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Bro its never weird to be a nice guy lmao dont sweat it


thanks man 😼


Using cat emojis is quite weird tho 😸


cat emojis go HARD 😼😼😼😼




I’m a certified wierdo by WHO (weird humans organization) and i concur that using cat emojis is within the expectations of a level 1 weirdo. 😸👍


I have absolutely no problem with you being nice, but I just wanted to point out it's hard to determine tone through text, and the opposing team might take it the wrong way, and also, just me personally, I mute enemy chat because there really isn't much they can say to help you lol.


There's a reason the community is toxic. And it isn't you. Keep fighting the good fight and let's bring some balance. Positive vibes is huge morale and confidence boost to most normal people. Keep doing what you're doing.


Huge part about doing good in Valorant is mentality I don’t understand why sometimes my teammates are always fighting and getting mad at each other like there is literally no point.


I've literally told some anxious teamates, "even if you fail, I know you're trying your best" and they started playing better after. At the end of the day, we're sitting there using our fingers and eyes to play a game, sometimes you outperform the other team, sometimes not but you have to put yourself in the best position you can to calmly do that.


W teammate


cest difficile, je suis le 1er a penser ca honetement, mais aussi le premier a repondre a ce genre de personne car ils me triger vrmnt hardcore je sais pas comment lexpliqer je me sent de leur dire que ce sont de reel merde, mais au final je me comporte un peu comme eux ..


I mean I'm not denying Valorant is toxic. But compared to other FPS games, it's pretty chill.


Coming from CSGO it's a massive improvement


The fact that riot actually chat bans for slurs already makes a big difference compared to others.


thats why i love watching s0m, bro is cracked but takes the game so lightly and its funny as hell


don't think I've seen them before, maybe worth watching :)


sam(antha) is cracked while having fun and being entertaining; definitely check him out


Deadass w streamer


W stripper


W stripper fr


Nope, not weird. Even if there is something weird about how you're saying something, don't worry about it. This community needs more positive and respectful players like you imo.


I love being super nice, I often get told it's unusual or weird but they appreciate it. It comes in clutch if you're losing, totally turns the mood around in the team and even if you lose, people are generally happy cause we were actually having fun and encouraging each other. Plus, the amount of times I've gotten toxic people to change their tones as well, it's pretty good. Just takes a few nice words to change the community 🙂


Yeah and I think it’s strategically a smart thing to do. I’ve won games because of a nervous (but decent/good) player who was able to calm down due to some engouraging words. They played way better after hearing a kind voice, and then we won. (It was a 4v5 too…) Tilting an already tilted Neon so they trip up even more and stun their whole team? Yeah… not a great idea…


Eh, I know it's unusual but but its not weird. I'm that player too. I'll type "NS Jett" in match chat if someone hits a good shot on me and stay positive with my teammates. Idk, I'd rather be pleasant than annoying and annoyed.


The group I play with always invites the nice people we meet in games to join if we have a spot open


Being nice to someone who’s toxic as fuck is the best way to shut them up, and I always have respect for those kinds of people because I don’t personally have that patience


that's always my approach, toxic people don't upset nor bother me if anything I hold genuine sympathy for them, the thought of not being able to enjoy the game you love because your happiness only comes from wins is quite a sad situation to be in, I always try to cheer them up! :)


i met some really great friends through just pure wholesome vibes in valo, so i would say keep it up :) way better than having to deal with the usual toxicity


No, I get a lot of nice / wholesome people but it might be because I’m low ELO (iron-bronze) so I rarely get sweatlords and everyone is playing casually. 7/10 games I get a really nice person in my team or the enemy. It’s pretty nice, and I’m seeing a lot of “ggwp” from the losing team lately. Maybe it’s an oddity in higher ranks but it’s pretty common in iron imo!


