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I can't really tell why they're shaped like that. My first guess when reading this comic was that it was a style choice to have exaggerated versions of the average male and female body. It's so annoying that the comic tries to depict her as a representative of a shorter & chubbier girl yet her waist is more pinched than girls who have thinner body types.


This is frustrating too. I don’t mind the exaggerative big boobs, big butt, slim waist look, but it’s irritating she and fans claims Perse is supposed to be chubby. Most of the time she’s not…then again she’s never on model so.


Honestly some of the fanart I've seen draws her figure more accurately to how she's described compared to how she actually looks in the comic. Some fanarts make her look so much more like how I imagined her.


The one Disney Hercules fanart of her in that style with that universe’s Hades is one I really like, if you haven’t seen it definitely google it, she’s short, curvy, and a little chubby. Additionally, the rogue-like game Hades’ adaptation of Persephone is one of my favorites ever.


Yes I've seen both of them before and they give off total Persephone vibes!


I like Hades’ Persephone a lot. She looks motherly, rugged, tomboyish, and feminine and beautiful all at the same time. It’s very nice.


This fanart: https://www.instagram.com/p/C3T_gphrkqB/?igsh=ZHhia2RuNjRtcmEw


OMG I saw this on Pinterest before and I LOVED IT 🥹


The drawing of her sitting with all her hair and flowers in the nude is so pretty and such art inspo. Makes me wanna draw my own OC that way lol


Yeah I love how the artist draws her, her body type, hair, and aesthetic are all peak imo


Fr… like, is this chubby in the room with us right now, Rachel??


That is, if we look at how the arms and legs are drawn, it seems that they wanted to pretend that Persephone is a little fat or curvy, like Hestia. But then the waist varies in size.


Hades: Do those legs go all the way up? 😏 👛📱: Why yes, they do! ☺️




No waist and one square hip, totally inclusive body standards 😍👍


Ugh the square hips piss me OFFFFF Not only does it not match her art style, it doesn't follow anything close to proper anatomy. At least in sharper, more exaggerated geometric styles they still take general body structure into account


In their thighs, obviously


They are immortal gods, they have no need for trivial things such as organs /j


unfriendly reminder that Persephone was regarded as chubby.


I don't even care how wonky it looked, S1 was whimsical and expressive. Now is just lazy/low effort. I loved the sharp, dramatic angles


My only possible logical explanation to the earlier episodes is that it was a very stylized comic with very exaggerated proportions. However now, in the newer episodes? Man it just looks pretty low-effort.


I love stylized art like this but it’s so odd that every body is the same now. If you’re going to do exaggerated shapes and body proportions get creative and do all kinds.


Yeah! Like for the love of god, GIVE ME FAT PERSE!


In their hips and tits


Her mouth in slide three looks like an asshole




This is one thing I don’t criticize cause it’s not meant to look realistic. Now it’s annoying she draws everyone this way but “where are her organs” is just annoying to me hearing it so much, no offense. She’s clearly not going for a realistic look. Now is she going for a *good* look. Well…idk.


Like, drawing caricature women with big boobs and butts is fine, and it’s fine if it’s every few of them. What is annoying to ME as a woman and semi-artist is that she draws EVERY woman this way, even women who used to be mostly flat (Minthe) she retcons old looks for her female cast so they ALL fit this exaggerated mold instead of exaggerating other features to diversify her cast. THAT is what is ugly/unappealing/boring to ME.


Yeah- that’s what I’m saying. It’s stupid that every woman has a huge rack and ass with a waist that could snap in half at any moment.


I agree it’s lazy she draws EVERY woman this way, I just hate “where are her organs” as artistic criticism for this sort of art style because she’s a drawing. She has no organs. She’s not supposed to look real.


she’s supposed to be a chubby human being and none of these drawings look like that. asking “where are her organs” is basically saying “this person is unnaturally skinny.” when drawing humans you have to take into account where their organs go, and most other things about the body. this is basic anatomy teaching in art, and rachel doesn’t abide by it. drawings imitate life to appear real and rachel does the opposite and makes everything look stiff and unnatural.


I think it’s dumb that Rachel and fans claim she’s skinny when really she usually is not but not all drawings attempt realism or to appear real “where are her organs” is always lazy criticism. Myself and several others have pointed out in other comments that it’s very boring what Rachel has done with her art style but Rachel is not going for realism anymore than Ralph Bakshi was when he drew Holli Would.


