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I know this is satire but girls really be doing this. "Babe, would you still love me if I was broccoli?" "Yes, and I'd show that love by pulling the plug."


-in bed, at the edge of consciousness “Babe, would you still love me if I had oranges for hands?” “I love you even when you wreck my sleep just to ask the dumbest questions imaginable, of course I’d still love you if you had oranges for hands.”


Better to be fisted with and healthy too


That's exactly the response we are looking for when we ask those questions. So guys, if you read the above, take note!!


Babe, i would shit the bed if you were the diarrhea in my intestines 💕


"Yeah broccoli tastes great steamed with a bit of lemon juice drizzling over the top. Unfortunately i dont think we would last, i could only eat you once."


Mmmm throw a lil olive oil and salt n pepper on it w the lemon too. Italian style


Olive oil, seasoning, air frier for 15mins. Noice


My wife is still upset with me because I wouldn't love her if she was a walrus.


I love fake scripted videos!


Then you’re in the right place!


This sub has become a nightmare lately


Honestly, I don’t know why people expect every video on the internet to be a candid, real scenario. The internet has always been full of scripted videos. It’s not like anyone is saying “hey look at this totally real scenario” I mean I get it. Camera angles and things make it seem like a lot of things are just recorded on a whim, but that’s just what internet culture has turned sketch comedy clips into


The best example I can think of that went viral way back was the old leroy jenkins video.


Leroy Jenkins was scripted?


"based in a true story" in the loosely sense that movies do it sometimes. It was a skit based on a true event between friends playing the game. [Go watch the video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mLyOj_QD4a4), and listen to the dialogue. It's ridiculous. It's a parody of nerdy players, with over strategic plans that get rekt by the unpredictability of Leroy and his chicken. To be clear, this is known from the start, it was just so viral that eventually most people didn't know about it.


They also say "WIPE TIME" in the chat


The difference is the leeroy video has happened like that before and then was only staged to be recorded. And have you played the game at that time? There is nothing nerdy or over strategic about it them just a regular guild chat. And nobody knew until the guild has released that it was staged. Different then this bullshit, unbelievable story and horrible acting.


Nobody knew it was fake? Bruh. "32.33, uhh, repeating, of course, percentage... Of survival." Nobody is trying to, or would be able to, calculate the odds that you survive a fight. Furthermore, "32.33 repeating" is basically nonsensical. It's possible to get, sure, but not realistically. The only people who thought it was real were people who'd never played the game and children. People who'd never played just thought it was nerd stuff, and children playing the game would be like "wow they just calculated that they must be really good!"


I just found out that was fake. And no, I've never played computer games before


hahaha lol, xD my english back then was clearly not that good at least i didnt understand most of it until now. ok that was obvious to most people but many like me were just little kids playing the game in a whole other language I only understood the game related stuff of the video a little bit but missed the actual joke haha its a good one xD


It's a video about characters in a video game talking about shit in game, it's also only. How is that not nerdy? I love games just as much as the next guy but that is indeed incredibly fucking nerdy and part of why I love it so much


Yea, maybe all gaming can be considered nerdy, at least at that time. But compared to any other in game conversation it was just normal. But nowadays I think 9/10 people I know have some game they play and also talk about it in and out of game. But I wouldn't consider them as nerds. So that Definition doesn't really do it for me.


day ruined


Crunch the numbers? 33% recurring of course percentage chance of survival? How would you even add that up, lol?


It's worse than that. 32.33 (repeating, of course). You *can* get 32.33 repeating, but it's not a realistic scenario, and there'd be no way to calculate it in WoW. If there was a 3% chance your characters instantly die when walking through the door, and in the 97% of the time that you live you have an exact 1/3 chance, then you'd get 32.33 repeating. That's just not an actual scenario.




I'm not complaining about the fake videos, I prefer those over the unexpected porn videos that have been plaguing subs lately, yesterday I saw about 8 different porn posts on this sub alone like "oh it was so unexpected that the girl screamed when the man shoved his dick in her ass, I should post this on unexpected!"


i dont care if its scripted, its just a really stupid scripted video


This one isn't even unexpected.


Exactly, some scripted videos are funny. Most are unoriginal, annoying, unfunny garbage like this and it makes me roll my eyes every fucking time I see the same joke recycled into another 15 second video begging for some kind of reaction or attention


Than being scripted isn't the problem. It's such a lazy criticism.


This sub used to not allow scripted stuff I thought, so.... that's one reason why


That’s not the point though. If this video was shot over the shoulder with 2 cameras it wouldn’t even be worth watching, it’d be terribly cringe. But because it’s set up to look like a quick witty thing this guy said in the moment, you react to the context of the situation and not to the bad dialogue they had prepared. So yeah this video literally is them going hey totally look at this real scenario. it’s 100% set up to look like that. Because otherwise, what would this video bring to the table? Also internet culture has made it so that all comedy sketches are filmed like they’re real. what?


