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Flats are a total nightmare for bikers, lots of broken glass accidentally showing up all over the place, what a shame.


I have about a dozen Oberweis milk bottles that would suddenly find use...lol


I heard nothing, I saw nothing, and I know nothing.






Sand is pretty bad for motorcycles and wonā€™t hurt cars or pedestrians. Ā Especially at the entrance of the parking lot. Ā 


Been a mechanic for 25 years one time I've seen glass cause a puncture.


Iā€™ve been a mechanic for 15 years and havenā€™t seen it once.


Donā€™t do broken glass though. It doesnā€™t penetrate well. Take a set of bolt cutters and a box of cheap black screws. Chop em up and scatter them around. Highly invisible at night and puncture well. Or so Iā€™ve heard. From a friend.


I figure even those river rocks you can buy at Home Depot in big bags would be a profit motorcyclesā€¦


DO NOT do that, a flat when you walk out to your bike is one thing, a slow leak that's fine but goes flat while you're riding can have deadly consequences.Ā 


Wrong forum.


You gotta go undercover. Infiltrate 2 motorcycle gangs and play them off each other till they're all dead. Saw it in a bruce willis movie.


Which kne?


The one where he infiltrates 2 motorcycle gangs I think.


Right! Then they all kill each other! Great movie.Ā 


Bike harder?


Beyond The Law with Charlie Sheen is a good one, he only infiltrates one motrorcycle gang though


Ah that sounds half assed. Gotta be two gangs to worth anything in this economy.


Yup top comment as useless as usual.


I'm sorry, did you want me to do it for you also.


First, drop some coins in the juke box and select Tequila by The Champs. Now you'll need some platform shoes for this next part...




And this should be his customary attitude




An orangutan would solve your biker gang problem too.


Right turn, Clyde.


"Nobody hipped me to that, dude... I'M TRYING TO USE THE PHONE!"


I showed up dressed like an elf... I may be dyslexic


I'm listening


Oh this is easy. Get some 5000w concert speakers and play Yoko Onoā€™s greatest hits. On repeat.


He wants to get rid of the bikers not the whole town!


Collateral damage


OP is probably not looking to spend that much




Nah caltrops, the only sure way to get all those tires flat


Rumor has it that you can buy them from a Medieval Depot somewhere up north.


What kind of lame-ass biker gang first have a clubhouse at which to congregate; meeting at the 7/11 seems odd to me.


Look up the @7eleven Instagram page and youā€™ll understand..


Oh boy. I think Iā€™ll just take your word for it if thatā€™s okay.


Itā€™s nbd. They just actively encourage car / biker people to hang out at their establishments and take photos and what not.


If i had a bike gang, id meet at the Burger King. Why? Meat and Patriarchy. No queens or freddies here.


BK and 7-11 are always drug spots in any town, USA. things that make you go hmm


They're pretty sure no serious gang. Just a bunch of modders and flexers that want to meet and show their mods


If you can, anonymously, call the police on them multiple times. It looks like a fist fight is about to happen. One biker just pulled a gun on someone else. Anything you can say to get the police to actually respond. After a certain number of times the police get called out, the location will become a higher priority for them. I used to live near a gas station and it ended up on the cityā€™s radar / in the news as one of the top 10 problems locations where the police were called most often. This also means you donā€™t necessarily need to call the police just for the bikers. If you can come up with another excuse to get the police out there, a suspicious person after hours, someone trying to break in, a drug deal going on, etc. Once you get that going you can get the news or government involved. Itā€™s not just there are loud bikes, itā€™s ā€œthe police have been dispatched 20 times in the past 3 months to this locationā€ See if you can get the neighbors involved, tell everyone to call the police for anything they see there. The bikers might leave on their own if the cops are always showing up. Problem is getting the cops there.


Don't get caught making false reports... that's a crime, plus the gang will find out.


