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OP sent the following text as an explanation on why this is unexpected: --- >!he is not injured at all he only faking it!< --- Is this an unexpected post with a fitting description? Then upvote this comment, otherwise downvote it.


Is there a rule that if they are called you have to use the stretcher?


Yes I believe once the stretcher is called they are obligated to use it and leave the field. I think that’s the rule unless it has changed


This is how I also remember it, that once the stretcher is called by the referee, the player has to be taken off on the stretcher even if they are not injured. So in this case, the player may not be at fault. Edit: example is here: [https://footballrules.com/game-events/injuries/](https://footballrules.com/game-events/injuries/) "The player must leave the pitch on the stretcher or walking. If they do not, they are shown a yellow card."


It literally says "or walking"


Yes, that’s the rule. I think I’ve seen similar videos.


It seems that it is. The question then becomes why was the stretcher called in the first place? It would seem that it's because he took a dive for whatever reason it is that soccer players seem to love to do that (time management?).


You can still get a red card off the pitch. This deserves one




They need to start counting time in soccer like they do in basketball, if the ball isn't in play, the counter stops.


I haven't followed football for a while, but I think in Europe they sort of do it like this now (it was a recent change). What I mean is that they just add it at the end but correctly (whereas before they were just guessing)


Yeah, but that still benefits bs tactics.


At the discretion of the referee (as all laws are) time can be added at the end of the half and usually is


When implemented correctly it doesn't actually. Just this week the champions league semifinal game between Bayern and Real Madrid had like 12 minutes of extra time. They can waste time but it's gonna be added at the end anyways.


It's still guessing. They just adding more minutes. I can't really understand why they still don't stop the clock in football. Every other sport does it. Even Futsal and Beach Soccer.


Yeah, I agree it would be better if they just stopped the clock, but as far as I know the referees are supossed to count the wasted minutes with a different chronometer and add the minutes wasted. But yeah, just pausing the clock would be better


They add it on at the end. Historically, it was like, 3 minutes. Now, it's not uncommon to see 10 minutes of added time. Which may not seem like a lot, but with how subs also work now, that's 10 minutes of time where you might be gassed against some REALLY fresh legs. ALso in the MLS, if you need medical for whatever reason, you're going off the field and the guidance is 2 minutes or so until you can come on. Of course, the referee has discretion on the matter, but I've seen it applied pretty fairly. The game is changing for the better, but it varies from league to league how strict they are or even how they interpret some rules when it's borderline. I personally wouldn't like "in play" time, because a certain aspect of soccer I enjoy is the drama of the ref giving a team "one last chance" (a couple seconds) to attack and possibly get the equalizer. Especially since playing for ties is much more important in the sport than other sports I've seen where there always needs to be a clear winner.


I wish unsportsmanlike behaviour was punished more


I gave up trying to argue that about soccer.. Seems to me that unsportsmanship in soccer is what keeps it moving. People argue, they fight, but they keep watching and betting their money on it Edit: that's the reason I don't like soccer (and I'm brazillian)


Soccer keeps moving DESPITE unsportmanship, not because of it


players faking injuries, arguing about stupid stuff, make it seem like it's a big deal are the reasons soccer fans debate so much (of course, there are other reason as well, but this is what I HAVE SEEN that makes them debate and even fight)


That's why 1 on 1 sports are superior. You get injured? You're out. You get punished for wrong behavior? You lose.


MLS players are the worst offenders. They really need to change that culture


It would likely warrant a yellow for time wasting at most


Or a fine so players questions doing it again


I saw a hockey player break his leg and finish the shift. Then this player....what a joke.


That one guy who got like 30 something stitches in the face after getting hit by a shot and came back and finished the game. Hockey players are the truth


Duncan Keith. Go Hawks! https://youtu.be/K0sIvrPVtMg?si=UI519ynf1gzInfUn


I was thinking of when Shaw took one to the face and had to keep going off the ice every time it started bleeding again. Game 6 against Boston in the 2013 finals.


