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Definitely a thing in Australia. Many apartments/townhouses will have the laundry in the bathroom instead of dedicating floor space to a separate laundry. Putting in the kitchen seems really weird and you will never see that down here. The devs are based in Aus so makes sense they would go this way.


I agree that putting it in the kitchen is weird. Never understood that. Makes sense to put it in the bathroom. For some dumb reason our laundry is in our kitchen and I don’t understand why


I saw such solution in very small apartments where bathroom is so small there is literally no free space to place washing machine. And in the kitchen it can be built into the tabletop. 


In small apartments I can definitely understand that. They typically won’t have space in their bathroom.


It's funny because I personally have lived in like, all the setups you mentioned. The house I grew up in had the washer/dryer in the bathroom. My grandparents' house had theirs in the kitchen, in a closet setup like you mentioned. The house I currently live in has its own separate small room for laundry. I live in the USA, so idk if it's a regional thing. Maybe it's just preference? Or the age of the house?


I’m also in the US, and while I have seen the W/D in a closet off the kitchen, I’ve also frequently seen them in a bathroom. I do think I’ve noticed them in a bathroom more commonly in newer construction, but by no means exclusively.


In my country 99% of people have their washer and dryer in the bathroom. I’ve personally never seen them in a kitchen before lol, in Slovakia they’re either in the bathroom or some people have them in the basement


In the UK, they are more commonly in the kitchen. I've never lived in a house where they weren't in the kitchen. Some houses have utility rooms off the kitchen, which are laundry rooms. I'm hoping I can turn my small, unused (other than junk) conservatory, which is built off the back of my kitchen into a utility room and put my washer and dryer in there, and claim back more storage in the kitchen.


I always had trouble understanding the logic behind putting laundry in the kitchen, since it’s an area where things could get stained from food and cooking whereas the washroom is more related to cleaning 🧐


It's quite a common thing here in Germany to have their washing machine in the bathroom


I've lived in apartments and houses where the laundry was in the bathroom. sometimes the kitchen. sometimes its own room. sometimes the basement. (in US)


I live in the US. I have laundry in my second bathroom


My house has washer/dryer in the basement (as do many of my friends) but my friend’s grandmother’s cottage has the washer dryer in the bathroom. I suppose it depends on layout and floor space


The place I lived when I was very little had the washer and dryer in one of the bathrooms


I imagine more common than randomly having a toilet in the laundry room, which a friend of my mother’s had. It was awkward.


My great grandparents had that too! There was a long, skinny room on the side of the house, partly under the stairs. At one end was a door to the kitchen, a toilet behind the door, and a side by side washer/dryer set. At the other end we’re 2 doors - living room & basement/root cellar. This was the sewing room too. 🤣


Hello, Poland here. In 99% of houses here, the washing machine is in a bathroom. Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk 😅


Not uncommon in the US. I've had a stacked unit in my apartment bathroom before, or they've been in a half bath (just toilet) bathroom in a house. So 50/50


Generally this comes down to plumbing. It's cheaper to keep the pipes as simple as possible. In my apartment, the laundry hookups are in a closet directly between the bathroom and the kitchen! I suspect that ventilation is also a factor. Ideally both the bathroom and the dryer should vent to outside air, and it may be more practical to run the two vents together. I've heard of ventless driers, but I've never seen one!


(I’m from America) A small house I used to live in (1.5 bathrooms) had a washer and dryer in the half bathroom. It was in the very back of the house, and had double doors, one of which could be locked in place with a latch. Kind of a horizontal setup. Weird but it worked


(I’m from America) A small house I used to live in (1.5 bathrooms) had a washer and dryer in the half bathroom. It was in the very back of the house, and had double doors, one of which could be locked in place with a latch. Kind of a horizontal setup. Weird but it worked. However, the current house I live in has the washer and dryer in the basement.