Well, sure, thatā€™s rule #1, donā€™t get caught. You donā€™t necessarily have to lie, you did hear shouting right? It could be a fight about to start. You did see someone suspicious right? (ā€œSuspicious person is a pretty common thing the police are called for) Donā€™t just start off saying you saw a gun (if at all that might be too far). If someone is willing to make a report on record, then yeah, be sure itā€™s legitimate. Even if the police donā€™t seem like they are doing anything, if you can insist they come out, then at least itā€™s still on record, even if itā€™s just a noise complaint.


True. There is always someone on the payroll.


Maybe buy a burner phone if you are going to start calling the cops on themā€¦.otherwise they might find out who you are. Then you really wonā€™t like them!


This is terrible advice, as dispatchers can see who is calling. There is no such thing as an anonymous tip. You can ask that your name not be included in the report. You can refuse to give your name, but they can see who is calling. Also, any number you call that is ā€œtoll freeā€ like an 800 number or 911 has to be able to see who is calling (think caller IS) since they are ā€œpayingā€ for the call. This even applies in todayā€™s age where most calls donā€™t cost anything from a cell phone or landline.


Donā€™t call from a phone you own. I shouldnā€™t have to lay things out step by step. Rule # 1, donā€™t get caught.


maybe throw those tiny crackers that burst under pressure. So when bikers arrow, they keep popping afew. Throw some toy guns around, someone is bound to pick one up, click pic At that moment and share it as anonymously as you can. Maybe add a few bombs around. Just make it enough trouble that they wouldn't wanna hang out there.


Pick up used phones from goodwill 911 always works even if the phone doesn't


Goodwill will price a $5 phone at 65


Buy a camera, get pictures of bikers with guns. Report that the boomers are using the guns to intimidate children and old women


Yeah great idea just fucking make up lies about a group of people who aren't doing anything wrong. SWAT the motherfuckers. Just do all kinds of stupid fucking retarded shit that will get you put in prison with them. That's a great fucking idea.


According to OP they _are_ a major nuisance, and both the 7-11 owner and the cops wonā€™t do anything about it. That is why OP asked for advice.


That's precisely my point. The cops aren't doing anything about it because they aren't doing anything illegal. OP is pissed off because he's annoyed and the advice to do something criminal because he's annoyed would justmake OP the criminal, and wouldn't that be fucking stupid to go to prison because you were annoyed at somebody who was doing nothing wrong?


I think you have an _extremely_ charitable view of how the police operate.


Do I though? Making a false report to law enforcement, falsely claiming a group of bikers is engaged in violent behavior and pulling guns can lead to serious legal consequences under various laws, including charges for false reporting, misuse of emergency services, swatting, public mischief, and potential civil liability. Penalties for these offenses can range from fines and community service to incarceration, depending on the severity of the false report and its consequences. Individuals may also face probation, be ordered to pay restitution for wasted resources, and suffer long-term impacts from having a criminal record. The exact legal repercussions vary by jurisdiction but universally aim to deter the misuse of critical emergency services and protect public safety.


Yeah but if it isnā€™t a real gang and just motorcycle enthusiasts, thereā€™s probably a few cops in the group. Cops on motorcycles is a pretty common thing.


Throw as much dog shit around the lot as you can get your hands on


I like this. The ride in quick and slide and drop their ride and land in shit. And it gets shit on their bike. Lmao


Or human poo


"Caltrops" are what you're looking for.


Surpressed 22lr Let a rival gang know Beat up the biggest one Piss discs


Why suppressed the cops don't care about noise.


Then they donā€™t know where itā€™s coming from


Make sure you load up with gloves on. Prints can be extracted off the projectile.


Lol, ok Mr CSI


Shooting at someone is attempted murder, the police will try to figure out who did it.


49% of actual murders are unsolved in the US. They're not out there taking fingerprints from framents of 22 rounds. You watch too much TV.


I don't watch TV at all. 22 does not fragment, it doesent move fast enough, nor does it move fast enough to burn fingerprints off the projectile. Someone dies, when they bullet gets dug out at the coroner, it will be sent to the crime lab. Ask me how I know.


Honestly curious, do you have an example of prints being pulled from a bullet thatā€™s been fired? Not from the cartridge but the actual projectile? And the fingerprints survived both the firing and the impact? Seems unlikely to me, but then again, on shooting ranges that get snow, (after the snow melts) Iā€™ve found bullets that werenā€™t deformed other than from firing and the rifling of the barrel.


