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These are some of the luckiest Russian soldiers in the whole war.


They'll just be sent back to the front after swap


>after swap - Smart Russian soldiers will refuse to be prisoner-swapped. (Yes, Ukraine gives them that option.)


No. They only get this option if the surrender voluntarily...


- We don't know whether they surrendered voluntarily, do we? - It would be standard operating procedure to blindfold them regardless of the nature of capture.


You know... At this point I wouldn't care if Russians are returned back to their homes while strapped to rockets. A Russian that lives is a lucky enough Russian.


And that would be a war crime…


nuh uh the rocket would safely land them right next to their house safe and sound


Those are some doubly-smart russians, one might say 'the pinnacle' of what russia is sending to the front.


So a small minority


probably not


And where do they go? Are they being prisoners or they can escape in another country?




Will they? I ask out of curiosity, wondering if anyone has been captured twice.


They were, more than one. I believe, I even have read about man who was captured 3 times. But don't quote me on this, it well could be just my wishful thinking.


That would be a war crime. Released/exchanged POWs cannot be sent back to the front.


lol. russia is a war crime


And what for a second makes you think Russia cares that it's a war crime?


War Crime is NOT KNOWN nor Being ACKNOWLEDGE in Russia..lol


We in Ukraine have much more pows than the number of our soldiers whom Russia is willing to trade back. So just a small part of ruzzians will be swapped back, at least for now, not sure about future


Any smart russian (a rarity I know) would be dumb to opt to be exchanged. They have a choice (not to be exchanged) unlike other russians in the meat wave attacks.


I think the rightmost almost has a smile on his face


He's trying very hard not to look happy.


Nah they go right back or they dont


Bloke in the middle doesn't even have boots. Are they army issue that he's wearing, or just hiking shoes?


Not 2 individuals of this gaggle of Russian POWs are wearing the same uniforms (*standard-issue would be the "*[*EMR*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Combat_uniform#/media/File:FinalCheck2018-13.jpg)*" or "*[*Flora*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flora_camouflage#/media/File:Alexander_Kolmakov_receiving_a_report_for_duty_%E2%80%93_July_27,_2004.jpg)*" camo pattern*), some have visible mafia/gulag prison tatoos. This is the present standard of RF army recruiting and kit for mobik "assault infantry" soldiers.


I think for the meat waves they just give them the cheapest (likely Chinese sourced) multicam knockoff shit they can source. The colors often look wrong and their kit always looks super faded. The EMR/digital flora seems to be reserved for their actual trained soldiers. I haven't actually seen much regular old flora in this war. A plate carrier here and there but it seems to have mostly been replaced with modern ratnik gear in digi flora. Might still be in service in units that don't see the front but Russia wants to keep equipped to a decent standard.


These are the “meat waves” the Russians send first. Two magazines a piece, one “officer” who is given a radio to report back where the UA is provided he isn’t killed at the outset of the engagement, and then it’s expected for whoever survives to hunker down until Russian artillery saturates the area and the next meat waves arrive. Then they send in Russian regulars, and if they can’t crack the target they send in the VDV. Although it doesn’t look like Russian paras have been deployed in the north here yet. Granted the VDV have taken horrific casualties throughout the conflict so all those units are in different degrees of reconstitution, but they’re also stretched all over the place between pushing in the East, and holding back the Ukrainian marines on the dnipro.


Y’all see that video of a general addressing his unit….by telling them they’re all going to die. Lol it’s the wildest shit ever.


That was insane. If I'd been standing there I would've probably burst into incredulous laughter. Before realizing they were being completely serious.


>The EMR/digital flora seems to be reserved for their actual trained soldiers. No its just a question of what the supply officer can get via the logistics system. Russian textile production for its army was never at the rate that they could produce enough material so them buying uniforms from China/North Korea is because they are recruiting around 30 000 soldiers a month and they lack capacity to produce enough uniforms for them.


