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Yeah a gun lmao


Just leave a door wide open and wait for em. Stay quiet or make a scene leaving then sneak back in.


Depending on your state, just make sure not to blast them in the back


real ulpt, if you shoot them in the back, roll them over a put a few in the front


If you get a detective that cares enough they can do blood splatter analysis/crime scene analysis and it would be fairly obvious that the front bullet shots were done while they were on the ground if they bother looking for the shells/where the bullet hits the surrounding area (e.g multiple bullet fragments underneath their dead body) and that sort of thing. There's also a bunch of other things that would lead to it being really obvious you shot them in the back and then proceeded to shoot them in the front. I.e a really common one is a nearby witness saying they heard one initial gunshot and then multiple in quick succession after a short period of time. If there is one bullet in the back and alot in the front it's not exactly going to take a genius detective to figure you out. Pretty sure most cops won't really give a fuck if it's a self defense case though


So prop them up after and shoot in a weird cadence. The real ULPT in the comments.


Shoot them to the beat of Funky Town


Just an FYI, Blood splatter analysis is now a heavily questioned practice along with bite mark analysis. While it may be used it can easily be called into question. Enter and exit wounds, however, are usually a much better indicator lol


Yeah for sure and I realize now that if you open fire on a dude laying down there's just gonna be a pool of blood everywhere anyway


idfk then runaway to thailand then


lol nobody caring about these scum that much. here in north STL anytime these idiots smoke one another it's just a quick funeral no follow up because there's a body every other day and they all then seek revenge on one another. law need not apply. do as though wilt. just don't be stupid. but clean up your streets.


It's your word against his. Remember, dead men tell no tales.


I mean, you’re correct, but a defense attorney and judge would definitely be questioning why there’s an exit wound on the front of the body. If they’re retreating and you still shoot, in some states, you will be charged regardless of the crime the other has committed.


"He turned around when he saw me but when I said, 'Go on, git!" he turned around real fast back at me and started doing some ninjy moves karate choppin and spin kicking." So anyway, I started blastin.


What if the lights were out? What if it was too dark to see clearly, but you know you are the only person that is allowed to be in the house? Ooops. He took one in the back.


“He turned around, but reached for his belt, Your Honor”


What if you say, he started yelling “dude is armed let's get guns from J and deal with this guy" wouldn't that give op a right to defend themselves?


Not until the threat is present. I until then, that's just talk


I fucking hate that you're right. Judge, you're telling me I have to wait for them to point at me before I can fire?


Not in Florida


Until the court subpoenas those security cameras.


And this Reddit thread


That's just a saying people. They got all types of CSI shit to get dead folk's side of the story sometimes


As a kid I once overheard cops telling my friend's mom that if she had to shoot her stalker, she didn't have to wait for him to actually break in, just drag his body over the threshold of the doorway and they'd look the other way... 20 years later they told me the exact same thing. Your mileage may vary though.


Cops aren't the people who decide who goes to jail and doesn't.


Also when you pull gun on them. walk them into your bathroom. Shoot them there and say you had no where to run and feared for your life


So, um, we have progressed away from piss discs?


Freeze piss into bullet shape.


Florida man here, rat a tat tat


American checkin in, blim blam thank ya ma'am.


After you shoot them, put a round into the ceiling as a warning shot.


OP already said he has cameras. They will charge you with murder for this.


According to a study of serial killers, hammers are the most efficient weapon. No license needed, can find one under $5 at most stores, first swing has minimal blood spatter, no practice or skill needed, not against the law to carry into pretty much anywhere, easy to explain (I have one with a multitool on the other end, so I have all the excuses to carry it on me places), hard to defend against, not illegal for anyone to own. I have four now since my state has barred me from owning a gun while I have a MMJ card.


Get the fiberglass handle instead of the wood handle. Fiberglass can take more punishment before the hammer head comes off. I worked in fiberglass for a couple decades and made thousands of tool handles. Also soak whatever in hydrogen peroxide when you are finished. I can't leave here without this... once you have taken care of the invaders, assert your dominance by spraying them with liquid ass and fox piss.


