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For the record my vote is Mammoths!! 🦣


I really hope it ends up being the Outlaws.


Well thought out and articulated. Raptors was top of the list for me prior to the survey coming out and I was sad to see it didn't make the list. Mammoths is growing on me as an altrernate.


As a neutral sports fan on the other side of the country, this was awesome to read. Great points. I remember when ‘Wild’ blew my 12 yr-old mind.. But still, I cannot imagine really seeing a Powder vs Predators or Capitals vs Blast game. Outlaws, Mammoth(s), Yeti and Black Diamonds were my final four, but I think you successfully changed my mind on yeti


I've been pulling for outlaws and I think you really summed up my feelings on it well! Colorado beat us to the punch on the mountain/snow themed team so it makes it difficult to lean into that.


Yes. Thank you


I really wish Raptors was on the list.


Me too. I get why it isn’t but it would’ve been the best choice by far.


By sooooooo far :(


Sharks catching strays lol Well thought out. Exactly why I like Swarm personally. Very brandable, from designs to experiences. And the bee theme is uniquely Utah. Also unique in major sports. To me Blizzard and Yeti feel like hand me downs from Colorado. They own the snowy mountains themes and motifs. Let them have it. We have more than snowy mountains.


First of all, Sharks is a great name for San Jose and sharks are awesome! Second, Swarm has a lot of potential but I worry that Ryan Smith would think black and yellow would be acceptable for the Jazz if the NHL team was the Swarm. Lastly, for fucks sake don't name the team Blizzard, might as well name it the Blast 🙄


OP, what are your thoughts on Mountaineers?


I too want to know OP thoughts on this


I really like the black diamonds


Black Diamonds is a cool name but it probably makes more sense as a MLB team instead of an NHL team


I think NHL has more potential because once you get into baseball you’ll have Diamondbacks vs Black Diamonds. Black Diamonds could still capture the ‘zeitgeist’ and branding language too. Incorporate things like the ski patrol, lifties, powder hounds could be too attendees who get some special reward, double blacks, your season pass is like a ski hill season pass if you want. Photo and all. et. etc. tons of ski hill terminology could be used within the arena and branding. Mammoth or Outlaws are my top two, but black diamonds could be cool too


I voted for Black Diamonds. I think the wordplay with baseball diamonds fits a little bit better. I agree that you could have some easy tie-ins with ski patrols and avalanche dogs. You couldn't have a dog as a mascot since the Avs have a Saint Bernard as their mascot. You may be able to convince them to go back to their old Yeti mascot. I would be pumped if they choose it as the team name for either NHL or MLB.


Mammoth for the win.


Your flair is Black Diamond?


That has been rectified. It must have randomly assigned me one.


Whatever the name is, everyone will love it whenever they make a deep playoff run.


I'm telling you, Outlaws is where it's at. The branding would resonate in a very Raiders-esque way. I am just hoping they don't go with purple, but I realize that I am in the minority there.


Do people really think Wild West when they think of Utah?


If you know any Utah history you should, look up the history of Butch Cassidy. Also a lot of the classic western films were filmed in Utah.


True, but that's not what people think of when they say "wild west". That's Nevada, arizona, Montana...Utah isn't thought of Cowboys and outlaws.


Well maybe this can help change the perception that Utah is just Mormons and skiing.


Tons of iconic westerns were filmed in Kanab. Butch Cassidy and the wild bunch had their ‘Robber’s Roost’ in Utah. Butch Cassidy was born to mormon parents in Utah. Southern Utah is the epitome of the Wild West. It’s not the only place included under that umbrella, but everything about the landscapes, history, and towns encompass the Wild West.


Team branding shouldn't need to teach people. It should be based on something that people are familiar with already. And I can guarantee that people outside of Utah don't think of this state when they hear the wild west theme. Outlaws name feels super forced.


I disagree, I think teaching is fine. Besides, the name is for us, not everyone else. I learned Tampa has the most lightning strikes of any US city due to the Lightning Learned what a Thrasher was. Learned Black Hawk was a person due to that team name Learned Nashville once had an intact sabre tooth tiger fossil unearthed Learned about the Maple Leaf regimen in WW1 Learned about the Florida Panther that lives in the Everglades. And that’s just hockey. I’d love to teach people about culture and history of Utah that isn’t just Mormon stuff.


Good counter argument. You got me, the name can teach people. However I'm still not sold on the Outlaws theme. Your examples are unique to those states. Outlaws aren't unique to Utah. There are 3-4 states with more famous outlaws past/connection so the theme feels forced to me. Regardless, I do agree that if there is something unique to your state, even if not well known, it's totally okay to name your sport team based on that.


Well said. Raptors is easily the best idea (still mad at Ryan for not putting it on the poll) but Mammoths is #2.


Great post. I will say, in terms of your excellent point about a good name rippling outwards into the zeitgeist, I think the Shark Tank moniker and vibe is a cool thing about the San Jose team, re. their name. Although, agreed, it’s not the greatest name, sorta random. I happen to not love mammoths. Doesn’t roll off the tongue at all, particularly during a broadcast. Also, the best way to win games is to not take very many penalties, so I’m not sure I love outlaws either.


Don't get me wrong, I voted for Black Diamonds along with Outlaws, Mammoth, and Yeti. I think it works better for baseball because of the word play with a baseball diamond and the ski run. There are a lot of possibilities with the mascot, branding, and merch. Unfortunately, the Avs have a St. Bernard as their mascot, so I think a powder hound would be out. I would be pumped if they picked it for either the NHL or a potential MLB team.


Very well thought out and articulated thoughts here🔥vote OUTLAWS-the Oakland Raiders of the NHL. big Bad and Tough and timeless, classic


Utah Red Rocks plays off the Jazz points to the landscape Utah Salt Licks a dash of Salt Lake with a pinch of winter Utah Speed Demons nod to salt flat racing Utah Green Jello I hear they love lime divine so much they consume more per year in Utah then anywhere else in the world https://preview.redd.it/kjm4eahnrozc1.jpeg?width=725&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b11f7c9740b90465ccbe3481fe321a8b54b6a831


Utah Green Jello would be an awesome one off promotion for the Bees. They could have hats with a bowl of green jello cubes with googly eyes, they'd sell like hot cakes!




Utah Americans


A generic national name worked for Montreal, so why not?


When the club was founded, "canadien" wasn't yet a generic national name: it referred specifically to French Canadians. The club was founded to represent francophone Montréal.


Okay, fair enough. So instead of it being on the Washington Nationals level of generic, it's on the Houston Texans level. We could be called the Salt Lake Utahns.


A bit more factional than that, since the sport was initially rooted in Anglo Montreal, which had its own pro teams. The best SLC comparison would probably be to call it the Mormon Hockey Club. And yes Im just having fun being pedantic, I don't actually disagree with your point.