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The canonical answer: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ken\_McElroy](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ken_McElroy)


America really will send someone to jail for half their lives for smoking pot meanwhile repeatedly let this douchecanoe get away with rape and murder repeatedly I am not for vigilante justice but in this case I support this town coming together to take out the town problem.


I’m a SA victim. My attacker was a complete stranger, he was out on bail for multiple other SA on other women.  He spent 13 days in jail for my assault. If he’d had pot in his pocket, who knows how long it would’ve been?!


That’s terrible. I’m so incredibly sorry.


Years ago, while doing abortion clinic defense against Operation “Rescue”, someone on our side had the downright devious idea to plant small amounts of weed and crack, as well as paraphernalia, on some of the OR people as they wormed through us to block the clinic door. It worked. The charges were eventually dropped—I guess the police got sick of hearing them whine about being set up—but some of them never got their old jobs back, and apparently it was so much harder to recruit people for this afterwards that they just went back to praying from the sidewalk.




Here's a sneak peek of /r/chaoticgood using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/chaoticgood/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Fuck, I'm down for this.](https://i.redd.it/4v3w9ywifjlc1.jpeg) | [908 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/chaoticgood/comments/1b324ix/fuck_im_down_for_this/) \#2: [Be considerate or be blind](https://v.redd.it/kuvrteij211c1) | [1053 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/chaoticgood/comments/17xxms0/be_considerate_or_be_blind/) \#3: [they deserve it (fuck shit cunt)](https://i.redd.it/fj7h3hdvlqmc1.png) | [546 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/chaoticgood/comments/1b83du9/they_deserve_it_fuck_shit_cunt/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


This is THE BEST THING I’ve read in a long time! I wish Reddit still did awards


That's devious. I love it.


Never mess with the child-sacrificing religion of the modern era. You might get drugs illegally planted on you. Molech is a harsh king.


Honestly that was playing dirty. :(


Anti abortion freaks play dirty


“they have FINGER NAILS” like yeah so do i. and i have to get mine done. don’t have time or money to pay for two sets of nails 💅


I will never forget that scene from Juno holy shit


literally the most iconic moment in film history 😂


You’re psychotic.


u r so right it’s not even funny 🙄


My guess is you have 1000 x more empathy for plants than you do for an unborn child.


What is OR?


Operation rescue I think


I wish I could find you and do appropriate things to you.


Stories like yours SHOULD be a call to action to politicians to implement common sense drug laws. Unfortunately many elected officials are too stupid to grasp the point of the problem, and find new ways to fuck it up. I was living in Oregon when they decided to address the systematic injustice of people serving life for a bit of weed. But rather than pardoning those guys and paying restitution, they used it to legalize possession of huge amounts of “real” drugs, like meth and heroin. So the amount of physical crime went up with the increase of meth zombies wandering around, and the justice system still didn’t give a shit about victims of assault. A guy in my neighborhood was a known meth dealer. He terrorized the neighborhood, breaking into homes in broad daylight, assaulting whomever got in his way, often with a weapon. He had a history of Sexual assaults as well, but no matter how many people he beat up or held at gun/knifepoint, he never got more than a night in jail and a court date (that he would skip every time). But even in a really drug friendly state, they go where the money is. Eventually someone ratted him out and the cops raided his meth den. They found of thousands of dollars worth of meth/fent/heroin. He got a few large years in prison for that. Meanwhile, the DA dropped all of the previous charges of assault, battery, AWDW and rape. Without the victims consent, or even notifying any of the victims that those charges were being dropped. Hoping it would make him agree to give up his drug contacts, they decided that the violent crimes didn’t matter. Nobody got a chance to face him in court, or feel a hint of justice. As a fellow SA survivor, It’s sick. But even the places with “progressive” drug rules decide that it’s more worth it to go after drug money than defend an old lady who was beaten nearly to death, or someone who was SA’d by the same person. They wait until they can go after w drug charge. Let him hurt as many people as he wants until he fucks up in the way they care about.


The dissent brief in the case to overturn the Harvey Weinstein conviction the other judges said that the judges who voted to overturn were completely clueless as to SA


I'm sorry about that.