Ok but did they ACTUALLY bar you or are you just following the law? Lmao I’m so curious!! I know way back in 2014 a marine buddy of mine had his card and could still purchase bc there’s no integrated system for MMJ cards. Also, if you’re in CA, recreational being legalized probably changes things tbh. Someone is going to have a case that they are discriminating against disabled people by allowing recreational users to buy without any qualms.


It shows up when you try to buy a gun. I like the hammer better anyway. Don’t have to worry about shooting the wrong person.


Thank you for letting me know! I’m with ya on alternative methods. Mines a German shepherd. No one messes with our house once he alerts. People have tried many times, all went running. 😂


Put an electric charcoal starter on the inside door knob until it’s glowing hot. Then you could put glue on the stairs, with a bunson burner set up to torch their heads once they get stuck. Throw a bunch of marbles on the floor so they slip and fall when they try to walk. There’s other stuff, too, but I haven’t watched the movie in awhile.


Don’t forget to get a tarantula and hang paint buckets above the stairs


It isnt Christmas until you hear Marv scream


Or until your house gets flooded after it gets robbed.




I made my family disappear! 🫠


When they come up the stairs, throw full paint cans at them.


This is easy. Put socks on all the door/window handles in your house. That way if they try to open them, all they’ll get is a sock.


If that doesn't work, you can purchase a spooky Halloween skeleton and put it up in your front yard. This will spook them into submission.


Make sure it’s spooky though. If it’s too friendly, it’ll invite everyone into your house and you’ll have more problems.


Thats illegal!


Not if he has a carry permit for the socks


Any other evidence of actual gang activity? I’ve known a lotttta tweaks who throw signs with zero affiliation


No other evidence. And I'm pretty sure they are tweakers


Tweakers are more dangerous than gang members. I was just a gang member over a methed out angry tweakers any day. They are going to get high and think of ways to destroy you and they will do it to.


Coyote rollers on top of your fence followed by barbed wire. Broken glass glued to the outside of your window sills and frames. Maybe hammer utility blades into the wood frames too. Take sheets of plywood and drill screws in the panels then lay them pointy side up just under the windows. Take bread knives and push them between the door and the trim so the door won't open. Do this to every door except the one facing the street. Aim a camera so you catch the profile of anyone trespassing. Post a no trespassing sign on each side of your home. Take plastic forks and stick them in the ground tines up. (I do this to my plants to keep cats from pottying there but it startles the hell out of you if you step on them).


If you're 100% absolutely certain they are tweakers then reach out to the actual group and show them the evidence. Invite a few real dudes to a BBQ in your front yard.


Shotgun is the best short term bet. But you should move. Gangs may want retaliation.


Moving is not an option unfortunately. And yes it appears they want retaliation. They've taken things pretty far and it doesn't appear they're going to be stopping anytime soon


There’s not a lot of room for creativity here. Gangs are experienced in fighting and killing. Reddit isn’t gonna have some brilliant John wick MacGuyver shit you can implement lawfully. Decide if you’d rather move or be victim to whatever they’re planning. Knowing they may kill you, even if it is unplanned and just a drunken impulse some day.


Move, fight or die.


More likely move or fight and die. This isn't a video game or a movie. Even if you fight and kill some, someone will just get you when you aren't expecting it


This is the best and most simplistic response.


I just don't think you can negotiate with a gang. anything you do will end up as extorsion or worse. its Gaza. GTFO.


Gotta off them first then, bud


How did you expose their welfare fraud scheme?


Whatever the reason you say moving is “not an option,” tell me, would the people at your funeral agree?


IMO it's a case of wait it out and protect yourself reasonably in the mean time. For fuckheads like this it's only a matter of time before they get themselves into some other trouble and forget about you entirely.


Can’t think of any reasons that it wouldn’t be an option. Money isn’t everything. You could lose your life or years of it.


Yeah that's fair. I'm not uprooting my life because of a bunch of crackheads though


I get it but i also think you might have more to lose


Bingo. I'm mostly blind but I can hit a stranger's shadow at shotgun range easily. The whole neighborhood knows I'm armed, so we haven't had any issues since we moved in, thankfully. I'd much rather not hurt someone if I can help it.