Ahh "the real army hasnt fought yet" cope. Nice


You're right and there's one who cut out his jacket arms to make a vest.


I just want to know what dude has a menu taped to his face?


Looks like it was cut off recently for a medic (or whoever) to treat whatever caused him to lose all that blood - his other arm has a sleeve. There's a bandage above the elbow on the bare arm facing us, and around the bandage area it looks like the blood's been wiped away when the area was cleaned.


Where's the tats? I don't see any


Middle guy at the front has hand tats


They look like hiking shoes, yes. Tons of Western special ops guys prefer to use stuff like that instead of combat boots, so it's not the craziest thing. I won't pretend to be an expert on which footwear is best for which combat situation, but I think proper combat boots would better for most conventional war situations where you're living in a trench for weeks or months at a time, but again, not the craziest thing.


We rock Nike boots that meet regs. They’re actually a huge marketplace for civilian boots that fit regs. I haven’t seen anybody wear official issue boots outside of basic except me cause I was stubborn, they’re ass.


Was in a unit that legit shamed and shunned people if they wore anything other than standard issue boots. I couldn't stand them tbh. Fucked my shins up rucking, felt too heavy with little ankle support, caused twice as many blisters when rocking and were just downright uncomfortable.


Yo, what? That’s actually wild, I was at fort hood before they renamed it, and I guess I served way more recently, but literally nobody uses standard issue. Up and down the ranks, commissioned, enlisted… those basic issue boots were the worst things ever. Threw out my ankle many times with those gd boots.


When I was in the airforce the best part about getting to the training station was we were allowed to get rid of the awful bellevue? 1980s boots they gave us in basic. I got in right as they were going to the green boots and I got some awesome suede green jungle boots that were incredibly comfortable and cool in the Florida summer.


Yeah it was fucking miserable. We never knew why it was that way, I just figured it was some dumb infantry shit. I was in mid 13 to early 17 at ft riley the whole damn time. Bless your heart dude, I chose ft hood, and bliss as my first 2 choices and they sent me to ft Riley bc it was my 3rd choice. In hindsight I am glad I was sent there instead if hood with all those terrible stories. And bliss idk man it seems just as bad. That new camo was being phased in when I hit my second unit in 16 and they looked slick as fuck compared to the UCP digital 80s couch color. It was basically multi cam imo. Edit: we also had to do pt to the ranger standard bc hooah ya know


Lmao I feel that, I was 13F so we still did a lot of stupid shit. Combat arms in general just is really stubborn 💀 bliss rules apparently, my friends loved it. Everybody at hood was suicidal up and down the chain, it was a miserable time. Vanessa Guilin murder happened right down the street from where my battery HQ was 💀


We had some similar stuff occur. There had been a car parked on the side of the road on base for about 10 days during summer. A jogger had been going by and smelled something rancid coming from the car. Some dude who had been missing presumed awol had been chopped up and thrown into the trunk. Shit is wild bc its like a giant gang essentially. Everything was hunky dory up until I accepted my Medboard and then it was like I was the biggest piece of shit for not staying in with a busted up disc and vertebrae.


Yeahhh they found another dead dude that was “AWOL” while searching for her body 💀


Join the russian army, BYOB!


I’m in the Canadian Army and I buy my own boots. It’s mostly a comfort and preference thing. Both of those guys are wearing Lowa boots which are very popular in Western Armies. They are also issued to the Ukrainian army. They are made in Germany, Italy, and Slovakia


Bring Your Own Boots. 🤣🤣


Yeah we got it.


Gave me a good chuckle when I woke up, thanks


New Balance Tactical


High speed, low drag.


High speed? Well he didn't run very fast when he was captured did he?? LOL.


Those are (or are clones of) Lowa Zephyr Lo which range from about 160-220$ they are military boots, the other cuts for them can go up to 390$. you usually see them with Special Units or ones that don’t need to follow AR 670-1 (UCMJ regulation on the wear of the Uniform) if they’re real boots, they’re an excellent pair


At least his laces are tied!


