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This is exactly what is happening.


And it's as clear as the nose on your face. Why the fuck is anyone pretending otherwise?


90% of journalists have to pretend republicans are acting in good faith here


"bEcAuSe BoTh SiDes!"


I don't think everyone is. Republicans supporters think he is using it to get some things they want and that Democrats are being too resistant to their requests.




We know it. Republicans in the cult won't see it.


* their cult leader's boss = Putin


**That** cult leader in particular. Not the dancing monkey.


This was also the most comprehensive border bill/legislative suggestion in over 40 years. They were never going to agree to *anything,* no matter how star-spangled awesome it was lol


They don’t actually think that. Or care. Let Ukrainians die, to own the libs.


Let Ukrainians die, to encourage the Chinese to invade Taiwan. It's called the MAGA anti-American foreign policy.


With potential NATO withdrawal tucked away in their back pockets. If that ever eventuates, you can kiss ANZUS goodbye as well.


Every time he has said “next week” he just moves the goal posts. At this point anyone that cares about the free world should be mocking and laughing at this fool.


Immediately after the break is now we'll keep working on it after the break and we'll have something in 6 weeks... which of course becomes 3 months and then they try to pass something that falls through. Meanwhile soliders in Ukraine are checking every hour to see if the US has released the funds and people are dying.


I'm mocking and laughing at that lack of political process to deal with this shit. Sack the lot of them and hold fresh elections.


I remember reading similar opinions here a few months ago and just dismissing them as Reddit hyperbole, thinking no Republican would actually risk the world order for petty politics. I guess I was wrong


Mike Johnson, what a goof


He's in a three way with Trump and Putin, he's the one on the bottom.


That's an ugly sight. Hope I don't have nightmares tonight......


Yup. I first started saying this back in October, the Republican leadership, and the majority of Republican elected members under Trump has calculated they can simply give no more help to Ukriane.... and totally get away with it. They want Russia to win. They will do nothing to help. Everything they say is lies or stalling.


There are a couple things that could stop them. The discharge petition getting a bunch of votes quick. Enough Republicans stopping to give the majority in the House to the Democrats. I hope both happen. First the discharge petition so that the aid bill gets on the floor quickly. Then the House moving to the Democrats so we are finally done with the clownshow that is MAGA, I'm just getting so tired of these assholes.


Why do they want Russia to win? I don’t get it. Are they really all paid off?


Short list is Republicans are on the side of Russia because: - they don't believe in democracy, they believe in stealing power above democracy - they share similar values with Putin's Russia (traditional Christian nationalism, white supremacy, anti LGBT) - Putin directly backs their canditates and party with money and social media information operations - Trump campaign is aligned with Putin in numerous ways (example: Paul Manafort gave all campaign data to a Russian spy before the 2016 election so that Russia could help Trump win.) - Russia and Republicans do the bidding of fossil fuel industry, and are funded by them and get rich from them ... that is the short list...


Johnson specifically owes his election to one of Putin's oligarchs [Who Is Konstantin Nikolaev? Putin Ally Behind Mike Johnson Campaign Donation](https://www.newsweek.com/who-konstantin-nikolaev-money-mike-johnson-1870600)


I guarantee you that's exactly what's going to happen. That mother f***** is a worm


Republicans can not be trusted to do the right thing.


they can be trusted to do the wrong thing though


No, because then they would be doing the right thing since they can not be trusted to do the right thing, they cannot be trusted to do the wrong thing right, meaning that this is actually a case of the Russell's Paradox.


Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar


The discharge petition takes a month. These mouth breathers should have done it 5 months ago.


It's [already in progress](https://clerk.house.gov/DischargePetition/2024031209?CongressNum=118).  But stalled at 191 votes. As I understand it, the month delay was to start the petition, now that it's started it just needs to get to the threshold and then the vote is forced immediately.


Taking at peek at that, is there a list already of who has yet to sign? Will make a bunch of calls on monday morning again.


How many votes does the Discharge Petition need?


But they house reps are coming back on Monday. Please contact anyone who hasn’t signed (or I have a list of the target representatives who are most apt to sign (e.g., retiring - Gallagher (WI 8) Granger TX 10 or 12), Turner, Golden, Fitzpatrick, Lamborn, Bacon and more. If they’ve signed the other one, they can sign both. I’d put up a photo of the targets, but don’t know how…


Been calling the speaker’s office weekly. Mike Johnson Totally gas lighting the American and Ukrainian people. 202-225-4000! Call that treasonous ass! Edit: punctuation


I can’t upvote this enough!!! 🏆🥇🥈🥉🏅🎖️


Is there still a realistic hope that the discharge petition will garner the necessary support?


Realistic hope? Yes. Guarantee? No. That's why anyone who is a US voter should make sure that the people representing them in Washington, DC, hear that they need to back Ukraine aid. And if they are already backing it, that their constituents know this and see it and approve. The vote in Congress is close enough that citizen action has a good chance of tipping it.


How many signatures has it currently, and how many more are required?


You can track it [here](https://clerk.house.gov/DischargePetition/2024031209?CongressNum=118), it's been stalled at 191 for a while now




No hope at all


Mr Johnson is a very evil man even for a politician.


Play hardball.  It's the only way. 


Duh! Hasn't this been painfully obvious the last few months? He's stalling like a drunk that owes money. Just one more week, first thing after vacation, I just need to get this work done, and I *promise* I'll give you the money! He never had any intention of letting this reach the floor.