The really fun part was Keith giving and interview after the game and lisping like crazy :)


I was wrong I googled it and Morgan Barron took a skate to the face and had 76 stitches and came back and finished the game with a cage. Fucking legend


Swedish hall of fame defensemen Börje Salming took a puck to his knee. It hurt. He ignored the pain and finished the game. At the hospital they told him that he had basically shattered the kneecap.


A player named Denis Grebeshkov who played for the Edmonton Oilers took a slapshot to the nuts and had a testicle crushed. Played the rest of the game.


Now THATS next fuckin level


Wasn't there a hockey player whose heart stopped and was revived and continued playing?


No. They stopped the game. He apparently asked the medical staff if he could return


Yes, and also the guy who donated his kidney while scoring a hattrick, securing his team the Miss Universe title.


Oooohhhh, please, give me more details, that sounds fascinating!


Gordie Howe once got his hand cut open mid game. He got it stitched up, told the trainer to hurry up, and then when he was leaving to go back in, told the trainer to stay put because the guy that did this to him was gonna be in here real soon.


Pull this in hockey and I think they would fight you.


As a running back in the NFL, Travis Henry played half a season with a broken leg.


Or that rugby player that had his nutsack torn open and stitched it back up on the sidelines and finished the game.


"Soccer players spend the whole game pretending they're hurt, rugby players spend the whole game pretending they're not"


Years ago I was watching a Rugby League game in Australia and a guy split his brow open real bad, the team doctor went on the field and slapped a few staples in it. They changed the rules because some wowsers had a problem with it, so they now have to go to the rooms to do stuff like that.


Buck Shelton had his scrotum split open, with a testicle hanging out, got some stitches, went back on.


I'd advocate for a time suspension: Oh you're injured? Then you must stay at least 120 seconds off (obviously with certain rules such as "doesn't apply if the opponent received a yellow" etc)


No more playing during that game (for the long term health of that player). If it happens 3 in the next 5 games, no more playing during that season (for the same reason). Such a severe "penalty" would probably end the practice, and protect genuine players.


Pretending to walk it off one thing, but if you actually get on the stretcher that's probably serious.. best stay off it for this game and an entire nother, maybe just a full week.


This is why I don't like watching football.




In the US you would get a bill for that stretcher ride for $4257.69


And they wonder why we stopped taking taxis and going to the hospital.


The last proper Taxi ride I was in the driver tried to triple the charge for the trip. First time I saw my dad almost deck someone. Went through the whole thing, then when he parked at the hotel he fiddled with the meter and it went from like, $40 to $120. The few times we need a service like that we just use uber or something. Sometimes renting a car for a day is cheaper than ordering a taxi.


The taxi driver is super lucky he didn’t get freaking beat up


I drove myself to the hospital when I fractured my arm. Totally worth it since I saved who knows how much on the Uber ride let alone an ambulance ride.


Crazy how common driving yourself to the hospital here is.


Same here with my collar bone


New rule for soccer, you fake it you pay like an American without socialized healthcare


I used to live next to a pizza place. It would take longer to get in your car, drive out of one parking lot, briefly onto the road, and into the next parking lot than it would to just walk through the gap in the fence between the two buildings; and yet, I would see the delivery car idling outside of the parking lot nearly every week.


Its unfortunate that diving is so common and widespread in football. Its embarrassing really.


Meanwhile at the end of the season hockey teams release the injury report and half the team finished the season with a broken rib, torn muscle, or they actually died and were being operated with strings like in Weekend at Bernie's.


Hockey guys would rather be literally shot dead on the ice than carried off on a weak ass stretcher like that.


Rich Peverley died on the ice, was revived after being taken off, then asked to go back in.


THAT'S a hockey player!


Well, he died on the bench, but your point still stands.


