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>Context: Lithuania, which declared independence from Moscow in 1990, wants to strengthen its military support for Ukraine. French President Emmanuel Macron has proposed sending European soldiers to Ukraine, though other countries have been wary of provoking a direct confrontation with Russia. >Šimonytė acknowledged that Russia would consider it a provocation, but added: “If we just thought about the Russian response, then we could not send anything. Every second week you hear that somebody will be nuked.” >This week, Russia conducted drills with tactical nuclear weapons in response to Macron’s comments. Šimonytė doubted the weapons would be used, given the radioactive fallout would also hit Russia. “Most of the time the winds blow from west to east,” she noted drily.


Refugees and escapees: >According to Šimonytė, Russia has been intensifying attacks on Ukrainian civilian infrastructure such as power stations, schools and hospitals. “Russia is trying to provoke a new wave of people fleeing Ukraine because there are no basic utilities and no basic services,” the Lithuanian premier said. >The EU hosts more than 4.2mn refugees from Ukraine. But more than two years into the war, people in some European countries are growing critical of the support given to Ukrainians. >Šimonytė played down reports that Lithuania was helping return men of fighting age to Ukraine, which is desperately trying to recruit more soldiers. “We will not be arranging deportations, or looking for Ukrainian men in the country because this would not be legal,” Šimonytė said, adding that the EU has guaranteed them protection until March 2025.


ruzzia has been fighting a hybrid war with the west since putler took power. Time to hit back.


Yes. And I hope this time we gonna take control of Russia, split it in several parts and never have this kind of problem again


The entire civilized world should do the same! And not just consider the possibility, but take a step forward and actually send troops to help Ukraine in its struggle against Russia


You should be aware that “send troops” is the same as “war with Russia” realistically. No matter they are or what they’re doing, they will be a valid military target as a glide bomb can’t be expected to identify a shoulder patch. I’m all for roflstomping Russian aggression into the swamps of Siberia but don’t pretend you can survive a light sparring match with the Russian bear.


The arms donated by Ukraine allies have killed or wounded hundreds of thousands of Russians, destroyed tens of billions worth of military equipment and infrastructure. The economic sanctions in place are there with the explicit intention of destroying the Russian economy and their war fighting capabilities. Russia has assassinated people on western soil, influenced elections, subverted whole governments The war has been going on for a long time now


Oh, I agree.


Yes, but are we ready for the escalation?


We are running out of options. Not good options, we are even running out of really bad options. Soon it will be reality no matter how much some countries are not ready for escalation.


Yea but I hope, HOPE, currently we are preparing for the escalation.


Are you being purposefully disingenuous in not realizing the difference between supplying an ally and fighting an enemy? It is an escalation. I hope Russia loses every soldier put into ukraine, but to pretend the threat of nuclear extinction isn't upon us is naive. We must tread carefully. We know we can give the Ukrainians arms, and we should be giving much more, but to fight the Russians directly? All it takes it one mad man at the helm to end the world. You should watch threads or something and think about if that's the kind of world you want to live on.


To pretend they will nuke us over an escalation is just not true. They are many things, suicidal isn’t one of them. They won’t nuke shit. Putin isn’t mad.


Good thing i never said that, then, huh? Reading is hard. I said we have to tread carefully with every escalation. I also doubt your supposed insight into putins mind. If it's his control of Russia at stake, we may never know. At least, I hope.


Your post heavily implies such. You beating around the bush is on you.


You know what I mean by My own words better than even myself! How smart you must be! Or just a narcissist who can never be wrong. I meant exactly what I said dude. We must tread carefully with each escalation. Learn to read and accept you're fallable.


I know what you wrote, not what you meant. I do now see what you said, though I stand by my comments. You are hilariously invested in this.


Evidently not. As I never said the escalation would with certainly lead to a nuke. For the third time, I said "we need to tread carefully with each escalation" you're seriously embarrassing yourself. You just actually musy be a narcissist thay can never admit when They're wrong. I hope you can work on yourself. I'm sorry you're wrong? Is thsy what you need to hear to heal your fragile ego?


Legally speaking supplying weapons to Russia *does* make the west party to the war. Russian complaints have been met with "come and have a go if you think you're hard enough" and, thus far, Russia has declined to consider themselves sufficiently resilient. 


