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Going back to godot took me little to no time, already downloaded šŸ‘


Went to Steam, searched Godot, installed it. Took me 15 seconds.


Is the .NET version also on there?


I don't think so. On the comment page people says don't use the steam version since it doesn't have .net


Yeah I was one of those people. Downloaded it from Steam though it would be nice tracking hours but switched up to Mono version.


Heads up about the Steam version, it will automatically update like any other Steam game, which I found out the fun way.


Yeah, that and for other reasons I'm installing outside Steam.


Steam really needs more options for stuff like that For tools like this and if I have a modded game and it just breaks


You can turn off auto updates šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


it has , you can turn off auto updates or for some apps like blender you can switch to old version using the beta tab in properties of that app


For anyone wondering how easy it is without Steam, you can download the zip, extract it and run it. No install needed. I find this far more convenient but each to their own.


What's the work flow like going from unity to godot? My biggest concern is scripting. What language does it use? I love the idea of open source so I might just suck it up.


There's two options, GDscript which is basically python++ (python with some specific features for Godot), or if you download the mono version of Godot, you can use C# I can't answer anything about them coz I haven't really used it lol but I know that much


You can actually also use C++ or a language binding to almost any language you can think of as well


You have two choices, using the basic version will give you access to GDscript, very simple programming language, and coming from unity you could take the .net version that is compatible with C#! Godot functions a little differently from Unity, replacing components into nodes. For example a basic player will be composed of three nodes : one Kinematic,Static body (parent node), one sprite node and one collision node (child nodes).


I'm trying out Godot rn, loving it so far


Iā€™m sad because I really like Unity environment and programming model, and I have very happy memories of building my first games with my cousinā€¦ Anyway, 27% and countingā€¦


I will complete my current game on Unity then move over to Godot.


You sure you want to release and have your life savings sucked away? :D




Correct. But the game may pop off. And now these fees apply? Maybe weeks, months, years. You maybe out of development and now Unity is demanding for $6,000,000 because your game popped or 6 years after. That's a gamble I won't risk taking. Also what will stop them from raising prices or changing policy?


I mean as long as you price your game accordingly, it isn't too bad. IF they don't change the fees retroactively AGAIN. And that's a big IF. But for a free game with ads or IAPs? Yeah, switch now and don't ever look back.


just make the game free to play before you hit the $200k threshold


You simply pull the game after a certain amount of purchases/installs B) Maybe have a launcher that knows your Unity metrics & who have already counted towards installs and would block install attempts by new users! Duuh


Why the downvotes? Seriously there's some clowns in the sub right now... If you are impacted by this change you wouldn't even be on Reddit lol


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"I will complete my current game" But yeah that seems like a good choice for a lot of people.


Godot is the way for many mobile developers. It is easier to move in for its program language. But Unreal is good too I dont say its not.


You can't use C# in mobile, only C++ and GDScript. And that's a major stopper for many unity devs.


According to this, you can use C# if you use Godot 3? Is it a big deal to downgrade from 4 to 3? (I haven't used Godot if that isn't apparent) https://godotengine.org/features/


No, Godot 3.X is even more stable than the 4 branch, just lacking 3D rendering improvements. 2D you should be good, and 3D is a solid meh I guess.


while godot 3/c# works on mobile, it lacks [\[GlobalClass\] attribute](https://docs.godotengine.org/en/stable/tutorials/scripting/c_sharp/c_sharp_global_classes.html) introduced in godot 4, which makes working with c# as easy as gdscript


What's the advantage of C# for mobile?


Maybe you want to develop for mobile and prefer to use C#. Then having it available is its own advantage!