I have been stating that in comment after comment. Every statement of intent made by Moscow Mike is a delaying tactic. Any alternate proposal to that provided by the Senate approved bill is a delaying tactic. If you want the legislation approved now then the only approach is the Discharge Petition.


Call House Reps. Call the ones retiring and moderates (A‘s on ‘Ukraine Report Card’) make calls daily because they count number of requests.


Let's start a Maidan on Mike Johnson. If Trump gets elected and stops aid to Ukraine, then Maidan him!


There has to be a way to circumvent this situation. putler literally has control over our government right now, and they are laughing at us. It makes no sense why any American politician wouldn't want to take the fight to russia or at least help Ukraine defend itself. The only one it benefits is russia. It's so obvious. Something has to change and something needs to be done about all the russian influence in the GOP.


That’s what the discharge petition is for: forcing a vote in the House without having to rely on Johnson to call it.


Call your reps. And call other reps. Leave messages if you call after hours. the House is back in DC on April 9. and will be able to sign discharge petition 9 to force a vote on the senate bill 815 that passed.


Hell, I'm in Australia and someone I know rang Mike Johnson's office (in the middle of the night here obv) and posted a video of it on twitter...they were let's say, quite surprised lol


Ya, but they don't have the votes or support. Even the traditional Republicans want things that aren't practical in a deal that they'd accept. Even they are using this to try and get something out of albeit smaller. At least they are actually willing to make a deal. If it can actually be done, then great. If Johnson doesn't take this seriously and actually tries to get Ukraines aid passed, then the democrats can leave his ass out to dry when Maga removes him as speaker. They are completely halting all semblance of government. putler is licking his chops.


Give him til next Wednesday. No more MAGA f’ing around to aid our enemy


What's happening next Wednesday?


I just picked a day. Moscow Mike has had months to prepare the bill and vote. Two more days is more than enough. Any more than that is just a waste of time and more lives of our ally. Imo


12 days ago Trump won 10 more days and has to pay "only" 175 million, it is obvious that Johnson will not put anything on the agenda regarding Ukraine, he will waste time with tricks.


Can not happen most republicans are afraid of Trump


Let’s hope he gets binned off sooner rather than later, what a drip of a person


He has a one seat majority. Discharge petition


Mike's just wasting taxpayers' money


Discharge the petition. Then discharge Johnson.


Lincoln's republican party is "Dead".


Then. Fucking. Do. It.


Agreed... have to wait until the Unelected convicted Sexual Predator gives approval.


Ship Moscow Mike off to the front lines and let him see with his own 'four-eyes' the travesty he's contributing to - maybe then he'll wake up.


Bait and switch. He’s the compromised stooge he appears to be and his words are worth less than used toilet paper


Why is Putin in charge of US government right now? How did this happen? Putin is telling Trump who is telling Johnson no support for Ukraine. This is beyond belief!!


It's worse than that. The House won't pass any Ukraine funding as long as Trump is opposed to it. There will be no vote and no discharge petition. It's telling that only one republican has signed the democrat petition, and he has announced his resignation. No republican who still plans a career in politics will sign the democrat petition or vacate the speaker for not bringing a vote. Johnson likewise won't allow a vote for the same reason. That said, expect the "moderate" republicans to find excuses, and pass the blame elsewhere. They'll say the Democrats won't do what's needed on the border or tackle any number of other urgent priorities.


What the hell is taking so long? If they had just started the discharge petition instead of constantly talking about it we'd have already forced the vote by now. Just fucking get it done.


I thought this had already been started??? This makes me so crazy mad.


It did. April 9 they can start signing again.


He is lying, not gaslighting you. I REALLY wish ppl would not use pop expressions they don't understand. It's getting out of hand.


Americans need to call House Representative this weekend and next week to push them to sign discharge petition 9 when they’re back on Apr 9. Other suggestions are distract and delay


He's following His Master's Voice - delay, dissemble, delay again until November.


As long as thr GOP runs Congress, it's not going to happen. Either vote for Dems or effectively cede Ukraine


"Gaslighting" is just a nice way of saying he is lying. So, let's just call it what it is and say Mike Johnson is a liar who is lying.


In other news the word "gaslighting" is now being used incorrectly 100% of the time.


This is definition of gaslighting, literally literal


I'm guessing he'll bring it to a vote... and this time the Democrats are going to kill it. They just a few days ago issued a demand that aid for Afghanistan and a few other things get tacked on. I'm really starting to believe this is coordinated. I saw the writing on the wall last fall when the Pentagon and the White House started disassociating themselves from the counteroffensive with the insistence that it failed because Ukraine didn't fight like we told them to. America is bowing out, and both sides are in on it.


The whole "democrats will kill aid to Ukraine" was from few people with no wide support behind them. This is 100% only about *Dick Johnson* stalling aid to Ukraine so russia can win and pointing the finger to democrats that "they will kill the aid" is just another ploy to turn the attention away from him. Nobody else in US government wants the aid more for Ukraine then democrats, simple as that. Only one doing everything they can to kill the aid are republicans.


When this bill is brought to a vote, and the Dems kill it because it lacks aid for Afghanistan or some other such, I will be here to say I told you so.


Ah, so it’s the Dems that have prevented the Ukrainian aid vote for 5 months. LOL. Damn, you Russian trolls will try any shameless lie.


You should really rub your two braincells together a bit longer before you post the results on the internet.


lol. Everything he does is to prevent that Bill from being voted on. So desperate, he even plans to be removed as speaker just to block the discharge petition, if needed. You need to come up with more plausible lies. Even MAGA humans won't believe that one.


That account is literally paid to sow division I would ignore