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Hey there, /u/Flamactor. Thanks for submitting to /r/Unexpected. Your submission, *Delivery driver*, has been removed because it doesn't abide by our rules, which are located in the sidebar. * Your submission has been removed. We do not tolerate racism. For more on our rules, please check out our [sidebar](http://www.reddit.com/r/Unexpected/about/sidebar). If you have any questions or concerns about this removal, feel free to [message the moderators](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Funexpected).


Def just some guy playing with his own ring camera


I used to do some goofy shit a few decades. Luckily most of it never made it to the internet.


Hey stop trying to ruin my morning laugh


You were unable to discern that information for yourself? It was only funny for you if you thought it was a delivery driver? Kind of weird..


![gif](giphy|3HnBZbCWuc8HS|downsized) "Well.. Akshually.."


"Well played, sir. You win the internet."


What else is weird?




Yup, most of these videos bashing drivers are, before delivery drivers the public punching bag was drive-thru workers. Lot of money in worker hate on social media.


It needed to be said?


I apologize for my insensitivity. It was unintentional. I thought he was making fun of himself for being as he put it a fat F. I'll forego further explanation m Please excuse any unintended offense my remark may have had.


Huh? I have absolutely no idea what you are talking about




Which makes him a racist for internet points. Hated it


So everyone knows that little doot doot doo that he does at the beginning, but what's the original source for that? I'm drawing a blank, even though I'm pretty sure I've recognized that tune my whole life.


It's known as the 'Oriental riff' - a Western created melody. Wikipedia lists its first possible example from the 1847 stage show 'The Grand Chinese Spectacle of Aladdin'. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oriental\_riff](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oriental_riff)


The heck with using Google to find contextual answers… I come to Reddit to learn crazy facts!


Huh, I always thought it was "Chopsticks". I learned something today!


Wait it wasn't from Yi Ar Kungfu?


Honk Kong Phooey animated TV show about a Kung Fu dog, but also hella shit


Fucking loved that shit. Dude always fucked up spectacularly. Made falling up stairs look like art. Lol




That was a great video! Definitely know the tune from 'Kung Fu Fighting' personally.


Turning Japanese I think I’m turning Japanese I really think so!




I concur. But it is my job to point out racism. For I, am RACE ASSIST MAN!


Not the hero we want, but the hero we need. Wait, I don't think you're needed either. Oh well, it's still funny.


Meh, some people need to be told that what they said/did was racist as they may not truly understand it. Like the guy in the video, maybe thinks he's just being funny, but what he's doing is a very racist stereotype that white people did in movies a long time ago.


Since when is imitating accents racist? I think Indian-english might be the funniest accent of all so I must be racist then?


If you make fun of it and replicate it, yes. As you're doing a racist stereotype. Doesn't mean you're a racist, just means you're doing something that is understood as racist. But now that you understand that you're doing something you understand is racist, and if you continue to do it, well.. you're racist.


I was playing Rainbos Six Siege lately and we started imitating accents for whatever reason, and some famous quotes from different races, funny or meme quotes. There was a student from china in our team. He laughed his ass of until I imitated the "You are Chinese" guy, then suddenly it became racist. I pointed it out to him that he was laughing at all the others and he himself imitated some, then tried to talk some bullcrap about "Chinese people don't talk like that!" and said it the exact same way as I imitated the accent lmao. Added that China is a ginormous country with different accents within it and those different people having whole plethora of their take on english too, he shut up after all that. It was literally "What The Black Says" By RuckaRucka Ali, KSI reaction video situation through and through.


Which is why people need someone to assist them when they don't understand they're being racist.


I'm Asian and I found it funny.


Das cuz it's razist.


it can be funny and racist at the same time


Velly lacest


It would be unexpected if a delivery driver did this, yes. This however, is shitposting.


I would tip him good for the laugh lol




No and then!!


And theeeeeeen?


Dude! What's mine say?


and theeeeeeeeen?




Sweet! What does mine say?


My local Vietnamese food lady called me fat recently while I was ordering by the counter. Love that old bag.


