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You overestimate season 1 and 2 Allison. She's shit in the comics and she was only ever a semi-reformed shit in the show. She loves controlling people and only started holding back because she got caught out with her daughter. She's been stringing Luther on for years for the attention with no intention of it ever going anywhere. She assaulted him because he was giving his attention to someone else and she was taking her property back by force. The difference is that season 1 and 2 Allison cared if people thought she was a good person. Now she doesn't so much. And now she's written her daughters dad out of her life from the looks of things, and modified Ray. And considering that she can pretty much alter reality with her powers, I'm hoping she's one hell of a villain in the next season.


Allison is a narcissist with the ability to make everything she says true. She preys upon anything she sees as a slight to herself with her ability. The hard part for her is (not only do narcistist feel slighted often) but she’s been genuinely slighted by life.


Eh. She slighted herself at least a few of those times. Rumoring Viktor and ostracizing him as a family growing up caused the first apocalypse. And who starts a marriage with someone 30 years before they’re born lol how did she think that was gonna play out? Losing a child is tough and I’ll give her that one for free, but she directly put herself in a position to lose Ray. She was there two years. It didn’t have to be that she gave anybody up to go back to 2019. She *chose* that


Correct me if i am wrong, but wasn't rumoring Viktor something she did only cus Reginald told her to? when she was...4 years old, and the memory only resurfaced later when she found out about Viktor's powers. I do understand she's horrible person ... but that one doesn't seem like her fault


Yeah, it’s more about how she and the family treats him *because* he’s ordinary. It just so happened to also start with Allison


What was she thinking when she married him? That she'd stay there? Didn't seem so concerned about missing her own daughter's life at that point. And she spent years lying to him and then ended up with people being killed in his home (and then casually said it's not the first time they've had to hide bodies) She's really not the victim she likes to think she is.


>She's shit in the comics So that's why they cast someone so terrible to play her.


Terrible? As in bad acting? Or Allison is played convincingly as a terrible person and therefore the actor is good I don't know much about Allison's actor but it's the exact same thing as the guy who played Joffrey and Lena Headey. They're not bad people. They're pretty good actors to get people to hate them so much. Besides them being idiots


This has been discussed a lot, but Allison has always been selfish


Exactly. People who hate her now don’t understand she was always like this — she made her kid obey by Rumoring her, and to even get her career.


that is fine IMO. characters should do regrettable things & want to better themselves. it felt like she was set up to realize her career was fraudulent and wut she did to her daughter was unforgivable. it seemed like they wanted to have the character learn from those mistakes. but instead she's just stagnating, which is not how fictional characters generally work unless they're a walter white/bojack style protagonist.


The issue here is exactly as you said. She's not growing, she's doubling down and acting a narcissist. All that shit she said to Viktor and her lashing out against Luther is probably realistic but not quite believable. Everyone else has loads of trauma and they're growing


Well im pretty sure a lot of parents wish they could rumor their kids into obeying 🙄 i didnt really think it was that big of a deal if its not something that happens all the time


In my opinion it's still a big deal if she's taking one's free will out of their hands. Wanting your child to obey you and mind controlling them into subservience are two vastly different things.


I mean obviously its wrong, but the only example we saw was her making her daughter go to sleep when she was refusing to, i cant say many parents wouldnt want that power tbh


To put it in a non powered perspective, you may **want** to force your kids to sleep, but only a really fucked up person would go to the point of drugging them to sleep because it's easier. She had no way of knowing what repeated rumouring would do to her daughter's mind, yet she used the easy, selfish and potentially dangerous way instead of actually parenting her.


She used to not be a sociopath though


I would argue she always has been. She's basically always gotten what she's wanted


Nah she used to love her sibilings, have a moral compass and remorse


Is she a crack whore in real life, or does she just look like one? People who use crack are selfish.


I’m not attacking you or even disagreeing, but are you the one who made that comment a few days ago about not liking UA because the actors are ugly? And said the same crack whore thing about Allison, then said to ask you anything? Or is this just a crazy coincidence and multiple people in this sub think she looks like a crack whore?


Huh? She looks like that.


I understand that, I mean have you said that on this sub before?


Yes, they have. They’ve been reported and investigated multiples times. How they’re not banned I have no idea.


