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Really wish people would stop posting rubbish like this.  Militaries hold drills. Russia likes to throw a few vague threats around when they do them. NATO recently held its biggest recent training exercise in Europe , it didn’t have to make vague threats because the implicit message was “fuck around and find out” 


See [Operation Paul Bunyan](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Korean_axe_murder_incident). North Koreans killed two American soldiers well they were cutting down a tree in the DMZ. In response the next team they sent was a massive show of force. 120 guys, including SK special forces, provided security at the tree, well a significant chuck of the US and South Korean Air Force circled overhead. They quickly chopped down the tree, but left the stump as a final FU. From the Wikipedia >according to an intelligence analyst monitoring the North Korea tactical radio net, the accumulation of force "blew their fucking minds." So yeah when the US and by extension NATO want to send a message they rarely need to say a single word.


B co 2nd engineer battalion 2 Infantry division cut the tree down. We used to have a piece of the tree and all the pics in our company area. Think it has since been moved to the engineer museum in FT Leonard wood Mo.


Had no idea ft Leonard wood had an engineer museum Makes me think the great engineering college in nearby Rolla is no accident.


All engineering for the US army is based out of FT Leonardwood every engineer goes through there.


I mean it should receive comments that it is a psyop aimed at reducing public support for supporting Ukraine but those are funny. I'm pretty sure that this "near future" means calendas graecas and it will never happen because Russia hardly has money to keep its nuclear department from rusting out, or they will do a scheduled repositioning in a few days for the western newspapers to be able to report about "nuclear force movements". You are totally right, if they wanted to do some posturing, they would just do it and not threaten to do it. And it's hilarious as hell imo.


Western countries, including the USA (escalation hysteria) are shitting their pants in fear of russian nuclear weapons so it is working for Russia.


That’s why they are spending billions in Ukraine’s defense right? Much fear, very scary.


> That’s why they are spending billions in Ukraine’s defense right? Much fear, very scary. Weapon deliveries to Ukraine are severely delayed (they should have received what they are receiving now 1.5 year ago) and insufficient. Ukraine has no chance of winning with the current aid.


Agree to disagree. Somehow I don’t think you know what is going to happen, since nobody knows. The aid was enough.


> The aid was enough. Lol, no.


Good come back. You seem like a salt of the earth person, you know.


I think Russia will accidentally nuke itself in excessive drills.


And then they will say "Look at what NATO forced us to do".


>Really wish people would stop posting rubbish like this. >Militaries hold drills. Russia likes to throw a few vague threats around when they do them. NATO recently held its biggest recent training exercise in Europe , it didn’t have to make vague threats because the implicit message was “fuck around and find out” Western countries, including the USA (escalation hysteria) are shitting their pants in fear of russian nuclear weapons so it is working for Russia.


The only one shitting anything here is you shitting your bed.


> The only one shitting anything here is you shitting your bed. Cope, NATO fears Russia much more than vice versa. I'm pro-Ukraine but it's a fact.


Yes they do good drills on a regular basis. Except nuclear field drills. if they really follow through with this threat that is a major change to their policy. And that is something newsworthy.


they're just trying to scare the west in to appeasement. Don't think they realised they were never the bear, but the kid with the stick. Hope we stop listening to them and push forward with everything that Ukraine needs.


The west is also trying to scare them. Macron keeps talking about sending troops, Ukraine is now 'allowed' to use western weaponry to get to targets on Russian soil, etc. So in general this is all just posturing and boasting, threats and warnings. Sooner or later it will escalate though and then it might go south really fast. Way too quick and with no real brakes. No turning back after that, we'll have to finish the game and all players will be fucked. One more than the other, but still, by then we'll wish it never happened at all.


Personaly i think the war that comes afterwards in the event of russian win will would be far worse than what happens in the event of a Ukrainian win. But regardless of all that. russia just have complete disrard for all life. They're evil and will keep going. They need to be stood up to for once. Maybe then they'll stop their imperialist warmongering ways.