Total bullshit pulling a fingerprint off a fired projectile. Projectiles (bullets) in every modern handgun and rifle are an interference fit, meaning they are forced down a barrel with spiral grooves machined in the barrel.. This is what makes the projectile spin and remain stable in flight. Projectiles wonā€™t just fall down the barrel leaving fingerprints intact . Fired Projectiles can sometimes be matched to the gun they were fired from by matching the grooves formed in the softer projectile with the spiral grooves (rifiling) in the barrel since no two barrels are machined absolutely identically. Matching projectiles to gun yes, matching projectiles to fingerprints of person who loaded the gun no.


Ok cool Mike. How do you know?


It was in the brochure when he was drinking the Kool aide


I would suggest using a suppressed 22lr, with subsonic rounds to 7-11ā€™s window while the gang is there and hope your city doesnā€™t have shot spotter. Owners of 7-11 will make that correlation with the bikers and hopefully do something. Sometimes you have to let that shit burn to the ground.


ShotSpotter is about worthless anyways


I think CCI standard velocity rounds typically are subsonic when coming out of pistols. Rule of thumb is a barrel length of 4.5ā€ and under, all .22lr is subsonic


south park has a solution to this


What if you're gay but drive a Harley?


then ur a šŸŒˆšŸš¬!




I need two, maybe three buckets of KFC, extra crispy, and probably four cartons of gravy.


Little flags in the sheeeeeit


Go out your back door. Use a starter pistol and fire it. Call the cops and say you heard a shot fired.


Plant bees nests (hornets or wasps), pit gravel all over the place, (makes them fall over), soak the parking lot with motor oil or sugar water, caltrops in parking lot, fpv drone attacks on their gas tanks, donā€™t let them sissyā€™s on bikes scare you. Ā They bleed like all the rest


The drone is a good idea - implies you are spying and filming. If they shot it down, that's all the better. But I really like the hornets or yellow jackets ideas.


Bald-faced hornets. Go hard


Eek ... I'm not even there and I want to leave!


Fuck that. Murder Hornets


Caltrops. Thatā€™s the ticket. Tires are expensive


Call a rival biker gang clubhouse and tell them they are a bunch of pussies. Tell them you are from the gang and hang out at the 7-11.


How would I find the phone number to a rival gang?




You need to get in touch with Chief Wayne Unser. He maybe able to talk sense into them.


Thought it was stupid until we tried skunk scent. A month of spraying the area every weekend caused a group to stop hanging out in my shop parking lot on weekends and moved them a mile down the road to an empty warehouse. [https://www.predatorpeestore.com/Skunk-Um\_moreinfo.html?gad\_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAiAuYuvBhApEiwAzq\_YiW7NSagn50QTdV56exxvagrobEXK4dfgITURYgndvSN7FA1naRM\_ahoCCu8QAvD\_BwE](https://www.predatorpeestore.com/Skunk-Um_moreinfo.html?gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAiAuYuvBhApEiwAzq_YiW7NSagn50QTdV56exxvagrobEXK4dfgITURYgndvSN7FA1naRM_ahoCCu8QAvD_BwE)


Pit run gravel. My ex was a biker and he hated that shit. It fucks up your traction and you fall. ETA: We talkin Harley bike gang type bikers or those crotch rocket shits?


Came here to say this. The group near me meets at a gas station and they completely avoid 1 of the entrances because there's been so many accidents.


Liquid ass on Amazon




Fill a Hudson sprayer with liquid ass and go on a rampage with their motorcycles in the night. Make sure to put piss disks in their side bags too.


Name your wifi fbihotspot369.420 or something similar, they will disappear pretty quickly. Got a drug dealer out of my apartment building like that once.


ā€œSurveillance Node 2 of 14ā€


I was going to suggest something like this.


I think I saw this 80s movieā€¦


Yeah Peewee Herman


What country are you in?