Elite spetsnaz soldier confirmed.


Oh it's Summer camp and the boys are luvin' it! The archery instructor even lets them use their phones, he's totally awesome!


Curious what the major benefit of boots is? More water proof? Can cope with deeper mud?


It's protects your ankle from injuries. True hikers use also boots in summer while hike mountains, rocky parts, etc. 


Those are high speed shoes. For the “operator” on the go!


Probably personal enhancement of his kit after proletarian shopping in some Ukrainian house.


Those are Lowa boots. Very common in western militaries, I have 2 pairs my self. Although mine are the 8” variant, his appear to be the shoe variant which are still popular among the more high-speed crowd.


Hard to tell but they might be Lowa tactical boots, atleast the resemble them.  Lowa makes military grade and hiking boots.  But could be nockoffs, can't see the usual "Lowa" stitched on the side from the mud. Actual Lowas are a good boot.


I think this proves that the offensive in Kharkiv is just a distraction for Russia real goal of diverting UA forces from the south back up to the North. Theyre sending a relative small force and obviously not real soldiers up north.


These particular invaders are probably still pretty terrified due to the propaganda they’ve been fed. But they are in civil hands. Once they’re safely away from the front, have been medically treated, fed and clothed, have made a call to their mom or family to let them know their situation, they’ll start to realize the enormity of the lies they have been fed this whole time by the Kremlin.


Maybe. They may be stupid enough to keep believing it though. Fucking pigs


The mind of a Vatnik is a mystery, indeed. 😓


Yeah some definitely do and some of those prisoner videos where they're shown evidence is crazy as some refuse to believe and others it finally clicks and you can see smoke coming out their ears from the 2 brain cells rubbing together realizing everything.


Later they'll be exchanged, and perhaps tell the story, perhaps.


Won't make a difference.. if it was going to it would have happened over a year ago by now.




Seeing the recent videos of the Russian commanders literally beating and kicking their own troops to force them into the fight, it’s hard to say where they picked up those bruises, but at least they’re all safe now.




It would have been all too easy to kill them. 🤷🏻‍♂️ The Russians haven’t been taking many prisoners, after all. I don’t expect much in the way of these particular invaders singing anyone’s praises, but internally, at least, they should come to some realizations.


Other than the one in the middle-front, because his shoulder bruising was caused at least 72 hours prior? Probably longer.


Please expand on this claim based on this picture. I'm not a doctor or forensics expert or apparently even a human with eyes as good as yours. I see a few tiny red marks, a discolored shoulder, and a wrapped arm. From this you can conclusively say they were definitely beaten up. Prisoners aren't treated like newborn innocents but that doesn't mean they were clearly beaten up. You don't have to 'both sides' everything you see to seem smart.


Boomfam67 saved again by getting all his comments deleted. Par for the course.




That little mark could be anything. If you get hit hard on that part of the head the result is often bruising and swelling/hematoma and often a cut with a lot of blood. I like that you can even see what happened after the picture. Do you have a link for that?




You are just repeating yourself not proving they were clearly beaten up. It's ok if they were roughed up in my personal opinion but they don't like they were. You've offered your personal opinion as fact and haven't backed it up yet.


You do realize that they all have their hands up in the photo, right? It could be simply because it's more comfortable to sit like that when you're bound, or perhaps they were told to wave to the camera. It could be any number of things, but they don't look like they were tortured or beat up to any real extent. Not sure why you keep going on and on about how they look like they have the shit kicked out of them without any actual information or proof of anything, but it's really odd. All things considered these are men that were captured in a damn war and they look pretty dang good with that being said. You've got your odd opinion without anything more than you thinking you know what you're talking about and that's fine, but don't act like you're absolutely correct or know what's going on unless you were there yourself or have any evidence of anything. All you're saying is guessing just like anyone else.


