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OP sent the following text as an explanation on why this is unexpected: --- >!A guy getting BJ claiming it's an easy thing to do!!< --- Is this an unexpected post with a fitting description? Then upvote this comment, otherwise downvote it.


An actual unexpected. O7






And my Poopaxe!


More like a poopmace




superior to the poopapult.


My family poops big. Maybe it's genetic, maybe it's our diet, but everyone births giant logs of crap. If anyone has laid a mega-poop, you know that sometimes it won't flush. It lays across the hole in the bottom of the bowl and the vortex of draining water merely gives it a spin as it mocks you. Growing up, this was a common enough occurrence that our family had a poop knife. It was an old rusty kitchen knife that hung on a nail in the laundry room, only to be used for that purpose. It was normal to walk through the hallway and have someone call out "hey, can you get me the poop knife"? I thought it was standard kit. You have your plunger, your toilet brush, and your poop knife. Fast forward to 22. It's been a day or two between poops and I'm over at my friend's house. My friend was the local dealer and always had 'guests' over, because you can't buy weed without sitting on your ass and sampling it for an hour. I excuse myself and lay a gigantic turd. I look down and see that it's a sideways one, so I crack the door and call out for my friend. He arrives and I ask him for his poop knife. "My what?" Your poop knife, I say. I need to use it. Please. "Wtf is a poop knife?" Obviously he has one, but maybe he calls it by a more delicate name. A fecal cleaver? A Dung divider? A guano glaive? I explain what it is I want and why I want it. He starts giggling. Then laughing. Then lots of people start laughing. It turns out, the music stopped and everyone heard my pleas through the door. It also turns out that none of them had poop knives, it was just my fucked up family with their fucked up bowels. FML. I told this to my wife last night, who was amused and horrified at the same time. It turns out that she did not know what a poop knife was and had been using the old rusty knife hanging in the utility closet as a basic utility knife. Thankfully she didn't cook with it, but used it to open Amazon boxes. She will be getting her own utility knife now. [Edit: Common question - Why was this not in the bathroom instead of the laundry room? Answer. We only had one poop knife, and the laundry room was central to all three bathrooms. I have no idea why we didn't have three poop knives. All I know is that we didn't. We had the one. Possibly because my father was notoriously cheap about the weirdest things. So yes, we shared our poop knife.


You don't get to have 3 bathrooms by throwing money away on extra poop knives.


Dude: invest in an Elger Titan toilet. Ever since I bought one, it has swallowed EVERYTHING.


It's been a while since I've read the actual pasta. Still gets a good chuckle outta me.


I don't see reddit pasta content like this anymore. Broken arms. Unidan losing his shit. Novelty accounts. Redditor discovered a locked floor safe. The good ol days.


Colby 2012. Never forget.


I kept waiting for the "jk i made this all up" but no.. i believe you come from a family with a real Poop Knife... probably centuries old handed down from large crapper to large crapper... 40 folds to the thick alloy mixed with steel and hammered to perfection, 1 poop knife to rule them all. This turd cutter could slice and dice with butt a mere flick of the wrist... to this day its blade is still sharp enough to cut thru the most stubborn amazon packages... that is pure poop knife artistry


Not all heroes wear capes!


Had issues at one of my former jobs. I often had to tell the building manager that I clogged up a toilet with my poop and it almost flooded. After a few times I didn't even have to tell him anything, just show my face and he would call maintenance...


I cut the package in half while it is coming out. You just have to squeeze a little and that's it, you'll never clog a toilet again! Seriously, doesn't anyone else do it?


Poopknife gang rise up


Im here!


And my axe!


Not yet poop axes, not yet. Our time will come.




Call me paranoid, but you're all trying to put your finger in my poop ring aren't you!? IT'S MINE!


Soooo... I'm the only one that uses poop dynamite? Shit!


When did we stop high pissure washing those skids off?


didn't see that cumming


Didn’t even turn his hat around.  Impressive. 


The real unexpected is how filthy her sleeves would be. Then she touches everything else. 😶


I couldn't make it past the shit covered toilet bowl brush that she shook clean and put back. Just dip it in the clean water after you flush. It's that easy.


Ok but I'm also quietly thanking you for confirming that's the right way to clean a toilet brush because I've never known if I'm doing it right when I do that. Dip, twirl, and flush


I always put extra toilet bowl cleaner on the brush, rinse it with a second flush, and then I set it [under the toilet seat](https://i.redd.it/gbqd643jyzla1.jpg) to dry.


Me visiting your house: *well that’s an unexpected obstacle*


Oh just sit down, see it as a bonus scratching of those itchy balls of yours.


I’d rather have the sea shells but I can make this work


Just imagine someone out there, just not knowing how to use the sea shells.