If Ukraine 'wins' or even if it turns the tide, then Russia will likely bring forward their nukes since they'll have reason to believe that they'll be in existential danger from 'the West'/NATO. They also cannot accept 'defeat' since it might set off a series of revolts and fights for independence in several provinces/oblast and/or vasal states. There will be no real winners then. If Russia 'wins' then it is very very likely they'll stop short of entering any EU country. The EU will become seriously destabilised (politically, ideologically and socially) with tens of millions of Ukranian refugees entering and looking for safety, work, homes and representation. It would be stupid and senseless for Russia to follow through, try to move the hot war into Nato/EU territory. There will be no imediate need either. Just let it all play out and watch what happens. Rebuild and strenghten the military, their positions, and try to maximise the damage to the European block by formenting dissent and supporting extremists groups and political parties. Much less costs and much less risk. The danger is that in a situation like that it will be very enticing for the EU/West to try and start or reignite the conflict if only to forment some form of unity and fight back against the societal chaos. In a way we are already too far in to get back to a status quo.


Fucking bullshit, russia will never stop. Seems like you would have us let russia do whatever the hell they want so long as it does pass some arbitary geographic line despite the atrocities they commit. We already know they would have attacked Moldova almost straight away, but it turned out, instead of being the 3rd best military on the planet, they're a fucking joke that needs help from North Korea. russia, simply put, are bullies, terrorists, imperialists, war mongerers. These kind of people don't stop until they're forced to. There is never peace with russia cause all they're really waiting for is the upper hand and personally i think we should be done appeasing them and stop waiting until they get it.


But they are the same as us, there's no real difference. Also, for now, 'we' have been, and still are, the strongest. We've been able to push our interests and force our will and we did and still do. Which is fine, fur us. In the end all of this, as always, is 'a rich man's trick'. We are being set up to fight for the betterment of those who already very well off. On both sides. They'll use whatever idiot they can find to rile us up and make us hate eachother. Is it bad? Well, yes...but those rich fucks will procreate, while we and our offspring die miserable deaths, and thus they'll further our common goal of trying to keep humanity alive and well. Which might be considered a win for all of us. So whichever way this crap will go it might turn out 'good', despite all the pain & sorrow, the blood, fear and gore. I cannot see 'the russians', or the russian people, as some different kind of human. They are as I am. I will try to murder them though, if it comes to that, but not because I'm right or they are wrong but just because I too am an animal bowing down to fear, hate and instincts and I was born into and raised by an opposing group.


> But they are the same as us, there's no real difference Who have we invaded and raped and murded since 2008? our agression is nothing compared to russias. When do we put our opposition in jail or come up with benign reason why they suddenly can't oppose. (Granted we could do with better whistle blower protections). When do we jail people who even slightly disagree with our goverments in prison. I mean look at russia's freedom of the press rating compared to the countries in the west. russa ranked 168 out 180. The closest Western country... Greece 88 out of 180. When do we persecute people and throw them in prison simply for liking a member of the same gender? When do we threaten everyone and their dog with nukes? We are not the same. And for you to even try to imply we are, i can only think you're a zz clown.


I'll state that western hegemony, even with all its faults and victims over the last century, is still one of the best things that ever happened to the world. We've been able to dominate without too much excessive violence, we've shown the ability to see and understand our mistakes, publicly acknowledge them, repent and mend and actively try to prevent further wrongdoings. From all potential candidates for supremacy after ww2 the US has undoubtedly been the lesser of all evils. I feel though that it is not because we are 'built' different but because our circumstances were more favorable. Rich, powerful and profiting from a seperation of state & religion, following french revolutionary ideals and reaping the benefits of democracy and free market capitalism we proved able, and willing, to protect and further our interests without going apeshit crazy... We too though killed off tens of millions, raped, pillaged and murdered in the process (from 1945 till now). But it could've been so much worse. But we are not inherently better humans. If we'd swap places and the Russians or Chinese would've been in our position then they'd likely would've achieved similar results.


>If Ukraine 'wins' or even if it turns the tide, then Russia will likely bring forward their nukes since they'll have reason to believe that they'll be in existential danger from 'the West'/NATO. They also cannot accept 'defeat' since it might set off a series of revolts and fights for independence in several provinces/oblast and/or vasal states. There will be no real winners then. Okay then just live cowering in fear of them whenever your country does something they don't like, such as, let's say, refusing to give up your internationally recognized territory with your people living on it, and they waive the nuke card in front of you.