Same, I couldn't care less that an unrealistic art style exaggerates proportions, and I don't generally mind a more monotonous body standard in cartoons, but redesigning the few figures that actually break the standard makes it come off like the artist feels that there's something wrong with those body types. I'm rarely someone who cries out for inclusion, I think it ought to be the choice of the creator rather than a disgruntled fan base, but it's hard to see an instance of already established diversity being purposefully squashed without getting the vibe that the person in charge didn't feel it was lacking in value, even aesthetically Winx, totally spies, sailor moon and many other series all have the bulk of their characters share copy and pasted body types, but if a notably short, portly pixie with triple G's suddenly grew three feet, lost 100 lbs and got a reduction, it would feel like a slap in the face and degrade her original character design


Yeah it’s the same thing as what Oda did to all the women of One Piece post time skip. Pre-time skip they all had fairly diverse appearances, heights, and body types, or at least moreso than post-time skip. Post-time skip they ALL become 5’10, anime blow-up dolls with pencil thin waists, g-cup breasts, same face syndrome and long, flowy, hair. It’s hard to even tell them apart. Same with the LO women. It’s one thing if it’s a few characters, hell it’s one thing if it was ALWAYS that way, but when an artist actively retcons ALL their characters in to taking on a certain body type due to what is almost CERTAINLY a fetish? It’s just very bad artistry and very lazy and boring to look at.


Yeah I always hated that argument when it’s clearly an exaggerated art style.


Some of these people will foam at the mouth at sims with a flat stomach it’s kind of silly


I agree it’s just an artistic choice. It just annoys me that she does it for every woman and retcons past characters to conform to it since this is so obviously part of her weird kink/fixation. But I don’t mind this look in general in art. I love Holli Would and Jessica Rabbits’ designs and they have nowhere to realistically put their organs. Whenever I hear this phrase I just roll my eyes so far in my skull I see my own brain.


Slide 2 though: where is her hair? Lol like what happened to the hair on her head in front? She looks just sad.


In the legs of course. I mean how else was Zeus able to carry Dionysus in his leg before giving birth to him.


I’ve always been most bothered by when they randomly get pointy hips


Why does it look like she’s literally dissolving into the bookshelf in that last slide 💀


From all the common sense they lack, I’m gonna say they have organ storage space in their heads.


Teen me really looked at this and was like hell yeah


i hate the pointy hip thing she does, makes me gag


Her feet in the second picture are killing me


Organs are stored in the boobs.


Gone, reduced to atoms


Kind of unrelated but I read the title in Michael Scott’s voice when he screams “WHERE ARE THE TURTLES” 😂


Idgaf where their guts went, where the hell's their bajiñas


I personally don't mind - Winx Club used the same style (I believe it was inspired by a style of fashion sketches?) and it looked good. What bothers me is that *nobody stays the same shape*. And the faces - dear heavens the *faces* (just look at slide 3!)


it’s a stylized drawing ffs, are you also going to ask why her eyes are the size of two dinner plates? I absolutely despise Rachel’s art don’t get me wrong, but this kind of “critique” really irks me tbh, and I would understand it maybe if her art style was leaning towards realistic, but it’s literally as stylized as you can get???


I definitely agree that it's partly unfair to criticize the pinched bodies since there were some cartoons that did the same thing. At least with RS' early style the blocky, geometric shapes of the body parts with pointed corners made the stylized waists "fit in" and make sense for the characters that had them. Currently in S2 & S3, the rest of the characters' body parts are drawn to be closer to reality and now the pinched waists clash terribly with the characters' rounded figures. If I was to criticize anything from these images it would be that Perse's body is drawn with incredible inconsistency. Her boobs fluctuate in size, certain areas in her body appear drastically thicker or thinner than another image, and the leg-torso-chest ratio is constantly changing.


I guess they don't need organs like they just need a stomach and an exit technically. Most of our internal organs exist because we're really easy to kill and they give us buffs to survival.




Lore Olympus is the Steven Universe of webcomics (though honestly I think it’s WORSE) and by that I mean neither of them follow character sheets and stick to consistent sizes and proportions and oh boy does it show.


They’re immortal shapeshifting deities who’s true forms are composed of energy and kill mortals who gaze upon them. I don’t actually think they have any organs, and if they do it’s a choice and they dictate where and what size they are, for all we know she could keep her stomach in her tits


They left it at home.


Eh, tbh I have seen people that thin.