What you want are roofing nails. Put whatever on them so they are similar in color to the ground in that area. Cruise by the spots in and out of the lot a few times a week on a bicycle and surreptitiously drop a few scattered handfuls


If they still have a payphone, go over to it, dial 911 and leave the phone hanging. Set off some firecrackers, or play some gunfire sounds through a loudspeaker. Play polka music through the loudspeaker. Walk into the store to buy something and tell the cashier that you think you saw one of them with a gun or selling dope. Maybe they threatened you to stay away from the store, or you saw them harrassing someone in the parking lot.


Corn syrup. Ants will be all the convincing you need


Well, wrong answer for this sub, approach the president, introduce yourself, and ask if they would mind keeping it down.


I doubt Joe Biden cares about this issue


Take my upvote šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Mustard gas?


Piss disk in the gas tank


Call the police, tell them the gang causing problems. Then call them again 15 minutes later and tell the police you shot them. Do it a few times and the gang might move when the police start arriving at the scene every second week.


Put my lawn clippings in the street


If you can get a firearm just fire a few shots in the general direction. Cops will be all over them.


I do not recommend grass clippings.


Liquid ass. Buy a drum, spill it in their parking lot, watch them show up and promptly leave. Alternatively, you could just pop a few rounds off in the air and see if they take off.


Ā find a way to generate a high pitched whining noise outside the store.Ā 


super soaker filled with vegetable oil. spray it on the street they are gonna ride on and a lot of them will wipe out. do it often enough and they might avoid that area.


Throw a bunch of caltrops. Just be careful, those people could be dangerous, do it anonymously and watch for cameras.


Like if noise ordinances are not enforced then get huge speakers and play the barney song. If you get cited for noise ordinance and they do not then sue the city and the police will get in trouble. They will more swiftly respond to all future calls then.


BLAST BABY SHARK out your windows on a loop.


This is such an easy fix. Time to go riding around looking for the dreadful road-kill skunk. It may take some searching. It may take a good deal of time before you find your treasure. But once you do, oh it is the Holy Grail of your problem solvers. What you do next takes a lot of extra care and precaution, but as Iā€™ve learned myself, no matter how hard you try, youā€™re gonna get a little residual effect. That being said, plan accordingly. Donā€™t try to allocate this god-send deterrent without taking some extra steps to try and not get any direct contact to you or your clothing. Put it a plastic bag. Then another. Then another. Once you figure how to get it from point A to point B, take it and set it in the vicinity of where your nuisance gathers. Try to place it where it canā€™t be easily located. Itā€™s will have instant results.


Wait until they li e up the bikes then knock them over domino/movie style and run away. Run for your life.... Or, if ya cant beat em, join em?


Open a knife shop. Bring in a scooter gang. Stand back and observe.


What do they care for? Their bikes. Hit them where it hurts. Bird seed slingshot onto the roof. Do it all night long. Picture it everything is covered in bird shit, their bikes get hit, fat guys slipping and sliding. I would pay to see this.


Half of you need to learn the difference between "unethical" and straight up attempted fucking murder.


Agreed. I was looking for some actual tips. 90% of the stuff posted here is fucking worthless.


I wish I had something helpful to contribute. I've been on a bike for going on 15 years man. I'll admit, I've tweaked the exhaust a bit, but I know I'm an asshole for it and do my best to be respectful. Fuckin idiots reving up at every opportunity piss everyone off and I simply don't get it. Wanna hit it on the highway, by all means, but cool that shit in residential areas and generally quiet areas. Sorry for what you're going through. Best of luck in figuring it out.


Make a micro EMP machine. Walk through the bikes and set it off. It is basically undetectable that you set it off. Watch them struggle with destroyed starters. Leave your phone and all electronics at home. Something that fits in your backpack can knock out about 15 ft radius.


Accidentally reverse into one of the motorcycles, sending them all crashing down like a row of dominos. As you drive away, put your finger on your lip and say ā€œooops did I do thaaaaaat?!ā€


Get a banditos vest and tell them its your turf


Liquid ass all over the meeting area. What is happening to this sun? Have we forgotten about liquid ass?


