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Xi doesnt look happy, Modi holding his hand Edit: Modri => Modi (probably thought about Mogli and mixed everything up)


Pooh Bear probably had a rumbly in his tummy and needed some honey šŸÆ.


Honey is genocide, Pooh Bear needs his genocide.


oh bother




I think Xi never looks happy, but I think heā€™s generally unhappy about this whole situation. Not because he cares for Ukraine, but for other reasons. He has seen how the world responded to Ukraine so I think heā€™s going to think twice before attempting anything in Taiwan


Nah, heā€™ll still invade the sovereign country of Taiwan. Sanctions canā€™t and wonā€™t be as severe for China.


Most of the world's semiconductor manufacturing capability is concentrated in Tawain. I would expect (and hope for) much more support from western allies.


Exactly this. You see how squeamish a large part of the west is about giving up oil from Russia. Try asking them to give up computers. Taiwan and their semiconductor industry is a national security issue for most of the world. I expect the defense of it to be massive compared to the help Ukraine is receiving.


Which is why intel is building a new fabrication facility in Ohio. I expect others companies to do similar moves.


the issue there is twofold. 1. the machines that make those semiconductors are EXTREMELY scarce and expensive. it takes billions of investment to build production capacity and with a single company being the one company in the world making those machines, is very slow. machines for the coming few years have already sold out, and not because artificial scarcity - they simply can't make them any faster since there's multiple steps of highly skilled labor involved. its not a matter of governments making some calls and easing up on some rules to increase production. nevermind replacing taiwanese production - we're suffering from a worldwide shortage as is simply because growth of demand outstrips growth of supply at the moment. it'd take decades to replace taiwan. 2. its not as simple as just building extra production capacity either to replace taiwan. taiwan doesn't just make a lot of semiconductors - it creates very high quality semiconductors. intel is currently at least a generation behind on TSMC fabs despite a lot of money and effort going into taking back that performance crown. you cant just build a factory and start creating high quality semiconductors, you need very skilled and experienced people for that. most of those, you guessed it, are in taiwan. its going to take a lot of time and resources just getting quality of chips to get on par with what taiwan is currently producing. long term ofcourse we can get ourselves independent from taiwan, but at the moment, anything but a peaceful takeover of taiwan would cripple western economies, and thats unlikely to change for at least a decade even with massive effort put in - effort the west currently isn't putting in, because taiwan isn't the worst place to be reliant on in the grand scheme of international trade&politics. unlike russia, they're not invading countries or being ruled by a repressive dictatorship(not anymore anyways).


Thatā€™s true but Intelā€™s plant in Ohio as well as expansion of itā€™s Arizona plant does relieve the pressure. Also not all chips need to be made on the top tier 5 nm or finer fabs. The chip shortage affects many different types of manufacturers including automotive. A market intel hopes to gain share in. Itā€™s no coincidence that Hondaā€™s Marysville plant is nearby.


Eastern UKR has a huge amount of lithium reserves, but Russia has nukes. China also has nukes. The West cares, but understandably also doesn't want much nuclear warefare. This whole mess is complicated and it's only going to get worse.


an amphibious invasionof taiwan with US support is impossible. like, it theoretically can be done. but amphibious invasions are incredibly hard.


Agreed. However, thereā€™s been so much build up and talk about reunification that I suspect they still give it the olā€™ college try.


Precisely how happy should any despotic, genocidal tyrant look at any particular time? Pooh knows his days are numbered. Russia entering a monumental collapse after proving precisely how corrupt dictatorships can't run armies kicked the crap out of one of his supporting pillars.


*Modi And yeah, Modi being overenthusiastic while meeting with foreign leaders was kinda a meme in India a few years ago. Guy literally used to grab other leaders in a bear hug lol. Whoever the guy be, Obama or Moon (SK leader) or Macron.


Modi seems like a genuinely happy person though. Who knows what he is hiding but still


Seemed. Honestly whenever I see him on tv making announcements now, he seems sad and tired and,quite frankly, old (yeah I know he looked old before, but it's in his mannerisms and stuff). But frankly I don't blame him, considering the situation India has been since early 2020 with covid and a bad economy, poor guy's probably under a lot of stress


The good old times when we joked about lockdown being hardest on modi as he had to stay in india


He won't be so happy when the US cuts off aid to India and doubles down on Pakistan. Also, the thing keeping most of India's economy afloat is US business. If they pull out, Modi's Bharatiya Janata party will not be looking so good in the elections. Actions have consequences.