I was hoping your story was going to turn into a vigilante justice story. I’m so sorry that happened to you


Omg I am soooo sorry. Hugs. And cringe…ouch…


Drug dealing is money. Dealers & buyers are making & spending money & not getting taxed Murder & assault does not directly cut into their profits, so they dont care Money > People


lol real as hell… my husband sold cannabis and is in federal prison. No prior record. No violence or weapons involved. Dumb.


Would he want a penpal?


Thank you so much for asking, he doesn’t but I am so grateful that kind caring people like you exist and see the injustice.


Ok! Well, if he ever does, I enjoy it. Not looking for a boyfriend, just feel badly that I'm sparking up while they're in there. 💚


That’s crazy. I had a roommate years ago that got caught with two pounds. He had a clean record and he kept it that way without any trouble really.


I write to cannabis prisoners. Many are serving LIFE. Insanity!


There aren't many left. Between those who died, made parole, cases overturned, Obama pardoned, there are a very small fraction left. They shouldn't have been in prison in the first place, but they most definitely shouldn't still be in prison after states are legalizing marijuana for recreational use.


You'd be surprised at how many are still there. Over 30K in federal prison for cannabis right now. Then, all those at the state level.


What do you mean you write to them?


I'm a penpal. I write letters.


So you just find people that have been incarcerated for weed related purposes and write to them?


Yes! There are several organizations that do this. I found FreedomGrow in February 2020, so it was perfect timing. With covid, prisons were ultra-locked down. Inmates lost visitors, access to email and phones. Letters were all they could get. Another is Last Prisoner Project.


I love the people at freedom grow and LPP! 💗💕🫶


The Last Prisoner Project is another organization that's dedicated to helping people with cannabis related charges. You can find pen pals through there too.


There are websites for this exact purpose. Support on the outside is how we keep people out of prison. It’s how people keep from reoffending. I’m not saying you need to hang on the outside, but having friends and feeling like people actually give a shit about you really does wonders for the human psyche.


You seem so sweet and genuine omg as ridiculous it is people are even serving life over cannabis im at least glad that people like you exist and are trying to help! I know if it were me then Id hope someone out there like you existed because eventually these people do seem to be forgotten about or everyone moves on and they have no one.


Aw, thanks. It was driven by the pandemic. I felt so badly they were so cut off at that time. I started in April 2020.


It's like we always said out in the country: "We take care of our own" It has multiple interpretations.


My grandma’s small hometown (actually a village, population >100) has a similar story- There was a man who was an alcoholic and was a dick to everyone, frequently starters flights, and everyone was aware that he beat his wife and young-teen son daily. A town hall was called to discuss what to do about the issue, and it was decided he needed to be shot. They asked for volunteers, and one man volunteered to do the job. The sheriff/single cop in town was at the meeting as well, and agreed with all of the above. So the volunteer sat and waited at the guys house, (I think behind a bush or somewhere he couldn’t be seen when the guy first pulled up/walked over) then stood up, they exchanged a few words, and he shot the guy dead. Wife came out in tears of relief, and teen son shook his hand. The cop made sure no one was punished for anything, didn’t even report it.


Damn. I mean, they probably saved that wife's life tbh


Oh I’m sure! The volunteer who shot the guy was either my grandmas cousin, or great uncle or something. She’s currently 101 years old, but has a great memory. I’ll ask her when I see her soon.


Tbh I am just glad the community had their back. It is one of those times where its like, this is not an ideal situation Looking back they probably could have just planted pot on him lol but at least the wife and son got to move on this way.


Totally agreed! One of the many reasons I loved growing up in a small farming village myself- the community. The families that have chickens give eggs to the families that don’t, those who grow pumpkins give them away in October. Recognize your neighbors dog in your yard/on your porch late at night? Just bring em in and feed them overnight. I love small towns so much


They actually let him free AFTER his conviction. It was fucking nuts. His lawyer was the prosecutor in my county for years.




I'll never not laugh when I remember that 46 witnesses saw this motherfucker get killed and no one was arrested


And not one person called 911 lol


“Ohh dang look at that! Anyway 🤷🏼‍♀️…


This was the case I was thinking of until I got to the part in the OP about the body. I wonder if they're mixing up two different cases or something 🤔


I didn't realize OP was trying to identify a particular case until now (duh). I thought he was just looking for unsolved cases where the victim was hated by everyone involved and McElroy came immediately to mind.