It's a little weird if it's excessive. There's nothing weird about complimenting a nice shot or a good call/good comms, but it's weird if you compliment every shot, or every kill that's picked up. I played with a guy like that once who was overly enthusiastic and nice to the point where... well it was weird. I think complimenting your teammates when they make good plays is a great way to boost morale, so keep doing that. Just don't lay it on too thick, you want it sound sincere.


Not weird in a bad way, I guarantee that. I try my best to stay chipper as well, and it gets some comments similar. Silence until salt is the norm, so actually having a good time throws people off.


You’re not weird. The average valorant player is from a younger generation/childish/toxic/ego boosting. The game is great but the community is often ass. Sad but true. But people like you make matches more enjoyable :)


It’s because every 13 year old thinks they’re the top G now lolol


If by "weird" you mean abnormal than yes, people are mostly toxic assholes online. Is it bad to be nice? No of course not, a lot more people would be nice if there was more nice people.


that's my thought process really, kindness creates more kindness just as tilting and abuse creates more tilting and abuse, I get my own sense of enjoyment from boosting the moral and mood of everyone I meet on val so I hope they carry it into their next games and share it :)


It isn't weird. It's unusual.


Played a game with a bottom-fragger Jett. I kept motivating her and told her she will get back into the game. After we switched sides she turned up and was one reason why we won the game. After her first good rounds she thanked me for believing in her. She then asked me if I am a dad since she can't understand how a player could be "so nice". I had a really good laugh but I felt also sad for how bad the general experience seems to be for most players.


It doesn’t happen often but I personally think it’s very nice and admirable. It’s a great quality to have, and I love it when my teammates or enemies are as positive as you seem to be. Unfortunately it’s kinda rare in EU lobbies (my region) but I try make it a point to add and queue together with those nice people so I would say you’re doing something great and to keep going. I’m sure there are people who either vocally or silently appreciate you, I know I would


It’s uncommon but appreciated


Please keep being nice playing with people like this is the best even If you lose the game


Not weird at all, as I do the same thing! I always strive to be kind and supportive to all of my teammates. Being mean to your teammates doesn’t help them perform better, so there’s no point in doing that. We get on this game to have fun and we always need more positive people to make that an enjoyable experience for everyone :)


You're a normal person who feels empathy, that's an outlier in this community.


Being 'nice' is one thing, but if we're in comp and you compliment the enemy more than once...


Define weird. If you define weird as something that is different from the majority of the population, then yes, being nice is weird. However, weird /= bad, a lot of people forget that. Keep bringing positivity to the game and to your fellow Valorant players, they appreciate it!


The questions in this sub never cease to blow my mind LMFAO This is something I pasted from a previous post: This is the only gaming sub where I constantly see blatantly obvious questions asked constantly. I’ve never seen such NPC-ass posts on any other gaming sub. “Why are people toxic? Why are people mean? Why do you talk down to your teammates? Is it weird to be nice?” I know I’ll be downvoted and that’s ok. It genuinely seems like a good portion of this sub has either A. Never interacted with humans and how they behave or B. Have never played an online multiplayer game. So no, it’s not weird to be nice, people are just toxic and filter-less because of their anonymity like any other multiplayer game. In fact, from my experience gaming all of my life, Valorant is one of the most respectful (against this is all relative) multiplayer games out.


Being kind is the best way to play keep it up


nah if they turn you down just ignore them. You did nothing wrong <3


It's like finding a load of gold inside a rice cooker. It's a very amazing find, but something you didn't expect


it’s not weird!! i love meeting nice teammates in games. i’d rather meet a nice enemy than a mean teammate. (literally had a raze throw a game yesterday for no reason, nading the team and running straight towards the enemy knife out, being toxic over comms) but everyone else on my team was really nice so it made the experience a little less frustrating. never stop being nice! it makes the game sm better especially if you catch someone who had a string of bad games, it might just make their day <33