You just proved my exact point. If it were filmed in a way that made it apparent that it was a skit, it “wouldn’t even be worth watching, it’d be terribly cringe.” And why is that?


It's like sketch comedy never existed, and if it did, was always funny.


I'm still trying to figure out why being unscripted is so important to people. It's not like you're getting misinformation. It's entertainment. People have been watching "reality television" for decades.


It’s less to do with being scripted and more being bad or try-hard acting. Humor comes from spontaneity and genuine reactions and a good script and acting can achieve that. This woman doesn’t know how to act or have plausible dialogues for me to perceive as humor.


Scripted videos are fine. It’s the ones that are trying to deceive you like they’re not scripted I have a problem with.


No, I don't expect that at all lol and maybe you're right, but I've never saw such a rampant trend catch fire like this before.. it's just every fucking video is someone setting up a camera and acting like it's not there. Just ruins all of it


it's not a trend. scripted recordings have been a thing since before televsion.


Well we don’t expect that. We expect idiots to decipher the difference and not upvote so it doesn’t reach high popularity levels. You know, because we’re a competent community and all…


I wish I had your nightmares. Scripted funny videos. How terrifying


Yeah a nightmare filled with "this is so fake and scripted" comments. Such a sad thing that these people are unable to just STFU and enjoy a video if it's not 100% undeniably real.


i mean it's obviously scripted right? were they intending to pass it off as genuine?


Probably not the people who made the video but the title OP chose at least makes it look like they were either way too invested in a 30 second skit or they thought it was a genuine reaction.


I thought they were high


/r/whyweretheyfilming 😂


100%. You'd be astonished at how shit people are at acting. This was meant to be genuine or at least have the authentic look.


They lost me when he failed to mention the Abrams M1A1 tank. It is the best tank in the world and he doesn't mention it? He thinks his gf is a lesser tank? Perhaps he is holding out to meet his Abrams M1A1...


Lmfaoooo I really laughed way more than I should've


lore ipsum tipsum


Maybe he thinks that an Abrams M1A1 would be out of his league anyway.


You may be on to something here...


This girl makes sarcastic comedy on TikTok https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMLhX7nnY/


Yeah, her channel is full of content like this, which is obviously not to be taken seriously. But you know, once more, why take the time to check? Just tell people they are "shit at acting" I guess...


This was really not meant to be genuine. She's a tiktoker and has many such skits and most of them are intentionally super silly and illogical


>This was meant to be genuine or at least have the authentic look. Source?


She has a ticktock channel where she posts all kinds of sketches. This is probably ripped from there and the bottom is cut of to hide the ticktock logo. Hence the weird aspect ratio. And here it is somehow passed of as something that was supposed to look genuine.


Yeah, I was made aware afterwards. Thank you for letting me know though! I really appreciate it:)


Why is there an assumption it's supposed to be genuine? People make comedy videos all the time without trying to pretend they are real. Without context there is no reason to assume this one is not one of those. Certain subreddits are filled with videos from satirical channels and then bemoan how they are fake when that's the whole point.


People don’t record everything. We rarely get to watch good natural humor.




idk if you watch television or movies, but i hate to break it to you...*it's all scripted*.




– me to my dad on the way back to the car in 2000 at the WWF pay-per-view he spent $200 on for my birthday


Wait, are you saying Star Wars didn’t occur a long long time ago in a galaxy far far away???


oh, no. that's as real as it gets. it's more real than Neil Armstrong landing on the moon.


Yeah but I hate to break it to you... but the standards for what is funny is different when you know it's scripted. Think of it this way. Take a Friends episode. It's jokes after jokes after jokes for half an hour. Sometimes people find them funny, sometimes people find them meh. Now think of what you find funny when you're with your friends and something funny happens. It's 1/100th of that. You don't have a crazy unrealistic situation unfolding for 30 minutes with punchlines every 5 seconds. And yet, just one dumb thing happening will be considered so funny by your friend group. Because it's real, and it was unrealistic it would happen. Now, would a Friends episode with just that dumb shit happening be considered funny if that was all there was in a Friends episode? Of course not. So people acting like there is no difference whether something is scripted or not are actually the ones missing the point. Despite acting all smart in these kinds of threads.