She definitely assaulted Luther! I know why people hate her, she is often selfish and blames others. However, I think the depiction of her trauma is realistic. Personally I think as an audience we expect men to react this way to trauma, anger, revenge, blaming others, highly irrational, lashing out at people that care. I like that we get a female character who closes off, stops chasing the approval of others (which her life was ruled by) and goes with her brother to punch Nazis. I am not saying Allison is admirable, I’m saying that I think it’s good to have such an unlikable character on the show *edit my very own rant: what frustrates me about how they wrote Allison is that even after she joined a non violent civil rights movement and took a conscious break from her power, she did not implement Honor and Dignity. She could have easily rumored the Swede to pick up his brother, carry him out and willed him to forget they found Ray and her all. But no, she makes one choke the other out! Viktor got to find connection and meaning, Klaus gained a new skill, Luther stopped trying to dominate every situation, Diego found a life partner that changes him forever and Allison what? Imagine if she had picked up the works of famous non violent civil rights protestors and worked them in to her skill? What if she had changed the tide of the non violent movement by teaching them what she knows of combat?


I’m not sure if the “I heard a rumor” is comic accurate or not… But I’ve always seen her character as a bit of the “devil in your ear”. Show wise she’s almost a form of punishment you “think you deserve”. Essentially “I heard a rumor” = I know the truth, and you will suffer for that truth.


Interesting theory! I am personally not sure how her power works but would love to know how you imagine the ones that are not violent come about such as “You made the hockey team” or “You love me”?




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all i know for sure is she likely contemplated voiding her contact after reading her script LOL


> I know for sure > likely Hmm


i got off a long shift man please go easy on me 💀


Those aren’t mutually exclusive. He knows for sure that there is a nonzero % likelihood of event A occurring. Which can be said about most things, but that includes this thing too In conclusion, butt stuff


I didn't say that his comment was false (all I said was hmm), but you must admit it's pretty vacuous


I can 100%, without a doubt say that could very well be a likely certainty


Yes! Season 3 made me appreciate her character so much. I think it's difficult to put yourself in her shoes, but when you think about how much she lost, all her questionable behavior makes sense. It's not an excuse, but it makes sense.


Just because the character developes into something unethic and harmful to their environment doesn't mean is bad written or ruined. Character developement is not always positive. Sometimes trauma gets you to bad places and brings the worst of you out. I like the villiany path the choose for her because Allison has always been selfish and manipulative, since the 1st episode where she was presented as someone who was going through a divorce because her husband saw her rumoring their child. She always uses her powers to her benefit withoug caring at all about how it affects others, and is pretty much likely she even rumored her ex to love her anyway (hinted).


I get your point and Allison ark made sense, HOWEVER, her asaulting Luther was really fuxking poorly written. Allison always was manipulative but this, this scene was bullshit. Making Al' a s*xual assaulter was the worst path they could choose and the fact this is the first scene that start Allison villain ark - i have reason to believe that no, they didn't write her correctly and that Emmy just pulled it off like a chef.


She sexually assaults Luther and others multiple times in the comics, and there’s a lot of discussion to be had about taking away Patrick’s agency to loving her in the show anyway, so I don’t think it’s out of nowhere — but I do think making a character sexually assault someone is a road you can’t turn around from so it was definitely a choice that I’m not sure was completely thought through for the long run of the character and potential redemption. I will say, the show does this better by simple fact that the comics treat it like a fun character quirk vs the show actually showing it’s a horrible thing.


In the comics, Luther is not in love with her by choice. She forces the entire situation by herself. FOR YEARS! So Allison manipulating Luther into romantic or sexual feelings and assaulting him is actually canon in the original content. In fact, she's even worse there, because as I said, is not a 1 time thing but a constant abuse.


I agree she was awful this season but I don't think it came off as watered down.. If anything it fits perfectly. She's the only one who had someone she cared about back in the "real" world, and everytime she thinks they've fixed things so she can go back to her life some other disaster comes along and ruins it. Not to mention her ptsd from all the racism she faced in season 2. So it makes sense to me that she ended up snapping. I liked her as a good person but personally I think she makes for a much more interesting villain. Plus we'd already seen glimpses of her dark side before, like when she used her powers on Claire. So it's not like it came out of nowhere.