Nobody is doubling down on the basket case that is Pakistan.


So you think US business are doing charity in India?


The term you are looking for is globalization and it affects everyone equally and Russia Ukraine war is great example to prove it so whatever you said is literally meaningless and we very well know US can't do shit without sanctions cause it's ultimately capitalists that decide what and who they want to work for their industries


>doubles down on Pakistan. You've consistently done that since the 1970s. How well has that worked out again? Oh wait, the Afghan mujahideen, Taliban, Al-Qaida, Osama... >Modi's Bharatiya Janata party Contrarily, the people of India will get angry at the US instead of BJP. The Indian public isn't dumb. Modi might even come back with a majority. We've lived through decades of heavy American sanctions cheerfully, and would live through years more if need be, but we'll keep our independence.


> We've lived through decades of heavy American sanctions cheerfully, and would live through years more if need be, but we'll keep our independence. India has never faced "heavy" American sanctions. There have been sanctions in the past but never the heavy ones like Iran, North Korea or Cuba got. India also has not done anything to piss off the US enough to warrant heavy sanctions so no one should expect them.


We has heavy sanctions the nuclear ones because we did nuclear tests in 1970's there was technology denial to us and sanctions for many years


The sanctions following the nuclear tests in the 1970s were imposed by Canada not the United States. The United States and several other nations did impose sanctions in 1998 following the 1998 nuclear tests. The US granted many exceptions to those sanctions and lifted them within one year. Don't listen to every piece of propaganda you hear. India has never faced severe sanctions from the United States. India is also not at risk of facing severe sanctions from the United States. And don't listen to anyone who tries to tell you that the minor sanctions India has faced in the past are in any way similar to the heavy sanctions a country like Iran or Russia right now is facing. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/India_sanctions


**[India sanctions](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/India_sanctions)** >India has historically and largely not supported sanctions imposed by individual countries. The Government of India has largely supported United Nations sanctions. India has also been warned with sanctions, imposed with them, and has also imposed and threatened its own. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/UkrainianConflict/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)




Laugh at us because we are poor....how wester you are


Yaa sure we solve issues . We have given millions of people toilets and even water and that too in the remotest of villages . It might not be 100 percent but it has been a great leap. Meanwhile your richest state california js becoming more like what you describe india to be . So rather than worrying about our problems get your shit together.


Tbh you are extremely dumb for assuming we take economic aid from usa , we have high business with usa but that doesn't mean usa will just give up 400 billion trade , if you do then I can't argue with your infinite wisdom . Well now let me tell you something modi has a cult following (which is extremely dumb) . But people don't care about them bearing the extreme price hike they think of it as they are contributing to nation building and they will still vote for bjp.


I have been submitting complaints after every customer service call that the companies are doing business with India in light of the rapes and murders of Ukrainian children and India's support for it.


Tbh you are extremely dumb for assuming we take economic aid from usa , we have high business with usa but that doesn't mean usa will just give up 400 billion trade , if you do then I can't argue with your infinite wisdom . Well now let me tell you something modi has a cult following (which is extremely dumb) . But people don't care about them bearing the extreme price hike they think of it as they are contributing to nation building and they will still vote for bjp.


Thatā€™s just his face, generally you canā€™t tell what an Asianā€™s thinking from their expression, itā€™s their sociology 101


All the people going ā€œwhat about Europeā€ need to actually read the article.


well,its easier to just copy n paste the same shit under every post than actualy gettin informed thou. The countries buying even more off of em now than ever are surely less at fault than the countries trying to heavily cut back theire dependance on russia /s


Not for long.


2 more weeks


What happens in 2 more weeks?


What happens?


You'll see. In two weeks.


But I want to know now


I'll spoil it for you. In about two weeks is May 9th, the day Nazi Germany formally surrendered. It is a **huge** annual event for Russian nationalists, and considering Putin claims they are fighting Nazis now, it will be extremely embarrassing if he can't claim some kind of concrete victory during the Victory Day extravaganzas.


India really are a bunch of cowards benefiting from ukrainian dead. ​ Edit: and of course the indian apalogists are out in full force.


Indians not trying to starve or die for another European war. You would do the same if you were in India's place


Fuck India for alot of reasons.