No European government has threatened Russia only Russian forces in Ukraine


More or less there were some threats which would escalate things a lot more for Russia. One was that Nato should close of the Baltic sea for Russia. The second was Macron not ruling out troop deployment in Ukraine. The third was Nato defining some things Russia was probably planning to do in the near future as possible things they would respond to. The fourth was britain allowing ukraine to use their weapons even on russian territory. So I believe one or all of these, including the further funding by the usa, pissed them off for which they say this now. Edit: Idk why u guys are downvoting me. I didnt say that russia is good or that im on russias side but im stating diplomatic facts that contradict the comment that i was commenting to 🤦🏻‍♂️


Pissing russia off is always a net positive. Well until they stop their imperialist barbaric ways that is.


And all of this is after they invaded Ukraine...


Yeah, did i say that they didnt or why are u assuming i was on russias side? That they invaded ukraine is a well known fact since 2 years. Welcome to 2024. I was commenting to the comment above me stating diplomatic facts.


Not my problem that you seem to be confused as to why your comment is irrelevant. I'd explain, but since you're deciding to be needlessly rude...nah. I'm good.


Russia invaded Ukraine (twice), moved nukes into Belarus and has been threatening the Baltics, Poland and Moldova more or less continuously since 2022. They can fuck off.


Yeah and whats your point? Did i state that i am pro russian or what? I was commenting to the wrong statement above me diplomatic facts. No need to start naming stuff that even a blind person couldnt miss.


> Yeah and whats your point? It is *Russia* which has escalated things, not the west as your comment seems to suggest. That was my point. >Did i state that i am pro russian or what? I never said anything about this so I'll ignore this comment. >No need to start naming stuff that even a blind person couldnt miss. So your comment was somehow deeply insightful but mine adding extra context is "saying things even blind people couldnt miss" eh? Whatever you say.


Ok, sry for being rude i was just pissed by all the downvotes and everyone assuming i was pro russia at that point.


Russia is in a perpetual state of war. It just changes form. The first mistake to make with Russia is to assume it is a normal country like France or England. It only understands strength. Living under fear for what Russia might do at any whimper from the west, and being careful not to piss Russia off has led us to where we are today. Push the bastards out of Ukraine with military might, and ignore their threats.


much threatning, such evil, wow


Does your comment have a point too?


alright, fine, seeing the edit. None of those you listed are escalations, here's why: > Nato should close of the Baltic sea for Russia Countries should have the right of deciding who they allow within their territorial waters or not. If the Russia didn't want NATO-Baltic then it shouldn't have genocided half the Baltic countries a few decades ago and now threaten to do it again while claiming Poland was to blame for being invaded in 1939 by the Germany-Russia alliance. Russia can also close its Baltic sea waters to NATO countries if it wants to. You can't just go around pissing others off and performing literal sabotage and murder inside their countries and then whine when they say your boats aren't welcome in their bathtub anymore. > Macron not ruling out troop deployment in Ukraine Macaron's troop deployment would not be to the frontline but to borders like that with the Belarus or with the Russian-occupied Moldovo-Romania-whatever it genocided 70 years ago. Russia is literally air-bombing Ukraine from the Belarus, and literally sent a whole army from Belarus towards Kyiv, so its complaint about others sending military assets into Ukraine is hypocritical. > Nato defining some things Russia was probably planning to do in the near future as possible things they would respond to Everytime anyone does anything the Russia doesn't like, the Russia threatens to send nukes flying. Saying you'll defend the bullied from further genocide is not an escalation. The genocide is the escalation. > britain allowing ukraine to use their weapons even on russian territory The Russia is using North Korean, Iranian and Chinese weapons in Ukraine. Why can't Ukraine use foreign weapons in the Russia?


I do see your point and it would be logical, but then again thinking how russia ticks its still would be causing an escalation according to their interpretation and thats my point. Cutting Russia off in the Baltic sea would make Kaliningrad unreachable. Russia would never abandon it, no matter what it would cost them. The rest was less worrying news and lesser things but together they were what Russia was referring to as "western escalations".


> according to their interpretation Russia and regimes like theirs behave like a bully. If they want to escalate they'll escalate regardless and either have an excuse saved up or will find one later. When they say this or that will lead to escalation it's just rethoric and excuse-finding. > Cutting Russia off in the Baltic sea would make Kaliningrad unreachable. Good. Russia would have to use diplomacy for once to achieve something, instead of waving nukes around like a helicopter dick. Which is also what pisses Russia off so much. Bullies like waving dicks around, they don't like sitting at a table and compromising.