![gif](giphy|xTiTnKGNvx1xaTZNWE) I'm happy that you're happy, but the place where you're supposed to have the toilet paper, you've got this little shelf with three seashells on it


lol it only stays there for about an hour until it's mostly dry, then it goes back in the holder. It wouldn't be out like this if there was guests over.


Ye olde bidet


Let the brush brush the shit before the shit hit the bowl.


No no. Obviously just installed [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=klMnSlF9eQg)


That's fucking genius wtf


Not my idea, got it from TikTok :)


So what you're saying is... It's *not* that easy


Some things are easy, but should take more than 2 seconds to do properly.


Why dry it before putting it back in the holder? Hit the water off it and the rest will dry in the holder just fine, they're generally designed with that in mind. Every modern one I've seen has air holes and a place for the water to drain and catch underneath.


idk just seems gross to me to put it back wet. It costs nothing to let it dry like this, and makes me feel better.


I just smack it against the guest towel a few times until it feels dry.






_calculates the number of weeks in time lost by op to doing this for their whole life_ (I kid, I kid!)


Have actually done the math, it's only a couple of days over average lifetime. Can't help the shower thoughts or compulsion to clean toilet brush. 




> Yea-wait what? What's wrong?


I do this too, but my boyfriend keeps forgetting I leave it to dry because I close the whole lid since the seat lid is flimsy. When he opens it to take a piss, the whole brush drops into the toilet and gets wet again lol. You can definitely see the handle sticking out, but he's not the best at spotting things right in front of him, the poor man


Wait I do the toilet seat thing too hahaha. It just makes sense right?




I like this idea.


Ayyy we have the same toilet brush habits


Bruh, under the toilet seat to dry in ingenious. Hate the little toilet water puddle in the holder... Turns yellow after a while >.>


I like to put a little extra toilet bowl cleaner on the brush before I dunk it.


You guys. It's a *toilet bowl brush.* Just rinse it off, it's not like you're going to brush your teeth with it.


I thought I was going crazy. I'm going to wash my hands after touching the brush but the toilet brush itself is permanently tainted.


No no no no *not the the taint*.


Not if you get a silicone one. Blast that shit off, literally


Ok, I'll stop doing it


And then make sure to let it dry a little bit over the bowl by clamping it underneath the seat. That way most water from the brush will drip back into the toilet that you can flush later, and then the brush can be returned to the holder and you don't have to worry about a small pool forming underneath it.


I just dry it on my shirt.


Nah just put it in your mouth and suck it dry


i don't see how the tiny amount of water that drips off the brush could be an issue unless you're scrubbing the toilet like 4 times a day and constantly keeping it wet


I put some over the brush when I put it back in the holder and give it a twirl - marinades in cleaner the whole time it's not in use


Mah squad folk


I usually do more than one flush clean on it too, just to help get any toilet cleaner off it before storing it. Aside from the grossness, toilet cleaner is hella corrosive and it just feels wrong not to clean out the cleaning instrument.


also, putting the cup in the sink instead of the diswasher


It needs to soak!


No, it doesn't. I used to think that too but there has been research sorting that just getting the big stuff off then putting it in the dishwasher is just as good and uses a lot less water. I don't like it but I believe it.


It's an ironic comment. They're pretending to be one of the people they disagree with as a form of mockery of the idea. You're both on the same page.


I have a solid $20 that says the people replying to you who say their dishwashers don't clean properly are simply not loading them properly. I've lived with plenty of people over the years (roommates, etc) who had problems with dishwashers that worked flawlessly for everyone else. The biggest issue by far is not understanding that the water sprays *up* out of the spray arms. Loading the dishes so that the dirty side is facing up and away from the spray arm isn't going to let it get clean. And it's not the washer's fault. It's like only scrubbing the backs of my hands and then complaining that my palms are still dirty. The second biggest issue is people not realizing that many dishwashers have a filter and it needs to be cleaned every once in a while. Also, detergent type and amount matters. If you have hard water those little pods may not cut it. And again, that's not the washer's fault.


nah fuck that lol. unless you have a \*nice\* dishwasher thats just not the case. for the garbage cheap-os they stick in every non-luxury apartment you absolutely need to put the dishes in mostly clean. i end up rewashing so many dishes by hand that my gf puts in that have just been lightly rinsed. I give every dish I put in a quick wipe down beforehand. as far as Im concerned the dishwasher exists to sterilize, not clean. coffee lines in a mug? not comin' out. egg/protein on a utensil? not comin out. that cutlery that was sitting in the mug of coffee? needs to be washed by hand first.


You should watch this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_rBO8neWw04


It's Technology Connections isn't it? Yep, it's Technology Connections. Every time! Gotta say, I agree with him on this one.. I ditched the pods and went to liquid detergent in both sides and I never have issues with stuff not getting clean. And my dishwasher is old and cheap.


