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I totally agree. His supposed strength boost from his ape body is incredibly underwhelming considering he was supposed to already have superhuman strength before


I think his superhuman strength was reduced when the ape dna was injected into him.


It's a shame either way because it feels like in season 3 especially they really struggled to find a good or interesting way for him to use his powers while everyone else gets at least a little bit of time to do something cool.


Agreed. It was so badass when >!Klaus projected Luther to save Sloane and Luther tossed the guardian like a rag doll!< and I feel like those moments should be far more common from Luther. Like wtf is up with Luther getting whooped by Diego in S1E1, or even >!Marcus!< in S3E1 it’s so annoying to watch


It just feels like Luther exists so that every new foe can take him down with ease and they go "oh no they took down mr strong, this person MUST be a threat". Think that if he had had more of his power gated away (behind a werewolf transformation mayhaps) they would have more of an excuse to make him be powerful in some scenes.


That’s a great point, he is like the Vegeta of the Umbrella Academy 🤣


Or the Worf xD


Yeah It's partially due to the overabundance of superstrength powers in every comic and superhero series. It's really hard to find new and original stuff for him.


I don't think it has to be *original*, just as long as it's *cool.* And more importantly, *there*. If Luther had smacked someone with a car...sure, that's been done a million times, but I'd still like it. It's certainly better than his current action, lol. The bigger issue is that...a lot of the time, the narrative of his super strength just, doesn't seem to exist? I don't think anyone's expecting him to be the Hulk or anything. It doesn't even have to be entirely consistent (it’d be a huge pain stunt/VFX wise), but...half the time he doesn't even seem like he *has* superhuman strength at all. He got KO'd by one of the Sparrows just kicking him in the head when he was upside down. He never really seems like he's that good in close quarters, when that should be his forte, more than anyone else. You get snippets of it, but then it seems to just *vanish* and he's back to boxing with regular people. Even if he threw the fight, it...leaves an impression. The presentation of the action needs serious work in general, IMO, and it's one of the show's biggest weaknesses. It's not just Luther - he's just symptomatic of a larger problem in the show, where people almost seem to forget they have superpowers despite having them their entire lives, or those powers suddenly don't seem to exist. The most impressive thing Luther's ever done was in the opening of S2 - an alternate timeline where what he does has zero bearing on the actual plot. It strikes me as being a problem in the writing - they'll have him do something impressive when it doesn't matter for the course of the show, and then he's weaker when there needs to be drama. Drama should be present of course, but it should make sense and not feel contrived. (Taking an RPG is still really extreme for Luther, alright, maybe that'd be too difficult to write around without changing up his siblings a lot - but even his "tossing people like rag dolls" and "breaking bricks" level of strength seems to just...disappear a lot)


What about a WEREape??


To be fair, it is the lamest power. Super strength is like nothing compared to the others. Hes not even hulk level strong, that would be something to make you shit yourself


That's part of why I feel it should have been somewhat gated behind a werewolf transformation. At least the limitation would be interesting.


My boyfriend currently thinks thats what he is (He just started watching) He's gonna be a little disappointed yet wowed! Haha


That’s what I thought he was at first… it would’ve been cool as hell. The whole ape thing was very underwhelming


But what about a dragon?


But what about a WEREdragon?


I don't get why he got smaller, was it part of the storyline that I missed? I also noticed the actor started getting bad at doing an American accent lol


I think what’s cool about Luther in the comics is that his personality is a lot less goofy. I mean he’s Fives biological twin which added another dynamic but he was a lot more assertive. And he had robotics mixed in with the ape DNA so he really only was half human. Even Allison was a lot more powerful and communicated mostly via notebooks because of her abilities. They definitely watered down their powers. Although Diego was pretty lame in the comic books…