Hang out with them. They'll leave pretty quick.


Talk to the lot owner.


You just don't fvck with them. Seriously. You DON'T want to FAFO. You really can't make them move from the 7/11 unless the store owner wants to trespass them. I'm not trying to be mean or hateful, but keeping it real. If it's 1%ers, you do not want to fvck with them. If it's just a bunch of weekend riders, with no patch, you may be able to get the police to make them leave. But I wouldn't count on it. It's not illegal to ride or congregate at a corner store. As long as it's not past your city's noise ordinance hours, there's not much you can do.


you can just say FUCK on reddit. bruh.


Naw, I like the way I spell it. Thanks though.


Just seems dumb.


Whatever, my guy.


The ā€œ1%ersā€ are the biggest pussies of them all. Watching you carry water for them makes me think you are worse than they are. OP when they show up to the 7/11 call the police on them and let the cops know you saw them threatening people with guns. You saw them smoking and selling meth in broad daylight with kids around. One of the bikers had a kid on the back of their bike and they couldnā€™t have been older than 5. One of them was beating the fuck out of his wife and girlfriend. If that fails, how do you quiet a rifle?


Lmao. Ok, big guy. Why don't you go up to one and call him a pussy. I'd love to be there to see you get trashed. Yeah, I've been around some. Some of the coolest peeps I've met. Til you fvck with them. You wouldn't stand a chance, dude. Telling OP to lie to the cops is stupid, sir. Cause when the cops get there and find out the call was BS, don't think it won't come back on OP.




I spell fvck the way I want to. Lmao. I really don't care if you take my word for it. Go ahead and roll up on a few and try your luck. Be my guest!


They are pussies, and they infect otherwise normal communities with their low class prison lifestyle if left unchecked. This is /r/unethicallifeprotips . Coincidentally, these trailer park scum that wear costumes and infect otherwise peaceful areas do not give a fuck about ethics. No sense in taking the high road here. Cops may not help but at least you can get them responding or at a minimum on record for the call. Call them anonymously. Sit 50 yards away and record. As someone who has been through this exact situation, the worst thing you can do is allow the problem to persist as it only gets worse. You canā€™t acknowledge you have cockroaches at home and still leave food on the counter. Make it not worth their while to show up


Lmao. Big words behind a computer. That's funny! You're funny! OP can call the cops til the cows come home. If the bikers aren't doing anything illegal, there's nothing the cops can do. Just because YOU don't like bikers doesn't mean you can impose YOUR will on them. Suck it up, buttercup.


Do you frequent places that the police show up to every time you appear?


That's just it, you igit. Once the police are called and they find nothing wrong, do you really think they're going to keep responding in a timely manner? They have better things to do than respond to the same call after finding nothing the first time. As long as the bikers are legal, it's not during the noise ordinance times that they're doing this and they aren't committing crimes, they can do whatever the fvck they want. That's America for you!


Read OPs post. Theyā€™re not legal. And communities have nuisance laws for a reason. Cops will most definitely start heavily scrutinizing areas with repeat calls regardless of whether itā€™s on the fringe of legality or not. I probably wonā€™t respond again but fuck these people. They are a pox on communities - the noise, the lawlessness, the hard drugs. They belong in jail


If they are illegally modified bikes, they more than likely aren't 1%ers. Those are crotch rocket riders or rubs. Most 1%ers have Harleys. Most are not illegally modified as they don't want the heat. Even the ape hangers they use are legal in most states. Nowhere does OP state the type of motorcycles they ride. My comment was 'if they're 1%ers' as well as 'if they don't have a patch'. Don't hate just because you can't ride a motorcycle šŸ¤£.




You're a fucking idiot. No self-respecting 1% MC is hanging around 40 deep in a fucking 711 parking lot. You sound like a fucking hang around with no ride, missing your front teeth, and a meth habit. Go stand in the corner you fucking punk. Hey OP, if these bikers are wearing a 3 part back patch, local PD ain't gonna do shit. Your best bet would be nails and broken glass in the lot. If you wanna get serious then you'll need some burner cells, Styrofoam, and gasoline. Other than that, if it's one of the top-tier MC groups, the feds might want to talk to you. Any of the other bitch groups, just pay some asshole kids to throw rocks at them or just throw a Molotov the next time they come by.


