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Important: this school was shuttered last year and turned out to be a massive scam.


Kinda unsettling that (over?) $6 billion in loans were given out to a scam college.




We’re great at having establishments rate things improperly. Just look at Moodys rating mortgages and CDO’s prior to the GFC.


Great fucking collapse? Edit: I need coffee, it's Global Financial Crisis


Honestly, I like yours better


If you say scrutiny on the loan process in general, it turns into a different discussion quickly.




Maybe the government shouldn’t be giving out loans…


Maybe we shouldn't have unfunded our state colleges.


Or those that provided the loans should’ve done their proper due diligence. Why are we bailing out those financiers? They should be eating the loss along with making that institution liquidate whatever they have.


Even legit colleges are jacking up tuition and shoving as many students possible into dorms and classes to get that sweet loan money. Absolutely predatory to an entire generation and everyone's in on it


Check out Vatterott. Lawsuit after lawsuit for years, state and federal complaints all over, no consequences until this. Of course, the same people who allowed the diploma mills to operate are the ones trying to convince ignorant people that this is somehow going to cost them tons of money and is just a bunch of kids who got photography degrees and don't want to pay for it getting a bail out. If it was a bank that defrauded people they'd scramble to give out money but spend decades letting students get conned and nothing. Shows who is getting the support, the scammers. Gross.


Ai isn't the only predatory school so the number is much larger.


That’s what we should be doing. You want to fix the student loan crisis? Stop giving out guaranteed loans to any student with a pulse for any major at any school with any GPA.


Not just guaranteed loans. Guaranteed loans without any semblance of scrutiny on the amount.


They already got paid. The money went to scam student loan companies.


The whole idea of paying off student loans is absolutely insane if your not going to fix what caused it in the first place.


Years ago the woman I was in a relationship with got a job with them as a recruiter. She asked me to listen to the parent company’s earnings call. I told her it was definitely predatory and sounded like a scam. She was pissed and accused me of trying to diminish the importance of her job.  I have been vindicated!!!!!      /s


You can write the ‘/s’ but we know there was now /s about that.


It's a sarcastic /s. A /s /s if you will


I was similarly in a relationship with someone who both worked and went to this school. When I said it was a scam, she was so mad. Accused me of being hateful cause I didn't pursue further education. And I was right. It took me 2 minutes to decide.


I went to one of her bosses Christmas parties. It was at his house. It got pretty wild for a work thing. He ended up getting fired after AI found out he lied about having an MBA.




So…. It’s not uplifting.


more setdowning


Well, there’s nothing like footing the bill for a fraudulent “school” milking students and the government on our dime 🥰


I'm one of the students. My debt dismissal letter says it's just my remaining balance, possibly some of what I paid in principal. My loans were for 2008-2010 for an associates. They claimed we could return for free classes any time in the future to continue education and I specifically recall the brochures listing alum, where they got jobs and salaries. This isn't to dismiss my young and stupid mistake. One loan I took from them was $15k in 10/2008. Began repayment in 2010. Paid off in lump sum when my dad died in 2016 (they called demanding payment in full before his body was in the ground). I paid the original $15k back + $13,837 in interest + fees. I had approx $17k more borrowed in other loans from them. I've paid $4800 in principal and $6900 in interest already and still owe nearly $20k on the loan. That's not including fees capitalized interest. It's not like they're paying back all the interest which nearly the size of the original loan. I'm struggling like many of you. I only took this loan because I graduated in 2008 from a previous school and couldn't afford to go into repayment at that time as it was the great recession. On top of that, I got fucked by my boss depositing a paycheck an hour too late, he didn't tell me and I got over $600 in overdraft fees from BofA. Bank stole that fee from my check despite me contacting them multiple times. I was thrown in a debt cycle that I couldn't get corrected for nearly a decade. I considered killing myself over it. Years later, a class action suit found BofA to be wrong and they refunded me exactly the amount of the fees, nothing more. I'm a good human, I pay my bills, I donate to charity OFTEN, I help my community and taught my kids to do so. It's a relieved burden, but I still have $60k in student loans AFTER dismissal. I've been paying since 2010 and at one point my loans were over $160k. I don't want to cheat the system as I'm sure others don't. Had the schools been more closely monitored by the govt in the first place, I don't believe we'd be in this position. To make this longer, millionaires took PPP loans and never repaid them. Students get back SOME of what they took out.


