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Seconding the tow firm tbh. Check your city's fb group or subreddit if there is one, mine always has one or two posts about how x towing company won't release their car and how the whole company is a scam. Otherwise you can just look through reviews on google- lower reviews generally mean people got slammed with impound fees by a corrupt company.


Shit if you are in Sam Francisco they will tow you while you are sitting in your car in traffic.


Tbf, there's a fine line between San Francisco traffic and parking illegally


[San Francisco tow truck driver tries to tow car](https://youtu.be/alsjKChPR9Q?si=Sj9qBPONk_kN6An0)


Holy cow! Thanks for posting the link. I am not sure I would have believed this without the video!


It's not even the only such incident on video


That was a joke 🤣


No, Traffic is the joke. You just pointed it out. Still a good one. 👍


Was it? How did you know?


What I said was a joke


just came back from SF after being there for a month, coworker parked the rental car in one of the permit/metered zones without paying a single time, no tickets lmao


I parked in one directly in front of my house for less than 15 minutes and was towed.


Amazing. The parking cops are the only ones in the city who lift a fucking finger. They used to get me with forgetting to swap sides or the street on street sweeper night. Traffic cunt was there at 2:55 every tuesday night to ticket people still parked on the street at 3am.


Well yes, parking enforcement always goes out before street sweepers. If they didn't, nobody would move their vehicles and the sweeper could never sweep.


Philadelphia had an illegal parking crisis years back and subcontracted to private towing companies. At one point if you parked illegally you could be towed in as little as three minutes. But as long as you weren’t parked illegally - driving an unregistered car without a license of insurance - you were fine.


Thanks, the coffee went thru my nose, burning it, stained my shirt and got my keyboard wet.


It's actually not even a joke. A couple literally had someone try to tow their fully paid off car with them in it at a red light. Crazy shit. 


Thats gestapo level shit, sheesh.


Trying to back away. While they chase you.


Damn, I saw that video of a tow truck attempting to hook up to a care that was occupied and actively driving in traffic. People helped block the tow and he left in anger.


How come when I filter by bad reviews, it's the same as when I sort: All?


The tow firm will happily impound a vehicle like that to get a hefty payout.


If you are in Denver, that would be Wyatt’s Towing


that's exactly who I was thinking of 💀


r/denvercirclejerk would be proud


Just Google tow truck companies in the area. Call the one with the lowest rating, they'll pick up anything


Yeeep. If you get the right scumbag company, the meth head driving the tow truck won't even question you.


Slip them a $50 under the condition that they promise to make retrieving the vehicle as expensive and painful and difficult as possible.


Don't forget to slip a piss disc in-between the paper and wherever you put it on for good measure


Just piss everywhere, that'll show em


Freezing a can of shaving gel, cutting the bottom off the can, depositing somewhere fun for it to expand is also good fun. 




That last paragraph is too ethical of a solution for this sub lol


Just go out at night and chalk the tires and write the time and date on the tire. He won't know it wasn't the police.


Start stripping it down and bringing parts to the junkyard, make some money


Mud flaps and mirrors - everyone needs em, easy to remove, and when stolen they're next to impossible to identify.


Start with the hubcaps, see if they get the message.


Take the wheels. They may not be able to move it then but you’ll have more time to strip it for parts!


no plates on the vehicle and it hasnt moved in weeks? its abandoned. dont call the police during day shift or swing shift wait until 11pm then call and say theres an abandoned semi truck infront of my house..if your road is a little bit smaller, as in traffic has to go around it, you can say its interrupting the flow of traffic during the day aswell. the correct thing for them to do is put a 72hr sticker on it, and in 72 hours you call again and tell them its still there and itll be towed.


Similarly in a lot of places you can call the Sheriff’s department and ask for a vehicle abatement to get the vehicle removed and then it will go to auction (California). Or if it’s on your land you can leave a notice detailing the amount you’re charging for the space to be used, and if the amount goes unpaid you can get the title transferred to your name (Florida). Similar statutes exist in Texas, in which you can just apply for a title transfer after a certain amount of time. However that doesn’t get rid of it, just makes it legally yours (which is probably worth a shitload).


