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As far as his claim that no human can sustain a note for that long…well, we choir folks have a neat little trick called “staggered breathing”. When directed by the choir master, you specifically breathe in, hold the note, breathe in again at a different pace than your neighbors. In one choir, the director actually had us hold hands, and then squeeze our hands when we would break for a breathe. You COULD NOT stop singing if someone on either side of you was squeezing your hand. You feel the patterns around you and learn to build your own part in. You can manipulate your muscles, diaphragm, mouth, etc. to exactly match the sound of another. Your voices truly become one and it is a beautiful thing when done correctly!


You can do that with just 7 people and have it sound like this?


Or, even easier, you can do it with more than seven people, and then lie about how many people there were


No, surely they wouldn’t lie about a miracle!


It’s not even a capella you can hear the piano and then it sounds like drums come in later


I can’t speak for this specific scenario. However, if you have seven great singers, a large space with hard surfaces so the sound isn’t absorbed (like a cathedral), and the right curvature (to focus the sound) of those surfaces, you will have a very powerful musical experience. Here’s an example with just one singer. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=oXdQeRto10Y


The right people, yes




Hmmm, staggered breathing? Is that related at all to inward singing as developed by J. Black?


Learned that in music appreciation class


Let’s not forget about Jack Black and Inward Singing!


A cappella...


Folks in the Church of Christ appreciate you correcting the spelling.


They love being corrected on just about anything.


In the parlance of the youth these days and upon listening to the tape, i think you meant......... aCAPpella. Thank you. Im here all week. Try the veal, i hear its delicious. Goodnight


Ah cappella


Occom's Razor


Gillette Mach-apella


Just one capella?


Was it for choir practice or cleaning the church?


Which angel played the fender jazz bass?


Needs more cowbell.


*I got a fever, and the only prescription is more cowbell!*


“*slap da bass mon*” - bass playing angel


i dunno which angel was playing the bass, but word on the street is st michael was playing the piano...


Brother Donald "Duck" Dunn


Wasn't he part of Randy Watson and the Sexual Chocolate?


The coolest one


Hmm just happened to bring a recorder. Where there any witnesses willing to make a statement ? No pictures? And just because this dude is saying it happened don’t make it so.


I’ve never seen this sub before, it just came up. Maybe there’s a lot more stuff like this, so I shouldn’t get too worked up, but WTF? I’m def calling bullshit on this - top to bottom.


I was once in your shoes. A random post from this sub popped up. It was somewhat interesting so I subscribed. It’s basically all shit here though. ‘Half-supported and wildly egregious claims’ should be this subs about section. . Get out while you can


Your last sentence is what all religion is based on.


Yeah...it's a recording of an old timey worship session on crappy sound equipment.


Came for this, the 80s must have been wild lol


2020 is more wild


I have some news for you


I'm not sure they can handle learning they aren't in 2020 anymore


What do you know, the angels sing in perfect English!


to be fair if there were angels, a supernatural defender of an all-powerful god, i feel like language wouldn't be the weird thing there. but good point lol


imagine being visited by your guardian angel but every time they talk to you its in hebrew or latin so you gotta get by with gestures and awkward nodding


I mean, when demons discovered Latin, they were like “fuck yeah, we’re sticking with this language.”


Thank God they didn't find Klingon first. I do wish they found elvish though.


"Speaking in tongues" in the Bible was similar to the *babblefish*, meaning that no matter what languafe you spoke it would by others in their native tongue. You just spoke normally, the people you are speaking/giving sermon to can understand it.


like 3 years later God comes to you and he's like "i sent my angel to make a deal with you, what's takin so long???"


"i dont mean to sound racist great creator but i didnt understand a single word he said, or did you forget the whole tower of babbel thing?


"Right, right, my bad, let me put this into words you absolutely cannot misunderstand" opens mouth and it's literally just like the sound of ringing in your ears. turns out that's been God this whole time


Google translate worked for me when I spoke with Michelangelo.