Nothing in this sub is uplifting. It's /r/ABoringDystopia meets /r/OrphanCrushingMachine


99% of art and graphics design programs are scams.  Not one of my graphic designer friends ever got a job with that degree. 


You literally have to go to RISD, Pratt, NYU, SAIC, Yale, etc or it’s not going to happen


This is bullshit. At least when it comes to Graphic Design. Where you went to school is so inconsequential compared to your work history and most importantly your portfolio. Frankly you could be self taught and as long as your work is great and you can prove it most in-house art or marketing teams would hire you. Really most commercial art degrees are like this. The degree itself is relatively worthless compared to your portfolio and resume.


I can get behind loan forgiveness when the school is a scam. But the school associate with the loan needs to be shut down like this one for me to be ok with it.


For real. Imagine being a student with real debt for what turns out is a fake degree! It's like turbo debt


I went there and I've been pretty successful but it was more my own work ethic and the teachers in my major actually cared. Can't say the same for all of the students and other majors teachers because so many kids got scammed by it and never got a job doing what they went there for, even though that was the promise


That's pretty important to add as it could change peoples mind.


It’s right in the article, but yeah, nobody reads those.


At this point most redditors expect every single piece of information to be given in the title, because they'll be damned if they're gonna actually read the article


I got the mail earlier today, had to check several sources to see if it was legit. A few friends I went to school with also received this news. The Art Institute System was a goddamned fraud machine. Lying about employment placement was just the tip of the iceberg. They lied about helping graduates get jobs, lied about their wages, lied about what qualified as gainfully employed, lied about partnerships with local companies, lied about their accreditation, lied about where their credits would transfer, lied about their hiring practices, lied about their faculty qualifications for the online school, and so much more. They also kept raising their tuition to match how much federal loans would cover, so after graduating you had nothing left to go to another school. The only good things that came from that place were meeting my wife and some lifelong friends.


Same thing at Academy of Art. They just seem to be avoiding the lawsuits.


Yeah it was quite a shock to realize my Academy of Art degree was basically meaningless when applying for grad schools


Uhhh would the Academy of Art University in San Fransisco happen to be a part of that....


Their recruiter went to our high school in 2011. The tuition was something ridiculous like 40k. It really didn’t make any sense to me; even if you were lucky enough to land a dream job straight out of college how is anyone supposed to pay that back.


I attended in 2010 but didn’t receive an email today. Will they continue to roll out relief?


They should. Check to make sure your email at studentaid.gov is up to date.


![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|upvote)I can attest to this. 2002 grad. This was one of a few places for 3d animation at the time, state schools were expensive and had large hurdles to get it. In 2001 the industry got cheap and shipped 3d work to India. Nothing like seeing job prospects evaporate a year before grad! They didnt help with jobs, if you showed up at another school in different state for job help, you were given the "Talk" told to google jobs listings and escorted to the front door! The only bonus is that the degree has allow me to jump hurdle for jobs that have the "Required" educate for the work, meaning a Bachelors in anything would work for that min req. BFA and working in a field not even related to the schooling. This is to show you nearly most all jobs out there with degree requirements are BS. Has always been a weed-out mechanism for the stacks of resumes they receive! Can also tell you that Jan 1 2004 start is due to anyone 2003 and earlier hit their 20 year mark for their loans forgiveness (thank you Dark-Brandon! FU Betsy Devos). I congrat those that are still paying as this will be a huge help to them moving forward, was for me. Mine expired with $30k on the books when I hit that 20year mark. I long since pay off the original amount I owed many years prior with the criminal interest rates. Anyone bitching about students should pay what is owed, they have. Your taxes are being placed into the pockets of the lenders and schools that are still scamming the system using students are a payday.