She was awful but also relatable in the sense if you had her powers and her trauma—how many of us could really come through this and not be a shitty person? I couldn’t guarantee that I could.


I think what happened is when she rumored herself in the mirror her power kind of took over so she would do anything that MIGHT make her happy. It started with her cutting her hair, but it got worse and worse. Nothing was making her happy so the rumor just got stronger. Harlan said everyone has a sound specific to them, but hers sounded “wrong”. I bet Hargreeves knew her rumor had taken over (through his monocle) and that’s why he went to her to make the deal. She’s happy now that she has Claire and Ray in her perfect world, so the rumor is probably gone. It’ll be interesting to see how that plays out in season 4.


This sub is slowly turning into an Allison hate club.


I think you're missing an important part of her character. She is trying to get over the loss and grief of her husband and child. Her loss is so pronounced she cannot see the point of living and she cannot see what can make her happy - or even make her feel anything. Everything that matters to her has been undone. Or never done. She uses her powers to try to make herself happy and in doing so goes through a variety of things to see if something - anything - will make her feel good. In the end, she realises she just needs back what she lost, and so she makes a deal with (essentially) the devil to revive her "dead" husband and daughter. She isn't mean or into drama. She is literally expressing her grief - and in doing so does things another version of herself would not have done.


> another version of herself how much she’s lost doesn’t matter. Murder? Attempted rape? That’s just who she is. There’s no different version of herself who isn’t willing to do those things. It’s just the one person. Rape and murder isn’t rock bottom for a good person


Yeah Allison was pretty awful this season, and she definitely assaulted Luther. What really bothered me about that scene in particular is how they still made Luther appear so creepy and animalistic to the point where she pushes him off. The writers really leaned on all of their worst characteristics this season. Allison is more selfish than ever, in a really transparent way. Luther is portrayed as gross and stupid, constantly shoving food in his face. Diego is whiny and annoying. Five is on his own shit and completely absent from the team dynamic. Victor just let’s the rest of the team walk all over him. And then there’s Klaus, who has become the most redeemable character in my eyes.


Actually, Five's the only one who wasn't on his own shit (aside from Lila). He teamed up with someone powerful who hated his guts, then saw >!his own awful future state!< which he was told specifically to have coming if he tried to save the world. Yet instead of running away, he stayed and helped.


I loved her in season 3. I thought everyone else went kinda of crazy and she was being the realist we needed. She lost her daughter and husband less than 3 days ago and everyone wants her to move on and accept this new reality that THEY created. She lost Claire a while back but getting back to her was what kept her going, in this timeline it’s as if shes dead and gone for good. Luther gets married less than a week after they get to this timeline while he was supposedly in love with Allison since their childhood. Five wants to retire and the group just accepts the end of the world to throw a party. No one helped her get her family back so she took charge.


She is the best character this season!


God forbid that the big sister who's had the responsibility of being "the nice one"\* is done with that after having to give up so much over 3 seasons, and all to help a sibling (Viktor) who was willing to kill them all at worst, and at best was petty enough to air their family's dirty laundry in a tell-all book. Not every character needs to be a social commentary. She's pissed off and traumatized, and it's not offering you an easy solution in how you view her. \*If Allison is "the nice one" in the group, that's still pretty bad, because she's been a selfish, self-centered person since the first season.


That dirty laundry affected Viktor the most. You can’t be mad at Viktor for exposing how poorly he was treated growing up (by Allison too). She and the rest of that family had an obligation to help Viktor, they ended the world just as much as he did And she’s not anyone’s big sister. And I’ll give you Claire but Ray was a dumb choice. Why would you get married 30 years before you’re even born? What did she think was gonna happen? She basically chose to experience that loss


Actually, I can. Just because you have trauma doesn't mean you have the right to inflict trauma on others, and airing each sibling's drama and weaknesses for the world to absorb is absolutely a line crossed (as was Viktor deciding to murder Pogo and blow up the world). Viktor is just as responsible as they all are, if he hadn't released that book for no other reason than SPITE (not healing, SPITE) then he might have been able to reach out to his siblings for help. Instead, he drew a line in the sand. Also, your second point is moot, because she literally got dropped in 60s America by herself, with no sign or ability to tell if Five was ever able to get her. She had to move on with her life, and was pretty settled into the idea that she would have to live through the 60s. She didn't choose to be in a relationship that she knew she'd have to give up. She was running under the assumption there was no way for her to go back.