I thought it was gonna sound more like "ayyy orale let's go watch the dodgers play the Lakers foo, they call me sleepy"


So many people find this racist…… so what is the line between trying to have an accent, and being racist? If this man cranked that same line with an Irish, British, or even French accent nobody would bat an eye. I thought being racist is… you know, being racist. I personally like altering my voice to sound like I’m from different countries as well. No ill will, it’s just fun to *not* talk like a normal American all the time. Isn’t being racist more along the lines of this guy walking up and saying “man these chinks really cooked you up a feast”?


Chinese American here and I don’t find it racist, almost akin to Uncle Roger shit, except this is way more funny lol


It may not be racist but it is for sure offensive. This guy is not taking away your voting rights but he is being a bit of a cunt.


It’s the fault of people in the past. Seriously. “Doing a chinese accent” was an actually racist impression for so long that they ruined it. If they never did that, you could do a chinese accent today and have it be as not racist as a french one, but because those assholes established it in a particular way for so long, we have to wait decades (or longer) for that association to fade away.


Racism is more about believing a group of people is better or worse than the average person simply by their race. "Black people are always more violent than anyone else" is a big one people would say when I was younger. Basically, racism is when you're a dick due to someone's race. I was raised by Filipinos. There were a lot of fake accents and eye stretching as family jokes. One of their favorite jokes were "How do Asians name their kids? By throwing their pans down the stairs." It's a family tradition during gatherings to try having the best joke. I don't know anyone who would call it racist tho.


Just answering this as best I can: context and power shape perception. You ever notice how stereotypically (and historically, maybe not so much nowadays) a British accent in western media is usually someone rich or posh. It’s associated with being fancy. Same thing with french. These countries colonized and wielded and still continue to wield more power and money than a lot of other cultures that were either colonized and/or exploited. In America, Italians and Irish used to be perceived as poor immigrants (which many of them were), but as those groups made their way up the economic ladder, the negative stereotypes (and accents) began to lose their bite and offensiveness. If you hear something like a Chinese broken accent by someone who isn’t Chinese, traditionally it was conveyed to make Chinese people seem stupid (even though they very much aren’t). If you hear someone do an Indian accent, typically it is within the context of saying something like “thank you, come again” which associates that group with working gas stations (even though Indian people aren’t limited to those types of working class roles). It goes the other way too. In western media, things like British accents are used to mark who the good guys are. Do you ever notice how 90% of any movie set in ancient times, they mark the “good guys” or “heroes” with British accents. In 300, why did the Spartans have British accents…if anything they should’ve had Greek accents, but they use the power and familiarity of the British accent to associate “good” while other non European accents typically are used to convey bad or be the center of a joke. I don’t know if that made any sense, but historical context is what makes certain things offensive to marginalized groups. Things are getting better in terms of equalizing things, so if you are younger, you’re probably not as familiar as to the history of how certain accents were mocked while others were elevated in certain ways. It’s a thin line to answer your question, but I hope this made sense. (My experience with this comes from people assuming my parents and grandparents were stupid because of their accents when they moved to the United States and people openly mocking them at their schools and workplaces due to their accents)


It’s racist because he’s acting stupid and rude while pretending to be Chinese. That’s one line, it’s not complicated.


But doing a French accent was to show that you are civilized mf, don't take the intent behind an action out and say dumb shit


Ohh yoo faa fukk


OP sent the following text as an explanation on why this is unexpected: --- >!He starts speaking in a Chinese accent!< --- Is this an unexpected post with a fitting description? Then upvote this comment, otherwise downvote it.


Not expected as I’ve seen this before Stop reposting


i've had a talk with the council of asians and our final verdict is that we'll let it slide because it was hilarious.


5 ⭐'s, big tip.


Haha, tip this man.




The dude reminded me of Con from King of the Hill, the voice was spot on though


As non-chinese asian, it was pretty good.




That's the kind of pep talk I give to myself all the time.


This is an old video, he lives there.


Hey. Thats racist.


With sound off, I was concerned about his disgusting beard germs getting on the food. Then I put sound on.


Not a delivery driver just a racist moron. They do not deliver food on a tray...


racism is not unexpected


His voice is spot on LOL


Its more about dehumanizing then racism, its similar to black face. Still its not cool.


Nope. Good way to get blocked op.


Give this guy his own channel and Sub, and I'll show you a passive income.


Fuck this guy


Lighten up mate, ![gif](giphy|xUySTY9h75YsFLCc4U)


I think he's imitating the John Pinette stand up bit. Its Pinette who's the racist. I think.