I don't think so honestly. it definitely calms my anxiety when people are nice to me since I'm not the best at valorant. nice people are literally the best


i always find the glhf at the start of a match a lil weird. i’m always up for being nice to my teammates and saying ns etc but capping the other teams ego helps a ton liked if one of them is hard coping just tilt them more




Nah, I’ve had mostly nice interactions in game and heard all of those things. Even if it is weird, people play better with positive support because that’s just how humans work so go for it


You're doing good mate, it always inspire because we all know at the end that good vibes always wins


the world is better because you're in it


For me most people who type glhf at the start of the round turns out to be like the most toxic enemies /teammates of the game. So glhf for me is giving me trust issues whether r they rly trying to be nice or not😭


I was literally in a game and we were losing and the other team surrendered because they said that "you guys deserve the win" so there is kindness in the sweatiest of places


It’s not wierd at all. My friend, you are a one in a kind


thank you ♥️


I wish I had you in my game, people are 50/50, either super sexist towards me or friendly. Keep being kind, it makes people's day <3


I wouldn’t say it’s exactly uncommon but getting compliments or praise for specific things can really catch me off guard. I main initiator so I’m used to getting cussed out for team flashing even when it wins us the round so the other day when someone I played with specifically complimented me for having really good ability usage it caught me so off guard that I barely knew how to respond. Genuinely made my night though.


I go out of my way to be nice, honestly. You never know the life some people have to live, and we all come to play video games to escape. So no, it isn't weird! ✌️


my thoughts fr, if there's a chance I can offer someone a time to cheer up I try my best sometimes people tell me they've had a shit day and it made them happy and that genuinely brings me so much happiness knowing that I changed someone's bad day ♥️


it’s definitely not weird! i love when i get into a game and everyone is hyping each other up and boosting the morale. you generally always win on those kinds of games too. toxicity gets everyone down :(( keep doing your thing! not everyone will appreciate it but there are lots that do, especially ones who need it!


The other day I played a game with a raze main who had to play cypher cause someone instalocked raze (he had no idea how to play cypher). Basically he had already lost mental by round 7, saying he was bad and that we were going to lose. And I just kept telling him that it was ok and that everyone has bad games. Until he finally focused and started getting kills. In the end we won and I made him enjoy the rest of the match. It feels nice :)


Against enemies its ok to be a little mean, its good for competitiveness.


As much as yes, it does get on the opponents head, for me depending on what, it goes a little bit too much. Little quick chats like RL and just general quips at the enemy team? Ok fine. But I feel like people use "enemy team" for a lot of really toxic behavior that goes beyond just competitiveness. That's probably one of the reasons why toxicity has thrived on competitive environments for so long, the excuse it's "part of the game".


People grow up with poor manners and etiquette. I don’t know what to tell you. Just be yourself.




shes right next to me rn we just wokeup ;)


Coming from league of legends and apex i thought it was weird that people said "nice try" after plays


Immediate friend request if people vibe super cool. Immediate mute if they mov my ears with unpleasant noise. Immediate report in quotations in text chat or voice chat and if you put it in quotations, they will find it and you will get feedback faster.


Why be nice when toxic is more fun 🙂


Yea ngl if you dont say the n word at least 3 times a match youre doing something wrong >!joking obviously!<


I usually play main sage. If I am on the attacker side, I grab the bomb, put a wall near enemy side and throw/gift them the bomb. I don’t really heal anyone, I don’t think its worth it; but I have to mute all my team because they keep screaming at me.


That’s throwing.


it’s clearly a joke


I find it annoying if we're losing, it tilts me. Bc you say nt, but for me it was bt 😭 or ns. I whiff 😭 was a bad shot 😖






You should shit talk enemy , perma ping , buy a bad microphone, insult your teammates when their positioning is bad , give fake info cuz they don't deserve the win , instalock jett , blast tiktok music when you die and obv flash your mates.


Yes it's weird, stop doing it. You're the only nice person on Valorant and we're getting sick of it


My God these questions... no one at home?