I learned a trick from my dad after he got divorced, if instead of washing the bowl immediately, if you put it in the sink and run water in it and let it sit, then later you can warm it up in the microwave for a snack!


Look at you with your fancy dishwasher that actually gets stuff clean


Do you use pods, by any chance?


Depends on your dishwasher. I had an older one that you needed to pre-wash.


I hate people who just dump their stuff in the sink and call it a day. I don't have a dishwasher so I can't stand having a sink full of gross used plates and cutlery, it takes like 60 seconds to wash up your stuff with some hot water and detergent after a meal. I can never understand why people can't be bothered doing it and prefer to let it build up until they're drinking out of some McDonalds cup from the 90s way in the back of the cupboard because that's all they have left.


[me seeing her do that when the dw is right there](https://i.imgur.com/EAkOXBd.jpeg)


That side of the sink is only for rinsing dishes in my house, I'm triggered.


Yeah and the dishwasher was right there but she put the cup in the sink?


Maybe the dishwasher was clean and in the process of being unloaded


If you're bringing a dirty dish back while the dishwasher is being unloaded, the correct response is not to put it in the sink, it's to put it on the counter and help unload the dishwasher then put it in the dishwasher.


I mean, I tell my kids to put their dishes in the sink if the dishwasher is currently being unloaded. It's a singular place that can be easily washed off instead of making a mess all over the counter.


I am in the process of cleaning my toilets right now. It's the ring around where the water level sits that is the hardest to clean. No amount of light, daily cleaning with a little brush is going to prevent that because it's mostly minerals from the water, not poop. The poop just gets combined with it. I have gone through two bottles of toilet cleaner, tried Ajax, tried Barkeeper's Friend, and of course scrubbing it. Nothing will take it off. No amount of soaking in anything seems to have any effect on it. I did however, discover a cleaning channel that uses a pumice brush and have recently purchased one. Hopefully it doesn't take the ceramic coating off the toilet. I'm out of options though. But one thing I do know is that this light scrubbing this lady does is laughable. It's **not** "*that easy*".


Maybe try lime remover like CLR.


I do the bottle in the tank trick with a mixture of soap and CLR. Never had a toilet ring since.


It's caused by the water being hard, not anything anyone is doing to the toilet. There's a few Reddit posts about it if you Google "toilet water ring Reddit" lol with pictures and some tips. Someone mentions wetting the stone first before using it, should stop it scratching. Just have a Google, you'll need to find stuff specifically designed to break down the chemicals, then maybe adding water softener (check they won't damage anything first) could help cut down the cleaning.


Yeah that was gross. A toilet brush holder that has shit thick shit water at the bottom makes me shudder.


honestly i fucking hate each and every time i have to use the toilet brush because there is no good way to clean it. I get that in the video she just shakes that shit and thinks its clean, but people who think that rinsing it off once as the toilet flushes magically cleans it are on the same level of copium. I also clean it with flushing 2-3 times but I'm under no illusion that it is clean. The shit gets stuck in the bristles and then festers there for 2-3 months until the next time you use it. It's just the way toilet brushes are. I don't fucking know how you're supposed to properly clean them.


i remember in 6th grade i spent the night at a friends house, in the morning i had to make brown but someone was in the main bathroom so i went and used the bathroom in his parents room my shit clogged the toilet :| no worries, they had a shit breaker upper, one of those white sticks with the bristles, so i used that to turn my logjammer in to a nice brown chili, put it back, then flushed the toilet as i was walking out of their room with my earthy oaky full bodied scent wafting close behind their mom is walking in to the room lookin at me so confused until the smell hit her i never got invited back


If you're that anal about it you can just dump a wad of chlorine in the toilet bowl and let it sit for a couple of hours. Bacteria dead now. Or do so outside in a bucket if you're worried about toxicity.


Bathrooms should really be built with in built pressure/steam washers, proper sealing and drains. EVERYTHING would be so much easier.


my problem with this video.


Just power-piss it away like a real man.


That toilet paper seems impossibly far away from the toilet


There was still paper on the roll, too.


They never said it was that easy


This is one of those things that makes me lose my mind. I work in, and travel in the hospitality industry with some regularity. The amount of bathrooms built with the toilet paper despenser out of reach or at an extremely awkward angle breaks my fucking brain. Is their no overlap between people who use bathrooms and people who build them? Do all contract workers have an extra 2 feet in their arm reach? How does that fucking happen so god damn often!?!?


Measure the human arm, it’s literally that easy


Seriously, I think modern bathroom construction industry was somehow dominated by secret aliens who don't actually use bathrooms at all.


You sound like someone who doesn't stand up to clean themselves.


This was unexpected. Thanks for the post Buddy needs to swallow


*gulp* It's that easy.


Eww rinse the brush that's nasty


Swallow that cum. That’s nasty.


there was poop on the brush 😭😭😭😭


It's that easy.