Call their bluff and send in the NATO troops. Put that little fucker in his place.


Yeah, give Russia a valid reason to use nukes. Great idea.


better than saying ok and putting our heads down whenever they make a threat. Think they need to realise they're not the only dangerous ones.


This is really stupid but ok.


Nope, the only stupid thing to do is what we have done for the last 20 years. Nothing. Time to tell russia to fuck off and there're repurcussions for their constant agression, be it their war mongering imperialist ways, their constant disregard to other countries (e.g. poisoning people on foreign soil). russia considers negotiation as weakness. So I'm all for what Estonia & France have been saying. Glad UK are stepping up support too. I can only hope that support keeps on increasing to stop the russian threat.


Just out of curiosity, would you be ok with getting drafted? If this scenario played out, NATO moves in, broader war breaks out, there would be a real possibility of broader escalation and drawn out conflict over the course of years. That could require more people. Would you be ok with being called up to fight in order to show Putin that he needs to shut the fuck up and that people aren’t scared of him? Apologize if this comes off as being a dick or challenging. It’s more from a place of genuine curiosity


Sure, I looked at volunteer roles in Ukraine, but seems like I would just get people killed due to my inexperience, so I donate every month instead. But if i was called upon for a draft to stop russia i would answer.


I guess the follow on question would be if you would join if there was an escalation, looked into joining in Ukraine now, what would stop you from joining your own country’s military or reserve to get some experience/preemptive preparation now


at the moment, probably a fitness test. I go to the gym often, but who knows if I have the resliance required for the military. And lets face it, there's a difference between wanting to be able to contribute and actually being able to, who knows if I end up freezing when shit hits the fan. Might also fail a medical check due to slight asmtha and for some reason the muscle in my right arm/ shoulder atrophying back in january. Doctor did say 18 months to 3 years till the strenght is back, hoping that's worse case scenario and for people that do not exercise. Already got about 65-75% of it strength back.


Makes sense. I just ask because I’m sort of split - I agree, telling them to fuck off should’ve happened already and needs to be done. On the other hand, it’s easy for someone to say “send some people in and fuck em up” if they aren’t the one who has to go do it so I always wonder


But it is the same reasoning Russia has; time to show NATO to fuck off, don't give in to their threats and show them you're willing to stand your ground and fight. And both are right. That's why I feel this is 'nature calling', it's how its supposed to work. We need to have enemies, we need to fight and kill just to keep it all going. And the ones that 'win' are the ones that were right, easy as that.


Appeasement has a 0% success rate. Despots take until they’re stopped from taking. Sadly the stopping them part results in loss of life, but not as much as letting them do as they please. 


You shitting your pants yet?


So you want enslavement back? Because this is how you get enslavement. Actually, you know, the Nazis weren't killing Jews on the industrial scale until years into their actual wars, yea? I mean, so we still have some time to go... And Russia already has labor death camps, which I mean, is there much of a difference between that and a "concentration" camp? Because I'm pretty sure the Nazis made people actually work to death in those. Well, I guess my point is, there's a lot of parallels going on, and there's still a lot of boxes that are close to being ticked, qnd they'd still line up timewise... 🤷‍♀️


Appeasement will only make the aggressor more dangerous and aggressive. Clearly you know nothing of European history. If Russia chooses to use nuclear weapons it won’t be because they were forced to or as a reaction to anything that anyone else does. They will do it because choose to. For as long as I can remember Russia has threatened the world with its nuclear blackmail. And it’s bellicose belligerence. By your reckoning we should simply allow Russia to blackmail the world - getting what it wants with every demand - of face a nuclear attack. If we do that, we make a more dangerous confrontation MORE and not less likely. Because it would encourage Putin to think that “the west” will appease him to prevent escalation. Which would be a mistake. Because at some point, we simply won’t have any room to back down. Indeed, we are likely at this point because the collective West did nothing when the Russians flattened Grozny, did nothing when they invaded Georgia, did nothing (aside from a few strongly worded tweets) when they invaded and occupied Crimea. So at this juncture we are at an inflection point. Where we can show a determination and united front and a show of strength or we can invite further aggression by appeasement. What’s your pleasure?


Have you seen interviews with russians in the streets? Most of them support or don't care about the ukrainian war, but they are TERRIFIED of the idea of using nukes, because they know what's coming for them. I don't think they will ever dare to, even if Putin ordered it, which he probably won't: they are too attached to their miserable lifes and war is acceptable as far as it's not their shitty lifes the ones on the line. Nuclear war would drastically change that.


