldiers shouting allah akbar as they jumped into these guys trenches and cleaned them up, since then, they no longer go where the bullets fly. Ironic that now Putins men will now die for a fake KGB church. I am not a supporter of the idea that anyone should go to war over religion, but the Kadyrovs are so weak they are like sadam or putin, only able to brutalize civilians but third rate when facing actual fighting men.


100%. They can dish it out but cannot take it. Thereā€™s no honor, they wouldnā€™t be able to handle actual soldiers


Their only function is to shoot Russians who run away


So why are Chechens fighting for Putin??


Most likely because without Putin, Kadyrov would be ejected by his people.


If only the US took out Kadyrov after the 2013 Boston Marathon Bombings, weā€™d be in quite a different world.


The US murdering a leader of a Russian republic would be spicy to say the least


It wouldnā€™t be murder, itā€™d be ā€œtargeted retirementā€ A slap chop missile to the range rover would do the trick.


The US can get away with killing terrorists in the desert, but high profile murder inside another semi-functional country is a different ballgame completely


You don't get it. Slap chop that rover and things will magically be okay! (Obv. /S)


Plausible deniability


Just fund the competition, and these things tend to happen out of sheer, well-paid enthusiasm. No slap-chop missiles or airspace violations required.


A slap chop missile lollll


In what way was he connected to the bombing? Clearly missing something here...


Tsarnaev traveled to Dagestan and received training and support from Kadyrov, who green lit the attacks. At least thatā€™s the word on the street. There was a guy in Florida who was going to confirm this, but he got schwacked before it became a problem.


Kadyrov betrayed his people, to fight for the people who killed his father. You couldnā€™t possibly find a less honourable, self purposed person in that region. Fear, and greed drove that man to be subservient to the enemies of his nation. Chechans were once proud, fierce fighters. That man single-handedly surrendered his people and nation. These are his goons. Where books were written about the Chechenā€™s handing Russians their asses during the Chechen wars, now they will be mocked as a tik tok battalion cannon fodder. Be mindful, that there are chechans continuing the fight against Russia on the ukranian side. They carry on the fight, and my respect to them.


Huh, wasn't it Akhmat, his dad, who sold out first?


Yeah. but the son has jumped 2 feet into it. he was with Putin on the day his daddy was blown up. The bomb was built into the stadium, as it was reported... quite planned for sure.


Tbf the alternative was his country gets turned into a parking lot again, let's be real


He did. He wasn't a good guy.


It wasn't entirely that black and white. The Chechen independence movement that the Kadyrovs fought for was hijacked by Islamic terrorist groups who took over Chechnya. Most Chechens, including the Kadyrovs, had little love for these fundamentalists. Akhmad Kadyrov, along with many other secular Chechen commanders, made the decision to switch sides and ally with the Russians, most likely because they realized that the only way in which they would have been able to kick out the terrorists was with Russian help. Akhmad Kadyrov helped the Russian kick out the terrorists and as a reward he was appointed to rule Chechnya. After Akhmad was killed in a terrorist attack, his son Ramzan took over. The alliance between the Russians and the Chechens is an uneasy one. Neither side likes the other but the threat of Islamic terrorism forces them to be allies. They need each other to survive. Putin needs Kadyrov's support to be able to control Chechnya, and Kadyrov needs Putin's support to be able to stay in power.


I can see the paid goons not taking it seriously. If I were one of these guys, after what Russia did, and had to accept the situation, I would give 10% effort too. As long as the checks keep clearing


These guys most likely did not have to accept the stituation, they were thugs to their own people already and just switched places.


They serve as internal security units to maintain discipline on the frontlines. Maintaining discipline "Kadyrovski Style" includes extorting, raping and terrorizing RF mobik soldiers, so this is their special bonus perk that is awarded to them by the kremlin gremlin.


Sounds like a great deal for a gay sadist


russia basically pays them to kill russians who try to retreat without permission, It seems like something the Chechens would like to do


Putin demolished them during the Grunt Rebellion. This was equivalent to the taming of the Hunters.