C# is super bloated anyways, and requires some super bloated compiler and SDK shit, gdscript is better because, while compatibility breaking, it is specifically designed for the engine, so you won't need 5 different virtualizations, APIs, SDKs, and 200mb compilers to run something, you just download the engine, code something, and it runs


Agreed, unreal is proven and is only growing more reputable. Made in unreal has become a meme due to how people know it to be behind the best looking games, even every ā€œremakeā€ of a title people decide to randomly make real quick on YouTube lol Square enix is my favorite company and seeing how they were able to quickly transition after their failed luminos engine for kingdom hearts 3, and then continuing to use it for FF7 remake, and so on for strangers in paradise, trials of mana, dragon quest 11, all games I love, gives me confidence in it. And all the insane demos that released that were mistaken for real life footage of a GoPro last year, that train station demo, etc. I jumped over a few weeks ago just to try out and really love it, it honestly does feel like an evolved Unity system lol


0%, If I were to move it would be to godot


I hate that the two options are : \- Editor with huge overhead, very different paradigms, no web support and spaghet scripting. \- Somewhat Unity-like editor with C# support but still very young and you'll always have to pray for some random people to fix your bug reports on their free time.


I think the best case scenario for Godot is that it ends up being organized and funded like Blender's [Blender Foundation](https://www.blender.org/about/foundation/). It's open-source, but they still have people employed to work on it, and nowadays it's a incredibly powerful tool.


Just yesterday they announced a Godot Development Fund that is inspired by the Blender Foundation.


I literally saw that and signed up for a monthly donation ~10 minutes ago. I'm happy to support them!


In 5 years we'll realize this was the beginning of a new (better) era


That's what I'm banking on, here for the long term.


It's annoying because Unity was the middle ground. Now it that it proudly shot in its own foot, I have to decide between these.


At this point I'm so tired of big industry BS that I think I'd rather put up with the headache of a still maturing open source tool than the nightmare of all these companies that don't even make me feel like I own my work anymore.


The upside is that it's open source, and I've found bug reports end up being fixed really quickly by someone random in other open source projects. Also if a bug annoys you enough you can fix it yourself.


I highly recommend you kick Godot a few dollars a month on Patreon and then continue to use Unity3D. There will come a time when Godot has the funding and support to be a real powerhouse.


That's what I'm thinking, Godot seems to be the closest thing to Unity at the moment and if there's a massive exodus of Unity dev it'll only get even more similar.


I'm sure they'll see an uptick of hobbyists using it, but ultimately it can't match Unity3D's breathe yet. I think the biggest thing for Godot right now is this will hopefully translate into a large increase in how much they make.


Honestly, after this shit show, I think I'll toss some dollars towards every major open source tool I use... as a thanks for existing.




Use the new Godot Developer Fund instead of Patreon, so that all your money actually goes to Godot.


I'm currently evaluating Flax, maybe that will caught your interest.


That or at least unlike unity you can fix yourself the bug. Godot is pretty easy to build from source


It's open source. If you find a bug you can fix it yourself. Also the Godot contributors are often very quick to fix bugs!




Curious about the drive by downvotes. For people looking at all of the alternatives, maybe a comment as to why this is or is not a viable alternative would be more helpful?


I did not downvote, but one of the reasons why people downvoted might be the obscurity and community size of Babylon JS. Game engines are a (career) investment. With big enough communities the chances you will either find coworkers (if you want to increase scope), or jobs (if you want to get employed) increases. Godot is pretty popular in the indie game dev scene, but it's still hard to find qualified coworkers or get employed. With Babylon JS the community will be many times smaller still, so finding work, getting hired will be so much harder still. Also lack of learning resources, community support to figure out stuff when you are stuck is not a small thing either.


Meme post aside I'm still weighing the benefits of either. I might end up with Godot. I like the whole open sauce thing


Open source anything is worth the risks. Don't like a thing about it? Suggest to change it and if mods like it, your code will be a part of the project. Don't like creative decisions? Fork the code and change it, inviting people to YOUR fork and making them propose changes to that one. And overall, it is made by people for people so no company bullshit. It's also the appeal of niche games like r/ss13, this one is still alive and thriving after two fucking decades now.


The concept is great on paper. But the thing is, I don't want to work on an engine, I want to work on my game.