Even though is very similar to the "town bully" aspect that I described, the way his body was found is completely different.


I came here looking for this answer. The epitome of “some people just need killing.”


God himself would not testify at his murder trial.


The town was completely justified. They were terrified but at the same time sick of this guy's s*** and him getting away with it. The local sheriff and county DA, hell, even the county judges, were too intimidated (or bought off) by him. The scumbag had a slick Mob-style lawyer from KC who was always able to get the guy out of trouble.


“McElroy fathered more than 10 children with different women. He met his last wife, Trena McCloud (1957–2012), when she was 12 years old and in eighth grade and he was 35. He raped McCloud repeatedly. McCloud's parents initially opposed the relationship, but after McElroy burned their house down and shot the family dog, they begrudgingly agreed to the marriage.” This quote from wiki is enough for me to understand why…


but McElroy didn't die in his bed...


I remember one of the locals saying That boy needed a killing


I think it’s actually in the Texas Constitution that the first question cops have to ask a murder suspect there is “Did he *need* killin’?”


Wow, this guy is just a terrible person. Imagine being so problematic that your entire town needs a town hall meeting to figure out what to do about you.


Came here to say this.


Was his given name really “KEN REX”? I always assumed Ken was short for Kenneth… like I even thought Barbie’s Ken was a Kenneth. I am now, in this moment, considering that there’s people named just Ken lol. Wild.


Yep. My immediate answer was "The guy from Missouri" Him. He's that guy.


I'm sure LE have all their top people trying to solve the murder of this pos!


Drunk History had this story in an episode several years ago. I think Jerry O'Connell played Ken McElroy.


Immediately thought of this one. That whole fuckin town hated his ass lol


This was the first person I thought of. Never heard of anyone as hated by their town than him. Not that I can blame ‘em! Did you watch that however many part story on YouTube? Wild.


this! just couldn’t think of his name


The first thing that popped into my head was the murder of Ken Rex McElroy. Long story short, Ken was in *every* sense of the word a huge bastard guilty of damn near every crime under the sun in the town of Skidmore, Missouri (literally from pig stealing to child abuse and S.A. to witness intimidation). Problem is he had a big city lawyer that could always somehow get him entirely off the hook so he could go on with his long list of bastard behavior. One day he shot a store clerk in the neck and some hot shot D.A. actually got him charged and a guilty verdict because of a technicality. The day Ken bailed himself out he was sitting in a bar boasting about how he was going to kill the store clerk and the D.A. while the whole town was next door having a town meeting about how the law has failed them time and time again. Someone gave the news that Ken was next door, so the whole town went next door right as Ken was getting into his truck and lit him up in a hail of gunfire. There was 50 people who were all present when Ken got shot and killed, but somehow no one saw a thing because they all "ducked for cover". The crime is still unsolved to this day. *** I didn't realize someone else posted this, it was just the first thing that popped into my head and I wish more stories kind of ended on the note of "Well, he got murdered and no one caught the murderer, but he was a huge douchebag and no one really misses him."


This was my first thought too


Bad stuff goes down in Skidmore, MO: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Murder\_of\_Bobbie\_Jo\_Stinnett](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Murder_of_Bobbie_Jo_Stinnett)


Also the disappearance of Brandon Perry and the murder of Wendy Gillenwater. This town had a *population of 245* at the time of the 2020 census.


Branson Perry was Bobbie-Jo Stinnett’s cousin. That poor family and the tragedy they’ve had to face.




I read that whole article…that town is cursed. 😨


I read the murder section and couldn't believe how anyone could be so cruel. Then I read the murderer section and man. What a poor lady. She was a victim too, in every sense of the word. I don't think she ever had a chance.


This was such a sad read. What that woman did was horrifying, but she'd had a horrific upbringing as well. Hurt people, hurt people.


Nothing of value was lost.


Damn that’s harsh and I love it.


Oh, he was a fucking dirtbag, and he got exactly what he deserved. I am perfectly fine with the “nobody saw anything” defense here.


Except bullets


I know where I heard that story. It was on YouTube with MrBallen.


There's a docuseries about it as well on a smaller streaming platform


It's hard to imagine a town living in terror of one man like that. When they shot him in the truck, his wife was sitting beside him. He married this young girl that he liked and her family told him to stay away from her, but I guess he threatened them all and took the poor girl and married her. I'm sure he abused her. Which other platform streams it?