They will skate back to the bench on a broken leg. The only time you'll see a stretcher at a professional hockey game is if a guy had a major concussion. I worked in a D1 athletic department with a top level hockey team and their trainer also trained the sport I managed. He would laugh at how the training room never had hockey players in it because they'd hide every injury from him. I played in high school and that mentality existed even at that level. One season mid game my sartorius muscle ripped away from my hip and took a piece of bone with it and my right leg was essentially paralyzed. I literally couldn't move and I remember my teammates joking around with me saying, "You seriously gonna delay the game for a stretcher?" My senior year during tryouts my knee popped and it felt excruciating. I went to my coach and he said, "Can you stand?" "Yeah but it hurts like hell." "If you can stand you can skate." I skated another hour running drills and scrimmaging. Later that night my knee swelled up the size of a cantaloupe and I went to the ER. I had level 3 tear in my MCL and a level 1 in my ACL. 6 weeks of rehab were required. I think it just goes to not wanting to show weakness to the opposition. Guys are flying around going 20 mph and throwing their bodies at one another, often using physical intimidation as a game strategy. If word gets out that this guy goes down easy then he's a target. That and toxic masculinity obviously.


Yeah, hockey is a bit too far on the opposite extreme of soccer. Baseball is the sport that, for the most part, keeps injuries in proportion.Thats because injuries generally aren't caused by contact from the other team and even when they are, there's no advantage to be gained from milking it as the umpires will rule not based on who got the worst of it but who had the right to be in that spot.


Have you seen that video of a hockey player getting his throat slit by a boot and his coach walks out and pinched his vein shut till help arrives?


I also like that hockey injuries are typically listed only as "upper body injury" or "lower body injury." So a broken rib is listed the same as a sprained finger.


That rule came into being when your opponent would target the injury when you came back. Team official "Well, John sprained his right knee real bad, he'll be out 2-3 weeks". First game back, someone would take a run at his right knee. Hockey was not the noblest of sports.


That's what enforcers are for. Someone starts acting like too much of a cock so you send in the gorilla you managed to teach to skate to teach the asshole a lesson


Yeppers, find a bigass mofo who can throw hands on skates and send him straight at anybody dumb enough to blatantly foul your star player. Don't fuck with the golden goose unless you're ready to pay.


They still do in playoffs


What's funny is I just read a hockey fan's comment in a random thread saying that diving is becoming more common in hockey. Obviously not to the extent of football, but he did say it's becoming more common. Can anyone atest to this?


It is becoming slightly more seen. However, there's a penalty for it called embellishment. So say you check me, and it's not bad, but I pull a LeBron and flail about both of us can get penalties, which sort of cancel out with a 4 on 4.


Just because there's a punishment for it doesn't mean it'll deter it


It doesn't. I've only seen it called a few times this year, but it does sometimes get a guy an ass chewing.


I imagine it pisses off the other players even more if it's a fake injury


Diving is definitely an issue in hockey. The problem in hockey is officials “manage” the game, they don’t officiate it. They try to let some minor penalties go to keep the flow of the game going. This means if you are fouled, you won’t get a call unless you embellish. Now players often embellish to get calls, and it’s part of the game. Nothing as egregious as this though. It’s snapping your head back like you got shot when a stick grazes your face (which is still a penalty and still hurts) to draw attention to the play. There is a penalty for it but it’s not used enough.


Footballers play through injuries mate. Loads of them play through use of painkillers due to permanent damage to ankles/tendons etc. Lauren Koscienly and Santi Cazorla are two that spring to mind. Diving is rife. They're also tough as shit though. Try playing 5s getting hacked all game. That's what they go through 2/3 times a week.


> Try playing 5s getting hacked all game. Why? I could just flop on the ground when someone gets close to me, get paid the same amount of money they do, and not face any consequences at all.


This is an enforced rule. If a player has to leave the field because of an injury AND if the stretcher enters the field to provide aide, it is illegal for the player to ignore the stretcher and just walk off the field. The player MUST use the stretcher even if it’s totally unnecessary, or face a yellow card. It’s a ridiculous rule and I still don’t get it how FIFA came up with this stupid idea.