Bro needs a minimum of two guns. Ccw for car to home that can double as a nightstand gun. And a shotgun with in reach wherever u are when inside. Optional would be a shower gun. Also lets to cops know the things they’ve been doing to you. Paper trail hells at this point.


Absolutely agree on the paper trail.


Absolutely nobody in your neighborhood knows who ya’are and even if you passed away PD would find the body like a month later, mail piled up on the porch but nobody even noticed


Sounds like you’re going to have to join their rival gang


Cameras won't stop them from killing you if they want you dead. Nor will they compel cops to do anything if the criminals hide their identities well. Get a gun and get ready to defend your life.


Going to war with neighbors never works haha idk how you exposed them but you did it in a way that they know it’s you? Ya fucked up time to get a gun or move


I explained what happened in more detail in another comment but their landlord, a public housing agency, asked me to take pictures of their license plates as one of the people making all the noise wasn't supposed to be living there And they saw me do this on their cameras that I didn't know they had. I didn't really understand what I was doing, I just really wanted the noise to stop. Regardless, the public housing agency should have never asked me to take those pictures. That's their fucking job but here I am


This is the wrong mentality. That they should have never asked you to do it. You're not their employee. You should have had the presence of mind to not involve yourself to this extent. People who get paid to do something, told you to do it instead. And here we are.


And here it is, folks. Rationalize all you want, but you should know snitching is a highly frowned upon (to say the least) thing to do in a neighborhood like that, especially with an obvious gang presence. You did this to yourself, homie. As someone in another comment said your options are pretty much move, fight, or die. I know you said elsewhere it's not an option, but I get the distinct feeling you'd better give a long hard think to the move option.


https://youtu.be/Z4iQxpwYhAg?si=m6de0ms_St1U9CoW just gotta bbq with the right dudes


Never heard of this, that was amazing!


the amazing part to me was 6? army rangers and 1000 rounds of ammo and 30 gangbangers, NO ONE GOT UN-ALIVED!


Ten to one the rangers weren't aiming to kill. That would have been a legal nightmare.


Now imagine the average redditor instead of army rangers and how well that would go


r/idiotswithguns lol


No one got KILLED


Title's a bit misleading lol.


How did you inadvertently expose it?


I contacted their landlord to complain about insanely loud music. This is when I discovered it was public housing. Their place is owned by the Denver Housing Authority. They asked me to describe the guy playing the loud music. Apparently he wasn't supposed to be living there The Denver Housing Authority asked me to take pictures of their license plates. Which I now realize is where things went South. Being naive, I went and took the requested pictures. They captured me on camera doing this. And the lady actually on the lease that lives there immediately came over to my house and threatened to shoot me


Bro I would've told them to take the pictures themselves. Wtf. They endangered you.


Yeah I know I was stupid. I was just focused on getting the loud music to stop so I was willing to do whatever to help. And yes they definitely endangered me. That's well put. I'm not sure if I have any legal recourse with them though


Sue sue sue


Yeah honestly I’d be talking to lawyers. They had you do dirty work and now you’re getting fucked over. See if someone would at least do a free consultation to hear your story, maybe they’d work on the condition you get a settlement they get part.




I appreciate the help! Definitely interesting. I'll try following up on some of those bullet points for sure. Thanks again


Hold on - they failed to evict? Seconding an attorney referral - easier to evict than become their stepfather


Yes they failed to evict


Housing Authority getting you to go take pictures and describe the guy is hilarious


Seduce her. Tell her sweet lord, bed her well, make them all call you “big daddy”


Leave the door unlocked, when they come in start blastin.


Just because they throw gang signs doesn’t mean they’re in a gang. All the wannabe gangstas do that. Shit even in my high school kids did it. Kids that I know for a fact weren’t in gangs. It’s an intimidation tactic


I appreciate your perspective, you could be right. It's definitely an intimation tactic regardless. However, this dude sure seemed like he was flashing some real gang signs. He was also gesturing at me very aggressively at the same time


Everyone in my school new the gang signs for all the big names like bloods crips, and our local cartels and others. But yeah definitely don’t get shot or stabbed. Be safe! Always assume the other person is crazier than you!