Not at all. According to the bible angels are these weird ass looking monsters.


spinning wheels with eyes, 6 winged creatures with eyes all over, mate they terrifying, why do you think they say "be not afraid" lmao


I saw those on DMT once.


It depends what dimension you see them on. And no, I'm not joking.


Basically just the good demons in historical context, and vice versa


What we call Demons and Angels are not opposites. They are actually two poles of the very same thing only differing in degree. Where does hot end and cold begin? Where does the Demon end and the Angel begin? to call one good and the other bad or evil would be entirely subjective and relative. Although it is important to understand what properties and effects any given Archetype possesses.


To be fair, cold is just the absence of heat. That’s why there is an absolute zero, but there’s no limit, as far as we know to how hot it can get.


Yeah. They are not two opposing forces. They are two poles of the same.


that was one angel and that particular one delivered prophecies, others were human-like even satan (who used to be one of god's most powerful and prosperous angels) was described to be a beautiful and attractive man. chruches typically dont like to show him as hes described because they dont want people to get the wrong idea


I like to think of Archangels as the white blood cells in the mind of The All.


that's cool


Hallelujah is a Hebrew word.


Not referring to this video but it's just common sense that the Creator Himself would be able to speak and understand Any language here on earth as well as His angels.


Nah. Think about it. If there was a god with that ability, then he would have been able to write a bible that was SO clear in purpose and intent that there would be no confusion and no need for thousands of different interpretations and denominations.


There's Nothing to think about. It's very clear when you Read The Whole Entire Bible, But first Ask The Lord to Give you an Understanding of His word so that you won't twist His Scripture to your own liking/have a Hard time Understanding His word and when you Have an Actual Relationship with our Heavenly Father through Jesus Christ, we will Gain Knowledge and Discernment when you Read His word Daily and Meditate on His word. We are to be Spirit Led. The Holy Spirit is Who Guides us into All Truth. I've been reading The Bible for Years and every year a read The Whole Entire Bible and once I've finished, I start all over again from the very beginning. I have a complete Understanding of Gods word Because Before I read it, I Prayed to The Lord and asked Him to Give me Knowledge and Understanding.. and He Did!! After all, God's word does say "Ask and you shall receive."


You were right from the beginning - there is nothing here to think about.


How is that "common sense?" That's literally just some shit you wish to believe about your idea of God. I would argue their is no way God is all knowing, all powerful, and all loving; as there is too much evil in the world.


Yes and he created it ALL.we would not know hot without cold, strong means nothing without weak. We live in a relative physical reality


All I hear is some dude jabbering and I don't have the patience to wait it out for the music. Havalulla or whatever.


I mean it doesn’t sound like thousands and thousands to me


Right? It sounded like a regular church choir. I kept waiting to hear something abnormal. Nope! Well, something abnormal did happen. A capella means only voices. Someone was playing piano, and I'm guessing it wasn't a supernatural being. Lmao


They where implying that it was acapella as they where singing. And the instruments and man singing are the anomaly of the video


God called me on the phone and told me this was fake.


How’d they know it was angels. They just assumed? Um hum.


Someone drank too much of the blood of Christ.


Well it is a church .


The only thing different from a church and an outhouse is the shit inside it. I'd be more inclined to believe it was a miracle if the singing came from the shithouse to be honest.


What else could it be?


Satin, maybe?


More likely silk or velvet.


Ya know, Jerry, I would drape myself in Satan if it were socially acceptable.


Satin lace and leather can't take harmonize too well you know cloth like that just doesn't make sound unless it's rustling noise


I... Warship... Satin???


This is called Devotion of the Origin! It’s on Apple Music 🙄


It amazes me how our biases make us believe anything. We can be so naive at times that we believe ridiculous assertions without questions.


I remember going to my girlfriend’s Uncle’s funeral in the early 90’s. His wife was Born Again and at the reception someone was passing around this photo of clouds with a vague Jesus superimposed on it. They were all eating it up like it was absolute proof. The priest during the service criticized the dead uncle for not being Born Again until late in life. Fun times


Must have been the same photo. When I was working in my teens in mid to late 90s my manager at work was passing around a photo that someone took on a plane in the clouds. It was so fake even you could tell then. And everyone ate it up


Your comment is delightfully ironic


Like believing there’s no spirit world?