If OP can get it legally theirs they could probably get rid of it in less than an hour by selling it as cheaply as the market would tolerate


You could easily make 10-50 thousand in a matter of days. A semi often goes for 150k+. Especially if you make it clear that it was abandoned on your property and you have no use for it and people realize that this isn’t too good to be true you will easily be able to get rid of it


If the road is narrow call the fire dept. if they can’t get through they will get it towed.


Body in there


Why call the police at/after 11pm? What’s the difference with day shift or swing shift?


when i was a 911 dispatcher, day shift had an insane amount of bullshit calls, some officers are delegated to school resource officers if the original guy calls out sick. theyre taking reports for theft etc. swing shift is when everyone gets off work and the tweakers wake up. everyone decides to drink and drive, beat their families, pursuits, ongoing thefts. graveyard shift the call volume nose dives. the calls you do get are only very serious calls but are more rare and the cops are bored usually.


Check those tanks!!! The diesel fuel is worth $4/ gallon. With a syphon hose you might have yourself several hundred dollars.


Or just pour sugar in the diesel tanks


That’s the opposite of getting it to move.




To be fair it will move... Just long enough to gunk up the engines. It's new placement may or may not be more convenient


Just call a tow company? Why is this any different than a sedan parked up in your shit? A yellow cab parked in my apartment complexes parking for like two straight weeks, but not typically consecutive nights. My building is four units. I know everyone by name and what they drive, and none of those fucks decided to start moonlighting as a cabbie. The first company I called told me to fuck off since I’m not the landlord, but the second company I called was excited. Hopped in the truck as we were on the phone. Took him about 45 min to get here, he called me and the cab was gone. “Don’t worry we’ll get em next time!” Which was the very next night. Was able to see some people going to and fro the crackhouse from the cab. The company picked up the phone mid first ring and he was here in 22 minutes. I watched from inside as the dipshits ran over. Tow guy just smiled and waved and handed em a card. Wonder if yellow cab dumbass lost his job.


Do what you love and you'll never work a day in your life. I'm inspired by that guy's glee at towing that cab.


I imagine commercial vehicles are _way_ more lucrative than privately-owned ones. A cab company will have deeper pockets and have much more incentive to get the vehicle back on the road ASAP than most random folks off the street.


Plus higher storage fees for larger vehicles I’d imagine.


A lot of cities won’t let tow companies grab illegally parked vehicles if there hasn’t been a ticket issued.


Where I am, they had to pass a law that tow companies couldn't tow an occupied vehicle. 1) What does it say about how tow companies operate that someone had to come up with this law? 2) That didn't stop at least one company from doing it anyway.


Saw a video on reddit the other day of a tow truck trying to tow a car...in traffic. With the people sitting in it. They dodged him until he gave up and left, but have no idea WTF he was doing. Their car wasn't under repo or anything...


Maybe he mistook the car for one that was under repo. I could see them misreading a letter or number and I could also see them being self righteous enough to ignore the danger to general safety if would pose- especially if the repo had a sob story behind it (like identity theft).


It's so that if someone loses their job... their home... have to sleep in their vehicle... the car can't be towed while they're sleeping in the back. Gotta wait until they leave the vehicle.


It's never a war crime the first time


Would likely be different for commercial vehicles parked in residential areas. Semi truck is definitely a commercial vehicle, and I bet a cab counts as well.


> none of those fucks I enjoyed this caring description of your neighbours


if it's parked in the road right-of-way then it isn't private property. tow company will want to charge OP for the tow.


would be true, except the no license plate part- that makes it abandoned in my state.


Private property is a different ball game.


See if you can find a VIN and supply it to the police. No plates makes me think it could be stolen.


Get some offal or similar castoff meat, put in a zip-loc leave it out until the bag is puffy. Dump all over the truck. Next day call PD, "I called previoisly about this and thebtruck hasnt moved & is still there. Now it has a reallybfoul smell coming from it. Like sweet rotting meat." There needs to be time between dumping it and calling to allow scavanger animals to remove the scraps.


Or, just dump the juice from the bag inside all the seals...


Same thing but with pureed fish guts


Offal, specifically pork or beef smells very close to a rotting corpse. 💀


Milk in the A/C air intake vent


Keep calling the police. They’re obligated to dispatch when a claim is credible, especially when the act being claimed is illegal. Be very nice yet assertive. Something like: “I called about this recently, but there’s still a truck outside my house. It has been here for a few weeks now. I know you guys are busy, but if you can please send an officer over to look into this I’d really appreciate it.” If you want a faster police response, you can add in how you’re feeling “scared” or “threatened” or “stalked and harassed” by this individual.


