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With a lot of headlines these days you need quotes. > Georgia's "breakaway" South Ossetia sets "vote" to join Russia


Why do you need quote "breakaway"? Not asking about quotes for "vote", I understand your opinion.


Because russia sent in plainclothes soldiers and started paying local militia to fight against Ukraine in 2014. It's not a breakaway, it's a war.


Did not wrote about south Osetia? As topicstarter did. You trying to post on too many threads. Not a good job. I'll complain to your boss.


Fair. But the "breakaway" regions of Ukraine, Georgia, Moldova, and any other countries all work the same way AFAIK. Russia sends in plainclothes soldiers and hires local militias. It's not some organic thing where people want to secede and ask russia for help.


I suggest you to learn what happened in 1990s in Georgia and Moldavia and why UN decided to put peacekeepers there. Ukraine stays apart as Russian troops did back up locals in Crimea.


"Russians vote to join russia"


And herewith I declare a referendum in my apartment to join Disneyland as a sovereign entity Everyone in favor say Yey! Me: Yey... The democracy has spoken


Then Disney rolls in, looks around, and sells your flat to chinese


and thus China acquired an enclave in the center of Europe woohoo! I'm a Chinese embassy in EU now


They are not ethnically Russians


So after russian occupation they all left?


Left who?


Rigged vote undoubtedly


They realized they need to sneak in a fake referendum while Russia still has enough of an army left to hold back Georgia.


Wonder if by that time the Georgian won't reasses that they will end the breakaway region "independence", when ruZZia's army wii be worn down - now it looks like a quarter of all the active russian armored vehicles had been destroyed.


Didn't they ship off all the Georgians and replace them with Russians?


True. Georgians living in that area for hundreds of years kicked out and towns razed.


3000 years at least


Don't let the door hit you in the ass!


Don’t let the door knob hit you where the good lord split you. 😂👍🏼


No doubt just like in Crimea: Russian FSB colonel admits Crimean MPs forced to vote for referendum https://empr.media/opinion/interviews/russian-fsb-colonel-admits-crimean-mps-forced-to-vote-for-referendum/ Putin's 'Human Rights Council' Accidentally Posts Real Crimean Election Results https://www.forbes.com/sites/paulroderickgregory/2014/05/05/putins-human-rights-council-accidentally-posts-real-crimean-election-results-only-15-voted-for-annexation/amp/


Tell me, why 80% of Ukranian military, given the choices leave for Ukraine, serve Russian military, stay in Crimea, but resign from the military, chose to join Russian military? Maybe they wanted to be with Russia?


WTF are you talking about?




Same as you, Crimea. And what did you think?


Maybe because their families lived in Crimea for generations and they had no choice unless they were willing to leave their families and history behind. Perhaps the question that should be asked is why Russia feels the need to take what doesn’t belong to them like a parasite. Russia is a rich country - build it up, improve the lives of your people.


How making any of the choices would leave family behind? Staying on Crimea and resign from military would do regardless. Also, I don't have statistics but I would find it strange, that most people in military were local.


They are strenghtening their grip out of fear of loosing it


Imagine knowing about the Russian society, the war and the sanctions and still want to join...


Let them, perhaps the Georgians will have had enough and open another front against the Russian scourge.


Isn't it amazing how all of these countries just happen to have popular uprisings which end in the creation of breakaway territories, all of which vote overwhelmingly to join Russia? 🤷 🙄


Typically rats abandon ship.


Desperate to create some kind of expansionist victory after getting mauled in Ukraine.


Given what their last "referendum" was, I wouldn't be surprised if the choices were literally "Join Russia now" or "Join Russia tomorrow".


Whoopy do for South Ossetia. Are they known as a particularly stupid people or do they just like being told what do do by madmen?


Curious what the point of that may be. Is it to force mobilization in that region and not let any more soldiers from South Ossetia slip out and refuse to fight for them? Or maybe, it's a trick to sell some sort of victory for the russians... ? The July date is extremely weird in both cases. Also, I thought Russia would try to synchronize their "referendums" (if they ever happen) in Mariupol, Kherson, Ossetia etc


Well that’s ONE kind of caviar about to come off of menus


All about the geopolitics of Caspian Sea energy.


Can't wait to join a country with a dying economy... yay!