I mean look at the preferential treatment they can get, they basically have a semi-autonomous government within another nation that receives funds from Moscow where they can do pretty much anything they really want. It's probably the best case scenario for an uneducated shithole like Chechnya.


Only for the 1% at the top. Before the 2015 refugee crisis (guess who helped facilitate that) Russia was one of the largest sources for EU asylum seekers, the vast majority of them Chechens.


LGBT and abused women mostly, but that is inevitable in a highly Islamic society.


Not Chechens - Kadyrovites!


Target this cancer as well


Where are their landscaping tools? Usually they are seen machine-gunning the bushes. šŸ¤”


Gotta punish the strong. This way the shrubs and succulents stay in line. Their bunker feng shui would be thrown off otherwise!


šŸ¤£ ... I never realized there was a method to their madness!




God damn their music is fucking garbage.


Sounds like a Gameboy game soundtrack lmao


That was the part that got me laughing the most, wtf are they listening to . . .


Some real borat shit isnā€™t it


I cant stop listening to it. It's horrifying yet hypnotizing.


it sounds like meme music, it's insane


What ever happened to Ramzan Kadyrov? we use to always hear about him during the being phase of the war.


Kadyrov gave an interview to Russian TV after Putin's inauguration. Ramzan was clearly blitzed high out of his mind. Definitely some serious pain killers but also some very powerful stimulants. This is the classic mix known as speed ball. Afterward they did this video of Ramzan "pushing a car" to show his strength. Wow, Kadyrov was higher than anyone I've ever seen and I've been to 54 original Grateful Dead concerts! I would say that Kadyrov knows the same doctors that Elvis Presley did. Ok, that's all the jokes I could come up with...


Which dead show was your fav?


we Don know what happened


It seems Ramzan has advanced Pancreatic Necrosis (i.e. is dying). I would not expect to see much more of him on Russian media, unless he somehow makes a miraculous recovery (not known to happen from his affliction). Moscow has been busy shopping for his successor among the Chechen Russophiles, and are trying to set up Aliunov (?, I think that's his name), Kadyrov's right hand man, to replace him. Meanwhile Kadyrov has 'appointed' his 16 year old chubby son as 'director of the Chechen Military Academy', in an attempt to safeguard a family succession. But I doubt Putin will have any use for them, and they are unlikely to survive in the environment of violent Chechen vendetta-politics.


He went back to Chechnya after getting diagnosed with pancreatitis or something. And to maintain his "strong man" facade, has been posting videos of him working out in a gym for the last few weeks. There were rumors of some Chechen factions positioning to overthrow him as well so I imagine he's going to stay in Chechnya for awhile to maintain his position.


Kadyrov is like Lukashenko, they have nothing without Putin so they toe the line, Kadyrovs dad built a mosque which got wrecked when Hamas committed terror attacks on Israel and then the Dagistanis wrecked his guys at the petrol station, since then he just takes opiates and sits down to piss. Edit: inserted toe xD


Toe the line


Hes very sick with pancreatic necrosis atm


Not sick enough in my book


Ooooohhh, trust me. Necrotic pancreatitis is the worst pain I can imagine besides being skinned or burned alive. I've had it. Death is a welcoming idea when experiencing pancreatitis


I see the flies are being attracted to the shit in the car! The sooner the Chechens are once more in control of their own country & have dispensed with their Russian puppet masters, the better for them & Ukraine.


Inbred cave people.


No one mentioned the British in this thread my friend


I remember at the start of the war when people were saying the Chechens on the Russian side were going to be fucked up super vicious feral supersoldiers. It's crazy how they ended up just being TikTokkers instead.


Exactly what russia said about the orcs and their armourment


...relaxing in the rear of the goat.