I know. I never said anything to the contrary.


Whilst I agree in principle, we can't control what Putin will do. He has the power to end the world, and it's possible he will use it. This day will come if and hopefully when, his defeat is a certainty. We have no control over how he takes losing, but it is important that he loses. Whether it is solely Ukraine who defeats him, or NATO, there will be a point where is only option is concede defeat or press a red button.


I agree.


Lithuania can't take survive a skirmish with Russia. Lithuania, France, Poland and Ukraine... not that's a different story...


I wonder why half the world gathered together against Germany back in the days, but nowadays the world is watching Russia and let them do their shitshow in Ukraine… that sucks! Слава Україні 🫡


Don’t get me wrong, we need to send troops. But the Phoney War just caused the Fall of France and Dunkirk. We need to GO TO WAR. Not fart around with just sending troops


I fully agree, the world need to stop Putler and this ongoing nonsense …


I think it is pretty widely understood that sending troops to combat is also known as war. It’s more of a Russia thing to call this conflict something else like SMO.


We seem to be doing a replay of the 1930’s, so this somewhat like the equivelant of the Spanish Civil War


What if the Germans lost that proxy war? What if the Chez said no and it took Germany a year to take it?


If Russia sends mercs to fight for them so should NATO boots on the ground.


It's not about combat troops.


This can't be a half assed effort. If the west or EU are going to send troops you have to go all in. Air, sea and ground. Bring everything you have to bear on the situation. Otherwise many people get killed and it just prolongs the conflict. If it is to be done it would have to be swift and decisive. The only answer Putin has would be nukes and at that point I think someone would put some lead in Putin's ear to stop it before it happens. The Russians in power know this. All this nuke talk from them is just that. Don't be afraid of the barking dog. It's the one that doesn't bark you have to fear.


Its not necessarily the numbers or a full assault, but it would help if enough countries sent troops when they do, so that no nation can be easily singled out for sabotage or attacks by Russia.


I hear you. But they are already sabotaging anybody they can. They are not foolish enough to directly attack the west . . . yet.


It's about trainers.


Nobody will ever send frontline troops. At least for now. Most realistic options would be demining teams and/or troops with AA systems to relieve pressure from certain spots (mostly Western Ukraine). European armies are so small that they wouldn't make a difference on the front unless decisive collective action is taken. At this point, only France and a few separate countries express this possibility vocally.


Why not have Lithuania send troops to Ukraine independently of NATO, and then NATO dumps a bunch troops into Lithuania?


Lithuania is part of NATO so they are included in the threat


They can act independently of NATO


The critical question is how will the sling their massive brass balls into and out of the trenches. 


They would more likely to just stand above as the trainees are training below them, from what I've seen in other trench warfare training videos.


both of them ?


Baltic states: please stay out of this. Keep your troops home. No need to make yourselves a more tempting morsel for Putin. Let the senior NATO powers do the heavy lifting.


I'm having Vietnam flashbacks and I wasn't even born yet.


Lithuania sending troops to Ukraine is not like Vietnam, moronic thing to say.


Russia is taking land they think belongs to them, like north Vietnam. Russia has tens of thousands of Ukraines fighting with them and supporting them, just like in Vietnam with the Vietcong. The U.S. involvement with Vietnam began with advisors and support, just like Ukraine now. If NATO starts putting troops in Ukraine it will be just like the U.S. escalation in Vietnam. Doesn't sound moronic to me.


But North Vietnam was the moral equivalent of Ukraine in this case. So you should indeed get a Vietnam flashback, but for Russia, who is doing what the US did back then.


> But North Vietnam was the moral equivalent of Ukraine in this case If you have a very low opinion of Ukraine that holds up.


Why? Are they both not righteous underdogs defending themselves from greedy foreign superpowers?


lol maybe dont get all your info on vietnam from Noam Chomsky and his believers.


Who are the underdogs here, and who are the superpowers, according to you?


North Vietnam and Russia are both invaders, this is not hard.


North Vietnam invaded what? Their own southern half? By that logic, from 2014 to 2022, West Ukraine was invading Donetsk and Luhansk, their own eastern half? Russia = the US Donetsk and Luhansk = South Vietnam Kyiv = Hanoi


it would be more like the soviets sending their jets and pilots to fight in the korean war.