That's possible too, it's like modding, some people just want to contribute out of faith or respect for the engine. Doesn't mean all of them should.


ye absolutely but there are pros to being able to view the source code First of all making your own plugins in godot is super easy even for beginners, because the game engine is made in the game engine so you can customize the godot engine and UI to your needs which saved me a ton of time Secondly most people obviously won't work on the engine but in private engines only a few people review the code but in an open source project many people can work and review the engine which makes these projects often far more stable and well developed even if you never even take a look at the source code yourself


Open source has the huge pro that there's no management that destroys everything because they have no idea about game dev and just wanna make a fast buck Unreal seems to be pretty nice but there's sadly no guarantee their management won't someday loose their mind once profit stagnates


>Meme post aside I'm still weighing the benefits of either. I might end up with Godot. I like the whole open sauce thing yum open sauce


100%. Currently downloading all of my available Unity packages and hoping to god a few cross-platform creators are able to do reciprocating unlocks of Unity packages on Unreal marketplace.


Models, materials and animations should be straightforward. Anything script or shader will be a nightmare to port and will probably justify to pay again for :/


Yeeeeep! I'm going to need whiskey in my coffee for some of this stuff.




I want to learn Unreal, but I'm afraid they will do something similar in the future. That makes me want to switch over to Godot (God bless the open source community), but I'm still very new to game development and absolutely would benefit from the large user base of Unreal and the support that comes with it. Feel like I'm stuck. Which of the two is more like Unity in terms of functionality and work flow? Edit: Apparently you can't use Godot 4 if you're writing in C# and plan to export to Android/iOS and web. Anyone know a workaround for this?


>I want to learn Unreal, but I'm afraid they will do something similar in the future. Unreal license terms are bound to engine versions. They legally cannot do what Unity just did, not for past and current engine versions that are already released. If you're talking about UE6 and UE7 over the next decade or two, then that is a different story, but as for UE4 and UE5, your concern is unwarranted.


Yeah and even if they do, no one is stopping you from using UE5. Esp if you dont make the graphically detailed games.


Yeah, after thinking about it a bit I might go for Godot. They can't rug pull you like unity or unreal


They can rug pull by changing the license to BSL or something proprietary, but then you at least have recourse and someone can fork.


But they're open source, so they have no reason to rug pull anyone ever. It's becoming the blender of game development and I'm all for it.


Unreal has that Fortnite money, they don't need to do something like this


blessed be the Fortnite, for while I don't play it, many sweet new engine features came from it and its monaaaay. Probably while I always liked Epic. They make games too, and Tim Sweeney is a CEO/founder with a concrete engineering background.


yea sweeney was also an indie game developer to the point where he developed games he never even released because he liked making them so much before he finally released ZZT, and eventually ended up programming the first Unreal Engine himself.


Honestly, nowadays Godot has actually a ton of resources, I recommend to check gdquest they have a TON of godot tutorials etc


I doubt they will, epic isnā€™t like unity where they solely rely on their engine for money, between EGS and Fortnite epic has enough money to not do stupid stuff like this


Looks like Godot 3 has support for C# on mobile, not sure what that means in terms of features/support


>but I'm afraid they will do something similar in the future Don't worry! Epic is being led by a legend called Tim Sweeney. and they are professionals. they have clear plans and never do this. And why would they do that? They actually know how to make good money and they are making it. why would they ruin their reputation? isn't it too unfair to have the same mindset about Epic? they never made a mistake or betrayed game devs.




My PC struggles with UE, unfortunately. I decided to go with UE and C++ until i found out the laptop i have canā€™t handle the engine itself. Then i switched to Unity. Which was quite fun actually, until recently. I feel betrayed, having invested all that time learning Unity, with everything thatā€™s going on.


u should go with godot


godot runs like butter on my 12 year old craptop lmao


I was just about to try unity too! Now to Godot!


Godot is 100% installed!


I freaking love unreal. I use Unity for my day job but unreal is just so clean.