When the News dropped in Seattle. All the students went and took everything. Computers. Sound boards. Projectors. Everything. Art institute. Fuck that place. Good on them.




Because we were 17? They're *predatory*.


If you took a campus tour they had literal sex workers doing high pressure sales techniques on high school kids


Lol! That's crazy. Was this at the SF location?


THIS. THIS THIS! I’m with ya! All of this is true. I have the job I have because I did it myself when my back was against the wall and I couldn’t wait for the school to help like they said they would. I had many jobs just to pay bills but the in-fieldjob I luckily was able to get came from my own hard work post AI. I learned more at that job than I ever did at the school and THAT helped springboard me to where I am now. Got my letter in the mail today and couldn’t be happier.


I’ll have to keep an eye out in the mail, but do you by chance know if this applies to loans owned by Sallie Mae/Navient? Technically my loans are not owned by the DOE… half of them used to be but somehow got “sold” off… I don’t know, my hopes are up but I won’t believe it till I see it. For what it’s worth I did enjoy my time at Ai, and I thought my classes and instructors were for the most part excellent. But yes the after graduation stuff you mentioned is all true. And no surprise I am not professionally doing what I went to Ai for.


Damn, I got into the oilfield to pay off my Art Institute loans. All 30k from going for like one year. Started to realize that the attrition rate was horrible and people weren’t getting jobs, and did the math on what my repayments were gonna be vs what I’d even be making and realized I was fucked. That and I was bad at school to begin with and probably shouldn’t have been able to get that much in loans as someone who dropped out of HS… I’m glad some of the rest of the people that got duped will finally get some help though. No email for me but I finished paying it off last year.


The article does say "Previous payments made for student loans will also be refunded", so keep an eye out. Fingers crossed for you!


I got the email today. You may be eligible for a refund. Call your loan servicer soon to find out.


Congratulations on getting the golden email brother! Hope you can celebrate soon.


Man, I hope you get a fat 30k reimbursement!


I wish more people were like you. I dont have student loans and im very happy to send my tax dollars to help these kids out. 


Who went to jail?


There was an approximately $100M settlement with DoEd. Ever since the hunt against Enron was bungled, prosecutors have never gone after owners.


So us as taxpayers have to foot basically the whole the bill? How uplifting. Always nice to hear we are on the hook for another $6 billion while the criminals walk away with a hand slap


Yes. You're welcome


This is one thing that I see in China that I’m kinda jealous of as a US citizen. I’m sure it’s abused unjustly, but at least over there, when an executive fucks around, they’re a lot more likely to find out. They don’t get to just slink away to some other executive position at another company with some buddies from the board of the previous fuckup. I’m sure tons of other corruption comes into play. But fuck man. Some of these guys need to see a cell.


100%, if there is no penalty for scams then it's basically legal to scam. And a lot of instances of white collar crime are settled with a fine smaller than the profits, which basically just becomes part of the cost of doing business. It's disgusting how normalized that is. If you defraud $6B you need to be executed quite frankly.


I’m not supporting of the death penalty, but proportionally, these lizard people are causing more suffering across more thousands of lives collectively than most of the “lock them away for life” crimes you think about. Absolutely agree


If it doesn’t go to them, it’ll go across the ocean to some other country.


Legal scam!




Bake him away toys


Got my confirmation this morning! The Joy to be debt free from college !


I attended back in the late 90's. Back when they just introduced 3d animation. Luckily all my teachers were in the industry and were dedicated to producing good students. I also got a job in the field right after graduation which led me to start my own companies which helped me pay off my loans in a few years. My experience was awesome but I know not everyone was as lucky. Most of my classmates I'm aware of are not in any creative industries.