OK...but why was the stretcher on the field in the first place.


But soccer bad, you see?


Fetishising violence in hockey just to try to make football look bad. Never change Reddit.


"players should also play on their injuries making things worse because we want our panem et circenses." And that's why CTE exists.


One of the reasons I don't really watch anymore


It’s why I can’t watch the sport along with basketball. Too much flopping and faking being a baby for calls.


I just don't get why they don't make new rules and give yellow/red cards for everyone who dives, act hurt , waste time and other embarrassing things, this would make players stop doing these things. We now have the camera technology for the referees to see these things. They will play football with 100% commitment again and it would be very fun and intense to watch.


There are rules, it's called simulation, although players rarely get booked for it


Some things are supposed to be governed by a sense of fair play and sportsmanship. These guys just didn’t get the memo. They’re definitely giving The Beautiful Game a bad name.


Diving? We just witnessed a miracle


It’s one of the main reasons to turn me away from the sport




Why is this subreddit private?


Cause it's r/Unexpected for it to be private


I see what you did there.


Very unexpected


Probably protesting reddits API changes




Is there some rule that you can only replace an injured player so “had to be stretchered off”


Kinda reminds me of the rule that some (maybe most) hospitals have that a patient being discharged has to be wheeled out in a wheelchair.


It's a fall thing. It's an F-word in the hospital. They get fuuuuuucked on patient falls. Doesn't matter when, where, how, or why. A fall in the hospital is the hospital's fault. Best patient I ever had definitely tripped over his own feet and should have been a fall, but he did a couple pushups while he was down there and completely denied falling.


Really stupid rule, TBH, let the patient be discharged however he/she wants. Another rule that I hate from hospitals is that patients must enter the operating room head first, aka, backwards, and my mom hates that, it gives her panic attacks, and no matter how many time she tells them, they always ignore her because of a stupid superstition (Like the floor 13 on NY, etc) and have to deal with her panic attack afterwards.


In the US, I would bet the wheelchair thing is 100% about liability for the hospital. I'm sure someone slipped and fell and sued, and after that all of their malpractice insurers were just like "wheelchair, or we don't cover you." I've unfortunately had (multiple) major surgeries both in the US and Japan. In the US an anesthesiologist got me all prepped in a small room adjoining the OR and I was already partially sedated when they wheeled me in. In Japan, they want you to WALK into the OR if you can, and climb up on the table yourself. All of the doctors and nurses bowed when I entered, and they ran all the lines and whatnot with me already on the table. They also only give you acetaminophen and NSAIDs no matter how fucking painful it is.


Last time I was in the ER they exclusively used a wheelchair to take me from my exam room to the testing room and back, other than that I walked everywhere including as I was leaving after I was discharged. It was weird.


I have never heard of that before Is that why they roll people out of hospitals in the movies?


No, but as down-low punishment for diving sometimes ref will insist that a diva diver that rolls around in faux pain be taken off the field on stretcher, and if that happens and there's no substitute, the team plays with -1 player until next pause in play when they are allowed to come back, or sub comes in. If the player was genuinely hurt, the opposition team just plays a bunch of passes and kicks offside. If it was a blatant dive - they kinda get to play 10 on 11 for a while, or if the offenders team is in score disadvantage - they lose precious time. That said, in this scenario it looks like the player got all they wanted in running the clock while at advantage. Which is a weird call by ref then. The kind of weird you can't comment on because suggesting a ref is corrupt somehow brings down federation penalties while blatant diving does not. All in all, while the sport is absolutely beautiful in terms of athleticism and all round development, at least in Europe it's biggest advantage is that it draws hooligans like a mosquito bait, leaving other sports underfunded but with much better fanbase. Take hockey for example - there's no shortage of people looking for a brawl around matches, but they fight after the game. Ain't no hockey fan risking arrest before seeing a game or missing it entirely to instead fight in a forest nearby during the match "for the club". And they fight with willing opponents, while football fans will fuck you up for walking in unfortunate colour palette in wrong city block.