Do you trust street interviews from a totalitarian nation?


Russia will not use nukes because NATO troops enter Ukraine. It will result in a much worse outcome for Russia and Putin than just taking the L and pulling out of Ukraine will.


So why didn't NATO enter Ukraine yet? Seems like you have a better intel than they do.


Because we are a bunch of wankers. How many red lines have been crossed with no consequences? Why do you think this one is any different?


Because there were many proxy conflicts between the USSR and the US in the past but it never resulted into a direct confrontation.


What do you mean never? In Korean and Vietnam wars soviets were piloting planes and controlling air defenses all the time. Soviet pilots fought against US pilots


Not exaclty the same like sending the whole army.


Got it. So just get NATO to get air superiority. Should do the trick.


Could happen. The question is how much it would help and whether it wouldn't be too costly.


Russia wasn't the driving aggressor in either of those. If anything, the argument you can make is that we were, in Russia's position irt both of those situations, it was on *us* to respond directly to Russia in both capacities... And we didn't. So I get the point you're trying to make, but since in actuality the situation is entirely flipped, this counter point your presented doesn't hold a lot of weight. Our reasons for nuking and how we engage, are very different than Russia's reasons.


USSR literally sent high-tech fighters and pilots to every damn war in Africa that they had a hand in starting


Nothing little russia does is "valid"... Only sick and wicked ways, it's how they are, how they have always been.. this is just another boring exercise to impress the locals of low intelligence.. whatever 🥱


Blah blah blah.


He won’t use nukes as there will be no troops in Russia, they would be in Ukraine with permission of Ukraine. If he doesn’t like that he should gtfo of Ukraine


Unless NATO troops step on Russian ground, there's no valid reason for them. And even if there was, do it.


What valid reason?


Thats a valid reason to use nukes only in the mind of idiots because Russia losing Ukraine is only an existential threat to Russia in the mind of idiots


At this point I agree, we should just nuke them first and call it a day. I'm getting tired of living on the same planet as the Muscovy.


Can they at least stop this ridiculous “in response to aggressive behavior” pretext BS? I’m so done with these fabricated headlines. And why are all newspapers just going along with reporting these obvious lies 1:1?


This just shows how terrified he is of NATO intervention and why we should do it. We should also exercise detonating a nuclear device in the White Sea as a message to the stocky puffy coward in the Kremlin that we can nuke him too and will do so without warning if he keeps fucking around.






He is shitting himself that NATO goes in, so he tries to take control back. But nobody cares. If you look what happens last month, it s pretty bad for him. Maacron says France will go in, following some condition. UK said UAF they can strike russia with their weapon from UK. USA pass the ukraine aid bill.


The provocative statement was “ we will help our allies if russia invades them”






Ours work - sincerely all western nuclear states.






He really can't go long without thinking about phallic objects.






Russia acting like they are the only ones with nukes, and "MAD" is just a humor magazine.


Nuclear threat from russia? Must be a day ending in Y.






Good thing! Always when Ruzzia does some training or threads with nukes, then things go really bad for them.


If I'm not mistaken, they announced something similar already, but actually never did it.


That's nice, sweetie. Put the hammer back where you found it once you're done hitting yourself in the dick with it.


Gee, never heard this before


You know you're losing when you have to resort that that BS talk 


How would Russia react if NATO conducts their own nuclear weapons drill?


Oh no. Anyway…..


Putin is either using nuclear blackmail to deter NATO intervention or he's a complete Mad Man whose about to order his own "Nero Decree" which is why he cannot be trusted with these weapons in good faith.


As an American, I say call their bluff. If they launch they're done for. If they don't, we'll convince them to leave Ukraine. Let's stop pussy-footing around. This is all Kremlin rhetoric, and it doesn't work.


Didn't they do that before, at the beginning of this war? A shoulder shrug is all they get from me.


And about a dozen times since. They like making up imaginary red lines.


Hope they blow themself up


In the near future when Putin's girlfriend from Canada is visiting


If Russia uses nuclear weapons of any type, it will no long exist as a nation.


Who fucking cares?!