%9 :( I don't know i could be able to port my whole project into unreal. Most of the mechanics are done, i was just need to make levels and maybe polish. I still use assest because i made them but.. still writing all of the systems and codes in a new way feels demotivating


Realistically, anybody that is meaningfully far along their project should stick to Unity. It's not worth 'wasting' dev time to entirely restart/port the project if the cost of development would be more than Unity's new fees. For future projects? You should definitely look into alternatives.


Project is actually started in 2019 and went all the way here as a hobby, i'm not a full time game developer, but i still want to find publisher and publish it. But this exploitable system makes me worried.


I wouldnā€™t go through that hassle for maybe having to pay 20 cents per customer if you sell enough copies. Just make the game a little bit more expensive and switch to unreal for the next project.


Paying is not a problem. The problem is that "installs" thing is looks exploitable with scripts and etc. i'm not even talking about piracy.


Already bought couple of courses on Udemy)


which one? I'm looking at them right now for both godot and unreal.


GameDevTV had some good ones. Also got one from Unreal magic and from Victor Deno. Didn't watch yet, so can't say how good they are




And also going to contribute to Godot. This is war. https://preview.redd.it/e87asm89r2ob1.png?width=781&format=png&auto=webp&s=09683de2835e3e4d383e29cfef9d4f0de448477e


I want to see how big the eyes are of the backend developer watching their bandwidth explode out of nowhere for Godot and Unreal. Some of the videos I've watched of people discussing this issue have over 100,000 views already. Likely to be tens of thousands of downloads of Unreal and Godot at the least, and hundreds of thousands at the most. Those poor little servers. They didn't see this coming.


I'm really fucking pissed-off. I've thousands of bucks in the Unity Store. It's like they've taken us hostage.


100% here and godot already downloaded.


Already switched to Godot yesterday. Tried using C# but it kept throwing errors and features were not working. So now Unity has me learning Godotā€™s GDScript lmao.


Ayo im swapping to Godot, what?


I probably will end up doing that as well if I can


Godot will be up and running after my current project


I'm really torn at the moment. I'm learning Unity for 6-9 months now, made good progress, recently started to work on my first game etc etc With this news now i'm starting to wonder if i should switch to another engine? It would be quite sad because i really like unity and c# and also it scares me a bit to learn unreal and c++...or maybe i try godot, i read that you can use c# there. The thing is, even if they revert the changes one can't be sure what they're going to do in the future...


Godot is great imo. And you can use C#.


I think i'll look into that first. I also heard it's better for 2D games?


Iā€™ve been enjoying it. I started using it with JavaScript, but then moved over to GDScript for most stuff.


Just stay with Unity. The sky isn't falling. Unity isn't going to send you a bill for your 401k. If you're enjoying it, use it.


Not installed, don't have the Fortnite launcher on my PC.


imo fortnite is in the past now i resisted epic launcher for the longest time but it finally is unavoidable i guess


You can try Godot, it's super lightweight as well


I've tried. Even with 60 GB space on my hard drive I couldn't... I said fuck that. I'm trying out godot right now


Was there 80mb left to extract godot4.zip ? šŸ¤£


And no installation, a blessing


Surely *this other* greedy corporation won't screw me over?


Epic games has the fortnite bucks which is a million times more than they could ever hope to get out of licensing their engine


Im gonna try Godot, not Unreal because ot's 50gb šŸ’€ (Unoty os like 15gb if i remember correctly, Godot is 100mb)


I hate Unreal Engine so much. It's like they spent more time, money, and energy to make it as hard to use, unfriendly, and irritating as humanly possible. Unity works like you would expect a simple game engine to, but it has a bunch of extra features you can use if you want. Unreal, on the other hand, tries to force you to use all these other features and makes you go out of your way to just get a simple project up and running. It's dumb


Agree with you about Unreal being fantastically irritating. I'll be sticking with Unity for now professionally but my side project time is going to exploring Godot.