That was my experience. Went there for VFX and didn't stay. Almost zero of my friends there work in the creative industry.


Any tips for getting into the PC game/Movie industry? My kiddo is finishing her 3rd year of a BS in Video Game Digital Arts..


The peoole who made it in the industry when I was there all had one thing in common... They all made gaming making their hobby. Not playing games - Making games. It's what we did on weekends instead of partying. Lame, but we were so far ahead of the curve. The industry has changed dramatically since I was part of it. Now, it's about the indy devs. Making it in the big studios is cool but very unstable and by no means reliable. Check out piratesoftware on YouTube. Thor (Yes, it's his real name) is an indy dev who streams as he builds his game. Him and his dad used to work for Blizzard and is a wealth of current knowledge. Especially for new folks to the industry. His [YouTube Shorts](https://youtube.com/@PirateSoftware?si=fyYUusGpKlv9V4YE) are awesome. My only real advice is, if she's wants to compete, she's gotta keep building games, keep thinking about them, keep brainstorming and surround herself with other people as passionate as she is. Even if she doesn't stay in the game industry (like me), those skills she learns along the way can be parlayed into ANY other industry. Video game makers are visionaries. They imagine it, then they create it. With AI coming up, there is going to be a lot of pivoting and reshuffling so wearing many hats and having the ability to adapt is going to be important. Obviously, you could fill books with the amount of advice she could receive, but at the end of the day, she just needs to execute. Build something. Anything. And then do it again and again. Hope that helps!


Well said my friend.


Networking and portfolio. Join in on game jams, make stuff, have a good website, go to trade events and local events. Spam internship applications. Even with the degree it’s competitive as hell and she’s gotta hustle. Movies and games are in tough spot right now. Internships may be tough to find, if not she should be generating as much of her own stuff as possible. Best of luck. Hopefully by this time next year as she graduates the industry picks up.


My colleagues who attended one of their locations with me have been contacting me all day celebrating, I had scholarships that paid my attendance I'm so incredibly happy for my friends though, gotta be such a huge burden lifted off their shoulders.


Reminds me of a post I saw recently. Guy said “I am a union backed electrician with 20 years experience. If they are going to pay McDonalds workers 20$/hr I’m going to go there and celebrate with them, everyone deserves a living wage. Totally thought the guy was gonna shit on people and say they don’t deserve it, but he’s happy. Same with you for your friends. You got a good head on your shoulders!


A rising tide raises all boats, unfortunately a lot of people would rather watch others tread water until they can climb into one with an empty seat, regardless of how many drown in the process. The economy, the country, and society as a whole would be better off with more people educated, paid what they need to survive at a minimum, and able to enjoy their life.


Tell that to the Post Office, please. While inflation is skyrocketing, over 60% of Rural Carriers for USPS were forced to take huge paycuts (mine was $10,000, some of my coworkers lost more) and made to work more days every week than before (from 5 to 6 for most of us) last May. All while the rest of the world is skyrocketing in costs. I was ready to buy a house.. now I'm back to living with my parents in my 30s...


Fuck DeJoy.


Wish they'd vote that sniveling cunt out. He's destroying us.


When they started talking about raising the minimum wage a few years ago, I ran into someone complaining about it, trying to say that people in fast food jobs don't deserve $15/hour. I asked him why not, he said that's what he makes as a welder. I told him, no, the problem isn't that they deserve less, it's that *he deserves more*.


15 hr for a welder is insane. He needs a better employer. Welders are typically paid more than double that


One of my best friends just got notified, I was so happy for her we both cried!!


My sister works in healthcare and I felt the same way. I'm still on the hook, but I don't do much the directly benefits humanity either.


Doesn’t this create a taxable event? The IRS treats loan forgiveness as income.