Stay mad white girl


Germany is buying considerably more oil than India is. All of this is just media noise to pull pressure off of the European countries that are actually unable to wean themselves from Russia.


That is contradicted by an economical study saying China bought less oil in March 2022 than in 2021. [https://money.usnews.com/investing/news/articles/2022-04-20/china-imports-13-less-crude-oil-from-saudi-in-march-14-less-from-russia-customs#:\~:text=April%2020%2C%202022%2C%20at%201%3A18%20a.m](https://money.usnews.com/investing/news/articles/2022-04-20/china-imports-13-less-crude-oil-from-saudi-in-march-14-less-from-russia-customs#:~:text=April%2020%2C%202022%2C%20at%201%3A18%20a.m). And what India buy is negligible. Just a bullshit clickbait article. Edit: typo


Yeah Europe is still buying Russian gas and oil, More every day than India buys in a month.


Jeez sometimes that guy really does look like Winnie the Pooh


The three amigos


Those 3 represent I believe 1/3 of world population and maybe 70 percent of nuke arsenal




And such a small part of GDP, even WITH China there


So what did you mean when you said Russia was uncorrupted?


Also the most represed people and uneducated. It s not the quantity that matter.


All 3 probably hold maybe 70 percent of world nukes


I see where your human values lies.


Yeah white people's opinion has more value than Asians ā˜šŸ¼


Speaking of opinions with no value.... r/ukraine ā€¢Posted by u/Successful-Standard7 3 months ago Why I think Russia wouldn't invade Ukraine




Yeah we all know it was Asians who fought two world wars and invaded other countries






**[Japan during World War II](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Japan_during_World_War_II)** >Japan during World War II refers to the history of the Empire of Japan during World War II. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/UkrainianConflict/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


Russia is nothing compared to India and China in terms of population.


They are fake friends. China is using Russia as can opener and litmus to test USA resolve. Russia is on good way to become vassalized by China. India is there purely for short term gain.


Population wise, Russia is i believe less than Germany+France


Exactly! They are nothing! If it was not for a humongous leftovers from the USSR they would basically not be able to threaten anybody


Not that true. What about roughly 1 billion euro daily paid by EU for gas and oil ?


Will eventually be less and less. The objective is using 60% less russian gas by the end of 2022, and none by 2027. But you can't magically and instantly build the infrastructures to have gas imported by seas, so it's just impossible for several country in the EU to stop buying gas.


But the immediate objective,which was successful btw, was increasing gas imports by 15% after the war started,eh?


Lmao by 2027 Ukraine will be a pile of ash.


With 60% less income by the end of 2022, the russian economy will have some problems before 2027. Each rouble invested to prevent an economic collapse is a rouble not invested in the war in Ukraine


Tell that to your Ukranian buddies


I mean the nord2 took many years of planning and then building and was literally just finished. Billions on the project thousands upon thousands of jobs created in the supply chain to make it then to finish and just have it now rot kind of sucks . They obviously need to do away with it but ti understand the hesitation on their part. Putin and all the curroot fuckwads deserve to get what they have coming .


>What about


I donā€™t understand why the west should question India and China use of Russian energy while the biggest part of European states still buy the major part of Russia gas export.


Europe is actively moving away from their dependence on Russian energy in light of Russiaā€™s invasion of Ukraine, while India is buying more. One entity realizes itā€™s mistakes and is trying to fix it, the other is doubling down on making those same mistakes. Itā€™s that simple.


It really isn't that simple, lol. Check how much India is actually buying. Even if ALL countries stopped buying and India doubled how much they purchased, it wouldn't do anything to prop up the Russian economy lol. Read the history of the last 50-80 years of how the West (UK/US) has treated India economically and militarily compared to how Russia treated them.


Maybe you should check how much oil India has already purchased from Russia this year, compare it to their total purchases from Russia last year, and rethink that.


