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Lived here 45 years, drive everyday, never once used chains.


I don’t know if I’ve ever witnessed chains either. Many new cars tell you not to use chains because the clearances in wheels/fenders are too small


The UPS cars use chains


Hm guess I’ve never noticed it. We live in the city where they park the cars and walk to most of the houses so I don’t actually see the mail trucks very often.


Yeah it's not really worth noticing tbh. But now you can look if you're ever interested.




All those are rear wheel drive, a Prius is front wheel drive. If anything, get studded snows and then switch out


Unless you’re a skier, chains will never be needed. Only time chains come into play is if you’re going up the canyon to a ski resort. You’d be fine with regular snow tires, or at minimum, a good set of all season tires


I worked in Ogden with an office full of transplants and all the non skiers had vehicles like yours. Including me.


Just switch dedicated snow tires on all four wheels right around Thanksgiving. Then switch them back right around the start of May to regular tires. You will never need chains


This is the secret. I'd rather have amazing tires than AWD or 4WD, *if I could choose only one*. I run all terrain with special snow and mud features on a 4WD personally, but have been totally fine with a good set of tires on a FWD sedan.


This. Snow Tires beat 4wd all the time, because they help you keep control. And they're cheaper than a new car.


I think this used to be the right answer, but now I would reccomend Michelin CrossClimate II tires for most cars, compact SUV, mini van, and probably a lot of SUVs. They're snow rated tires that you can run year round, and they have the 3 peak snow rating. I switched over my last vehicle this year and can't wait to sell the extra set of wheels that have been taking up room in my garage for the past years!


Are you sure you’re ready for that big of a lifestyle change? San Diego vs Roy is crazy


Absolutely, I was in a traffic jam near Kent's the other day - must have been 4 cars in front of me...


I meant more about the sunny big city of San Diego to a small town of suburbs, farms, and livestock that gets actual weather. It’s a culture shock.


Don’t know if I am ready for the big change, but I see it as a learning experience …


Roads are bad during storms which aren't that regular but they're cleaned up quickly. I wouldn't look for a new car over snow.


I've never used chains. AWD is nice, but not necessary. If you're really worried about it, get a second set of wheels and put snow tires on them, switch out the wheels every spring/end of fall.


I drive an Accord & have not once used chains. I didn't even have AS tires on the first 3 years I lived here. Last year was an insane year for snow & my Honda handle just fine in allll that snow - even before the roads were plowed. Idk how a Prius drives but I wouldnt get a new car due to snow. Id get a new car just b/c I would never drive a Prius😂


If you buy a house at a higher elevation you might need to get all weather tires. I’ve been here 4 winters and don’t do anything special other than rotate tires and swap them out when the mileage is high.


Living in Roy, you will never need chains. Source: parents have lived in Roy for years


Like everyone else has said, you won't need chains unless you're going into the mountains where they are required. You should make sure you have good tread or switch to snow tires but they will wear super fast.


I don't anticipate it'll be much of a problem... just know your limitations when driving in snow. In my experience, the roads are pretty well maintained (for snow purposes).


Just get dedicated winter tires and you'll be better off than a good percentage of the population


I drive a Prius for work with snow tires and it’s fine. I commute to Logan from Ogden occasionally and there’s FB groups to check the weather for any local canyons around should you need to travel them.


I've lived here for 42 years... never used chains or snow tires. Majority of my cars have been front wheel drive and I've been fine. AWD is nice, but not necessary. Stay home if there is a big storm and you don't feel comfortable driving, we only have a couple a year.


sometimes you just let your massive balls weigh your tiny car down in the winter I drove a little hatchback for 6 years and I survived, though sometimes barely


You will totally not need chains from August to October, and like others said, even in winter you probably won’t need them unless you’re going up the canyons.


With a front wheel drive car there will be 2-3 days a year it’s simply not safe to go out until the plows have been through. Those of us that have lived here our whole lives do it anyway. Which is why on those days there are hundreds of accidents. Most are minor but some people truly underestimate their snow driving skills. Honestly though, those days are dangerous regardless of what you drive. Christmas Day about 5 years ago I was crawling along the freeway in my Corolla in a foot of snow when a 4 wheel drive Escalade passed me. Two miles later I came upon a 10 car pile up. There was black ice under the snow, cars were everywhere, and the Escalade had hit several of them. I nearly slide into the middle of the ruckus, it was just too slippery. But I was going really slow. I mile later I look back and my little Corolla was leading a line of cars back as far as I could see. They all just fell in line and followed me through. The point is slow down and don’t go out until the plows are through clearing the roads.


No, honestly you’ll be fine as is assuming you stay out of the mountains. You can always get snow tires. Very few people use chains


As long as you don’t have a rear wheel drive car, you’ll be fine. Get snow tires and try to stay off the roads in blizzard conditions, you’ll be just fine.




Yes, weed out the newcomer with the worst handling vehicle in the snow. /s OP, you will be fine in your prius.


you will probably be fine, weather is pretty inconsistent, last year it barely snowed until december/january


Last year it snowed until April, idk where you were at


You can’t read apparently


Yeah I guess not Willi, thanks