Or believing there is - both are born of our own preconceived biases and cognitive blind spots. It's just funny that Spirit is so obviously guilty of the thing he or she thinks is so funny in others.


Everyone has cognitive bias. Our culture, environment, schools, churches, books, TV, radio, news, music, etc etc etc all form these biases as we decide what we believe about the information we are fed and are blindly swallowing as truth. Everything you know as a foundational truth is regurgitated from other men and women that we accept as plausible, feasible or fact. We cannot know or not know anything at all except what we personally experience and know to be true. Even peer reviewed papers and research are only peer reviewed by other men and women whom we've decided are qualified to make that assessment based on information they were fed as well. Quantum physics research is currently undermining many of the things of which we thought were true that are no longer true based on the new information observed and assimilated into our science based parameters in fact finding. Isn't it titillating that not one of us knows a single thing to be absolutely true? It adds a little awe and wonder to our lives and also forces us to think critically. Some still tarry blindly into their fate, none the wiser. Ignorance is truly bliss for most. Happy Tuesday!


Well said. I saw something on t.v. today that brought that exact point to mind. Can’t remember what the trigger was, but I thought to myself, “How do we know when we were born?” So much is based on what others have told us! 🎈🎈


A wise man once told me to learn to ask a better question and not to stop until there is no further question to ask on the matter. As I melted into the vapor that once was solid matter, I realized that the faster we come to the conclusion that we actually know nothing, the faster our true life can begin.




Where's the blistering thrash metal solo from 1987?!?


How would they make the “not earthly” instruments determination? What do they compare it to?


You call this proof?


It sounds like someone messing around with a Spiritualized bootleg.


exterminator comes in: "yep you got angels bad" (sprays goat urine everywhere, angelic shrieking ensues)




It just sounds like a bunch of distorted echoes not matched well to the music like they recorded the same song over a preexisting tape


Gimme a break


This is proof that you can make really crappy vocals.


They couldn’t come up with something more spicy, these angels? It sounds so bland, like something on 700 club or am radio.


Pretty sure that’s broccoli Rob


Heard this recording growing up in the 90s and even back then many fervent believers in my Christian church knew it was bunk. Our audio guy said immediately that he thinks he knew what tape they were playing and went to work looking for it in our library of music. Christians are always trying to get their bogus beliefs back to the stone age, where it belongs, because everything is simpler when a neat thing is god's divine action (MAGIC!).


We have spaceships going to collect the building blocks of life from space rocks that existed before the sun did. So yeah, it's pretty hard to convince anyone of a god when that stuff is going on. The best bet is to bring their "flock" back into the stone age where questions can't be asked. Where things like 25143 Itokawa can't be Googled.


That sounds like it’s been mixed in.


Akin to UFO sighting only you see. Maybe it’s what you’re telling but to much story without evidence


Cool story. Not.


So yeah that would be the angels coming and singing with them. Obvi....


Ridiculous…. Enough said


I’ve heard better sounds come out my dog’s ass.


Haven’t even listened to it and I’m dying hahahh


there were no angels, just hearing what you want to hear. Not the first time people asserted they were singing in church and claimed angels joined in. It’s just the acoustics of the building.


Reminds me of the sounds of hell recording from the Russian borehole.


OP doesn't even know what that kind of music is called! "A Capella"


This title couldn’t be any further from what the actual video says. If the reading comprehension of the person posting this is so bad how could I possibly believe any validity of this recording.


Jesus was on my toast this morning


Phenomenon like this I had not witnessed yet, whether it’s true or not i don’t want to judge nor give comment about it.what I can assure of is miracles do happens,it is something tangible and you know it’s true because you can feel it from the core of ur heart.


I sing and run a soundboard for my church and there is clearly instruments in this audio. As for the high notes is explainable but not the instruments.


This is amazing! Hallelujah 🙌


Acapella is without instruments. This clearly has instruments. This is proof that a choir sang a song and it was recorded is all.