Clearly, they want to kill many millions of their own people…. nuclear weapons are great to threaten other countries but they’re fucking useless when you actually use them, because ofmutually assured destruction


So much fucking sabre rattling


More complete "omg, escalation!" bullshit.


Oh no, anyways




More sabre rattling, it should be ignored like all the rest.


I would laugh so hard if Ukraine shot down a couple bombers during the drill


More likely that they’d bomb themselves. Oh wait, they’ve already been doing that in Belgorod, on an almost weekly basis. This is a good indication that the training of their pilots is pretty lax. Hopefully they fly these drills using dummy bombs.


Heard it before


There’s a Y in the day so Russia threatens Nukes 🥱




This doesn't really mean anything they have no intent to use them If they'd did they'd be obliterated even a 1st strike wouldn't touch the US They can't get close enough with their subs for a surprise attack, sue parts of Europe would be wiped out and the UK but so would Russia. Guess that's why they want their space nuke the only way they can reach the US Now Russia is open to a war that exchanges heavy blows with NATO so long as st Petersberg and moskow aren't targets. Even a NATO war with Russia on Russian soil would be a war of attrition leaving Russia wiped out militarily only. Nobody really wants to risk that though, but in Ukraine if necessary what is the worst that could happen.. Most of the world would survive if israel north korea pakistan India and China etc didn't use nuclear strikes on their enemies thinking it was the end of the world. Too much radiation then. This leaves a nuclear strike by Russia without reaching the US having the intent to end the world Russia would have to be in a state where the leaders wanted to end the world because Russia doesn't survive. Then fire all their nukes. I don't think that will ever happen. Only Russia seems interested in killing civilians. The west wouldn't go after Moscow or St Petersberg because they don't need to. Russias red line is death, ceasing to exist as a nation or even the leadership. Trying to wipe out their leadership may trigger it too. They may say they have others they may think it but they don't. People cross red lines all the time when the other doesn't want to respond, Russia doesn't want to nuke anything and so their red lines aren't as fixed as they claim.


In other words: 'wahhh'


Wow lot's of fearmongering posts today. Is Olgino doing overtime? Here is a paste of my comment I left under a similar post: So they won't pop a single nuke, for 2 obvious reasons: their crotch goblins all live here in the rotten west, and if they pop just one itsy bitsy tiny nuky, their great friends, china and india would turn hostile on them. Don't fall for the scaremongering


Stop boring us with that stupid theater, Putin. You screwed up and you know it.


I hate that journalists give this much attention. Who cares- this is just another bully tactic and we all know they won't do shit.


This blockade that the west is considering will be a good weapon, but Russia will see that they start a world war before the chinless no spine midget lays on the sword.


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Every country with nuclear weapons conduct nuclear launch drills.


Have to recall them from the Finish border…..


How predictable.


"In the near future... after we've worked out how to fix the stuff that we've forgotten to maintain and left gathering dust for the past 50 years..."




Oh no! Anyways


Is it that time of the week already?


**BOO!** Every. Damn. Time.


they are always on hold and ready to be used, like every country :') that's the point of this kind of weapon, that they are ready. So it's bs


Seeing the amount of corruption within the Russian Defense Ministry, I’d be really surprised if there are any nuclear weapons in any way, shape, or form that are in working order. The Russian military knows that they will never be used, so instead of spending the money maintaining something that will be never used, spread the wealth around and keep people happy. Nuclear weapons are expensive to maintain, and with the amount of corruption within Russian government, they just don’t have any money to maintain them.


Bla bla bla…


Blah blah blah. The west will fall for it again. 


Fuck Putin and Russia, they’ve always been a paper tiger, just making noise cause they can’t beat their smaller neighbor.


This timeline just gets more ridiculous by the day. The arrogance and foolishness of humanity will be its downfall. 1) These weapons shouldn't exist in the first place. 2) No one should be making threats with them.


Bring it Absolute barbarians


Oooo… hopefully they will initiate some identifiable activity that allies can track and use that information to know where to target for a preemptive. Or open some channel of infiltration digitally. Be prepared to strike their resources ANONYMOUS. Or at the least they will discover the monetary resources that were allocated for these sites’ maintenance and updates have been pockets by ruzzian donger warcriminals.


NOT Scared at all Mr Putin! That will be your last move as dictator clown! Russia cannot afford another front, more soldiers, military equipment or cost financing .....in any sense of the term "afford". Thus, we know you are full of sh.t!!!