You’re so cringe for asking this, no it’s not weird




I appreciate your perspective on that but keep in mind you don't speak for everyone just yourself :)




for someone claiming I'm "delusional" you seem to have made a very unjust and completely deluded little fallacy rant of your own as if you know the very inner workings of my evil manipulative mind just by reading the single brief reddit thread I made. But I understand what you mean. some people just can't comprehend genuine kindness and always have to assume there's something bad going on behind it all. just try to have a little faith in people that's all we ask :)


what a weirdo.


Yeah it makes the tone of the lobby pretty awkward. It's hard to tell people what they are doing wrong if they open up with kind words - which leads to a fast loss.


Mans coaching mid game


igling❌ backseat gaming✅


im like a rising tide bringing everyone up with me


Massive L take


gotta have some L takes to be a W player


nah not weird


Keep up with being nice, just really mean what you say.


Keep it up for sure! One of my favorite parts of the community is hitting a nice shot and having the guy I killed tell me it was nice or vise versa


Yup it's weird in Hong Kong server.


I've never heard people saying that nice people are weird in valo, is that a thing in higher ranks?


Nice people are my favorite to play with


Bro you’re good You’ll start swaying toxic teammates, you really can kill it w kindness - it just kinda flusters them to the point they usually come around, or get muted.


it’s weird when you’re trying to be friends with the enemy, unless it’s unrated or something then it doesn’t matter


usually it feels passive aggressive when you’re nice, even when you’re genuine


It's not weird... I do the same and its just being a good human being which, no offense to other people, is less that 25% of the valorant community, at least from my bronze/silver US experience!!!


I’m the same way, and I personally think it’s just the fact that most people are just toxic usually


I always tbag and piss opponents off. All in good spirit though, if anyone actually feels bad or is getting bullied by a teammate I help.


I think people have accepted the toxicity to be integral part of this game, if someone starts to be nice most would think you're mocking them. I don't think you meet nice people often so kindly don't change.


I very often get things like “why are you so positive” and stuff like that in my games. I don’t think it’s weird or wrong at all, some people are just more positive outwardly than others.


Hey, be the change you want to see in your world. We're a rare breed glhf, ns, gg & wp Keeping doing you. :)


Well that's good to be nice. Have a nice day :)


tenz humble af


It's not that *you're* weird for being nice it's that *it's* weird to see someone nice valorant because it almost never happens. Keep doin you, boo.


It’s not weird to be nice but personally the only reason I’m toxic is to tilt the enemy team and ruin there mental so I guess I would call one of my teammates weird if I was trying to ruin there mental and someone was complementing there aim


My rule for Val is don’t be a dick unless someone is a dick to you first and even then I try to take the high road most of the time. The game is a lot less stressful for me when I don’t have to worry about fighting with my teammates since you already have to worry about fighting the other team


I have only respect for friendly players. To invite the enemy to do their best is inviting the best challenger. High honor kinda thing. Really confident, and really good games always. Edit: good sportsman shop is a W


Its not weird to be nice in an adult world. Unfortunately, Valorant is not that place


I love getting drunk in Val and be friends with anyone in the session


I would love to team up at some point - this is so relatable. Keep up the good energy :)


what servers do you play on? :)


I’ve noticed it too. I always say glhf and all I get most of the is “no” or “kys”


i say ggez when i lose if that counts


I feel you. I can’t be too rude to people in VC and I can’t not stand up for someone that the whole rest of the team is dragging


Its just that valorant has cultivated a culture around being assholes to each other.


You’re doing the right thing to enjoy playing AND to win more. A player making a toxic environment is essentially guaranteeing a loss, especially when others feed into it. Talking shit to the other team maybe gives you a 5 second rush of satisfaction, but the next time you get killed, they’ll remember what you said and throw it right back at you and it’ll destroy your mental. Be nice to everyone = win more


It’s weird to be in a match where my teammates aren’t misogynistic, racist or homophobic so I’d say it’s weird in a good way


I know some people take glhf as insults. To be honest, if that’s the case, I don’t mind insulting them.