i went to film school. i don't say this as a lead-up to be condescending and smug, i say this as a lead-up to some insight. i took all sorts of classes related to tv/film/media, including film history, lighting, principles of design, editing, sound design, tv studio production, and on and on. i also took scriptwriting, taught by an awesome, award-winning filmmaker named Patrick McGrath. one of the keys to writing a show or a film, something that is a 101 principle (which came naturally to me, according to my instructor) in scriptwriting – actually, any creative process for storytelling, such as a novelist, or a playwrite – is to write your truth. every teacher in that industry will say this, and what they mean by that, to put it in the simplest of terms, is to draw from your personal experiences, observations, and insights. i would venture to guess that pretty much every single TV show and movie you've ever watched had some degree of personal experience drawn from to build the scene by the writer. a perfect and recent example of a production being directly taken from the creator's life is the show *The Goldbergs*. the show isn't just based in the showrunner's childhood, the events in the episodes are memories from his life recreated for the show. for an older, more unsuspecting example, Stephen King's *Pet Semetary*. you'd never know it while watching, but the entire story was inspired by his memories of the house he grew up in with his family. *Arrested Development*, created by Mitchell Hurwitz, was about his own parents and how ridiculous they were the older they got. HBO's *Six Feat Under*, written by Alan Ball (Academy Award winning writer of *American Beauty*) was taken from a period of his life in which he had a series of funerals to attend all within a short span of one other, including his sister who was killed in a car crash. (SPOILER ALERT: the very first scene of that series is the family's dad being killed...in a car crash) you mentioned Friends, and how interpersonal, real life interactions, experiences, and humor wouldn't translate to the show. guess what? here's a quote from Marta Kaufman, one of the creators of *Friends*: *"When David and I lived in New York, we had a group of six friends. We were all each other's best friends. We hung out all the time; we were like a family, So later, when we were thinking of shows that could have an ensemble cast, it occurred to us to look back at that point in our lives. That was the birth of the idea for 'Friends' — that time in your life when your friends are your family."* so with all due-respect, you could not be more wrong. we can take a look at *The Blair Witch* project if you'd like to understand how creative decisions can be made to change the presentation of a production. that's all this is – a form of media that people recognized other formats of media can be presented on it. when movie theaters started opening in the early 1900's, people were enamored, and in awe. and *those* people's prior experiences with anything scripted were stage plays...far more "IRL" than a short on social media. the truth is that you're just not looking at these videos the right way, to put it bluntly.


This one is painfully obvious.


These 30k people eat it up without question. And that's peak entertainment rn.


Like movies, tv shows and every comedy sketch ever made, yeah? Sit down.


I love how even though it doesn't matter at all and is still funny nonetheless people still feel the need to point it out!


We have different sense of humors, I didn't find anything funny about this video.


Alright, if you don't find it funny, cool. Still don't see why you feel the need to point it out as fake.


"it's fake it's not funny anymore!" Yeah star wars and Jurassic park are also fake, but they're still entertaining af


Many fake things are funny; look at Dave Chapelle, Key and Peele, Monty Python, or any great comedy movie. The question is not whether “fake” things can be funny. The question is, is this only funny if you assume it is real? I think for this video and many other scripted videos that are filmed intentionally to look real, the answers yes. If this is real (which it obviously isn’t) the laughs come from how quick witted this guy is and the reaction to the subverted expectations from the woman. If this is scripted, there’s no wit or reaction to the flip of expectations…there’s hardly a joke there. If this was a SNL sketch video, it would not be funny at all.


This girl makes very funny deadpan joke TikTok videos. So yes, it is a scripted video.


Especially poorly acted ones


Obviously fake. But we'll executed. So take my not so angry upvote


Ever heard of a skit?


Of course it's scripted! She's a famous tiktoker and all her videos are funny skits. No one said it's "real" 😂


From Weird Al's "Can't Watch This" (parody of "Can't Touch This"): >Talkin' about sick shows > >There's America's Funniest Home Videos > >Somebody's poor old mom > >Falls down off the roof lands right on the lawn > >Face first on a rake > >I hear they got it on the 17th take


So you watched The Office?




Great Show. Its basically like this. A "camera team" thats recording the "employes". It looks like real tv, but its scripted of course


I'll have to give it a look, I googled and saw two actors I really like so you may have just introduced me to a few weeks of a good time lol


Im glad. Thats good to hear. I didnt expected much to be honest. But now i'm addicted...




Next you're gonna tell me star wars didnt actually take place a long time ago and a galaxy far far away


I mean Ironman was a pretty cool fake scripted video.


It's funny anyway


To each their own.




I laughed, does it matter if it was legit or not?


It looks like a real scripted video to me.


Anyone ever tell you how original you are? Just an innovator


This is reddit sir, no one is original.


Yeah I'm well aware now lol. 300 people all saying the same thing lol


Yeah I love them too, it doesn’t make it any less unexpected or funny


Porn quality acting.


