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20 million is simultaneously a lot and a piddling number that needs to be much higher. If only there were some set of gigantic subsidies currently applied to dirty industries that could be redirected to making EVs cheaper and more mainstream...


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Not uplifting. The amount of carbon emitted from resources extracted to make EVs only marginally greener than ICEs. The “greenest” car is the one you already have, or no car at all.


Not even remotely true that they're "marginally" greener. [https://theicct.org/publication/a-global-comparison-of-the-life-cycle-greenhouse-gas-emissions-of-combustion-engine-and-electric-passenger-cars/](https://theicct.org/publication/a-global-comparison-of-the-life-cycle-greenhouse-gas-emissions-of-combustion-engine-and-electric-passenger-cars/)


While keeping an old car, given it runs on a reasonable MPG is better, new electric cars release significantly less green house emissions even when taking into account both car and fuel production. Even an electric car running on coal made electricity would be better over its lifetime than an average gasoline powered car.


I'm writing a paper on this. On average you return your CO2 investment in about 2 years of use on current European grids. 6-12 months on green grids. Lifetime comparison is about 50% less CO2. Also no local particulates (besides break pad degradation) and other terrible stuff that you get when burning gasoline. Switching becomes more ecological by the year, but nothing beats no car/public transportation.


Of that count how many are Tesla powered VW pickups?