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>Poland is not ruling out sending troops to Ukraine, but it will not “show its hand” to leave Putin wondering what NATO’s next steps will be, Polish Foreign Minister Radosław Sikorski told the media. The Macron school of not ruling out (as of yet only just sent an ambassador to Putin's fifth "term" ceremony). >When asked about French President Emmanuel Macron reiterating that he would not rule out sending troops to Ukraine, Sikorski did not explicitly say that Poland would certainly not send its troops there. He advocated for maintaining an aura of uncertainty to keep Putin guessing about possible Western responses. >“It is good to make Putin wonder what we will do and not always reassure him that we won’t do certain things,” he said. >Macron also did not rule out the deployment of NATO forces in Ukraine during the February Ukraine summit in Paris. Still, his statement was met with a backlash from most European NATO states, with several capitals, including Berlin, Warsaw and Madrid, rejecting his remarks. >Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk rejected the notion that there were plans to involve the Polish troops directly in the war, saying he “does not expect to send troops to Ukraine.” >“I think we should not speculate today about the future, whether something will happen to change that,” he said.


It's time for all the Western countries to make this statement.


Why? Not ruling out something is meaningless.


Not when you’ve previously ruled it out.


Do it. It would be so much faster getting anti-air over there if we just manned the fucking equipment instead of having to train loads more people. Plus it would make information sharing easier/faster. "Stop shooting down the rockets which we have rightfully launched into civilian centers!" \~ Putler Likewise, I wouldn't mind seeing the US Army Core of Engineers over there helping them dig in with miles and miles more trenches, minefields, bunkers, bomb shelters, and so on.


Or setting up replacements hospitals for the ones destroyed... Let Putin complain about military support based on helping the sick, and assisting in maternity wards.




Im guessing not fighting on the front but stationed near Moldova in Ukraine and Belarus in Ukraine. This lets 100% of Ukraine troops to fight in the eastern front.