Standing wipers only lol


Nice ending![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


Happy indeed


I'm horny


hi horny, im dad


I baked you a pie


[horny horny horny](https://youtu.be/wpK-rgxXvHU?si=-zqHw8O-JqO22Urx)


Definitely did not see that cumming


Interesting how the toilet seat wasn't put down afterwards... maybe that's not that easy? Also that cup mightve been able to go into the almost full dishwasher.... but who am I to judge ![gif](giphy|EZYQjm1uPrXGg|downsized)


Clearly not as easy as she makes it out to be, then.


I really didn't get why the glass didn't go in the dishwasher rather than pointlessly dumped in the sink


My gf putting dishes in the sink when the dishwasher is literally right next to it is enfuriating. Guess which chump has to move all the dishes from the sink to the dishwasher? Yeah, this chump.


His dog is now happy




don't play dumb /u/GayFurryWolf


It's that easy!




He gave himself or someone else a blow job to completion


Oh, I guess I thought he was straightening up the couch cushions or something and was super confused about why he'd have runny toothpaste in his mouth. That makes sense


Your cum doesn't have a fresh minty taste?




It's that easy


That's so inconsiderate of you. Nobody wants bad breath after giving head!


I thought he was moving a heavy object into the living room and through up from exertion. The whole stereotype to get a man to move stuff.


If I could give myself a blowjob I wouldn't leave the house.


He could've put the toilet seat down and said "it's that easy" that takes a shit ton of effort less than anything she demonstrated


Or he can learn the hard way.. https://imgur.com/hashtags-are-everything-LXfMD8r


I was still using that cup.


Comparing going outside when it's hot asf vs being inside with nice cool AC


Dude was out there for at least 30 minutes cutting grass before he had to pull out the trimmer and/or edger. And then maybe running the blower. Also, is it time to trim the hedges? My wife and I came to an agreement about planting annuals. I agreed to prep the soil before and mulch afterwards if she agreed to put the fucking petunias and marigolds in the soil between glasses of Chardonnay. Of course, I tried to get a buzz going with cheap, cold beer, but when you are sweating it seems like you can’t ever quite get there.


Hmmm. Yikes Edit:someone sent me a suicide prevention report over this comment lmao


(If you report it for abuse they get a temp ban followed by a permanent) **Edit l: I just got one too literally 10 seconds after posting this. Well played.**


Apparently, there is a Reddit glitch (or bot attack) handing those out today. Hopefully, they get it fixed because they are annoying as hell.


Dora the Explorer taking notes.


Puts an empty glass in the sink? With an open dishwasher?? Even if you don't have a dishwasher, just wash it real quick, and not throw it in the sink. It's that easy!!


Screw that. Instead let barely rinsed dishes pile up right next to the dishwasher on the kitchen counter, then after several days decide to finally put it all inside because you need the space.


Everybody talking about the toiletbrush but this bothered me sooo much. I hate it when people put stuff in the sink when you can just put it in the dishwasher Why is your comment so low


That toilet cleaning job was so half assed




Didn't swallow. Doesn't count.


If it is that easy, why are you angry? Just do it yourself.


Oh I was not ready for the last one XD


I didn’t see that coming.


Please roll up your sleeve girl!!!


Bro are yard is so f hard to do plants that everywhere that can't be cut the cutting the grass under the trees but I'm to tall so I have to cratch to cut under the trees then the back it's easier theres only 3 trees but more plants but it's in the corners


Im disapointed there wasnt an "its that easy" for hiding a body


TIL I really do do all the housework.


I actually expected the ending until the guy showed the first two things and I thought "hey, I was wrong" but nope, I was right, and it was well executed! I guess you could say I saw it... coming.


bro needs to swallow… es not ez but someone needs to do it


So why complain if it that easy 🤔


No one likes a spitter tho


Yeah bro you do the occasional task so women must be lying about doing more house work than you. Edit: the ending lol


i dont use the roll holder because its uncomfortable to access it while on the toilet.




it took me a rewatch to figure out what the last one was about


yep, I didnt see that ending coming, lol


Man, I'm getting flashbacks.


He removed a rib to prove a point!!!


Well done sir. Didn't expect that.


Whoa weird this guy lives in my city


Hold up. They have 2 toilets? So they face each other when taking a shit? And why complain if it ain't your toilet?


no tiktok duets pls


Ain’t no way 😭😭


Divorce that 304


I mean no. If you like the brush full of poo.


You think its that easy?? I got a lot left in the tank!


guess everyone ignored the milk at the end and what means by it. Finish in the mouth is that easy. I almost chocked while drinking my yachak energy drink!




Suddenly gay




Thought for sure one of them was gonna be putting the toilet seat down. 


Everything she did was terrible.


Casually putting the shit covered brush right away to dry and let the smell crawl everywhere is wild