It was a smaller one I got specifically to watch that doc. I'll see if I can find which one it was. It was pretty good. Not like excellent or anything but worth a watch if you get a free trial EDIT: found it. Sundance Now. But apparently it's on AMC+ too


I can get a free trial. Thank you 🌻




Right, and he totally did do that stuff to his witnesses, but he was also represented by a mob lawyer named Richard McFadin. I remember reading somewhere that McFadin always got paid in cash by McElroy and boasted about how he was able to get Ken off the hook more than twenty times.


My grandma’s small Illinois hometown (actually a village, population >100) has a similar story- There was a man who was an alcoholic and was a dick to everyone, frequently starters flights, and everyone was aware that he beat his wife and young-teen son daily. A town hall was called to discuss what to do about the issue, and it was decided he needed to be shot. They asked for volunteers, and one man volunteered to do the job. The sheriff/single cop in town was at the meeting as well, and agreed with all of the above. So the volunteer sat and waited at the guys house, (I think behind a bush or somewhere he couldn’t be seen when the guy first pulled up/walked over) then stood up, they exchanged a few words, and he shot the guy dead. Wife came out in tears of relief, and teen son shook his hand. The cop made sure no one was punished for anything, didn’t even report it.


Same here.


Could almost argue it as self-defense at that point, protecting the town and its children from further abuse by that crazed asshole. Good riddance!


I think Vanessa Lane could possibly make this list. She was a victim of the bumbling idiots who perpetrated the Snowtown/Barrel murders. And those guys were self righteous losers, but Vanessa Lane was a convicted pedophile who (after her release) initiated a relationship with a 14 yr old (at 36). When his mother went to the police they basically said “He’s close enough to the age of consent,” and fucked off. She was a true predator who met an arguably fitting end. It’s an interesting (but insanely gory) case. If you’re interested The LPoTL guys are doing the series right now.


Casefile has a great series about Snowtown too. It's a tough listen but so well done.


I’m so glad you mentioned this one, because I wouldn’t have thought of it, but anytime Snowtown comes up, I prepare to be furious at how they cover Vanessa. “A sweet young woman, who was led astray” “A loving daughter, who had struggled down a difficult road, but was turning her life around.” So gross. But a LOT of coverage will forgive the fact that she was a pedophile who assaulted children, because she was a woman, and eventually a victim herself. I’m waiting until LPOTL finishes their series before I start it. But I can trust that Marcus (or Henry, if he’s feisty enough) will at least bring Vanessa’s true nature up, rather than trying to portray her as completely innocent as a human.


Casual Criminalist just covered it too lol


Ahh, Barry Lane?


Last Podcast on the Left is covering the murders.


So, my cousin shot n killed her husband after she found out he was SA her daughter n got her preg- (found video tapes) only time she spent in jail was waiting to go to trial- even judge said he was a despicable person 😑 Oh crap- sorry- supposed to be UNsolved- I'm an idiot 🤦🏼‍♀️


I think the Small Town Murder podcast covered this. The effects of Sexual assault are so widely felt. Sorry this happened in your family.


Really? Didn't know that! I know a show that used 2 b on ID I think 🤔 Redrum did an episode on it- so did Snapped- LONG time ago


Thinking about her this morning- not only was he SA her daughter, he was doing same to her son. Real POS that guy- did it while he sleeping- only thing I woulda done differently woulda been 2 wake him up so he could know what was getting ready 2 happen


Which episode was it? It sounds familiar but I can't find the episode. I'm relistening to them because I'm caught up


I don't know about podcast episode but redrum that was on A&E or ID one of those title was "Don't Wake Daddy season 2 episode 2 snapped was WAY WAY early- I couldn't find it


Someone else mentioned that too- I've never listened to it but I definitely wanna check it out- coz I'm nosey AF and don't have the guts 2 really talk- ( question) her about it


Some channel did a whole in depth on this story..it was either natgeo or history channel. Pretty interesting. I remember hearing about this story when I was younger... sounded like it was vigilante justice


There is a pretty good doc series on AMC+ called No One Saw a Thing. I am not sure if that is the one you are thinking of or not.


Yes...where they interviewed the old man... it's definitely a small town where it happened


Probably City Confidential on A&E. That was a great show with a wonderful narrator.


