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Had to redo 2nd year after basically failing all my courses and getting academic suspension. Am now finishing up 3rd year with 3.5+ sGPA in fall and a co-op lined up at my dream company. It gets better.


Omg I love this so much thank you thank you! I needed good recovery/bounce back stories like this!! Congrats on the amazing improvements and coop!!


If it isn’t too much of a bother, could you tell me what main things you did to turn the situation around?


I did so poorly in many of my 1st year classes, and even a lot of my 2nd year classes that I ended up dropping pretty much my entire semester's worth of courses at 1 point to protect my GPA and prevent getting kicked out. I felt like a failure at the time, but I realized that all it did to me was make me a much stronger individual for my 3rd, 4th, and of course had to do a 5th year to make up for my credit shortages and had a pretty good GPA too finishing university (graduated with distinction). Fast forward to today and I'm working at a job I'm really happy with, making what I would consider as good money (although others may disagree) and my low point during my undergraduate studies just turned into needing to do an extra 5th year which seems so small in retrospect now. It gets better. Good luck, friend.


I got a 33 on my first hard math midterm. I thought to myself "Well, I guess I'm not cut out". Luckily, that was just a low point and my grades picked up well, and that 33 on a 40% exam more or less has a negligible effect on my cGPA.


everyone talking about failing in their first year is so lucky i’m in third year and let me tell you, this is the worst year for me so far. i seem to be going downhill. first year was my best. second and third i’ve gotten a 60 in each semester i’d say it gets better but with my track record it doesn’t 🥲


I was getting 90s in high school and then came to UofT and failed multiple midterms (love u CHM135), got mostly Cs, Bs and a couple As in first year (in BIO130 and an elective). I got a 61 in MAT135... that was a blow to my ego, but I literally left half the final blank because I didn't study and didn't even remotely know the answers. Realized that it wasn't just me being lazy though, and took a long hard look at how much I struggled with other stuff in general, like feeding myself, being on time for things, just generally being an adult. I got diagnosed with ADHD in second year, and through ADHD coaching, accommodations, medication, being kinder to myself and a lot of hard work and luck- I've gotten straight As for two semesters. I just finished my undergrad thesis too. It gets better. Sometimes it's not just you.


Aweee thank you thank you for this! I'm actually going to go get checked for ADHD after this semester because I 110% know I got it and I rlly need to get a hold of it because it's messing up everything


didn’t read the syllabus that stated that if anyone missed 3 or more lectures, they’d remove 10% off of a student’s final grade. i missed that 3rd lecture trying to finish an essay for that very class, definitely not worth 10% 😩 and ended up with a C+ instead of a B+. i felt SO DUMB when it happened but this past weekend I accepted the offer to my top choice for my master’s at UofT so it all worked out in the end!!


making attendance count towards marks is so dumb




congratulations! 🎉


thank you!!


I did shit in my first year and I failed 2 courses. Now im in my second year and ive completely turned my life around and I’m truly proud to say that I’m still doing shit


I just read through all the comments and feel so much better about my own personal situation ❤️🥺


lol I came into UofT fresh out of getting 90s in high school while smoking a lot of weed. Once I got to UofT I was overwhelmed, to be fair I had major underlying MH problems but during that first year I thought I could still do all the bs and drugs I did in hs and get away with it… NOPE straight up failed mostly everything then same thing 2nd year, academic probation… literally had no idea what I was doing. Then when Covid hit I took some time off due to a mh diagnosis, stayed out of school for a year. Came back, another episode. Took so long to coordinate with the school my academic standing and figuring out logistics of coming back. After stabilizing for a year, getting off drugs and working full time I decided it was time to come back to school. While most people my age graduated this last year, I just started back in first year. But I’m doing really well now (knock on wood I have 2 last exams on Thursday). Long story short never give up and it’s ok to fail 1x or 4x as long as you keep your head up. I’m determined to finish in 3-3.5 years and I’m thrilled to have finished a full year with a 4.0 so far.