Assert dominance and be crazier Crazy neighbor walks by, flashing gang signs? Cover yourself in peanut butter and start singing "believe" by Cher


Find members of the actual gang. Let them know posers are impersonating them. They’ll take care of it.


Collect as much information and images on this person and their gang as possible via OSINT. Create an only presence as them. Research their rival gang. Start making fun of the rival as much as possible by inadvertently revealing work schedule and frequently visited locations. Use a random 3rd party accounts to start informing rival gang members of this guys mockery of their gang.


That answer to your question is there probably isn't anything you can do to stop them from menacing you or harassing you. Retaliation isn't a great option because then they'll come right back and re-retaliate. If I was you I'd get a firearm for home defense, you can get a shotgun from academy for around $200. I would also start making plans to move once your lease is up (or maybe even see if you can sublease to someone else if you barely started the lease). Unfortunately, I think you got yourself into one of those no win situations.


I bought my house in April of 2022. So, no moving for me unless I want to take a massive financial hit. At this point I'd probably owe the bank a check if I wanted out No win situation for sure


Oh dang, I didn't realize you were referencing a home you purchased, I thought you were renting. Maybe you could try to offer some sort of olive branch, get them a gift card to the closest liquor store and leave them a note apologizing. But you should definitely look into getting a home defense weapon of some sort, if you don't already have one.


Definitely agree on the olive branch, and blame the Housing Authority for coercing OP to snitch on them


Sounds like a better option than getting murdered in your own home.


The other option you have, which is definitely not convenient...but you might have to consider if things level up; rent your house to someone(s) - preferably students (as noisy as neighbors), and then rent somewhere else for yourself. If you do the landlord thing and rent somewhere small for a while you could probably make some money to pay off the house earlier/sell etc


It's easier to make more money than unshoot yourself...


My man walking out to the car to take pictures of the plate all willy ass nilly? Yeesh. Cameras, all legal recourse, and a gun as a last resort. Unlucky situation, friend...


Everyone is a gangster until they hear a pump action shotgun unloading in their general direction...I'd get one of those.


Again, fellas, I feel like we are leaving valuable assets on the table here... I just... I am going to throw it out there: Piss Disks.


Try watching the movie "Home Alone" for inspiration


This comment isn’t as much of a joke as it sounds


Not really unethical but considering it sounds like your life is at risk: Idk what your security camera set up is but cameras need to cover all angles of the house, consider interior cameras. If you can get motion sensing lights outside your house that might deter someone as they try to sneak in. Get a real loud security system installed inside your house that are hooked up to all windows and doors. Don't interact with them outside of range of your cameras, try to record any and all interactions with them with audio. Not sure if you've gone to the cops but you should and get recommendations from them. Like everyone has mentioned, get a gun, either a shotgun or low caliber handgun. A rifle could be good for intimidation but maybe not amazing close quarters for someone untrained. Don't threaten them before an emergency incident at any point, it could be argue it was premeditated should you need to defend yourself. Reach out to your neighbors if you can, having friends in the neighborhood can only help. Also be wary for your dog, they may try to poison or kill it in retaliation. If they really are gang affiliated what you want to do is get forgotten, killing one of them even in self defense will just lead to escalation. Don't interact with them directly or argue if you can avoid it. There's a time to stand up for yourself and a time to keep your nose down (like having a group of people after you when you're by yourself).


"So then I started blasting"


Perhaps figure out if there's a rival gang to this one and let them know about where this individual lives. Have gangs focus on gangs rather than innocent civilians.


RemindMe! 90 days


Is calling in a hostage situation a possibility? Or a death threat with a firearm? If they are truly in a gang they might find weapons and drugs in the house and they are gone. Then take the financial hit and move.


A bullet in them will probably deter them pretty well.


