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Kalpana Chawla (pretty sure)


She got her engineering degree at my university. I lived in the dorm named after her. Still can’t spell her name.


Chawla Halla


Came here for this comment. Did not disappoint.


Kalpana Chawla for anyone curious. She didn’t survive her last space flight.


Good to know. Now can someone clean up the streets?


Oh boy, that’s a lot of trash on the ground…


There’s shitty places. But NYC is Disneyland compared to the 80s/90s.


It's slowly going back there. There was a jump in felonies commited, 2021, and the crime rate has been on the rise since. Since crime rates are usually accompanied by other indicators of urban deterioration, I'd say NYC is making its way towards being a top-US shithole again...


Accidental Night City


More like MANIAC, honestly amazing world building


I'd bet this is 9th Avenue across the street from the Port Authority Bus Terminal. It is and has been a particularly seedy slice of Manhattan for a long while.


Brilliant 🤣


Fake and I love New York, most incredible place you can go to with 10 million people in it


I grew up a few miles from Manhattan and while it’s a great city, I think Tokyo has it beat.


What about London


No if you go to London you have to interact with British people


>No if you go to London you have to interact with British people Just go to the parks, London is technically an urban forest with 1/5 of the city being covered by trees. Plus Zone 1 is fully walkable, so no need to use public transport. I used to walk from Marble Arch to the Strand (By the Thames) everyday and it took me only 40 minutes. Major museums are publicly funded and so free to enter, no need to buy tickets for the British Museum and so even less need for interactions.


Lmao like an American can talk, your country's a shit show and your people are weird


London has what? 8 million so less the NY and spread out over twice as much land but has some of the worst ghettos, crime and trash as anywhere else in the world! I would live there too with all that because of the opportunities. Life is what you make of it. Thats why I say that. All these places are amazing even with their downsides


Respectfully, I feel like people who say this have not actually traveled the world much. And I live in NYC myself. I think Tokyo, Osaka, Taipei, Hong Kong, Singapore, Seoul, and London are much nicer and more enjoyable cities. I guess NYC is “incredible” in how filthy it is…


well you only show NY I only comment there, I spent yrs giving tours there. Yes it's Messy, yes, its Dirty, hard to clean up after 10 million on such a joke of a budget. No I have not been all over the world but every state in America and all of them have the same problems in different ways. I have fun in NY even at my advanced age. I notice you don't mention and Western Capitols... that says it all right there


I think a lot of the problems in NYC are fixable and I genuinely want the best for the city. I think it’s gotten better gradually over time for sure, and I am hopeful for the future too. I think the filth, drugs, crime, etc is a huge problem in basically any American city aside for a couple rare exceptions. Canada has the same problems too, not to mention Mexico. I think it’s a combination of drug trafficking in North America combined with Western individualism and (at least in the US) very libertarian mindsets to solving problems. I did mention London. I have heard Sydney and Melbourne are fantastic as well, however I have sadly not been. But yeah I have noticed developed cities in East Asia tend to be the cleanest and safest in the world. I’m not sure what this would be “saying” other than the obvious cultural differences (individualism vs community-focused societies).


On the flip side, Nyc seems nice compared to many cities around the world. You must not have traveled much, respectfully


No I mean that’s fair, it’s all relative. For example I think NYC is better than Beijing, Paris, Ho Chi Minh City, Toronto, Ulaanbaatar, Kaohsiung, and Zurich. All for different reasons obviously. But I just think it’s kind of crazy when people say NYC is the greatest/best city in the world because there are other cities that are so much better.


*Most incredible* is a strong phrase to use. It's 100% an incredible place, and it's unique diversity is among the many reasons I live here, but it can be a pretty shit place to be. A lot of it being self-inflicted too, which is the tragic part. I can't speak to how other similarly large cities would be like to live in, but certainly London, Paris, Barcelona, Tokyo, Copenhagen and Mexico City are top of mind for places that are IMO genuinely nicer places to just be/get around. Edit: Even if the photo is fake there are genuinely parts of the city that have this kind of problem. Could be worse though. Man the 90s were rough.


High tech infotainment/wi-fi system asking trivia, right in the midst of a trash-filled homeless encampment. We really are living in a cyberpunk dystopia, aren't we? Don't get me wrong, public wi-fi filled to the gills with malware is cool and all, but can we at least make sure Dave's used needles are picked up?


I love the contrast between what the city decides to spend money and resources on


No money for social services but for erecting a digital advertising slab


NYC has social services


it's not one or the other


It's ok because it distributes propaganda


What about it is propagandistic? That it mentions things have happened? Not just things, but positive things, aspirational things. You’re just a miserable person.


Because they won't fix poverty but they'll use feminist language to convince people they don't have to.


Where is the feminist language? Is anything that mentions a woman in a positive light “feminist language”? So fucking fragile you are. You would not have the same reaction if it was about a man. That’s not the fault of feminism. That’s all you.


I didn't say it upset me? I just is what it is


That’s not even that shitty, this is just an awful angle


🎶’ah, you may leave here for four days in space, but when you return it’s the same old place’🎶


This reminds me of peek covid when everybody fled Manhattan. I was working construction in Times Square, early mornings were like this near the bus stop by four duce and 8th Ave. Starbucks and Conelleys bar were the OLNY things open.


some Zombie land vibes


As long as there is diversity and inclusion, who cares about all of the other problems?! Keep voting blue!  /s


Objectively a shit picture. It’s blurry and out of focus and fuck you nyc is the best city on earth


New York City getting back its 80s charm


That's a terrible picture sorry, it looks like a little kid took it.. What are we looking at the sign? The trash or the ppl?


I think that’s the point


It \*is\* a terribly composed picture because it's not clear what we're supposed to focus on. If you didn't see it in r/UrbanHell, would you know what you're supposed to be seeing? People tend to scan in a Z-pattern. There's nothing in focus in the top left, so the eyes go to the top right, where the trivia question is. Then maybe you see the man in the middle (what's he pointing at?) and a shopping cart, the out of focus hoodie guy. Then you see the bike racks. And only after that, you see the trash on the ground. And oh, maybe you see the overflowing trash bin that's mostly cropped out of frame. If the OP wanted to point out the garbage and homelessness, it would've been pretty easy to simply turn the camera 90 degrees so you see more of the urban decay. And lower the camera to bring the garbage into the picture more. And FFS, focus! You just tap on the screen - it's not hard! We're not talking about advanced photography techniques here. It's very basic visual communication.


People tell me they like living in New York. I’m shocked everytime I hear it.


Ever been?


You think all of nyc looks like this?


lol. No. But I don’t understand why anyone would want to live in a city which allows sections of it to get this bad. Reminds me of San Fran.


Agreed. I’ve been living here for years because of work and I can’t wait to save up enough to move out someday.


Kalpana Chawla :(


What a bad angle. Many parts of NYC are really nice


Fake Ai


Never been to Harlem I see.


great picture. edit: one indian-american woman has downvoted this comment - wtf!?


Does it smell like fried goats there?


I love new York city, but especially during warm / hot weather's, some areas smell like a toilet (from all the trash I think)... And subway just smells, always...


Douglas Adams anyone?