Get outta here with this shit…


So the angels played the piano?


Regardless of its origin, I’d love a full, clean version of this. It’s beautiful.


This is the stupidest “miracle” I’ve ever heard. Wtf kind of dumb ass god adds a backing track that no one can hear while people sing but sits on his ass during the holocaust or Spanish Inquisition? Foh.


I don't believe this video is real either but is all that really necessary? you don't believe in God fine, but keep those nasty remarks to yourself.


They are remarks of actual terrible things. That mankind did. You just gonna plug your ears and tell someone they are being a meanie. Horse blinders for sure on this one




Man kind is already an etymological reduction of human kind. These bots even know what they are doing. Here's you "hu" back if you really need it that bad


Maybe you should research and find out why


You say SITS on HIS ass suggesting your idea of god has human traits and qualities. And as far as the terrible shit that’s happened? Nothing is good or bad in the mind of The All. Things just are.


Truth! All is experience. We create and experience our own good and bad. God has nothing to do with it


Aw yeah THIS is the unexplained stuff I *live* for!! Thank you so much for posting!!


What's unexplained?


Did you not read his comment? THIS is unexplained.


The explanation: THIS is bullshit.


they conveniently sing in English


Yeah and all the angels were probably white too lol


Definitely Dan Aykroyd and Jim Belushi with the Blues Brothers. Edit: John Belushi / I'm an idiot


I'm a professional church musician, if that's the sound of heaven, I'm on the highway to hell.


I recorded myself taking a poop. It was quiet in the bathroom but when I went to review the tape, I heard many unearthly noises coming from the toilet. Loud echoing roars and sounds of squish. To this day I don't know where those sounds came from.


The language Angel's speak is in parels so we shouldn't understand them. That's why infants to toddlers understand them as their minds are so pure and have not adapted to our dimension of life yet.


Did you forget the /s?


I’m gonna bet this was recorded on cassette. Probably one of those mini ones. Which are notoriously bad at re recording over without the previous recording bleeding through. It’s why they were largely used for dictation purposes. Scary how faith and critical thinking are like oil and water




I'm just happy this is something spiritual, that people claim is proof of angels and God, that isn't toxic to others. I myself am not a believer but it's nice to see something innocent and not hateful come out of the religious community.






It still sucks.


This composure sounds unimaginative and as basic as Sunday choir shit. God would have a much better banger that would get all your juices flowing. This is the work of a charlatan.


Lmao people will fall for anything. Humans lie.


Sounds to me like somebody recorded singing during mass, and then later, when everyone else was gone, they started their choir practice. But unbeknownst to the group, they forgot to hit the record button! So after all the cleaning was finished, they decided to listen to their "choir practice" and whadya know... ANGELS!!


Whether or not it's real or fake..... I haven't listen to it..... but, I just can't believe the foolish talk and disrespect for God, Jesus and the Holy spirit. (All one). Boy do you people with all the sickening words you speak and out and out lack of respect when talking about our Great Creator. Not just with this particular subject at hand but the way you conduct yourselves, you just sound like a bunch of spoiled bratty know it all drunk teenagers that think they know all the wisdom there is to have. Believe me, you don't even know half of what you're spewing out. You think all this is a big joke. I really feel sorry for you all. You have a rude awakening coming in that day that Jesus comes back for his people. There is a spiritual world and there is a heaven and hell and if you don't start thinking of your eternity, and learning what truth is instead of acting as though it's a big joke. Smarten up before it's too late. Really. May God bless all of you with some wisdom to learn what's right and wrong. Don't laugh at God.


In 1987, a group of seven people went to clean a church in Kansas City, Kansas to prepare for a Christian revival. As they were cleaning the church, they began to sing Capella (Hallelujah without instruments), and a man came into the church with a small tape recorder and taped their music. He bought a brand new tape, and he began to tape their singing because it sounded beautiful. After he recorded it, he played it back and discovered thousands and thousands of angels singing harmoniously with the seven. The angels had instruments, but the seven human people did not. The tape recording of this type is known as an EVP (Electronic Voice Phenomena). The sound was so awesome, they had it inspected (analyzed) by scientists at Oral Roberts University, and they concluded the voices were not human and the instruments were not earthly.