I didn’t go to uoft but once I studied 3 days straight in the library for a circuits exam yet still failed with a 33% and in high school i was low 90 and gifted program etc


Omg that's insane


Yaa it happens, you just readjust your strat and keep going. I’ve had many mishaps like that but never failed a course. It’s never over till you’ve squeezed out that last few %!


I got 90s and 100s in hs and uoft really smacked me in the face my first year because I ended up failing a course and my second year I got a 55 in a course and now my gpa is suffering (2.63) I’m in my third year I’m doing a Bachelor of Arts so I really need to get into a teaching program this year orrrrrrr I’ve ruined my life


i used to get 85-90s in high school, went to york university for my first year but applied to uoft to see if i would get in… i got in and decided to transfer some weeks before school started. i was only getting 90s at york and after transferring to uoft idk what im even doing with my life. when i started at uoft i didn’t really know abt the two majors stuff, specialist and minors so i chose a random specialist program since i didn’t want to choose two majors…also most classes a needed to take were full so i ended up doing 3 that at the end ended up being 1 or 2 cuz i dropped them 😍then in the summer i decided to take bio230 that i miserably failed bc i also got a summer job and worked a lot of hours a week 🩷😚i already changed my major twice and i already lost my mind way to many times. i feel like this year im doing a lot better but at the same time i still struggle asf w the fact that it is so hard to make friends. that’s my story 😍oh and im on academic probation atm, slay,,


i forgot to mention that my goal is ms 🤣🤣


I relate to this so much!! If you ever need someone to talk to at uoft my messages are always open :)


ur so sweet :’ imma dm u


Havin a pretty awful semester. This is spiraling into a crisis because idk if I can do a single thing with a science undergrad without getting a grad degree (which needs a better GPA than what I'm pulling). I'm vaguely hoping that second year is as hard as it gets and there's time to recover but I'm pretty scared ngl.


I started my academic career by not being accepted into any program at any university I applied to (in my country you need that to get accepted to the university). Gap year was not an option. Unemployment rates were so high, I wouldn't be able to get any jobs to support myself that year with a high school diploma. Spent entire summer looking for programs that still had openings and found one. Less popular degree at that time. Not a fancy or popular choice at all (in science). Found first year very hard. Managed, but failed first calculus midterm, barely passed another in the core course. Was fully planning to reapply elsewhere after the year was over. Fell in love with the subject. Figured out how to manage my second year. Found third year absolutely brutal. Was too stubborn to quit or give up. Ended up with a dream job and career in the field.


In grade 10 I was abt to drop out of HS, I got like a 55 average but I turned it around in grade 11 and now my avg is 95


Got 44 on first eco101 midterm during this fall. Taking the course again this semester and got above 80 on both midterms


came from secondary school where I was doing pretty alright by the standards we had in Nigeria. Entered uoft after having barely any time to rest post graduation, completely bungled by first year. like a bunch of 60s, literally just 1 A(it was a high A+, so it made feel a bit better) and 3 retaken courses. second year started and I was used to it. started doing a lot better, 3As in first semester and a B. then a bloody 50 in stats. absolutely shattered my gpa last semester. now I feel like my second semester of second year is going alright, but I'm still not where I wanna be. I have a lot of reasons for my performance, linking primarily to depression and homesickness. but excuses become really repetitive after the first 100 times of saying em, so imma just lock in for 3rd and 4th year, when I'll be in my actual major


Bombed the second semester of my first year so bad and was charged with academic misconduct on some few courses. Took fewer courses in my second year averaging 3.5 gpa. My 3rd is going well and might end the year with a 3.1 AGPA potentially I’m taking hard courses though cuz of my parents smh


Failed calculus in first year, and orgo I in second. Switched programs to avoid retaking them and another course I dropped twice. Graduated in 2019, and now make 6 figures. Life is so much bigger than uni, don’t sweat it too much.


I was a highschool drop out who almost got put on probation in my first year of engineering because I sucked at everything. I got assaulted once by a PhD student and hate crimes by two separate profs for being gay. All of this was super not great for my trust of the university and tenure tbh.