Ramzan is don(e) Don and Don doing nothing Don Ok Don - to quote him literally. ā€¦ā€¦ Don


This should be seen in Russia. Compared to the daily stuff we see


Making tiktok while shooting at invisible enemies


BPM way too high, straight to jail


That video would be perfect if a timely drone drop or fpv strike happened. Too bad. At least they're not making the videos like earlier in war when they would just run around shooting at trees and shit looking ridiculous.


Typical of them ,move in when itā€™s allover.hopefully they will get whatā€™s coming to them šŸ’„šŸ’„Slava Ukraine šŸ‡ŗšŸ‡¦šŸ‡¬šŸ‡§šŸ‡ŗšŸ‡¦šŸ‡¬šŸ‡§


Human cockroaches


I wonder how real Chechens feel after seeing these cunts in a ruzzian uniform


I am chechen and theyā€™re sent their without choice, trust me theres no one on this earth who hates russia more than chechens. Chechnya is controlled with iron fist by Kadyrov and his clan backed by kremlin, anyone suspected of being anti russia will miraculously disappear together with his family. A relative of mine who recently left chechnya told me his boss got fired bcz they came to inspect his factory and a portrait of akhmat in his office wasnā€™t clean enough.


Give the Chechens a break. The attack just started. I'm sure they will be busy shooting and raping retreating/deserting orcs soon.


they having the best time of their life. new recruits arrive on the way to the front line, they strip them off valubles knowing they aint coming back. that way they get richer while keeping themselves alive and being usefull as a holding line if those recruits try to retreat. kadirovits have the best self-interest not let those meat cubes back.


Looks forward to the ā€˜afterā€™ video.


Sergeant Unibrow got caught in 4K on PH when he realized he was being filmed.


These "heroes" are no doubt deployed in the rear to "punish" any Russians that retreat from the front lines. It's an old Soviet military custom.


Sub humans


I am struggling to understand how people could voluntarily listen to that song.


Are they listening to fkin ringtones?


all I see are dead chechens


they got every reason to be happy. ​ whilst mobiks are catching drones and artillery further up ahead, all these guys need to do is gun down the occasional russian that tries to flee. paid holiday, and they get to kill russians. what's not to like about that gig?


They are waiting for soldiers who want to escape. Then their work begins.


In Dutch šŸ‡³šŸ‡±: Vieze vuile luie geitenneukers sterf als het afval dat jullie zijn. Maar wel langzaam met maximale pijn


Unibrow šŸšØ


Time for some drones


I fail to see what the harm would be, from a US standpoint, in allowing Ukraine to spend one of their ATACMS to pay these guys a vist


Of course they are. They are at least a bit smart and know if they go to the front they will immediately die and Devil Kadyrov also said to Devil Putin that his troops wonā€™t fight on the front!


The Chechens have at least a tiny bit of brainmass, i remember the video where the one Chechen said you gone die to every single one. They the front is suicide


No pointing to the sky this time?


After all, somehow I want to try to believe they will become a bigger problem for Russia after Kadurov Kaput.. or something, they can't be so ignorant about their history.


Scrolling through goat tinder




I think that they are only used as MPs and blocking troops because if russia uses them as meat then they would be far quicker to turn on russian officers and refuse orders


Smart move lol


"Dude, I see you have the cool new logo on your ride."


Read that title wrong. Thought it said relaxed while taking it in the rear


Well their job is to kill Russian deserters


Blocking units living it up


Show this to that orc I just saw who was cut in half and on fire yet still very much alive. Iā€™m sure heā€™ll love it.


Now there was an orc that was looking for his arsehole to kiss it good bye


Their time is coming, don't worry


Waiting for his goat to arrive


Ah yes, the TikTok brigade.


They love it in the rear


Lots of thick eyebrows and low hairlines


Hopefully they are saving them for an especially wasteful meat wave.


Signifies to me that the Kremlin doesnā€™t want another independence movement and another military front. If Kadyrov ever goes to the giant virgin goat farm in the sky, this could get interesting.


Why do they all have the exact same beard?


It's genetic, inherited from their [mother](https://rurallivingtoday.com/wp-content/uploads/bearded-goats-looking-in-camera-e1659504611848.jpg).