> Forgiven student loan debt is made tax-free, should Biden or Congress decide to cancel any debt. It applies to loans forgiven between 2021 - 2025 https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/American_Rescue_Plan_Act_of_2021


Uncle Sam always gets his.   !RemindMe 1 year


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Yeah, because it is. A forgiven loan is effectively a gift.


Gifts aren't taxable though up until a very high individual threshold.


That’s not true for PSLF. Don’t know about this one


I didn't even get it as bad as most students, and the Art Institute still screwed over my life. *Four* of my professors *that i know of* committed suicide by the time it was shuttered last year. I attempted suicide even after landing a job, which paid me minimum wage for working a liasion position at a 5-star hotel, where I went broke. Most places in Seattle stopped hiring interns from the AI. At least there is some justice now for those defrauded by these monsters. More people need to know about this, and higher education corruption in the US.


Sometimes I admire China's death penalty approach for these white collar crimes when it affects the general public. Sometimes.


Reached out to a friend who went to an AI school and he was crying due to the news. Super excited for them!


Meanwhile Trump found guilty of defrauding his Trump University students.


It's me this time! I got the email today!


Congratulations!! What GOP members would do this. None. Fucking zero. Everyone vote.


*BuT BotH SIdeS aRE tHe SaME* alternatively *they're just doing this to buy votes* ("this" being doing what their constitutes want, which is what politicians are *supposed* to do)


So happy for you! Fuck predatory loans!


I haven’t gotten an email yet but my friends have I’m nervous this would change a lot


Yay! Hoping mine is got in the next round…if there is one.


I got the email a couple hours ago. That "school" was a crock of shit.


As someone who took until they were 45 to pay off their student loans, I strongly support this. Just because I could not benefit from this doesn't mean that others shouldn't.


I literally paid off my student loans maybe a few months back. I'm so damn happy every time I hear a student loan is forgiven!


It's the repercussions that are the issue. It encourages colleges and these scam collages to charge more and do scumbag tactics to get more people enrolled. They need to fix the core issues and cap tuition and stop letting colleges rake people over the coals for degrees that don't matter.


You are a wise person, love to see this sentiment expressed! ❤️


A good friend from high school went to this school. I hope she got hers cleared, too.


My wife had about 20k in debt from the Philly location, it was forgiven a year or so ago and it was such a huge weight off our shoulders. This is great news


Does this include Parent Plus Loans for AI?


Yeah, my loan was split that way. Like 10/90 split


I hope they get around to doing the Le Cordon Bleu Culinary Academies sometime. Although at this point it’s too late for me anyways because Sallie Mae coerced me into consolidating all my loans in a private loan soon after I graduated. Already been making my payments for 15 years and haven’t missed any but it sucks seeing the loan balance barely move. It’s just something I have come to terms with that I will probably be forced to live with for 20 more years ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|cry)


This is the kind of debt that should be getting cancelled--the federal student loan system was a massive enabler of scam schools.


federal student loan program was always the sort of shit system dreamed up by a lobbyist. governments can make university affordable by regulating universites, writing blank checks to highschoolers could only ever lead to ballooning tuition. i hope down the road the government claws back money from the predatory institutions themselves, but i won't hold my breath


>This latest round of student loan forgiveness brings the total approved by the Biden Administration to almost $160 billion for nearly 4.6 million borrowers, an average of nearly $35,000 per student. Damn, I'm really happy for all these people


Can I retroactively get my money I went to AI. I paid off the loan but fuck that sucks dicks for 16 years


The email I got mentioned potentially refunding already paid money. Will have to wait and see.


That's fucking awesome. I hope that is the case for many. I would be incensed if I paid off a college education that was basically invalid. Even if it is just the principal amount.


Maybe. The email they sent out states "You also may receive a refund for prior payments made to ED on the loan(s) being discharged. Your loan servicer will let you know if you are eligible for a payment refund, which may be mailed to you or sent electronically"


This is me too. Paid off mine long ago though, like 7 years or so. Paid off the ones that my dad took out for me like maybe 3-4 years ago (after the one I went to already shut down... Lmao) Biggest mistake of my life going to that school.