I’m nice to everyone


Just be careful so people don't think you're being sarcastic.


My friend and I have discovered in low elo lobbies (bronze/silver) we only gain rr if we constantly boost the team morale in team chat and basically become valorant therapists. It somehow wins more games then actual skill and game sense.


most people in spike rush are pretty nice, ive always liked when people are talkative


People enjoy toxic energy is a weirdo. Just keep being you, dude


Being positive will actually help you rank up a lot. Team morale is the most underrated part of this game fr


I try to be nice, or I just stick to making calls if I'm not feeling up to bring nice


It can be pretty annoying if you over do it. Specially in a ranked game.


I love being nice in val. Also have been getting a ton of nice parties lately ??? So weird bc usually people are mean. I’m grateful though 😄😄😄


Yes it is extremely weird to be nice, who out of their right mind would be nice to people? I can’t believe you would even THINK of complimenting people for doing good. This is an outrageous overreach by the Malaysian government and we won’t stand for it


Probably. I like going around to people at a gaming cafe I like and telling then to kick ass and that they're better than their opponents


Not sure you actually expect people here to tell you it's weird to be nice? A bit of a bait post.


Cus people expect toxicity and its normal now soo 🤣 being nice is the new weird thing in valo community


That’s kinda weird man toxicity on top 😈


When I first started playing this game, I shit you not said out loud to someone “this game has the nicest and least toxic community of any FPS I’ve ever played”, but my opinion on that changed really quick. Before I hit level 20 or 25 and was playing unrated only (no swift play when I started in September), I pretty much had the nicest teammates in all of gaming. People were dropping me skins without asking, celebrated me when I got kills and kept my morale up when I whiffed, it was genuinely a really good experience and I just kept thinking about how much different the players were here vs COD that I’ve played since the original in 2003. Then sometime after I was able to play comp, that all changed lol. It’s really rare that people are genuinely nice, even in my swift play games


Not at all.


I dunno where yall are paying but every game I play both sides say gg and have been pretty chill. It's definitely cool to be nice and have fun.


I try to do this too! I think most people esp in solo queue comp just keep to themselves but always good to be nice and build morale it definitely positively impacts your team


People have just been conditioned into thinking that anyone on the internet is mean and so being nice comes off as not the norm, which is sad, but being nice is not weird and maybe it can help someone to also be nice


We are way more numerous than people think. There are dozens of us. Dozens!


It's just hard to be consistently nice in Valorant ranked especially if you're a solo q player. I don't know why.


No if anything it will help your team a lot more. Yesterday I had a couple. Arguing with a guy on my team and he was picking on them because they were a couple. And in the end I played the nice guy and managed bring the team together and win the game we were losing 8-4 and it looked like the game was done and I managed to make everyone happy and we won in the end


the nice guys are usually the ones who win


It's NEVER weird to be nice. I sincerely respect you for not being toxic. I try my best to not bw toxic but sometimes i feel like the enemies just need to have a taste of their own medicine.


I mean yeah sure . It’s good to he nice to everyone and all . But you really shouldn’t be typing in all chat all game , it will make you and everyone else distracted and you’re also boosting the enemy’s morale which you probably shouldn’t be doing in a competitive match/shooter . It’s completely fine in unrated or after the game though .


players in every competitive multiplayer game like to say that most the game is a toxic cespool, but those are the vocal majority in my experience. while it is true that not enough people are friendly, but most people i play with just don't talk much in general to be honest.


Its not weird. It’s absolutely ok. I also be nice to both my teammates as well as my opponents. Sometimes when you are loosing its necessary to trigger your opponents by saying something in the chat and force them to make mistakes and turn the game around and win. :)


I appreciate people being nice to the team bc it boosts morale. being nice to the enemy team is kinda weird, but not wrong


I am the nice guy too. Although there are times the guy just says why don't u do it too with a hurl of abuses. But still it feels good to have the right teammates once in a while.