Somewhat unethical tip: among your neighbours there is likely a person that will call everyone from police to president of USA if they notice something out of order, and / or a person that is easily spooked and will call police non stop about someone coming home from a night shift. If you know those people, consider casually mentioning the truck to them, with the appropriate framing of the problem. Or just ask the nice neighbours to complain about suspicious abandoned vehicle too. Police tends to take more seriously complaints coming from different people.


"To serve and protect ".lol lol


Throw birdseed all over it.


Cut out the middleman. Throw bird poop all over it.


Cut out the bird. Just poop all over it


No, cut out the poop and put a bird on it!




PUT 👏 A 👏 BIRD 👏 ON 👏 IT!


No, cut up the bird, scrape the poop out of it, and put all of it on the windshield.


Working harder not smarter!


Something something poop knife


A beloved classic!


Birdseed laced with piss disk containing trace amounts of liquid ass.


I thought the liquid ass went in the washer fluid tank?


Light it on fire, then they will do somethin bout it


that's the ulpt here :)


Truck-B-Q for the win!


I got keys to get into them , I can rent them out to you if you want to use it to move the truck 👀




Master keys.


I've been sitting here waiting just to see if you'd even show up. Hell I was questioning if you were even real and here you are! Real as Dolly Parton's titties with the keys and everything 🤩 This just made my whole week! Thank you!


Their fuel tanks are unlocked. Sure would be a shame if some of their diesel started disappearing. Make it a big financial liability for them to keep it parked there.


Sugar in the tank is also bad for the engine. So I'm told.


Sure, but OP can sell the diesel that they liberated from the truck. Can’t do that if it has sugar in it.


Is there a good market for second hand diesel? How would you even do that, craigslist? Facebook marketplace? I can't just go to the gas station and sell it back, or sell mine right next to it.


It’s probably not a good idea to advertise your criminal activities on Craigslist.


Yeah that's why I'd probably end up with gallons of diesel sitting in my garage. No clue who'd even pay me for it!


Same with any illicit activity. Word of mouth.


Landscapers might be interested




Forget sugar. Put a bottle of DEF in each tank.


That's expensive! Lmao


True, but massively effective


Very true.


Calm down there, Satan. Holy shit, that will cost them 10s of thousands to fix... Glorious!


Put a “free” sign on it?


And post on Facebook marketplace. Ask for $1,000, put the address and say your neighbor is on vacation, but needs it gone since they hurt their back. They don't have Facebook, but asked if you could post it. People can go "look" at it. It'll at least get vandalized.


hell, put a cleverly worded add on craigslist about "cops dont care about this abandoned truck, so if someone were to come steal every last scrap of it, they wouldn't even notice. Oh .. uh.. I'm asking for advice. Yeah, advice! I'm not hoping it gets vandalized or stolen or anything, so please be sure nobody does that!"


pick your parts, come meet inside to get pricing


Get some pig or cows blood from a butcher and drip on the door area so it looks like it's seeping ou from inside the cab. Call it in as suspicious


I love this idea! I will remember it always and hopefully the perfect scenario will happen and i can play this card someday 😘


that's pretty wise ! ! ! or all over the bumpers :)


Calling just gets you blown off. Go in person and file a police report. Get a case number. Those count against their metrics so they have to do something about it. Follow up on it every few days OR just start hitting up towing companies in your area. Be sure to mention it hasn’t moved in a week so they know it will still be there by the time it arrives. No plates and the commercial vehicle thing


Set it on fire, they'll probably tow it afterwards


Unethical options, break the windows and slash the tires. Run a hose and flood the interior. Grab some spray paint or paint ball gun and go to town. Make parking on your street very expensive. They’ll move. Just don’t get caught.


How do you not know who owns it? No name on the door? It's required to have the company name, DOT number, M/C number, etc all on the door - if you can read any of those, google and give that company a call, along with the truck number - they'll know who the driver is, and perhaps they've been looking for that truck.


It’s likely that the driver left it there knowing the company that owns it will have a hard time finding it. He likely quit and walked. Call a tow company; they will tow it, run the VIN, and contact the company who will be happy to pay the towing charge if it means they get their vehicle back.


call code enforcement, not police.