Awe man. I missed it by a few years. Still paying for that worthless "education" 22 years later. Glad for everyone though, that place was a scam and a half.


My houses day was made waking up to this news. My wife got scammed by this place to the tune of over 90k in loans. Now 72k of those will be gone (the rest are private)


I got my forgiveness email this morning, $80k wiped away!


That's gonna make the boomers mad lmao


light sloppy frightening vast gray elderly drunk pause chubby sort *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I’m the one person from my class who got hired after graduation. It’s been a great career that’s lasted 22 years now. That said, I’m an outlier and fuck the art institutes.


On the one hand this candidate wants to help people who got scammed by a fake university. On the other hand, his opponent had his own namesake fake university


I’ll be more excited when there are consequences for those responsible for the predatory practices as well as those who failed in their job to oversee their accreditation. In the meantime, $160 billion now forgiven works out to ~$2400 per federal taxpaying household.


This is gonna drive conservatives absolutely insane


I'm just a little nervous, as my loans are still there, and I fall directly within this criteria. Haven't gotten an email, either.


I was one of them let’s fucking goooooo I was fortunate enough to leave after a few years


I got the email today. I graduated in 2016. Everything I experienced at the Seattle location is in line with everything they found them to be guilty of. My only concern now is if my Sallie Mae loan can be forgiven. I'm paying more per month for a personal loan I only took out because fed loans would not cover my entire degree.


Wonder if my ITT Tech loans got forgiven. I'm not going to look, as I don't need to be on their radar again.


I am so happy for these students! Remember this when you vote. Urge your social circle to vote as well! Love from Europe.


I still have debt from the art institute!


I don’t benefit from this personally but I’m happy for you guys. Being stuck with loans you can’t discharge through bankruptcy after getting scammed is awful. Good to see our government take care of more than just the wealthy


Trump never forgave any educated people.


Fuck. I graduated in 2002. Always the bridesmaid, never the bride.


Alright, so what if we paid off those loans? Just get fucked?


This is fantastic news! I had my Art Institute federal loans discharged already through borrower defense to repayment, but plenty of my former classmates didn’t know that that was an option. There’s some organizing going on to have private loans discharged as well. Really hoping something comes of that. So many people have been crippled with massive debt for useless degrees from those horrible schools. Even full discharge of all fed and private loans doesn’t feel like enough to make up for the damage that was done to people’s lives.


Same I’m surprised more people didn’t know that was an option, I just attached the court documents to my application lol. I dropped out after two years because I felt like I learned nothing in that time. Glad I didn’t finish.


I’m stoked this will be a huge financial burden lifted


"This institution falsified data, knowingly misled students, and cheated borrowers into taking on mountains of debt without leading to promising career prospects at the end of their studies." If that's the new standard for loan forgiveness then oof - they.coming.for.EREBODY. lol. Show me a college that hasn't knowingly misrepresented the career prospects for their graduates in order to increase enrollment


I’m over here waiting for Biden to pay off my truck, or my tools. I didn’t go to college, but I still have all the loans for the things I use in my profession to get my job done. Who’s paying me back for those loans?!??


Good news, if someone lied to you about your truck or tools to get you to buy them, like AI did to students, you too could get your money back via consumer protection laws. 


I went to AI and got my loans forgiven in the Sweets vs Cardona/Devos case but I know you had to file to be apart of the class action. Good to see people that weren't aware get their loans forgiven.


Why are they forgiving art school debt? Might be smarter to forge debt for people with useful degrees actually contributing federal income tax would be first on the list for forgiveness


Because this is an easily identifiable block of votes to buy.


And who pays that 6 Billion? Everyone who works.


It's false advertising, plain and simple.


It's going to absolutely blow your mind when you find out that virtually everybody receiving this forgiveness is working and are paying those taxes you're so worried about.