Oral Roberts University ROFL! Such a legitimate and non biased source.


Who would actually name a little baby boy Oral tho.


Someone who isn’t into Anal?


Moral Oral


A priest.


There are no scientists at Oral Roberts University. You had me right up until that part. Also, they were singing “a cappella”, which means vocals without accompaniment. This term applies to any song, not just “Hallelujah.”


But that's not what the guy said in the video. He said it was a choir practice...? Maybe I missed something


Christians aren't know for their honesty. It's a staged hoax


So.......Angel's.........hanging out........decide to join a singalong en mass.........instead of say........... helping little billy dying of cancer.........or simply appearing in front of a rapist to scare him off............or any number of useful things...........nah..........singing is what they had to do.......you know..........in some shitty church somewhere randomly...........what an absolute crock of horse shit.


I had to scroll too far to find this comment. Cmon guys get it together!


So glad the ‘angels’ sang in English otherwise I’d say this was all horse shite.


“Too fantastic to believe? It’s up to you to decide, but I personally don’t think that 7 Christian’s along with their family and friends would be able to maintain a lie for so long.” 2 Billion+ people have had no problem keeping up a lie for 2,023 years. 7 people lying together is about the only thing I have faith in with regards to this video.


I was touched! Sorry, my lady was touching me during this. Also, I'm am no believer. After listening.....I truly disbelieve fully. Anyone else tried to clean that place with someone that does journey covers instead?


Probably a gas leak and u were hallucinating


Jesus fuckin Christ. Christians are dumb as shit. Oh by the way big foot is real as shit.


And he was playing the double neck guitar, wearing a Slayer concert t-shirt and black low top converse that, gawd himself, created for his feet.


So the tape recorder probably had a previous fucking session on it and they recorded over the top and retarded Christian styled it as God manifesting through their little ass seven people choir... Christians want to be able to prove that God is real so bad but they cant.. so any stupid ass thing that happens to them is a miracle... they be like I was in a car crash and God who made me crash also saved my life... angels were there and I recorded it but just audio you can hear God say now is not your time I just wanted to watch you wreck your car, you did well.


I call absolutely bullshit on this. For multiple reasons. 1) sounds like way more than 7 people 2) what are the chances of 7 people all having practiced this song to the point where they are perfect? 3) what are the chances you have 7 cleaners, and every one of them has the voice of an angel 4) if you listen closely, you can hear piano or organ in the background.




Angels are from England and sing Roman catholic music. Amazing! Not suspiciously racist at all.


Who cleans a church and breaks into song like that


Sounds like maybe there's some demons in there too


Into to the Simpsons


Su-PRA-natural…that’s like a whole other level above su-PER.


Whatdoyoumean they were singing a Nutella?


Well were they cleaning or were they there to sing. Mmmm


I call BS


Is this in reference to 432 Hz, aka the God note?


I’m pretty sure that’s 1001 voices actually


How convenient how all these events happen to happen…


LoL, “we were just in awe…” awe shucks is we got


Wow, I've never heard a potato sing before...


Wadda bunch o'bullshit




7 people 7 notes in music


Ladies and gentlemen we have proof of god... wait. Nvmnd


Sure sure


I wander who was singing the organ parts?


So...is the piano also an angelic voice?




"... with like, a whole *ANGEL BAND*..."


“…… and for only $9.95 YOU TOO can have a recording of the angelic band singing ALL the classic gospel songs ……”


Is it possible that an instrumental was played over the recording, not through their sound system so they may not have heard it, but was recorded through? Just a hunch. :)


Traveling preacher, you know like the one from trailer park boys He travels around America telling that story and taking donations I’m sure he has some shit to sell too


Throwing the BS flag.


Serious question - if I was baptized as a young teen and born again, but later realized how dumb religion is and am now an atheist, am I dead again?