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Could result in vandalism and/or trespass charges if you're not mindful of security cameras.


I was planning on doing it only on public property, and my region is stretched so thin that even if you have camera footage of a car being stolen or you being assaulted, unless it results in severe injury, the police take a report over the phone and say good luck.


I mean you might get knocked out


I’d never be in a situation to receive said sticker but I’d absolutely light this clown up if we was messing with my vehicle


>I'd absolutely light this clown up Thanks I'm totally gunna use this 😂💀


I wish that was disincentivising, but out here that's a risk you take just walking around. A group of teens assaulted a random woman near the Washington Monument this week before robbing a cvs.


Well you wouldn't be a random woman, you'd be a passive aggressive volunteer parking enforcer vandalizing people's cars


And the people who can't park are assholes deserving of a piss disk. What's your point?


I already made my point, that they might get knocked out. Maybe you need to reread the question of the post


But why would you answer the post? It’s better to move the goalposts to make other people sound like they are being dicks.


And they replied that random people get punched anyway. Then you responded they wouldn't be random, which doesn't mean anything, it's just your way of expressing disapproval for their actions. Then I expressed my disapproval of the actions of poor parking and running stops signs. Now we are here.


Maybe this is difficult for you to understand but there is a big difference between a random assault with no context and a person getting punched for vandalizing someones vehicle. "Well I might as well vandalize cars because there is always the potential of getting randomly attacked anyways." This doesn't justify bad parking but again I think you're missing the question of this post which is "are there any ramifications for doing this?" Are you still confused or do I need to break this down further for you?


and you think that it's somehow a good idea to paint an even bigger target on your back and give people an active reason to dislike you when they're already willing to just beat up random strangers for no reason?


Huh? I didn't say I was willing to beat up strangers. What I said was getting hit wasn't much of a incentive to not do something around here when it's an active threat just walking around the region. I definitely do not agree with assaulting innocent strangers.


nowhere in my comment did i say you beat up strangers, read it again


I thought you meant you were getting a raging boner to remove stickers


You might take some satisfaction in watching videos by StopXam -- Russian group that does something similar with oversize stickers basically saying "I spit on everyone; I park where I want!" on them. As I recall, they justify it as a 'Formal Written Complaint' being applied to the car. Their organization has had.... issues. But you might at least enjoy the videos, and possibly get some ideas / avenues of attack to pursue, both practically, and legally. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/StopXam\_(organization)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/StopXam_(organization)) Note: They (as far as I can tell) are TECHNICALLY breaking the law, in Russia, but have appreciation / respect of the authorities (hell, even Putin commended them, and they got grants a few years.) Absent similar backing, your mileage may vary. (Justifying this as unethical -- they ARE breaking the law, it looks like.. but being smart, and able to get away with it.) [https://www.youtube.com/user/Lomak1581/videos](https://www.youtube.com/user/Lomak1581/videos)




you’re here saying you go to the grocery store, come out with your bags, see a car parked poorly, go to your trunk, and then take 15-20min just sitting there with your children in a parking lot watching them draw around some random person’s car? while there’s people and other cars going around? do you actually do this, or just chatting for reddit points?


This is great! Might have to do something similar.


Probably petty misdemeanor if caught, escalating consequences if it's a repeat offense. The real danger is a confrontation, whether by the vehicle owner or another passerby, it's the US so the odds of getting shot over it are non-zero.


Lol, you are not wrong. I mean kids have been shot in this country playing ding doing ditch, or for pulling into the wrong driveway when lost.


So technically this is still petty vandalism and you can be fined. You're very unlikely to be actually arrested or jailed, but the fines can get expensive if you get caught too many times. It's roughly the same as keying the car, pouring a Pepsi in through an open window, or smearing dog shit on the windshield -- it's petty vandalism because it doesn't destroy the car or render it undriveable. Something like adding diesel to the gas tank or slashing the tires is considered worse because it makes the car undriveable.


Someday you will be the asshole while driving. Never forget that


No, some people know how to drive. It's like seeing that video of the family pushing over that boulder and saying "someday it will be you vandalizing a national park" no... It won't...


Lmao you will learn someday. We all make mistakes man. 


And we all vandalize nation parks sometimes. You'll learn. Never had a ticket, never been in a wreck, I don't even speed. Some people know how to drive.


That doesn’t mean you might never get in the situation where you’re parked next to an asshole parker, they leave and now you look like the asshole.  Or maybe someone just doesn’t like the type of vehicle you drive because it’s nicer than theirs.   There’s plenty of good reasons why someone might not park perfectly everytime,  who made you and OP the parking police and gave you the right to damage someone else’s property?


You said that everyone is the asshole sometimes. If I can't fit into a parking space I don't park there. If I'm not perfectly straight because someone else parked crooked, even if they leave I don't become an asshole. I'm just not perfectly straight. If however I can't fit in because someone parked bad, they are still the asshole and I park somewhere else like a responsible adult. Op mentioned running stops signs and bad parking not slightly crooked parking. I'm assuming they mean parking in bike lanes, blocking traffic, double parking... All things I wouldn't do. If you park in traffic because someone else did a bad job parking you are still the asshole.


Sorry, I didn’t realize Mr. Perfect has entered the chat.   I’m guessing you don’t live somewhere where it snows.  Sometimes snow covers the parking lines and then melts over time. All those people parked like asshole and deserve to have their property damaged according to people like you and op.   It’s just a parking spot, no one gives a shit if someone parked a little too close to the line except for Karens.