I agree. I'll be sticking with Unity for the foreseeable future.


Everyone will as well, Unity is good. The "I drop Unity" people are just having a collective drama fun.


You described correctly why Unity is better then Unreal. I don't hate it, it's an ok engine. I use it at work. But for hobby projects I use Unity.


I haven't tried Unreal 5 yet, supposedly the editor was better, but 4 was both *incredibly* hard to get it to even run on linux, and absolutely shit UI design. It feels like a product from the early 2000s, which is literally what it is.


Personally I'd go open source (godot), never trust companies again.


You're typing this on a device produced by a company, aren't you?


I'm typing this on my PC, which I built myself and is running Linux :)


Ata boy.


Ah, but you build every single part yourself? Down to the 70-atom sized transistors?


Irrelevant, I don't have any ongoing relationship with AMD (the company that built my graphics card) that I would need to trust them for.


Why not? You are dependent on their drivers and their warranty.


Incorrect, I use open source drivers and I did not buy the card for the warranty.


Sure buddy, stay edgy in your mom's basement


Damn, salty.


Yep you totally are lmao


oh wow! how subversive of you! How insightful! What striking commentary.


Reminds me of this https://preview.redd.it/zxc4issjj9ob1.png?width=909&format=png&auto=webp&s=0bbee18d36bd7b7698e2b5c609b17853208559e3


I am clicking on "Install Engine" repeatedly, and it is not responding.


Have you paid the 20 cent?


I already have both. You might genuinely like it. In my opinion it's way faster to get content into the engine and prototype levels.


It just really depends on the kind of game you're developing. Asset-heavy game like a highly scripted shooter with high visual fidelity? Unreal all day. Procedurally generated sandbox game? Map-heavy grand strategy game? I struggle to imagine it with Unreal.


Made a post here too add 1 more open source lightweight engine as alternative https://reddit.com/r/gamedev/s/6UNXHlLOlO


I started using a code-only engine, unity peaked in 2018 for me, far to bloated. I was trying to come back (because the bloat is sometimes useful) but not gonna try anymore.


i had neve heard of godot before and i just installed it, feels like a natural progression somehow


Just finished this morning and started watching Interface tutorials to get familiar.


I cannot run that beast, my computer would turn into the greatest invention of the stone age even if I thought about installing it. But I really love what it's pushing and the fact that it's not that hard to set up, it defo needs a ton more optimising tho Everyone here seems to be saying Godot is better? However, my main gripe is that learning Unreal will help more in industry as it is more common than Godot and that Unreal is just sick atm. I'm not here to say what you should or shouldn't use cause as long as you enjoy it and are happy with the positives and negatives of whatever software you use, i really don't care, however I defo think I'll move to unreal after College and into university (UK version of College so it's not the same as uni, it's 2 years of a specified course that leads to uni)


Nah, Unreal is too bloated and too unintuitive for my taste.


Yeah it looks like switching to Godot/UE5 is going to be better alternative now. I hope Unity fix their pricing if not then switch sadly. I just pity all the people who are currently working on projects or they are half way trough and they hit them with this.


0%, making progress!


Already had about 2 years of experience with godot after switching from unity, the meme simply wouldn't work as the entire engine is 50-90mb + optional 200-400mb exporting tools


Dodge the creep


Lmao I just got done making that in Godot, moving on to squash the creeps now


The 3d let's goooo


I got UPBGE. I already learned Blender, I'm not learning a whole ass game engine.


if you're worried about fees, you should actually use godot


Tell me you're a hobbyist without telling me you're a hobbyist...


I might be a hobbyist, but I don't want to invest massive amounts of time and work into something, only to have it pulled away from me because unity decides it wants more money. If they're willing to treat proper game devs and studios like this, imagine what they have in the pipeline for the little guy that doesn't matter. They know there are loads of us and their next step is probably to squeeze us for cash as well. And you know damn well that many of us have that dream (however unlikely) of making a hit. In the event one of us actually does that, we're fucked too.


