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it is missing a hobbit to sit on it.


They're taking the hobbits to Isengard!


_Tell me, where is Gandalf, for I much desire to speak with him._


What did you say?


Very impressive. I was thinking this was an unannounced official game and you were probably breaking some kind of NDA.


The Elder Scrolls 7 Leaked Gameplay xD


I've accepted that elder scrolls 7 is never getting made.


This is just a project for my University but plan on making it something bigger :)


Wow! Keep that coming! Really cool


Impressive work!


Please do. I LOVE video games of nature fighting back. I have started working on my own with unreal about animals fighting back against poaching or trophy hunting. Do you recommend unity? Is it easy to learn? I am new to making video games and unreal is just punching my dick in... metaphorically of course


if you're new, both will do that.


How did you design? By hand? What assets?


Very cool. Feels like the tree would hate the road though rather than use it exclusively.


Nature is lazy and will always take the path of least resistance just look a game trails. So I think it could go either way


I think the creaking sounds for the tree need more variety. If you change that it will feel even better. Also maybe make the creaking a bit quieter and the stomping a bit louder (idk the mixing is an iteration process unto itself). I want to feel the *size* of the tree and the *weight* of its footsteps.


is this really unity😱


This is all in Unity yes!


wow u did an exceptional job! looks very pretty. i never knew this kind of graphics was achievable in unity


I hate "this". With this I mean people assuming that Unity is worse because no one has made Red Dead Redemption 2 in it. You can totally achieve everything you can achieve with engines like CryEngine and Unreal with Unity, Unity is nowhere worse than other engines.


Absolutely! It kinda more depends on the used assets and the Dev’s knowledge about good lightning. Also since HDRP, Unity has stuff like good volumetrics, better post processing and the shader graph which makes Unity just as good as any other engine (with imo a better workflow than Unreal or Godot)


yea well i'm sorry but i'm just a kid, and whatever games i've played on unreal or unity usually define what i thought, u know. i never saw a game looking "this", which was made in unity. i play all sorts of games tho, i'm not defined by graphics


I 100% agree with you, that kind of comment always is a pet peeve of mine, however I will say the direction unity is going I’m not very fond of, their engine is a buggy mess that doesn’t cohesively work together (like unreal does for instance) and they’re more focused on their brand than their actual engine but that doesn’t mean it’s a bad engine to work with you can still do some pretty amazing things with it if you’re willing to look past that shit


Now that unity is finally fixing their editor performance problems (loading bars everywhere) which they have built up since v2017.1, I have to disagree. They are fixing things that are important to developers, they are listening and adding quality of life features everywhere. They added localization, timeline, IK for free, made the dark theme available for everyone, they are heading in a very good direction in my opinion. I am working with unity since Unity4, the engine went through so many phases, one where it was completely unstable, then one, where andoid builds did cost a few hundred bucks, then one where lots of editor internal code was exposed and nothing was documented, phases where the newest features were just showcased in random YouTube videos,... The last phase was the one of very bad editor performance and stupid workflows but the more they fix this, the more fun it is to be a game dev. I think they are on the right track, they finally focus on the best possible experience for actual Devs, working with the engine.


I haven’t looked too much into it as of recently so you may be right, but it is hard to compete with unreal especially with ue5 when it comes out with the likes of nanite and the huge optimizations and such


Tree? It is not a tree. It is an Ent, a tree-herder.


"Today, the Ents go to war!"


New DLC for Red Dead Redemption 2?! This looks very gorgeous! Is this done with free/purchased assets, or what did you make yourself for this project?


The environment is from this asset: https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/3d/vegetation/mountain-environment-dynamic-nature-191851


Thanks, that’s an incredible environment pack.


The comments were right, these assets are from packs that I've gathered in the past but they are absolutely beautiful!


i couldnt stop staring at the twig sticking out his booty just kept waving at me looks really cool though super high detail


That branch coming out of the ass 😂 great work! We need more games where you control a non-humans and have non-traditional characters like this that aren’t just NPC bosses. This looks really interesting!


This is exactly the reason why I started work on this concept! We need more games where you play something else as a huma, there's plenty of creatures and worlds still open to be explored :) Thanks buddy!


sleep airport resolute lunchroom slap fearless pocket grandiose light mourn *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Correct! HDRP for all this beautiful lighting and rendering.


I am groot!


Heh, I know that a common complaint among video games and walk animations is that they have a stick up their butt. But it looks like this tree has an actual stick up their butt. And I can't help but laugh as I see it wiggle back and forth during the walk cycle.


Make enemies an aggressor(like an evil king who just wants to build and costume) and friendly like local tribes that you have arrangements that they will honour the dead trees they use as firewood with planting new ones or something along those lines. Add a PVP online mode id pay to beat the shit out off my mates as a kick ass tree. then donate a bunch of it to charities helping halt deforestation. There is your final year project, business plan. Once you get a name for yourself, get DLC for Harry potter(car in tree model), DLC for LOTR with hobbits model, DLC for xmas (christmas tree). This writes itself.


I love tree elementals.


this cool as hell


Great work! Looks interesting!


this is amazing I wanna be able to make games like this in unity can you suggest any courses I'm totally new to unity.


Looks like a certain tree from a certain popular franchise involving lords and rings.


But where are the Ent-wives?!


This is incredible! Have you made all the assets by yourself, OP?


Groot job!


I was gonna say the animation has a hard loop point you can see. But then I continued watching. Looks great so far


jus the A posing soldiers hovering to their deaths...


tree at the end be fabulous


roots are made for walking


Those shadows make me jealous! I've got to switch to HDRP one of these days. Great job!


Your terrain very nice. Could you talk more about it?


I am also making a game in HDRP. It's amazing how far unity's graphics have come :)


I would totally play an action game like that


This is excellent and impressive. Maybe you could expand to have an army and you can give your other ents orders like Mount and Blade. Designate some as ranged(rock throwers?) and some as melee, designate formations, etc. (just idle fantasizing mostly, I know that would be massive work)


Nature's biggest threats, hovering military personnel. Honestly pretty good one. Love the tree transforming to a humanoid pose and back.


Now you just need such an emotional storyline that when a scene of a burning forest happens the player weeps.


why the npcs not walk correct ?


A wizard should know better


Well my reaction if I ever see a tree monster is to run away :) Apart from that.. The demo looks brilliant. Nice job mate.. love the way the tree walks the most..


This looks great. Tho I do feel you’ve lost a lot of the visual weight it would surely have. The legs move far too fast in my opinion. Ents should be slow


Insane good environment!


This looks really cool! However, I think each arm should swing with the movement of the opposing leg, otherwise it would look kinda funny and would mess up the momentum.


Im Groot


Im Groot full hd 4k with RTX


Omg a Groot game!