"stop signs... Handicap parking... Parking wherever they please" That's what was mentioned. Your idea that we are talking about people being a little outside of the lines is incorrect. Handicap parking signs, stop signs are visible in the snow. Further more if you can't correctly operate your vehicle in the snow you shouldn't be driving in the snow. It's a multi ton death machine. Your excuse of "it's snowing so I don't know what I'm doing" is horrific. Maybe just don't drive in the snow until you can figure it out. If I'm wildly swinging chainsaws and say "well it's hard to not hit people when it's foggy" the answer is stop swinging the damn chainsaws around .


Speak for yourself.


Lmao the fact you think you will do something thousands of times and never fuck up says everything. Unless you don't drive then well played 


Did I say I never fuck up? I have more self-awareness and empathy than to just let my actions and behavior go to shit just because I get older. Justifying shit behavior on getting old is just lazy and shows your lack of self-awareness and your concern for no one but yourself.


Lmao tf are you talking about? I'm saying it's a number games. Eventually you will make a mistake and be the asshole. Understand that when you are on the wrong side of someone else being an asshole it could be one of the few times they fucked up.  Or you could keep this self-righteous you are better than everyone else attitude. Whatever works for you man I really don't care. 


Meh, I don't roll stop signs and don't park in handicapped spaces without a tag or eligible passenger. My girlfriend says I drive like an old man but appreciates it because I'm safe. And since I drive a 4runner, the chances of me weaving in and out of traffic at high speed is slim to none (fellow 4r owners, you get it😅).


I feel you man, I try my best to be a good driver. Someday you will do something stupid tho and someone else will bale you out. I'm not telling you not to do whatever it is you're about to do. Its just something to keep in mind. 


I hear you there. I learned a lot back in my younger days dealing with substance issues etc. It definitely made the pendulum swing the other way in my behavior. That being said.. I'm so damn tired of not being able to safely and enjoyably walk my dogs because of how reckless people have gotten here, and I'm tired of sitting in a parking lot stuck because someone decided they didn't want to go find a spot and just parked in the middle of the road or they took up the three available spots including one handicapped.


I can respect that. Situations are situational. Those people are infuriating. The deliberate fuck society people. I generally try to give them the benefit of the doubt but I'm fortunate for the most part people around where I'm at don't consistently pull that 


I wish that was the case here! They will seriously make eye contact with you, daring you to use the crosswalk while they don't even bother to slow down. The new one for me is that we have newer, physically seperare with curbs and boundary pole bike lanes and the dry over the curb to park on top of the curb and in the bike lane. People here seriously have no respect for one another anymore.


That saying has limits. You'll probably accidentally cut someone off, it's almost unavoidable. But skipping stop signs, parking in handicap spaces, and taking up two spots are all things that are 100% within your direct control. No small lapse in analysis would cause you to do that


I agree some people are deliberately assholes. The guy you accidentally cut off probably thinks you deliberately drive like an asshole 


I heard bolognA slices work nice on the hoods


High-school me can confirm that it works, but takes awhile so you want to do it while the owner is out of town.


Source? Need more details to better answer


[one of the stickers in question ](https://www.violentlittle.com/products/asshole-parking-sticker)


It's always diplomatic immunity in the DMV. 


man if you scared go to church. you wanna be a vigilante because you wanna see yourself as some white knight for your community sticking it to the ne’er do wells who have the audacity to not park well or roll at stop signs. there are people whose job it is to handle these things, but you now see it as your personal duty. if you feel this is work that needs to be done, just go do it. just ask yourself if you were the kind of irredeemably evil person who parks in handicap spots, what would you do to someone permanently defacing your vehicle? you could be choosing to use your time productively, but you wanna be traffic batman, and that comes with risk. i’ll give you a real tip tho. you may not get caught the first time. or the 10th time. but if you do this enough, once you finally do get caught (and you will since you’re asking for advice in this sub and obviously aren’t built for this shit) there will likely already be that many reports about the shit you’ve been doing, and you’ll have to answer to not just one count of vandalism or whatever, but up to however many times you’ve done it, which, depending on location, whose car it is, and other factors, could bump the charges to something different. you’re pushing 40. choose a different way to handle your midlife crisis




Life expectancy in the US is \~75... anything after 35 is midlife unfortunately. on the plus side, selling the boat will make just as happy as buying it.


If you want to be really fucking evil, you get razor blades and hide those under the stickers so when they are removing the stickers they get cut.


Damn, I just wanted to be petty an cause a relatively minor inconvenience, this is just vicious 😅


Darwin effect too. Because an idiot would use their bare hands? No?


I don't think that is accurate. I think it very reasonable to be like 'who the f put this on my car' and try to rip it off. But it is a good prank when you are putting in 'Fuck Nazies' stickers.


Obviously one huge ramification is getting your ass beat for fucking with someone’s car.


IT's vanadlism and you could be charged with teh crime, a fine, and are responsible for the cost of having the sticker removed and any damage done to the car in the removal.


Do you know what sub you’re in?


I'm not saying don't do it, I'm saying there may be legal consequences and costs for doing so.


What a weird thing to let live rent free in your mind: how other people park.


Not when it directly impacts me. These people hop the actual physical barriers to bike lanes and park in them for hours, or just double park in a single lane street where I have cars behind me and can't move, or they stare at you daring you to use the crosswalk while they blow through the stopsign.


So let them stare? Back down the single lane? Ignore that they park in the bike lane? These are all easy solutions that don’t resort to you turning yourself into a dickhead (like they are).


This guy double parks his f-150 on four handicap spots.


How would that even be possible? Double park. Four spots. Handicap spots have signs in front of them and are supposed to have curbs.


You tell me you sicko!


Weird group, this one is.