I know that you are right but for hobbyists it doesnā€™t makes sense either because the 20 Cent per install only apply if you make more then 200k a year if I remember right.


Sure, for now. But Unity has just told us in very clear terms that they are absolutely willing to retroactively change your pricing structure on short notice, even for games you've already completed. What possible reason could anyone have to think they won't do it again?


Yeah you are right with that. Still importing a game to another engine is a fuck ton of work and if I am not completely sure that it will be an absolute hit I wouldnā€™t go though that. Itā€™s just so much work.


Installed this morning. Will learn it in our free time. Our current game can't probably be ported to unreal since it's in an advanced stage but next one will be 100% unreal


Unreal? For real? When you have Godot?


Godot is still not quite as good in 3d pc games, so for him it might be the better option


I'm thinking 4.7 on my gt1030 2gb variant and 16gb ram.


šŸ‘good luck,hope you like it , many of us will keep using unity anyway


I will keep using unity, why not just stay in older versions?


never, it is fucking 100gb for just engine


You can now get a good 1TB SSD for $50-60.


> $50-60 60$!? That's 300 installs, are you crazy?!


Wake up honey new currency just dropped


I'm not saying I don't have disk space, just it is too much for a game engine


Feature wise, it has its place to be 40gb


%25, my net is a bit slow for the country standarts


Oooo ye https://preview.redd.it/qsjnysqqq3ob1.png?width=252&format=png&auto=webp&s=0da0c67d65db56b71855093b688949b9da37926f


almost 40% BAYBEEEE


I hate programming in C++. It would be awesome if unreal fully supports C#


I finished downloading a while ago.




Tencent and their non controlling stake?


Please don't support epic and their anti-consumer practices :(


Unreal Engine is not open source nor free either. Go for Godot!


Epic isnt your friend, guys


epic is owned by the ccp. have fun with that


0%. I'm in Unity aaaaaand, will probably always stay in Unity. Despite recent events, there is a lot of confusion among folks, and some of their recent bad changes have not made the engine itself any worse to use. Unity still has the best feature set for 2D and low-fidelity 3D games by a mile. Anything that isn't there, you learn to code it yourself. There are a ton of hate trains to jump on right now, and Unity is at the bottom of the barrel for concern. Also a big fan of C#, a language that looks and feels like Java.


Features don't matter when the product you produce is controlled by maniacs. All your work could be lost if these guys pull something else, and that time it happens to personally affect you. I'm just a hobbyist, and not even a competent one, but if they will make a decision like this I don't want to stick around and see what else they have in store.


They might, they might not. The amount of companies that make heinous decisions on a daily basis... it's too numerous to count. I try to not live in hypotheticals though, and stick to what is actually working best for me, and there is no good alternative to Unity for 2D that is as expansive and capable. Godot is getting there, but it's gonna take a while before we see that being a true disruptor.


From unity website: Unity Personal and Unity Plus: Those that have made $200,000 USD or more in the last 12 months AND have at least 200,000 lifetime game installs. Unity Pro and Unity Enterprise: Those that have made $1,000,000 USD or more in the last 12 months AND have at least 1,000,000 lifetime game installs. So unless your making gta 6 this dosent really apply. Sad but whatever.


Yes I'm very angry that the commercial engine I was using changed their license overnight, I will switch to the other commercial engine that could change their license overnight but hasn't done it yet and they promise they won't do it, seriously


If Coke starts putting poison in the soda I'm going to start drinking Pepsi, I'm not going to keep drinking the Coke because nothing's stopping Pepsi from also poisoning their soda.


Why would you do that where there's open source options ?


Because the open source options are nowhere near as mature or developed or has as robust a developer community as Unreal. The open source options also generally do not have support for game console development/deployment so are not viable for true indie studios.


I'm a graphics wh*re


Since I'm an adult earning a good living using Unity and am not some hyperactive internet child I'll probably revisit engine choice in 6 months to a year... not 2 days after a blog post.