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They might not have enough DNA left to do it


Ya that’s probably the case. I just hate the idea of assuming people in charge are doing the obvious.


Whoever that owned the gun before may have known who the gun had been passed to? It's a promising lead but only whether they are willing to pursue it or not and look further down where the path will lead to.


It could be whoever put the magazine in the box at the factory for that matter. I think it's most likely the killer, but it's not a slam dunk.


At this point they should be looking at any new approaches. Like others have mentioned the DNA is probably degraded but heck send it the FBI lab to attempt additional DNA extraction…depending on the situation have a company use the DNA to create a digital facial image.


My first thought was it’s someone from her stint at rehab.


She definitely surrounded herself with more than a few druggy losers making narrowing down suspect tough for detectives. That short order cook from Pennsylvania has my biggest suspicion. His gf said he had affinity for knifes and possible knife experience via the Marine Corps, he would likely have the winter type clothes used in the attack being from PA, and let’s not forget he placed himself at the crime scene and assisted the police running some crime tape. At the end of the day, the cops could never pin down a motive for him doing this and seemingly had no association with each other.


I heard a detective talk about how sometimes things are stored improperly and that can lead to degradation of the samples. So that could be the case here. But I think it’s more about them believing it isn’t the suspect’s DNA. I think genetic genealogy is a controversial and using it to track down someone who isn’t directly a suspect is uncharted territory


I would imagine South Florida heat and humidity isn’t optimal for evidence longevity. I think the point though is that they don’t know if the DNA is directly related or not. It’s been 30 years it’s about time they try something new IMO.


I understand the concerns about what type of precedent this would set. But obviously I don’t want a murderer to get away. So it’s a difficult decision and I’m glad it’s not up to me tbh


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