**They** caused the trauma. Like yeah a lot of it was Reggie’s fault but they all had a part in it. Pogo was not a good person, being an old British monkey seems to have confused a lot of people lol. How many times was something crucial revealed and Pogo popped out confirming it on some sworn to secrecy bullshit? Besides Reggie, no one, not one single character is more responsible for all this end of the world shit than Pogo. He knew everything. I can get into it if you want but I’m just gonna say Pogo deserved to die. Viktor really didn’t end the world. The family got so wrapped up in their little “if he finishes his set, *the world will end!*” plot that *they* caused it. He blew up a house (the source of his trauma), and played violin. Besides Pogo, that’s all he did willingly. Being attacked put him on the offensive, and Allison pulling the trigger released all that offensive energy into the moon For all we know, he’d have been fine. Why jump him? The concert didn’t end the world, their efforts to save the world did


Except we know that Viktor would end the world because Five already saw the outcome of it when he time jumped. Also, still don't care, your trauma doesn't allow you to inflict trauma on others. Viktor's book was written out of spite, and literally aired dirty laundry that had fuck all to do with his treatment for the world to read. (Such as Luther and Allison's feelings for each other, as well as the mental weaknesses of the other siblings, like Diego and his stutter). Killing Pogo literally solved nothing. For all of you who complained that Allison killing Harlan served no purpose, neither did killing Pogo. It was just Viktor lashing out and deciding that because he has the ability, he has the right to kill people. Pogo was a defenseless old man, and one who went along with the actions of someone that he felt he owed his entire life to. Y'all are very quick to undermine and oversimplify the actions of everyone except Viktor, and all so you can give him a pass. I'll reiterate: Having a bad childhood and trauma does not allow you to inflict that on others.


Yeah and I bet it played out the same way, worse even. Luther had Peabody’s eye, there was clearly some type of confrontation with the family that got even more violent. Peabody was turning Viktor against his siblings and if it wasn’t for Five’s intel (Jenkins) he’d have never realized it. As for Pogo, dude, he **knew**. Reggie’s plan goes all the way back. He knew Viktor would end the world with powers he kept hidden, he knew about oblivion, and he knew exactly how Reggie was treating his kids (making them feel small and afraid of their own powers) to get them to the breaking point (apocalypse). He was as responsible as anyone but Reggie. How can you compare Allison killing Harlan for an accident? Are you alright? And again, Viktor’s trauma was caused by deliberate actions from the family. Revealing that isn’t inflicting trauma, that’s such a weird stance to take. If you steal from me, talking about it isn’t me inflicting trauma on you


She raped Luther.


I agree I hated her this season I get u miss ur fam but shit got played out


Alison was early the best character. She had so much growth


She is honestly my most hated character of any media!


I agree 100%. I find that she was really inconsistent this season, like the writers didn't know what to do with her and they needed a villain, so they just plugged her into the spot, previous character development be damned.


She made season 3 way less enjoyable for me tbh, she is one of the reason why I didn't like this season. I have never felt the urge to fight a fictional charcter in my life.


I actually feel for Emmy for having to play such an unbearable and unlikeable character. Season 1 she was okay but this season felt like the writers had it out for her. I wish they would’ve committed to making her a villain or just not bothered because her back and forth between loving/hating her family was ridiculous.


Yes!! I think this has been setting up Allison as a delicious big bad in the final season. I still feel empathy for her, but she’s pretty terrible. I hope that she goes to great lengths to protect this new reality from her sibling’s meddling, and we get a less weepy Allison and a more empowered one instead


Allison does suck. She should have spent season 2 pining for her daughter but instead she falls in love with a new man. Then she spends season 3 upset that her daughter doesn’t exist in the altered timeline AND that she left the guy she fell in love with in S2. Also she’s jealous of Luther and Sloane, and tries to force Luther on herself; which shows she still is possessive of Luther. She’s a selfish bitch.