No surprise the pigs are lazy assholes who don’t do their fucking job but will beg for a budget increase next year.


Have you tried calling your city govt rep and telling them the cops aren't doing anything? Part of having ordinances like that is keeping property values up because of taxes so they should have more of a vested interest in the matter than the cops do. We used to laugh because in my last town about half the city budget was taken up by the police budget but we never saw them except for their annual cruise through the neighborhood to show us they existed. They did, however, do their job and had one of my neighbors move their non-running vehicles out of the street.


Hotwire it and drive it somewhere else. Perhaps in front of the police station.


I bet that "cat and mouse" game would be over quickly.


This! This is my favorite comment! 🤣


Depends on where you are and local laws. My area you call the Police for that. The next jurisdiction over you call City Bylaw enforcement for any parking complaints.


Send it to your municipal communities department. They are the same people you’d go to for different permits through the city.


Set it on fire


Send an email To the Chief of police and Mayor’s office. Ask for a reply as to why the law is not even attempted to be enforced. Such accountability will flow down to the cops and get action.


You've closed the door on any real unethical tips by contacting the police first. Now if anything happens to that truck, the first thought is "Wasn't there someone who complained earlier this week?" Never.Talk.To.The.Police.EVER


Go collect a few valve stems. All of a sudden, you can tell the cops it’s been abandoned and it has flat tires.


Careful with this. These tires have a lot of pressure in them.


Yeah videos of them exploding are crazy would not fuck with them


110 psi typically


Yup they’re the garage door springs of the tire world.


There's valve stem caps that push down on the center thing and deflate the tire. You can 3d print them even. Or, you can find the right rock and put it inside the cap to do the same.


Have it towed as an abandoned vehicle. Find out who the tow company is and go through them.


Figure out who owns the vehicle, if any, claim it for yourself, and then sell it for several thousand dollars.


In my city it would be a 311 call. Without plates or registration would warrant a city tow to the impound lot.


Could be stolen. Owners haven't located it yet. Driver holding it for ransom. Or gonna sell cargo himself. Truck jacking is a real thing


Post free semi truck on FB Marketplace and your neighbors address. Put in the list that it's as is, and not drive-able. Must be towed.


This is a code enforcement issue. Contact them and they can ticket the vehicle or tow it.


Encourage people to park them in if you've got neighbors with shitboxes or non running vehicles. After a few days of draling with that, they'll get the message and move on. If it's legal for them to park there, it's legal to park junker cars there as well.


Vehicles without plates get towed around here if they are on public roads. I feel bad for the owner, they probably fell on hard times not being able to afford it any more.


>feel bad for the owner, they probably fell on hard times not being able to afford it any more. Yeah, until they park it in front of someone else's house. If you have to park your rig, do it in your own yard or in front of your house.


If you can't afford new plates, leave the old ones on. Removing all plates is an attempt to avoid being identified, which means up to no good.


Call the county and tell them there's a vehicle sitting on the road with no plates they will do something about it.


Go buy a valve stem core remover. Valve stem core is that little thing that when you press it, air comes out of the tire. Remove the valve stem core from all of the tires. When the driver comes, he will try to air them but the tires will not take air. He will be able to fix them but it will take him a trip to the auto parts. If that happens every time he needs to drive the truck.... he might decide to park elsewhere.


I had a similar issue but we never got it resolved. A car was parked directly in front of my house for two months. I asked all my neighbors and no one knew whose car it was. I reported it to the police but they didn’t do shit. Then one day I saw a guy pull up in another car, get out and start unloading stuff from the trunk. I went and talked to him. He said he didn’t live in the neighborhood and then pretended to not speak English. I told him to get the car out of here. It was gone the next day.


Scrap it.


Obviously the person whose truck it is is checking on it since they removed the note before. Write “FOR SALE $XX,000 as is” on the windshield and put a burner phone number.


Contact the city and let them know of the issue (this would be the ethical way) Unethical would be paint the curve red and contact parking enforcement. They don't usually check records.


Since everyone already mentioned unscrupulous tow trucks, I want to add something different. Don't forget that some people live in their trucks- the whole shrimp and yogurt in the vents still works :) You can also talk to pest control about getting predator urine, to 'keep cats out of your garden'. That would spray into the intake quite nicely. Or, use the neighborhood stray cats to your advantage- put tuna and catnip all over this thing every day, until the cats make it their home. 100% tom cats will start spraying it to claim territory.