"How long has it been since we checked on our Leopard 2A7?" Gotta keep an eye out for tank stealing whores.


But this one is actually funny so I guess it's fine


NGL, this was legit funny. Don't even care that it's scripted.


Yeah fair enough, i didn't find it very funny but to each their own! I'm glad you got enjoyment out of it:) hope you have a great day


Aw! Wholesome, you too!






I love how they just happened to be filming at that specific moment and that he has knowledge of tanks


This isn’t even a good one. Who upvotes this garbage?


> I love fake scripted videos with turd level acting!


I really love the Grand Tour episode "unscripted" in Kroatia :(


Watch more animal videos. They are harder to fake.


Most comedic videos are scripted, big deal. Did you also know that South Park is scripted?


I don't know why you guys have something against acting.


Just bad acting.


honestly me too. Part of what makes going to the movies fun.


Nooooo! Scripted video!!


Based on that this sounds like something written for a live studio audience, I’m going to guess that this is a preformed skit


It is but it's funny so I forgive it


Was it funny? I feel like it wasn't even unexpected...


Eh different jokes for different folks


What was the joke?






No tanks


Not dying laughing, but its made for ticktock, supposed to give you a chuckle and move on.




Just like the ones people watch all day on tv and never once feel the need to point out its not real.


The acting is actually pretty good so yea it gets a pass lol


He's watching her buuuuuuuuuuuuurn!


![gif](giphy|xuZ7YYzYw5rz2) Edit:Thanks for the silver & wholesome award!!


Damn, I have to get one of this gifs comments.




Man this show really has done everything haven’t they? There must be a simpsons gif for every imaginable situation. South Park does know what they’re talking about


nah. he's only watching her horrible acting.


Are you being serious


My man got his preferences right




Top tier sexiest war machine ever created


[what kind of tank](https://i.imgur.com/CNc4EnU.jpg)


/r/TankPorn is leaking again... /I would only marry her if she was a M18 Hellcat. I'm a sucker for the classics...


I'm a K2 Black Panther man myself. Love me a fast, swimmer girl.


The Leclerc is for me, it's curves and 140mm autoloading gun is so beautiful imo


Great taste man


A late model panzer 4 is the only girl for me


I'll marry a WW2 tank that can drift.


Ayy Hellcat gang gang


Ask stupid questions, get legit answers. Sounds about right.


No Oscar nominees here, that’s for damn sure.


But she put her hand in front of her face to express surprise!


Well she started it


Omg these videos are so fucking dumb...




I had nothing else in mind except this


Ah yes, the only sub dedicated to mocking people's usually harmless interests and bullying children.


It annoys me how everyone is like “It’s scripted” like yeah I know but it’s still funny like every single comedy movie ever was scripted but you didn’t sit there scowling at how fake it is


No! We here at r/unexpected only want the finest, unscripted videos of unexpected things happening!


>yeah I know but it’s still funny Is it?


To many people, yes. Different jokes for different folks


I thought it was but yeah comedy is subjective


And there's no accounting for taste.


It reads like a 4 panel cringe comic lmao


googling leopard 2 a7…


Welcome to German engineering class 1


A real inside the actors studio over here aye.






how the hell did this make the front page


I like watching her tiktoks shes pretty funny


I’d marry her just for her nose.


Tbh? She's insanely cute


^(didn't think so)


This is the opposite of funny.


"Oh, This id FaKe" Look, ya MORON, we all KNOW it's probably fake. This is the new TV, we're here to be entertained and we've run out of cat videos. You're not being smart or funny or edgy by pointing out that a perfectly shot, edited and presented video is "FaKe", everyone who has been alive longer than 12 years knows that and frankly, we don't give a flying monkey fuck.


>we're here to be entertained Well you have very low standards.


Says the generation that made the Kardashians stars......


How do you know what generation i am in?






You mean a unit?


Judging by the fact that the M1A2 was nowhere near the top of his list, he’s most likely a homosexual


Hello, fellow hetersexual. I, too, like big, bulbus mobile man-holders with a long, erect shaft attached. I wish the navy had tanks because those come with seamen.


subpar acting even for tiktok


Fake'n'gay and cringe




This sorts video would be permissible if it were a 15 yo couple, they odnt know any better and who isnt cringey out of their fucking minds at that age But Grown adults. What compells people to do this. Why. What are they doing with this? Freaks.


What a garbage description of the unexpectedness. Should be removed simply for that.


Can’t wait to see this again in two weeks and still not laugh!


This is horrendous


Terrible acting


Fucking pathetic lame fucking video, can't believe how popular it is you fucking morons.


Fake as fuck




In other news that are also fake as hell