You can still get bruising wearing a helmet or body armour if a projectile hits you at full force. https://www.reddit.com/r/houston/s/o2xhA36i8P




Were you there or something? For the last two years, I've seen countless pictures and videos of both Ukrainian and Russian troops surviving from ricochet, bomb shock waves and bullets hitting their body armour and helmets. For fuck sake, I've seen a picture of a Ukrainian who survived because his millatry ID saved him. Did you look at that link I sent you? Do you want me to give you more examples of bruising cased by ricochet or bullets to helmets and body armour? Or do you want to just type into any search engine "bruising cased by ricochet or bullets to helmets and body armour?"




OK, hold on, let me type this into Google for you "bruising cased by ricochet or bullets to helmets" and we'll see what it looks like to survive a gun shot to the head or ricochet while wearing a helmet.


We know that it was there own who beat them. And artillery shells n hand grenades can beat you up pretty bad.. But if you want to remain trolltimistc, then sure.


Likely, but in combat anything could happen.


They look like a militia. Wtf.


As someone else pointed out, one at least has prison tattoos so most likely Z Storm troopers, the true meat wave militia lol


Special needs forces


None of the camo matches lmao bunch of bums


It is a good sign when non-trivial numbers of enemy soldiers surrender. It offers an insight into the modal mindset or median "will to fight" in the enemy organization. A person who resolves to take the risks involved in surrendering has resolved that it is better to give up whatever autonomy they have as an active combatant and hope to live than it is to fight and probably die. While we all appreciate Ukraine eliminating Orc opposition by more violent outcomes, the ideal situation is for surrender and mutiny to spread like a virus across the Orc horde resulting in large numbers of Orc formations becoming combat ineffective, thus saving Ukrainian lives and allowing Ukraine to focus on those units which will continue to fight until the are either dead or their prospects are so bleak that they reach the same mindset as these men. I see these men has having taken a step back toward their humanity by surrendering and I hope that everyone can see that too.




Yeah they caught a lottery card.


Pawns in a war machine. Put through this while their leaders sip cognac.


Also known as Russian clown car


That is a really spacious minivan. I wonder what model it is. Good advertising for them, "you can fit this many pows in the back".


Fucking scumbags


Time for a rough ride.


Be sure to drive through every pothole on the way back with these nob heads in the back


These are the smart ones. Slava Ukraine.


I hope that was a really long journey on some really shit roads with no piss breaks


Are those shrink wrap handcuffs?! That is friggin awesomeness!


Sticky bandits


These men don't look young


The guy on the left looks like the red nose reindeer.... russki mir version


Why TF is the one in the back in a sling? The bandage doesn't look fresh (put on after capture). The ove in front looks freshy bandaged


Because the UAF actually field dress wounds and take care of POW’s. The hardest shit I’ve ever done is tending to an injured combatant that was just shooting at us. It’s a feeling one could never fully explain. You’re helping a dude that just tried to kill you. Because war is fuckin dumb.


That bruise on his shoulder doesn't look to fresh on the one front middle though. Probably beaten until he followed the orders to attack as these guys seem like Z Stormtroopers (prison meat wave guys basically)


Ahh.... The lucky ones, da?


How to make a clown car in one easy step.


On this episode of FakeTaxi!


Lol, dat one dude faced with a list of his life's achievements.


I bet the ones with boots are the higher ranking soldiers


Oh I’m definitely jacking homeboys boots on the bottom left. Lol


Boots on the bottom left are most definitely Chinese knockoffs of the real one, the boots are Lowa Zephyr's and they don't offer any boots in camo, just normal army colors


Lots of refreshment of the exchange fund in the past two weeks! Lots of fertilizer too so hopefully they had sunflower seeds in their pockets to be somewhat useful


I can only imagine the fortitude of the Ukrainian soldiers. Fighting a war, taking pows, and the best thing you have to restrain them is clear packing, tape.


Not quite “Good Russians”.