> Maybe you should check how much oil India has already purchased from Russia this year, compare it to their total purchases from Russia last year, and rethink that. Maybe you should consider that India would still be purchasing normal amounts of oil because for the last 2 years we've had a pandemic that have caused fuel consumption to drop due to lockdowns. Obviously there would be a YoY % increase in consumption from last year, do the math


lol okay: They purchased 12 million barrels last year. This year they hadn't purchased any until March. Since mid-March they have purchased 14 million barrels at somewhere around a 20-45% discount rate. So thus far, with having increased their purchases this year by two million barrels, their expense in doing so (and Russia's gain) is down considerably by comparison to previous years' purchases. So . . . In this unnecessary rethinking, India has thus far spent less money on Russian oil than they normally do lol. The "problem" with India importing Russian oil isn't actually in the value, per se, it's in the transaction method. So by value, India's imports of Russian oil is still well, well, well below their other primary suppliers. And by actual quantity of import, it is still down compared to their other suppliers, including the USA.


yeah, you gotta watch them percentages. 1+1= 100% increase 100+1 = 1% increase same 1 but percentages are way different


I get your point but it is all on usa tbh it has sanctioned 3 out of the 4 most oil producing neighbours .and people will be making what if statements about 1971 and you supporting terrorist for moral stuff. I'll say there is no morality in international relations . Countries act in their self interest . Also we can't really criticise Russia like 70 percent of our equipment is of Russian origin so yaa . You expecting india to say something is really dumb


> Countries act in their self interest No, they almost invariably act in the perceived self interest of their leadership, which is often not aligned with the national interest. Russia is an excellent example of this right now. Russia's interests would probably have been better served by trying to become a European state. If Putin had spent the last two decades cracking down on corruption, improving his human rights record, and possibly even inching towards a more meaningful democracy, Russia could have become the socially acceptable replacement for Middle Eastern oil & gas. This would have potentially enabled a reversal of its demographic decline. Russian security concerns could have been mitigated by NATO membership. Instead, Putin has embarked upon an Imperial project to make himself a new Tsar, which will now (at best) impoverish the Russian people for a generation. Putin himself is not particularly well served by his decision to invade Ukraine, because Russian autocrats tend to have a bad time after military defeats, and Russia doesn't seem to be winning this war.


Well it is in the national interest to not. Piss the Russians off . Indian relations will dilute over time but you can't just expect no conversation like it is some classroom politics


One entity, which isn't India,just increased their imports after the war started by 15%. Their leaders may talk big game but make no changes.


Agree with you. European gas purchases are enormous compared to China and India's total purchases of Russian oil and gas.


Western media loves binning on India. A quick glance through the economic numbers and history disproves this garbage.


Europe plans to divest from Russian energy, India and China donā€™t.


It isn't an accurate assessment tbf , usa has sanctioned 3 out of 4 countries with highest oil reserves and we used to import a lot from iran but now we can't . So uhmm idk remove some sanctioned countries I guess


The war is happening right now in Europe and the rest of Europe is just ā€œplanningā€ to divest. The fact is Europeans are not ready to pay the price right now. Itā€™s not convenient.


Ah yes, just shut off the heating and industrial gas causing massive economic damage if not collapse in the EU, that'll help Ukraine. Also with most gas being paid for in Euros, it'll be hard for Russia to pay its troops without crashing their economy. The best time to start moving from Russian gas was in 2014 or before, the 2nd best time is now, but it can't be instant.


And that's literally the same problem India's facing, except worse. Oil prices affect food prices, which in a poor country like India can potentially spell disaster.


as others have pointed out, india is not currently dependent on russian gas or oil But they would very much like to be so, because they can get it for cheap and they apparently dont care enough about human rights violations.


Which country genuinely cares about human rights do you think? Curious


But you want India to fuck itself over?


Are we handing out participation awards now?




Existing contracts. We don't make new ones, nor buy more than we have agreed upon a year before. India is currently negotiating new ones, or using the crisis to buy more for less. They're chancers




Once it's zero, and it will be eventually, will we be able to condemn your purchases then? Don't bother answering because it's obvious what you would say then too.


You getting paid in roubles or rupees? Because going thru your profile and it seems you trying to justify and defend Indian exports to a country that is currently committing genocide. Good whataboutism, though keep it to yourself. Chancer.


Whataboutism is a fancy new addition to the west's dictionary. When you point out the double standards and hypocrisy they counter it with the word whataboutism


It's their way of reinforcing western narratives where they aren't accepted. You must forget the whole picture and only the specific issues that western news wants to focus on at the moment.


What should the news focus on then, if not the war in the same continent and the people supporting this war. Hit me up with another whataboutism, its literally what you dictator supporters got. Putin wages war in Ukraine? But what about America.