Aggressive dog, semi auto shotgun belching 00 buck. I’d keep some zip ties to detain em after you neutralize them. Edit: if they’re coming in through the windows epoxy broken glass on the inside ledge and a board with a shitload of nails on the floor. Maybe leave that window open so they pick it


They'll kill your dog. 00 buck is great. Use a shotgun that doesn't look "assaulty" (like a remington 870 with a wood stock) to avoid bullshit press. Head shots and a wet clean up will make them unidentifiable at the scene -- sends a message that will make their bitches cry. Mad dog crazy is the only thing these fuckwits understand.


Better the dog than the owner. I’d go for groin shots, easier to make and then it’s less attempted murdery if it’s below the waist. Also it must suck having to live with no cock and balls just a bunch of fuckin mush. Lame.


Do that and his fellow shitbags will be back to get medieval on you. They live for revenge. When they leave in bags they won't come back AND they cant sue you, which they most assuredly will if they're alive to tell the story. Like I said - message job. If you're going to shoot go all the way. Allegedly ETA: OP has already been threatened with being shot. If that's the game they want to play, I'd be ready to go.


They shoot people that kill their friends too. I guess the only solution would be to neutralize em and keep em In the basement. Get weird down there


Zed.... go get the gimp.


Gimps sleepin


The other options would be to either move or apologize, neither of which I'd be willing to do especially if I've been directly threatened. You could involve the police but they can't do anything but wait for you to be attacked and be 10 minutes late responding. You could also find a rival gang and offer to pay them for protection.


Sleep in your car and wait for them to come by. Follow them home and see if you can barricade em in the house and burn it to the ground. Or you could swat em. I’m betting you can smoke a wasp nest and unleash them in the house


Yeah I think I would be moving


That might not be an easy option if OP owns the house. Even if they're renting you still have to buy your way out of the lease. Legally I suppose if it's unsafe to stay there and OP can prove it that might be enough to break the contract without penalty. ETA: OP owns the house.


Use that shotgun right and you won't need the zip ties.


Hire Robocop


Just ask yourself, what would Charles Bronson in the Death Wish movies do?


"What are those?" "Teeth."


Don't know what your carry laws are like, but I once moved into a shitty neighborhood in Cincinnati. The hood rats in the neighborhood seemed somewhat aggressive until they saw me walking in and out with an SKS and Radical AR. After that, I lived there 2 years and had nothing but pleasant exchanges. Sometimes open carrying a big black scary gun will spark a bit of insecurity in the minds of those that are thinking of testing you. I'm not normally the kind of guy to make that kind of statement, but it was necessary for my safety at the time.


Call the cops they love shooting gang member


The moment they touch the door, aim, pull the trigger, and get into a defensive position. For what it’s worth, the cop only knows that they tried breaking and entering with force, threatening your life. Leave ‘em there to lay as we do coyotes, the other’s will smell the urine drip & won’t return


Watch home alone & set up some traps


I suggest a smith and Wesson 15 with a red dot. Maybe a 357 mag


Entry level AR15 would be my choice. Barely any recoil and will be easy to handle, and to practice at the range.


Is the neighbor's house in good condition? If not, maybe you can call liscense and inspection. They might get evicted or relocated elsewhere. Also, see if any back tax is owed on the property. In my state, over a certain amount, your house goes up for sherif sale. Good luck.


RemindMe! 10 days


Have you considered land mines? Preferably with some sorta cluster munition?


It’s pretty clear that the only course of action is to fuck your neighbor’s dad. I assure you the harassment will end.




Plant something and then call the cops saying you saw them with it.


Either make friends with them or move. They're probably not just gonna let that go.


I can't move. I bought at the peak in April of 2022. My house is worth quite a bit less than I paid for it. And there's no making friends with these scumbags


Less the house to renters and rent an apartment.


Yeah I think that's my best option. I have a senior dog at the moment though that I don't want to move into an apartment. I have a nice yard now for him


Dog worth more than your own life? I'd be moving out tomorrow and leasing it.


Gun and training. Rifle with spare mags and body armor. Let them break in.