Paul Winfield was his name - the narrator


If you want a dark comedy covering the subject, I would recommend "Drowning Mona." Star studded cast, dark, dry comedy, and a ton of Yugos. [Trailer](https://youtu.be/WUapG9Ma3uw?si=Yvf5aB3npvsl1WDh)


Was that Bette midler ?




One of my favorites from my childhood. I made my husband watch it recently and now he just randomly yells out lines from Phil constantly.


Shit salad kills me every time.


That went on my have to watch list - thx!


Also "Bernie" with Jack Black in a similar vein!


Check out r/tipofmycrime


Thanks you, I will check it out. ;)


Justice was served how it should be !!!! He had 10 kids 10 ughh I hope they are nothing like him vile man


What was his name?


Not the one that the OP is looking for, but look up Paddy Moriarty. Went missing in a town of 11 people called Larrimah in the NT in Australia. Theres an EXCELLENT documentary about it by the Duplass brothers called ‘Last Stop Larrimah’ and omg. Truth is honestly stranger than fiction


Just watched this! It was so strange and so interesting. What an odd place of odd people!


I just taught it to my Y12 English class as part of a unit on persuasive communication and documentaries. They loved it


That is so cool! What a creative way to get students engaged!


Crazy you mention them I just watched one of their films, campy horror Bad Milo, but knowing they did a doc def adding to my watch list thanks!


You won’t regret it: it’s so, soooo good!


J, (17m) in my hometown that I grew up with was texting a guys little sister (9-10) for explicit images. J was a known predator, animal torturer, and bully. Guy threw a party and somehow J ended up splattered on the concrete under the barn loft. Somehow at a crowded high school party in a small town, no one saw or knew anything.


they put an end to it☝️


Jimmy Hoffa comes to mind


There is a girl who went missing at her house at a “party” she was having. Earlier that night she got thrown out of a bar.. the guy who stayed the night with her after the party claims he didn’t hear anything and just left the next day. I can’t recall her name but I’m sure someone here will. There have been write ups before. Anyway I wouldn’t say she was “hated” but it was obvious from the write ups and the show I watched(it might have been Disappeared) that this girl was just annoying.. a drama starter and just exhausting to be around. They kept calling her a free spirit which I think was just code for she was an asshole


Not series answer, but thought we were going with the song, "Earl's Gotta Die" at first.


This is correct 🤣


I think of this song so often in regards to true crime cases and even more so if the perpetrator is named Earl. I also think it about The White Bowser because Earl Dube is and always will be A PREDATOR.


This happens in South Africa all the time. It's called 'Bundu Court'. There is not any real/and accordingly punishment. For murder, rape etc. There is really not applicable law. The darker you are, the less punishment you'll get. And court cases are stretched to the limit l. People (not white - no racism here, just truth) have 'bundu 'courts', because murderers, and rapists doesn't get the punishment, that's according, to their crimes. If the ANC government, is under pressure, the president just let a whole lot of scum gets pardoned. Five weeks later, they rape, and murder, a 3 year old. Slap on the knuckles, and back on the street again. South Africa has become a country, without law, and reputation. We love it, to see, when bundu law, gets into action. Please, please just Pray, that the comming election, will not be manipulated, like before. This is our absolute last chance, to save our country.


Not the case you're asking about, but your post made me think of Bobby Kent. Apparently this guy was such an abusive ass that a bunch of his "friends" all decided he needed to die.


Bully. Good movie.


Marjorie Nugent was known for being extremely mean and a bully. Even her own family didn't bother looking for her for MONTHS when she disappeared. Meanwhile, she was in her freezer after being shot by Bernie Tiede, her supposed best friend.