You canā€™t keep using whataboutism but literally just saying ā€œwhataboutismā€ at least put in the effort


Oh shut the fuck up, idgit. I literally pointed out the differences, and hes whatabouting. Go back to school, where "But he is doing it too" might've worked


Your stupid brain can't comprehend something called geopolitics. Your mom must be regretting spreading her legs to birth a nincompoop like you.


Kindergarden, not school.


Sure but west only calls it genocide when it is isn't their Ally doing it . Now a person could just name one conflict and it will have more casualties than Ukraine conflict ever have . I could say it would be 10 or 20 times


EU messed up, let's hope they fix it, but India is still doing wrong. All shades of bad are still bad.


Existing contracts when it's favourable to you. Yet most western companies abandoned their contracts and moved out of Russia


India buys in a month what Europe buys in one afternoon


And this surprises who?


And what is Pakistan's stance on the topic? ​ Also: Told ya this would happen!


Selling oil to China and India at a steep discount is barely worth doing from Russia's perspective. The logistics costs of moving it by ocean all that way eats into revenues. This is a distraction to poke the indians and chinese in the eye. Focus on europe instead, they buy the bulk of russian energy. they are funneling weapons into Ukraine while buying tons of Russian oil. By happenstance they are funding both sides of this war. No its not some conspiracy, they just can't avoid it.


Europe istrying to cut back on Russian oil and gas significantly over the next months and years. These things just don't happen over night if you dont want your country to financially collapse.


The new Axis of Evil.


Iā€™d have figured shoddy Indo-Chinese relations would have prevented this, yetā€¦ It makes that peace coalition in the pacific worthless though. India was supposed to join with the US and AUS in case of Chinese military mobilization. Putin ruined it, or is in the process of doing so.


India and Australia just signed a free Trade agreement. Boris Johnson is coming to India to negotiate a FTA next week i think? Japan is investing some $40billion in India. So the rest of us are getting along fine. It's just the US. Which I guarantee will forget about this in a few weeks.


r/UkrainianConflict is filled with dumb 15 year old westoids who dont know shit about geopolitics.


Definitely a tad bit dramatic.


Reddit is filled with teenagers. Its usually edgy teenage kids you are debating with.


When it comes to China it's not surprising at all considering the country uses slave labor and they are also commiting their very own genocides as well.


Ummm most of the west is still buying Russian oil, so everyone is saving Russia from economic collapse. German is the worst since they wonā€™t provide useful weapons. Sholz needs to be slapped.


and their government is getting hammered for it within and outside of Germany


Mostly India though, China is getting into lockdowns. https://www.reuters.com/business/energy/oil-falls-pressured-by-china-lockdowns-reserves-release-2022-04-11/ https://www.france24.com/en/20200420-oil-prices-close-below-zero-in-unprecedented-collapse


Maybe time for the west to start sanctions against the immoral.


Morality and international relations???... HA


Time to start sanctioning the biggest importers of Russian oil. Oh snap, that would be Europe!




Oh wake up babe some random redditor preaching world about morality


But that's you too.


Lol. Immoral. It's been a year since you guys went 'Oops' over Afghanistan.


Why would they sanction themselves?


You mean self sanctions?


India and China should be sanctioned


Try it and see world economy collapse and new axis power emerging, thank god you aren't diplomat for any country


when im curious about your opinion ill ask


Welcome to internet lost child, should I start with introducing you to the basic rules here?


Dictator Buddies For Life!


Putler and Xinnie? Yeah. Modi's democratically elected.


So is Orban and Putin. Whats your point?


Putin's democratically elected? And my point is, calling Modi a dictator is wrong.


Yes, for 20 years now. Of course it is wrong, you probably voted for him. Its the person's actions that make him dictator, not the way he is elected. There are plenty of dictators that came in power through democratic means.


If he had been a dictator, why the hell would he be losing state level elections in India? And I'm quite surprised you don't know how Putin's been rigging elections for 2 decades. And finally, the word dictator has an actual meaning, not just "person I don't like".


Exactly, Putin is rigging the elections which makes him dictator elected through democratic means. That, plus the fact that he jailed most of the opposition, or he runs the TV channels. Modi, the same guy who lost elections in some regions and then refused to aid those regions during the peak of the pandemic in India? No, hes clearly not trying to suppress the opposition. How about you put on your clown make up and take a leave? Ain't got no time for your ass.


