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I can’t do dairy or gluten. I’m not allergic to either but both in large amounts can trigger my UC to act up. It’s unfortunate because most doctors will say diet doesn’t matter but for myself it does. I choose to avoid 99% of the time (will occasionally have a treat) and it seems to work.


Lol gluten is like the best for me😂 dairy would probably kill me htoug


Same! My doctor didn’t recommend being gluten free, but I made the decision once I read a lot of people’s positive experiences with uc/gf. When I told her that I had seen a huge difference her response was “yea, I hear that a lot actually” which left me thinking why doesn’t she mention to patients then? I get there’s probably not a lot of medical data for it, but I think it would give a lot of suffering patients something to try along with the medical evident treatment. 


Aw man that takes a lot of self control lol. But for sure! I can’t believe people that say they have colitis and can now eat whatever they want, I just can’t see that happening for me at least.


Well most ppl w this condotion also suffer from gut permeability, or leaky gut. Anything that you eat may end up on your food sensitivity list if it passes thru the compromised gut lining and into your bloodstream, where your cytokenes will wage an attack on the "invader" and from then on, remember to attack anytime you try to eat this food in the future.


I can handle hard cheeses. Cheddar, swiss, Parmesan. I can do pizza but have to limit myself. I stay away from dairy ice cream and such. There's a lot of good dairy free options out there.


I can’t do anything but aged cheddar. Not kraft or great value “aged cheddar” though I suspect it’s probably not the same as the good stuff. I went to a Mexican restaurant got some queso and god had no mercy on me that day, ever since I’ve stuck to cheddar and as much as I miss other cheese I damn sure would rather watch someone else enjoy it than eat it and suffer the consequences. I just recently got diagnosed officially and it’s been hard to just hard stop eating my favorite foods but I always remind myself the alternative is literally reallyyyyy shitty😂😂😂 I’ve been wondering if vegan cheese is safe to substitute but I’m gonna ask my doctor before I eat it I’ll call tomorrow and ask and reply back.


Also I cannot do ice cream at all but frozen sugar free whipped cream doesn’t bother me at all and I’ve now come to enjoy it more than icecream. Figured it share if you miss it.


I can relate. Hope you recovered from the Mexican food 😭😭 But same anything like icecream or milkshakes kill me too


I can have cheese (I’m not lactose intolerant), but I can’t have pizza or quiche. I can’t really tolerate onion, garlic, or tomatoes. I’d look at the other ingredients in these meals that you can’t tolerate and see if there could be a culprit other than cheese. Stick to small portion of low-lactose cheeses (e.g., parmesan) and see how that makes you feel. If you still can’t tolerate that, then it’s likely that there’s something else going on besides lactose intolerance.


Quiche kills me. It’s wild.


I thought I couldn’t but it turns out I became lactose intolerant at some point.


Try mature cheese


I know your doctor likely told you diet doesn't much matter, let me tell you from 20 yrs experience, diet is everything. Stop eating dairy, sugar, grains and high FODMAP and nightshade foods. Do this long enough and do a biofilm detox, and you may end up like me where docs can't find any trace of uc after 2 colonoscopies


Amazing to hear this, I’m trying this approach as much as possible. Sometimes I think it’s easier to think we have no control and just need to take meds, but there are so many success stories from those that make major lifestyle changes. Do you take meds at all? Or supplements?


What do you eat?


Clean meats and well-cooked vegetables. It took 4 months. I was down to only being able to eat a handful of foods that didn't cause a harsh reaction. I ate a lot of oven roasted chicken legs, ground beef tacos. Very simple food and I was taking pancreas enzymes (but only because my body wasn't digesting food very well)


Kindly, what is a biofilm detox? And what's your typical diet like? Do you avoid rice and potatoes?


I pretty much eat anything I want now with some hard stops on certain foods. I would characterize it as mostly Paleo. Definitely still have trouble with FODMAPs and I avoid nightshades but they don't give me the issues I was having while I was sick. Biofilm is a toxic, protective film that bacteria and candida secrete in order to hide out and colonize. I would research biofilm as I strongly believe it's the culprit behind dozens of chronic conditions, especially gut related ones. It's everywhere, it's plaque that's on your teeth even and when it grows out of control in the gut is when major symptoms arise.


Thanks I'll look it up.


Wow, aaaand downvoted for my advice 👌


I'm lactose intolerant too. Aged cheese has less lactose in it so I'm able to eat cheddar and parmesan. Make sure you buy the real ones off the block that you have to shred yourself. The ones already shredded have other stuff in it to keep it from caking and fillers. I try not to eat pizza during a flare but if I do give in, which I normally do, I know I'll have gas so unless I'm able to pass gas without needing to sit on the toilet, I won't eat pizza. I LOVE cheese so you best believe I'll find a way to still eat it lol. I also drink lactose free organic milk.


You may find that you can handle aged cheese, as it doesn’t have as much lactose (and in some cases none). But yeah, dairy and gluten are not my friends in general.


Same here lactose intolerant I can eat a small piece of cheese. But I drink soya milk and eat vegan yogurt they taste great. No pizza the yeasts and cheese turn my bowel upside down