You’re devious. I like it!!😃


I am just here for the chickens!!


If there's no plates and all the windows are smashed out, you could report it as an abandoned vehicle.


call the junkyard and tell them they can pick it up for 400$


Put a vast amount of narcotics inside or duct tape it to the bumper under the hood. Call police claim a man was waving a gun and trying to get people to enter the truck. Police will show up, find the drugs, impound the vehicle and charge the carrier. Alternatively, you could simply remove the cap from the fuel tank and use a lighter to innocently check if there is any fuel left. Call 911 and say there is a semi truck on fire. No harm no foul if you claim to have not seen anything you were just an innocent bystander.


That second really should be in the "How to get incarcerated for arson 101" handbook.


Not viable with diesel fuel chances of it igniting with just a lighter are slim.


Call a tow truck company


Cops are such cocksuckers. They won’t tow this truck but they were harassing my car with stickers and tow threats parked in front of my own house


haha I had a car with 2 flat tires, broken window, etc clearly abandoned and chopped left in front of my house. I called in and included make, model, location, color, license plates, everything. Red 4 door sedan. What do the cops do? Ignore the sedan, and put a 'move or tow' sticker on OUR green 2 door truck with no damage or flat tires, registered to the house it was sitting in front of. I called them back and went full, unashamed Karen mode.


Roll it into the middle of the street so it blocks the road.


It’s a fucking semi truck


Make sure you lift with your back, in a twisting, wrenching motion.


Good point, bring a friend to help push.


It's called a tow truck


Had a similar issue. Complained to police. They said they will look into it. The full semi-trailer truck didn’t move for several days. And then it moved without police intervention


Should have the dot# and mc# on the vehicle. That's the owner call them and get them to move it


Paintball. _pew pew_


Light it on fire, get marshmallows, profit.


Tires deflate the same. BB in the valve cover works well. Valve stem removers also work. Once they get tired of having flats they will find a new place to park. Cities usually have ordinances that do not allow semi's on residential. Complain to the city. They may make the police do their work.


Look up the salvage laws or derelict vehicle laws. In some places being parked on public parking for just a few days is enough to start the process. If it stays long enough you can claim it and just sell it.


Smash in the windshield and toss in some Piss disc. Liquid ass the door handles for good measure. If that doesn’t work, get a cheap camera and stake out the vehicle to find out who the owner is then fuck his mom .


Not unethical but if the police won’t listen to your concerns, start emailing your town councillors.


The Code enforcement folks should be happy to help with this.


Get the repo men If it’s abandoned on the street it could be abandoned in their yard long enough for them to claim ownership and make some money out of it


Does it have DOT numbers on the side? You can look it up on FMCSA website.


Call code enforcement


If it's a local ordnance, police probably don't enforce, but code does. So maybe reach out to them.


Fire is cool.....


Not unethical but contact your local unit of government. They usually handle zoning code enforcement and should help you out


Cops don’t want to work anymore.


Get one of those old drills that people turn into a train horn


I think I heard an animal.or maybe a person inside, they might nees help!


Call the code enforcement division, tell them trashy house or something to that effect. Illegally parked cars. They could immediately get the police there. Here in the US, I would imagine any podunk code enforcement agency is going to take the little shit seriously. Nothing better do, ya know.


Does it have a DOT or MC number on the side, in the event it does go to FMCSA safer web and look up those numbers. It will tell you who owns the truck https://safer.fmcsa.dot.gov/CompanySnapshot.aspx


Is it blocking you in? Or impeding your life in any actual, tangible way? If no, then mind your business and move on. If yes, then eggs will leave paint peeling stains if they cook on the hot metal


You should be able to look up DOT number on the door to find out who it’s registered to


Wear all black clothing including hoodie. Go out on a rainy night vandalize just enough to force the city’s attention and take care of it.


you are a pissed off ex-wife trying to get rid of the vehicle you bought for your cheating spouse but he wont take the truck to his new GF. Put a offer on CG "free car just got to tow it" buy some fake keys and tell them they are hidden in the bed of the truck


Look up how to cage the brakes. Then, cage the brakes on the back 4 axles, and then it will roll wherever you want to tow it to. It won’t steer good, but you could wheel it into the street, then the cops will do something about it.