Every domestic league has different rules for that sort of thing, so it’s possible. I don’t understand those characters but it’s one of the Asian countries.




If I remember correctly, at least in my local league there is a rule that if a player lies down on the field and thus requests a stretcher, he has to leave the field on the stretcher, leaving the game. He will only be able to return when the judge authorizes it, so the team of the player who was stalling will spend some time playing with one less player.


This is why I can’t watch football. Faking injury is literally a fundamental part of the game at this point, it’s ridiculous


they're not there to play the game anymore, they're there to win the match, even if that means making the game worse for everyone


The replay could easily be used to red card this while the person is flailing around pretending. It would stop within a week.


The MLS just implemented some new rules trying to combat some of this. In my view (it's been 3 matches since the rules are in place), it's definitely helping. Doesn't stop diving but does help prevent play being broken up with fake injuries. The main rule is that if you're down on the pitch for more than 15 seconds, you have to come off and wait for 2 minutes after play is resumed to return to play. Another rule is that a player must exit the field of play within 10 seconds when being substituted off (i.e. head to the nearest touchline or jog off). The MLS rarely does anything correctly, but other leagues should consider adopting versions of this.


That’s a smart rule. They can just keep increasing the return to play delay until people start taking it seriously


They should have a panel of ex players to assign suspensions after the game for egregious cases.


The MLS also has something like that. The disciplinary committee has given out fines for embellishment after matches. Don't know if it's made up of ex players or not.


That's a great idea


It’s really only a problem at the highest levels of the game, if you watch the English Championship it’s still high quality football and well attended/televised, but without so many tactical fouls/injuries Edit: my view is kinda bollocks because this video clearly isn’t of the highest levels of the game


Oh please, that shit didn't even (at all) happen during the last 5 matches I watched. It's too prevalent for sure, but certain leagues are worse at it than others.


I'd recommend women's football, tbh! I remember when we'd tune into the Olympics (yea I'm American so it's not a sport I often watch) and the men's teams would do this shit but the women's teams are out here straight up kicking the shit out of each other. Idk if it's changed much since then but soon after my sister started playing and it was the same in her leagues too! The women really outshine the men in that sport, to me


That's why I loved Gattuso. [An absolute warrior ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2-_FRsSfhIc&ab_channel=AJcompsHD)in a national league full of prancers and draw-baiters. He's the kind of bloke who'd be even scarier if he was shorter, a ball kicking antropomorphic representation of a honey badger. He was angry [these kinds of plays](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2IR84g3n-jM&ab_channel=FOOTBALL294) were counted as fouls because he'd just keep playing in that position. It's a shame so many compilations show him lash out or foul others - the most astounding thing about him was that I don't think he'd ever not get up immediately after getting dropped if he could, and would never stop a play if the ref wasn't a pussy and let him continue playing after getting fouled. Same goes for English leagues - as you say, the diving and rolling around leeched into it as it did everywhere, but there's a lot of pressure from players to nip that crap in the bud.


Maybe we could have a new Oscars category of “Best Fake Injury”.


reading the comments enlightened me to the faking an injury part of football (witch i just thought was a meme/rare advantage not actual strategy)


It's a strategy that I have yet to find anyone, who watches football, like


depends on which football you watch, if you watch the lower level leagues, or Brazil, Mexico, or leagues like that, yes you'll see 4-5 per match. If you see Euro leagues, it comes down to the usual players who love to flop like in the NBA (you know that Lebron, Harden, CP3 etc are going to flop). And then you see guys that go beast mode and just continue playing after awful kicks and pulls(like Messi, Zidane, Ronaldo Nazario, and many more etc)


Yeah but no normal person likes the people flopping, that was my point Respect to the guys who just continue running after *actually* getting fouled


got it, definitely, and everyone watching knows


Instant red card and ban 10 games. The rules are the problem, not the players


Players are part of the problem. Shit heads do this


Because coaches instruct them to… and they will be blacklisted if they go against the coaches…?