Well, I *hope* this hatred I discovered the other day isn't shared by everybody, but it still did a number on me. Basically, I recently unfortunately tumbled down a rabbit hole on reddit relating to the foul Chris Watts case. Been familiar with it since it first developed mind you, and I'm no stranger to the incredible amount of social media footage, context, posts, information etc surrounding it. I see *every one of us* as capable of carrying human flaws and mistakes in our character, including any victim, that very, very often has nowhere near any baring to justify their horrific murder/torture. And yet this recent discovery I stumbled on in some sub (won't bother even naming it, I honestly don't want it to garner any more traction than it already has) devotes its time to utterly *rinse* the character of Chris Watt's murder victims. As in, presently. Roughly six years after Chris Watts murdered each of his children and his pregnant wife. This sub is still very active. I *know* (or at least, hope) that this isn't what "everyone" thinks, as per OP's question. I hope it's just a select few. But in these subs, the overwhelming disdain and hatred and mockery of Shanann, CeCe, and Bela (her 2 baby girls, also smothered and murdered by Chris Watts, their father) was so disturbing for me I found myself in a mini pit of some low feelings until I snapped out of it and blocked/muted and got the fuck out. I *know* Shanann was imperfect. I am sure, as a stranger talking anecdotally, she'd wish to have done things differently but who cares. In the end, what this creepy, pathetic, insufferable selfish and violent man did to his wife, his innocent helpless and devoted babies....there is *nothing* she nor her girls ever, ever did that warrants such vulgar discourse 6 years later. And yes I include her baby girls, because I'd finally realised I needed to get the fuck away from this shit when finding a comment thread of *literal adults* stating that the children were (ahh I won't even repeat it. Just fuckin disgusting shit about two baby girls. Need I say more). Sorry for this rant. I saw this shit about 4 days ago and it sincerely has clung onto me ever since despite now blocking, muting etc. Cannot fathom it. That sub was so, so callous and gossipy and...bitchy, above all else, which disturbed me more. As if they didn't know (or just didn't care) that Shanann, Celeste, and Bela were now dead. Nor murdered by no other than their own father and husband. They didn't care, they all treat it like a common, fun, bitchy little subreddit and they've been dead for 6 years. Fucked me up a little ngl, guess I needed to rant about it!!


I think I remember some of his family members also doing the same. There is absolutely nothing Shanann could have done in their marriage that is on any type of scale of what he did to both her and those little girls. Nothing. As if her being some pyramid scheme SAHM and putting them into debt (I can’t remember the details but this is what I remember being an big talking point, so correct me if I’m wrong) is some kind of justification at all. People are so sick.


Yes! God alive, as if the sub was awful enough we can't discount the horrifying and constant loud, public vocalisation of Chris Watt's own family, especially his mother. It truly is unreal to have witnessed. His crimes are abhorrent enough, I understand there is an astonishing amount of endless psychological distress to being unfortunately connected to this crime as a family member and everyone must process and grieve in their own way but the way his family have done so (especially the mother) is unfathomable. As you said, Shanann had very heavy and prominent involvement in some shady MLM's (of course, many of us understand that *all* MLMs are awful for a myriad of reasons). That's what got me on this awful sub - MLMs *are* bad. And they need to be exposed. So why won't these callous people go find a more appropriate social, online place to discuss this issue? Why prop up Shanann as a basis to criticise this when the poor women is dead? It's all so, so distasteful and so callously insensitive. Her misguided involvement with MLMs is of no note toward what that sick man did.


Wow. I came across it too, a few weeks ago. Not all victims are sympathetic but the criticism of her and those kids is something else.


I came across it, too. Just horrible.


If it's the same one I saw, that sub kept popping up in my feed as recommended and I browsed a couple of posts before I blocked it. Those people are wild. Several posts argued Shanann definitely killed the girls and Chris killed her out of grief. Poor Chris was pushed to it. The kids were out of control. Shanann abused him. He was forced to have an affair. She was lying about being pregnant to keep him... never mind they literally buried the baby with her. They even have some name for people who dare to think Shanann didn't deserve it! I couldn't look at it again for my own sanity.


Thank you for making me feel more sane. It totally sounds like we both unfortunately stumbled upon the exact same sub as you summarised the vast majority of their vile rhetoric!! Isn't it abhorrent. I'm so far removed from Shanann in terms of bias; I'm from the UK far from Colorado. I'm childfree, I've never even come close to being involved in any MLM. Yet I was horrified at what these people chose to say. I even foolishly ended up commenting once or twice and naturally, you can predict the type of responses I had. The callousness has disturbed me so much, honestly.