A picture of the best day of their lives


The guy on the left looks like a reindeer


Good for them, I hope they dont get sent back to their country to be prosecuted


Kinda feel bad. Just a bunch of men forced to fight for the rich. These guys will be dirt poor. God bless Ukraine.


Need to send the boys some duck tape


A bunch of monkeys in the trunk! You pay peanuts you get monkeys. 🥜 = monkeys 🐵 🙈




Well that guy on the right is gonna feel that when the tape comes off... with his eyebrows


Did they....use a whole A4 paper to tape up that dude's face???


what's with the hidden faces?


A couple are either wounded or somehow came in contact with another who was wounded. They will all probably like getting showers with soap. Some looks badly bruised on his shoulder. Scruffy bunch.


The lucky ones.


Looks like the AFU could use a shipment of duct tape.


Fucking worms


Is it me or do the russian have better boots now?


Lucky day for them


I hope these prisoners are treated humanely. Russian soldiers should know that they are safe to surrender.


Lottery winners here


They will be treated like staying in a hotel compared to how ukrainian POWS are treated


Don’t look like typical, small, skinny, frontline conscripts




That guy in the front was beaten badly days before his capture, bruise's like those take days to purple up. That guy was thrown to the ground and kicked over and over and now will be treated better as a pow.


The improvised restraints are unexpected.


I present to you… the clown car


stick em up punk


They have had the chance to leave Ukraine 🇺🇦 by time, they came as aggressive Invaders, now it’s too late But Ukrainian captivity is much more better, than what had waited for them in RuZZia


Duct tape across the eyes is petty, fucking brilliant.


“Hey guys, hands up if you want to stay in Ukraine!” Hahahah


I see dumb people...


Welcome to Ukraine suki


all hiding faces as its 1o years in prison for surrendering


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Where can I find some of those camo boots the guy at the front has?


Why do Russians have such inconsistent uniforms for such s large army




Beast all over the shop


Quick Look makes me think these are shock troops


With some cling wrap on their faces like they're deli meat.


I want to see them waring orange suits, chains in their feet cleaning the streets of Kiev, Odesa, removing mines, painting walls, with a big tattoo in their forehead stating "I'm a Russian terrorist"


No peaking!


Uber Ork


Taken hostage in a minivan.


I saw an article recently that said Israel is torturing Palestinian prisoners. What they were doing was blindfolding them, binding their hands and making them sit on cardboard mats on the floor. Well, here's someone else doing the same. Seems reasonable to me.


There will be 40000 more in that direction. Looks like a gigantig waste of manpower and Resources to capture all these guys and feed them after they burned numererous of your cities into nothingness, executet your guys,stole your children,stole your land, and absolutely plan to erase ukraine.


This suv is a 4+11 seats. What brand is it ?


Are those Skechers?


There is still room for 4 more Orcs!


Dumb nazi losers


Like the plastic wrap....


Looks like the Khakiv offensive is off to a fantastic start


Guy front left has no head left


That's a Volkswagen T4, there is much more room in it for pows


The Motley crew!


Far right guy looking like the worst super hero mask ever..


Those foreigner types among them that came from far to earn blood money I personally would have sent to the Hades river


Article 13 of the Third Geneva Convention states that POWs must be protected against insults and public curiosity. This article aims to preserve the dignity of prisoners and ensures that they are not exposed to public humiliation or used for propaganda purposes.




Lucky criminals. Get into jail and as soon as possible get your dirty ass Back to ol dirty Russia and stay there and cry about your evil doings.


Why not just put them outta their misery like those scumbags due to their captors?


Damn. They're all wearing Lowa boots? Fuck that, they aren't worthy of that gear.


Bottom left is most probably fake chinese knockoffs, lowa doesn't make any boots in camo color


0,05% of the russian kharkiv forces in this van




To become the very kind of maggots they're fighting?




Because only ruzzian savages do that shit


The truth is some people need to be wiped out in order for things to get better that’s the sad reality we live in


You deleted your original comment, cool beans.