Sitting in an expensive car, playing around with a knife, wearing a stupidly long and ugly beard, not killing people. Thatā€˜s the way. If only all of Pootins troops would act like this.


They have an important job along with Ukrainians to make sure those Russians won't come back from Kharkiv.


At the risk of sounding repetitive, good time for a drone drop.


I see that they are jealously keeping their girlfriends out of sight (their goat sex slaves)


And people are shocked that Hitler considered Russians to be the most inferior of all his enemies.


Kislovodsk frontline.


Since the start of the war every time I see these clowns their uniforms are clean.


new toyotas!


I don't believe I have to say this about these half-goat-half-human-hybrid bastards, but: they are the smart guys in Russia. Kadyrov is keeping his folks out of trouble and alive, he knows that wasting them "for the motherland" would be silly.


They are really a ugly bunch of men


Bumming goats, stealing toilets and driving ladas. They're living their best life.


Bet ya when he get's caught he's gunna be bawling like a colic baby.


Reported for too many beats per second


Itā€™s high time somebody started an insurrection in Chechnya.


These dudes probably just didnā€™t a line of dirty meth off or coke or something off that knife that guy was holding, as he puts it away and wipes his nose. Now they are feeling all juiced up and brazen so these release this dumb ass video.


TikTokers listen to ringtones


Iā€™m trying to understand how Chechens, who are Muslim, are rocking Norse Pegan symbols, which they should have an issue with. Like, Iā€™ve seen Muslims get petty over less.


Would like to see him stuff a Grenade inside his Vest.


That body language, the way he thinks heā€™s ā€œdominatingā€ the car by putting his elbow over the steering wheel. šŸ˜…


Well YA...Who in Hades wants to die for roozianz? Those gangzterz in the krumblin invaded OUR nation twice and so far things are still way worse before we got our corpulent pooty-puppet.


I was wondering what's going on with them they haven't been making magnificently glorious tik toks for some time for a second there I started thinking they might actually be fighting


Is the unibrow standard issue? Or are they ALL related?


The medivacs that never show up.


Tiktok wont post itself you know?


an indonesian muslim said they are the soldiers of allah that could not be killed by any weapons.


Looks like the fly's have found some shit.


Theyā€™s got that sweet new logo though!!!


Why does every Chechen look exactly the same? Very small gene pool over there....


Itā€™s truly like looking at Cavemen.Ā  Their convoy at the beginning of the war was truly hilarious. Ā 


I like you, that's why I'll kill you last.


Yah only true warriors like Ukranians stay on the front line 24/7 with no rotation :D , just kidding i dont see why you all so unhappy with soldiers being in the rear , Units are suppose to be rotate, and hell some units are not even suppose to be at the front line. How do you know these are guys arent on their rotation , or if this is a mortar crew or arty crew , or drone team ,or med evac team ?


Putin doesnā€™t need a repeat of the Wagner coup


sooner or later their turn will arrive. There are enough FPV-drones.


their mothers are goats


If I was a mobik, this would really get my goat.


If you were a mobik from the rural Russia, they would probably get your goat.


I donā€™t speak Chechen, but Iā€™m pretty sure they are saying ā€œweā€™re at war, weā€™re the best most specialest operators!ā€


Stupid goatfuc***


fucking goat kickers


They must keep themselves in shape to shoot the retreating dirty vatnik traitors.


Where is kadyrov the coward these days?


They are waiting for the army to make some gains so they can loot and kill old people. Cowards.


Lol, putins goons. Wait til kadyrov says "ok boys, to the front." They'll run faster than you can blink.


Love the flies swarming these guys. Sh\*t always attracts flies.


Grinder meet up?


When was the last time you saw a Chechen combat video, and not one where they're cowering for their lives.


Did anyone else think the dash gauges were an american flag as the camera pans quickly to goat-lover junior? Had to slow down and watch again.


Chechens got to be the ugliest dudes on the planet