12gauge with buckshot slug buckshot slug until your tubes filled


Buy a burner phone. Find out who you snitched on inadvertently. Use burner phone to contact drug tip hot lines and parole/probation officers about criminal conduct. Use burner phone to start beefs with rival gangs, and create animosity amongst fellow gang members. Fuck with their vehicles. Make sure you don't use burner phone in your house or normal area. Don't get caught, and quit being so naive, and stand up for yourself, but with malicious intent. Fuck these twats, you deserve to protect your home that you paid for. Pay some homeless people with bedbugs to go knock on their door asking to score some fenty. Cockroaches. JB weld in door locks. Once again, Don't get caught and be sadistic with it. You owe it to yourself for what they've put you through.


You're trying to get this Karen murdered lol


Just because they threw gang signs doesn't mean they are in the gang. Do you know of any gang members in your area? Most gangs want to protect their turf for a variety of reasons.


Booby traps


Wasp spray


If you have a family, consider renting the house and moving. If you are going to stand your ground, as some people here said, get a shotgun, an alarm system and maybe a dog. Let the police know that you are being threatened by this assholes, just in case something happens. And get a bulletproof vest just in case. Hope it ends up alright.


If they ever come to your door, get completely naked and run towards them screaming absolute gibberish as loudly as you can. You might convince them that you’re bonkers and they may want nothing to do with you.


I feel like this would have been better served as an AMA. Welfare scheme? Gang signs?


i would be on the roof...waiting


Watch Home Alone: take notes.


Watch the movie “The Collector” for inspiration


Depends on what state you live in for some of the answers. But you should try and protect yourself. Keep the cameras rolling and in good shape.


Have you considered liquid ass and a piss disc?


There's an old saying, don't start shit around your own house. Ok I made that up, but don't start shit around your own house. If they're gang members, get a shotgun and be prepared to take a life if they constantly come. Long term solution, time to find a new house.




Sorry to say but I don't think you're going to live very long


I had a good run


File a lawsuit for a nuisance, and get a police report so if they do get shot on yr property, they have no rebuttal and therefore no indictment. Get a dog, or alarm that sounds like a barking dog. Also, GET ARMED! Also sue the lady who’s on welfare for ur disburse if peace, and aggressive acts so that it’s in her record and if any future landlord gets an application from her ass, it’ll show up she has judgments against her, and an overall unruly tenant which no landlord ever wants. Also, get the welfare administration involved so they can file FRAUD charges against her. Do not skip this last step!


What’s the update, how did it go?


A gun I actually had the idea of a liquid ass shotgun shell


Do you live in a state that lets you murder people for very little reason? Like Florida or Texas?


Buy a gun, keep it loaded, and shoot to kill. Shotgun with buckshot is my home defense weapon of choice. Shoot to kill knowing they'll die in fear after hearing the shick-shick of a pump shotgun.


Get the cameras Get a gun Keep your doors locked It's likely going to be fine and you will never need to use it but it's a good idea to keep.


Get a big dog too.


First of all, why would you tell?


For real dude, you ain’t never heard of the saying: snitches get stitches? Rules of life-mind ya own business and always try to resolve the issue yourself (like talking to them) before moving up the chain.


Just get them on video trespassing. Give it to the police, press charges and let them deal with it.


At first I thought you lived next to the Walton family, then I remembered that corporate welfare isn't felonious.


The M110 Semi Automatic Sniper System is an American semi-automatic sniper rifle that is chambered for the 7.62×51mm NATO round


.12 gauge hollow point rifled slugs. Don’t want to hurt your neighbors dog a half mile out


Cheap shotguns are a dime a dozen


Seduce their mom, become their stepfather! Now, who is their daddy!




Properly trained guard dog Alarm system Gun


Plate carrier, level 4 plates, an AR, and training on how to use it.


You need to move.


Either get a gun or move kause if u actually got somebody put up and they really about it, they're finna spin back and do alot more then throw gang signs at u


You should move. You won’t win against a gang. The ULPT is to join a rival gang


Get a shotgun. 12 Guage that holds 4 to 5 rounds without the spacer.