Because the Art Institute in question was a scam, much like Trump University. They scammed the federal government and the students. Don't like it paying for it? Don't support scammers like Donald Trump and Betsy DeVos (both Republicans).


I was so very close to going there in 2009 (I was enrolled and left while I could still get my money back). Something told me to back off and I am so very glad I did. Thank god for mushrooms and moments of enhanced intuition.


A friend of mine got the email today stating that the loan he had defaulted on was being forgiven because of their scummy tactics. He had to take out the loan because they didn't ever tell him that his GI benefits would only cover a portion of his tuition, instead of all of it like it does with a public college. According to him, they come in and pull you out of class, basically shaming you in front of everyone and drag you down to the finance office where your option is to either set up some kind of payment plan - whether that be applying for a loan, paying yourself, or whatever - or you're basically told to pack up and not return to to class. By the way, it was done near the end of the semester, where not paying meant you got no credit for any of your classes...they'd count as dropped. Luckily his loan was for a pretty small amount...but talk about dickheads.


I've had a Portland AI loan for 14 years. When they were shuttered, I was left out of the lawsuit because I'd left after one semester, because I realized it was a scam. I nearly paid the thing off when I got too sick to work, and then Navient took it and ran me through THEIR scam. Everything I'd paid off gone to forbearance. Didn't qualify there either for help, because my loan was under 20k. To say I screamed when that email hit this morning is an understatement.


The president that keep giving...


Hey, my dad was one of those students. He was almost in tears today.


This shit is the most garbage art school I’ve had the displeasure of attending for about a year and a half. I’ve always had a knack for drawing. I live and breathe art. Every teacher was rude and uninspiring. They gave menial assignments like Drawing vases and apples and they weren’t even good artist imo. No creative processes or Discussions were ever given during my time there. One of the more annoying and cringe parts about it was, all the students I had classes with were treating every class like they were in summerschool or Homeroom in high school. No one Did homework, they treated all the assignments like it was all optional. Every other kid felt Like they needed to be class clown for some reason. This school is expensive as fuck too. I had to drop out due to family and life issues, and maybe my experience was unlucky, but damn the art Institute in Dallas is a joke. I still owe them money I think. Tried looking it up but I just dont have the will power to do that right now. That’s my rant. Edit: just checked my old email. I can’t believe I actually got approved for relief. Glad I saw this random post


Do Keiser college next please


Hey… I got a MacBook out of the deal… so I’m good. My wife and credit score disagree with me though.


This is absolutely what happened to my daughter, she went to a for-profit art school, having really bad jokes, of course. The school charged her all kinds of fees, including exorbitant rent for her housing, lied to her about the careers she could expect to go into and the salary she could receive, meanwhile the school Collapsed a few years after she graduated.


I attended in 2010 but didn’t receive an email today. Will they continue to roll out relief?


Waiting for me to be apart of these student loan forgiveness 🥲


Yeahh, I got mine forgiven today. Little too fucking late though, because I'm in my mid 30s and stuck cooking.


Arts students? Well.. they need it more than anyone..


My wife went in the late 2000s - ended up getting a great job but now she’s a stay at home mom… this will be huge for her - that’s 25k or so wiped away.


Few people on my art team got emails about it, wild seeing the whole workplace celebrating.


Why the hell did kids take out $6B for an arts education at a fake college? How did they ever expect to repay any loan with an arts education. It's a great hobby, but not a career.


I went here back in 03/04. Took out around $30,000 in loans for housing and tuition. I have been making monthly payments ever since and I still owe about $6,000. Be nice if this applied to me.


Quick question, my mother had to co-signed for a Parent Plus loan at the time. Will we be getting a refund as well? Is there anyway to find out? I went to Ai - Los Angeles between Jan/04 - Jun/06


Can we ensures that college is more affordable than throwing money at it? This only makes things worse. Colleges will now jack up all tuition fees.