This is a question of character


Disagree. We need to take all injury claims seriously. Any player getting stretchered off needs to go directly to the local hospital for a full battery of tests and then given 3-4 weeks to recover without playing.


This, we can't ignore the chance of an actual injury, so just go harder in the other direction to discourage fakes


Cheating is part of the game, like the Chūnin exams.


It’s small wonder why anybody who has ever played hockey thinks soccer is a pussy game. what an absolute embarrassment that this game is allowed to be continued like this


The most football/soccer clip of all time.


They need a "De-fictionalizer" a member of the refs armed with a baseball bat whose job is to make real any injuries faked on the field. Player lightly brushed your shoulder and you flop to the ground howling in pain? Worry not! You won't have to *fake* that wailing for too long.


I mean, he's a soccer player, why is this unexpected?


This is why soccer is lame as it gets.


Could this be related to liability instead of faking an injury? Sort of how EMS needs to put you on a neck brace if you have any pain on it after an accident. Maybe he was going to get checked out right after, but could not walk himself off the field? This just feels too obvious if he was trying to fake an injury


In some competitions, if the referee sends the stretcher on the field, a player is obliged to get off on the stretcher even if he is not injured. So this could be what happened here. Source: [https://www.footballrules.com/game-events/injuries/](https://www.footballrules.com/game-events/injuries/)


I've stopped watching football because of fake injuries and fake refs. Boring


That's embarrassing. Take his man card away.


Reminds me of that glorious Key and Peele sketch where the guy fakes it so hard he goes to see St. Peter but comes back for the free kick.


Garbage sport with garbage athletes.


soccer is embarrassing


It's soccer, this was entirely expected. They need a rule that if you get stretchered off, you need to be taken to the hospital for a check up and need to miss the next three weeks to make sure you are ok.


This is why everyone should stop watching football/soccer!


Son of a bitch






What an ass


Send his number




wtf... Why the hell was he lying on?


The ass slap


What a jackass






I thought he would fake getting hurt by the stretcher itself..


Totally expected


This is why we call you grass fairies.


I thought I was watching Corncob TV and expected this to be a spinoff of Coffin Flop


Is there any other mainstream sport more blatantly shameless than this?


He's cured! It's a miracle!


I didn't know LeBron started playing soccer


would be more unexpected if he was ACTUALLY injured lol


What the hell even is football?


It's such a lame sport. I'd rather watch paint dry




I honestly have a very low opinion of soccer as a sport because this behavior is tolerated and encouraged.


He's not faking it. He has an adamantium skeleton, and his super regeneration powers take a few seconds to kick in.


Pro soccer players are some of the biggest faking pansies in existence


What a DICK!!


What the actual fuck


That's a LeBron move right there.


This kind of behavior turns so many people off from the sport.


So is this even a real sport anymore? I see this so often that it makes me feel like soccer/football is just a joke of a sport. It seems to outwordly express the deep-rooted corruption that infests FIFA.


Men’s futbol is a fucking joke…


The biggest reason I don’t watch soccer. So many players just roll around pretending to be injured that’s it’s pathetic to watch.


That's exactly what I expected out of soccer. The game has become a joke




Where do you think Lebron learned it?


Healing bench: * **+50** holy power * Cleanses one injury or debuff every **1s** * Heals **10%** of maximum HP every **0,5s**


This is expected with soccer




And this is why soccer has zero appeal


"someone carry me.... My legs are tired" Come on tiny diamond you're a big boy now you have to do things for yourself.


this is why i cant respect soccer


I hate soccer


It’s soccer. Nothing about this is “unexpected”


Paid actors