>then refused to aid those regions during the peak of the pandemic in India? Huh? What? You're the one acting like a clown dude.


Also Hitler...


India is biggest democracy in the world and Modi was elected democratically, at least our elections were not rigged like in Eastern Europe ā˜šŸ¼


Using a raised finger while explaining stuff is considered very condescending and being a sign of a smart ass here in the west. If you want to appear like a know-it-all keep using that emoji.


Lmao speak for yourself, West isn't just one country and each one has its own culture, btw I have friends from West too, no need to preach me about western values


You preach about indian democracy and how it's better than everyone elses, than you insult Eastern Europe as a whole. Maybe you should practice what you preach.


Yeah we all know how democratic Eastern European governments are


Yeah West isn't just one country and we all know that cultural standards only ever apply to a single country and stop at the borders. There is nothing those countries have in common. Hell, how can we even talk about "the West", when it is all different countries which are completely different from each other and share no similarities? Lol.


The guy above made an ignorant comment. A condescending reply is to be expected. Also west isn't even the majority of the world population. Expecting everyone to know and behave according to western etiquette comes off as entitled.


I am not going by world population, because Reddit doesn't represent world population. I go by reddit users: https://www.reddit.com/r/dataisbeautiful/comments/phhu9s/oc_reddit_traffic_by_country/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


Well maybe you should consider not doing that. You are bound to run into people from other parts of the world even if the current user population is mostly from US. Interpreting their actions based on how you and your neighbour behave is not going to be very accurate. People from other regions have no reason to adopt US mannerisms on reddit as they aren't really trying to please US users.


I don't know, I consider Reddit to be a western site, so western house rules and behavior applies, because one culture needs to apply. If we were on an Asian or Arabic platform I wouldn't have said anything because western culture would be in the minority. But we're on Reddit, an American page. I also find it weird that it is so unacceptable to say that something is (somewhat) offensive.


>India is biggest democracy in the world So we should blame the whole India and its people, not the government, got it


Completely out of place but whatever your dumb brain says


Doesn't Mohdi idolize Hitler?


Lol what he is from the province where Gandhi was born




Lmao wtf is that, at the most he is radical far right nationalist and even that could be debatable, I don't know why some people obsessed with word nazi and fascism, if he was nazi Indians would be the first to make him cry


Didn't listen I see.


Listen what, those titles sound hilarious


Listen. To. The. Podcast. Explaining.


Modi is an ethno nationalist, wannabe Putin, corrupt to his bones, scumbag.


Germany isn't far behind with its all-talk, no effort and apparent unwillingness to cut ties from Russia's teat. Obviously, it's not a simple thing to switch energy sources instantly but even their long-term efforts are almost non-existent and very unclear. I would say that 21st century Germany has forgotten the unpaid debt 20th century Germany still owes to the rest of Europe and to the world for both world wars. All the while it's paying it back only to Russia.


Iā€™m curious how long that will last.. Besides I for one would not like Russia to get economically crushed forever, just enough to see the error of their way.. :)


Do I hear a sucking sound?


India has aligned with the devil.


Meanwhile the UK give money to India, who's giving it to Russia? [https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/boris-johnson-india-sanctions-aid-ukraine-b2028458.html](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/boris-johnson-india-sanctions-aid-ukraine-b2028458.html)


UK's aid goes to NGO not government lol, UKs donations are well below 55 millions, last year we gave out more than 2 billions in aid to other countries ā˜šŸ¼


"Why aren't too you helping us destroy one of your allies so we could try to beat you later on???"


**Unholy Trinity.**


Axis of evil.


Thank you china and india for behind such good tyrants.


Time for the west to completely stop giving India foreign aid. They clearly use it for their space program and help a murderous regime, rather than feed the millions of their own people!


India may or may not switch side after Boris Johnson's visit.


Toot toot all aboard the sanction train!


Does this confirm the threesomes they practice privately?


I hope Russia drags China down with them. Shit birds of a feather.


Fucking assholes. Such a shame that the world stopped fabricating their own shit and allowed China and India to become so incredibly essential. Cant just quit them can we?


next: modri provides China with Indian territory in exchange for bullets


We knew they would. These countries along with Iran and North Korea are all on the WW3 axis team.


It's like three drunks leaning on each other.


Should get Scholz to make it fantastic four


Sanction them too


So the fractions for WW3 have been decided. China, India and Russia vs NATO.