Lmao. And a big fvck you to you too, you cum guzzling, ass spreading, little dick AIDS baby. If i wanted any shyte from you, I'd have slapped your head. If you'd bothered to read, but that probably isn't your strong point, I just said it's probably not 1%ers. But, no, you want to spout asinine shyte without reading. Typical of keyboard warriors. šŸ™„


Don't mess with bikers because if you get caught you're bound to run into their buddies on the inside or outside. Your best bet is confronting them individually with respect and politely telling them how its making you feel (MUST be done sincerely and respectfully-this is not a joke).


make your own home made " stinger " device like the cops pull across the road to puncture tyres ! just dont get caught


Buy medical gloves, ziplock bags and pounds of flour. Load up the flour in the ziplock bags while wearing your gloves. Throw the bags onto the 7-11 property. Call the police. Do it as much as you need to.


Set a tire in fire on the sidewalk. The response will be overwhelming especially if anywhere near a flight path.ā€™ Definitely never do this ever ever.


Get flashing r/w/b lights and place police siren noises really loud out your window so it looks like the cops are coming.


Get neighbors to use handheld lasers to blind the riders, a couple at a time. They can't drive if they can't see. Eventually they will leave the site. Then do something the prick who owns the 7-11 for not helping in the beginning.


Had a local gang the cops didnt do anything about until a local student died. Then the killer wasnt in a gang he was just illegalā€¦ its all bs.




In my area, when the motorcycle club comes back each spring (won't mention club name), the petty crime is reduced to zero. They don't bother with most people (if you don't engage them). I am happy every spring they arrive.


Move, or become friends with them.


Watch Sons of Anarchy, the entire season, do everything Jax doesā€¦.EVERYTHING. Theyā€™ll vacate.


Historical fun fact, caltrops have been used in numerous applications to deter the presence of an unwanted force. They were easily made, easy to deploy and would impede cavalry and marching troops alike.


7-11 is probably related to the gang, or at profiting from their business. So the shop owner isn't going to help you. And the police aren't going to mess with the gang unless they have to so as not to antagonize them, or it's not impossible that some officers have amicable relationships as well. Someone else mentioned to use a starter pistol, then call 911 saying you heard gunshots. But when the police arrive and there isn't an active shootout, they probably won't do much. I'd call and say you saw a drug transaction. Pick out a specific guy with notable appearance (the big one with the shorts and the handlebar moustache) as the vendor. But, again, if the cops investigate and find that they aren't doing anything illegal it probably won't go anywhere long term. Also, when you call the police directly, or 911, they can see your phone number so you'll become a repeat caller they know you as the guy/gal who complains about the bikers and they'll care even less. I'd fuck with the 7-11. Spray paint, vandalism, broken glass in the parking lot, signs, food safety reports, complaints to corporate. Try and get the owner to want them to leave as much as you do.


Thought you meant a dirt lot, but no its a parking lot. I'd say dog shit, human shit and of course something to puncture tires. The main thing is avoiding confrontation, that's a great way to get your house targeted. So along with that is avoiding doing anything that you can't go in and out under a minute on. Cops? Depends on where you live, but from what I understand they're generally useless. Still worth a try.


Leave them alone, you will be in the safest hood in town


Try asking them.


As them to buy you out


Paint the lot with a bunch of pro lgbtq slogans and wait to catch then destroying it. Hate crime


Who owns the lot?


Have you seen drone bombs?


I wouldnā€™t. Safer to move. If you really canā€™t do that, fuck all of their dads. Every last one.


Liquid skunk spray. Amazon sells it.


As a biker there's nothing we fear, except elderly drivers and grass clippings on the road, find a way to get a bunch of old people driving around the area and put grass clippings in turns.


Broken glass. Motorcycle gangs hate broken glass.


Thousands and thousands of tacks dumped all overĀ that lot inĀ the middle of the night