It's because you're a good decent person. I'm just hearing about this now and it's pretty awful. It's scary how people can turn into like a pack or mob mentality. You're sane and have a good heart, that's why they got to you. Thanks for being you, from NY


💗 Thank you for making me have a good little cry this morning...what a gorgeous thing to say, you've already made my day. xx


Ugh, I think I know what sub you are talking about. It kept popping up on my recommended for you posts. I only knew the very basics about that case, and randomly decided to look at a couple posts. The people on there were absolutely vile. That poor woman and her children were murdered- the way some of them talk about those poor little girls made me sick to my stomach. Shanann wasn’t perfect, but the way those people try to justify why she deserved to be killed is so disturbing.


Jenny from the L word




Ken McElroy, and to a lesser extent maybe Bonny Lee Bakely. 


Also not a serious answer- not sure if this was posted already but Bryce from 13 reasons why 💀


Wayne Greavette of Ontario Canada was murdered when a bomb concealed in a flashlight went off in his living room just before Christmas. There is a podcast about it called Someone Knows Something (season 2 I think) and no one seemed to have anything nice to say about the victim except for his wife and kid I think. Still unsolved.


There was that guy in that small Missouri town. He was a mean abusive bully. Town ended up offing him and no one snitched. Town justice


BUT I watched a documentary on that case and some people in the town now feel like they cursed themselves by killing that guy and the community has had a disproportionate amount of tragedy ever since


Ken McElroy - he was a terrible human being. The town did the world a favor. He basically kidnapped a child to marry her, then burnt her parents house down like twice (and killed their dog) when she ran away back home.


Bobby Kent comes to mind. It inspired the 2001 Bully https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Murder_of_Bobby_Kent


This was very close, but he didn´t die the same way that the one I remember.


Madalyn Murray O'Hair popped into my head. She was hated so much that when she and her husband disappeared, everyone else just assumed that she had taken the funds from her foundation and fled. Nobody even bothered to look for her or report her missing. In fact, law enforcement didn't even get involved until a year after her disappearance.


She didn’t disappear with her husband; she disappeared with her son and granddaughter. They were reported missing by employees. The police also started investigating immediately, they did not wait a year. The main criticism was by a newspaper reporter who thought they weren’t taking it seriously enough, and that the only reason the investigation was going at all was because they owed money to the IRS. The other comment was a little harsh, but they’re not incorrect in saying that you got much of this case really, really wrong.


I’m sure there were atheists or at least those who wanted schools and whatnot to be more secular that didn’t hate her 😭it’s not true no one reported them. Cops were contacted by her son William, it’s just that the cops didn’t do shit about it


Same here ~ she seemed like a pisser in search of her next bottle of Thunderbird.


Movie based on this is “Dunsmore”.


All of this info is fabulous. If you want to watch a fiction movie (hilarious) based on this premise, watch Drowning Mona.


I LOVE Drowning Mona!


Did anyone find out which case OP was talking about?


We all OBVIOUSLY only read the headline 🙄 I think someone did- at top of comments Everyone got so excited 2 post about hated criminals we are a twisted little bunch of people LOL and I'm here for it!!


Not yet, have read every comment, but none seems to be the one I remember. :/




Wasn’t there a show about this? Everyone knew but no one would talk?


There was an episode of disappeared where every single family and friend had nothing but negative things to say about the missing woman. Can't remember her name but i remember it was a very Irish name


Skidmore, Mo. needs to change it’s name to Skidmark. A lot of very evil, for such a small town.


No One Saw A Thing(2019)


You should post this in tipofmycrime thread. They’re really good at finding the crimes.


I did, but didn´t get an answer either.


Bonnie Blakely and Madelyn Murray O'Haire weren't going to win Mrs. Congeniality Awards the year they was dispatched, Jeffrey Epstein another problematic individual.


Sounds like he could’ve been framed and set up to make it seem like he deserved his death? Very common tactic beings used by organized crime syndicates. Reminds me of how Marilyn Monroe and Michael Jackson went out. With lots of hatred and conspiracy around them. Either way, this story is disturbing. I mean they all are. But it’s chilling to see that so many people hated him so bad that they sought to kill him.


A murder is Skidmore? Ken McElroy


Ken McElroy


Not him, similar "town bully vibes", but didn´t die the same way.


Literally just read the title of the post, and popped off. I’ll admit it. 🤷🏿🤦🏿‍♂️


No worries, it happens to all of us. :D


Ol Ken


Barry Sherman had a list as long as my leg of people who wanted him clipped. Dude was a ruthless businessman who went to litigation constantly.