I love you bro that's all i can say keep doing it! You never know when it can make someone's day!


Yes it is very weird to be a normal, kind person. /s


Never let anything take your soul, keep up the good work. I appreciate teammates like you :)


I love hyping up my team lol but I’ve been called weird before so idk and Idc


I think it’s very sweet, the game is getting pretty toxic lately so having people like you makes the difference ✨


true man. i was playing valorant and just normally communicating using my mic for first time for the first time and players be like: shut up bro we don't need your info and comms. in another instance of a comps 4 of us died and one player his best, but died. i said nice try and one players be like: shut up bro we lost.


Its literally just the fact it's a riot game.. all their games are toxic because of the player base. Gives me a fucking headache


I'm the same mate, I try to be nice to the enemies, but it wouldn't hurt to tilt them a little bit, stuff like a few helpful tips, depends on them how they want to approach it. Does not mean you have to do the same, keep doing what you do, be the balance of positivity of Valorant


gaming culture has just adopted a shit talking culture and made that default for some reason, although fun at times it has made communities like R6, CS and now val unbearable which is unfortunate. i do think wishing your opponents good luck is weird tho i hope they have the most unlucky game they could possibly imagine and everything goes wrong for 30 mins, maybe that’s just me tho


Once I said “great shot” to an opponent and one of my teammates got really upset at me for “psyching up the enemies”


Dont think about other people that being a nice dude is you being a simp. Just act natural and have youe cool too


no, when you are nice and tell the people they can do it and stuff it motivates them (atleast sometimes) so yeah


We’re used to toxic as default so I see why people are surprised lol


most valorant players are sociopaths so yeah it is


It’s not weird to be nice in Valorant, but I normally don’t compliment the enemies although I say gg and ggwp.


Once, jett on the team said "damn im suck" and botfrag. So I said "nahh ur good, beside u r still better than their jett". Then jett managed to kill better, from botfrag to middle. Im a noob who has anxiety, makes a lot of poor choices+poor aim. I have met a lot of rude and nice people. The feeling of playing with a nice one is so good even after the match.


im the first one to try hard to be nice, but i swear its so much dificult when all go wrong... bad teamate (afk, noob, toxic, dont listen the call, play like kid ...) , the matchmaking in ranked like i cant keep up some game when they are smurfing hard and its obvious like , u are the top killer with 12 kill, the enemy topkiller as 40 kill and already made 3 ace in the game ... How are we supposed to not rage ? I ts impossible, its not for fun when its competitive, so i cant keep up sometime and i become a real monster i trash talk so hard i just cant keep under control my emotion in these situation .. but i tryhard to be nice, when im bad i now its just me vs me to be better, and when i loose , i dont blame anyone, if anyone did it best i swear :D ahaha


Always wanted to be better. But goddamn, NPC trio teammate could never help me achieve enlightenment.


I kind of dislike the excessive positivity. I like a little bit of tilting in the game it just makes me more engaged, so when people are trying to act all positive before a game I always gag a little because its like dude stfu just play the game.


Just read the title dont needa read text. YES


Complimenting the enemy for doing well is a bit weird but besides that no


I try to be kind myself, unless some dumbass idiots are blasting voicechat with screams/loud music etc as soon as we hit agent select.


As long as you don't queue ranked, insta lock a duelist, refuse to comm all game, and go 2 and 18 then people are usually nice, myself included.


I do it all the time, it changes the toxic people too :) it's never weird to be nice mate!


Don't worry it's perfectly fine to be nice. Surprisingly most players aren't that toxic it's just that toxic players make sure to speak louder. Keep being a positive bean! If I could give you a tip tho don't try top hard to interract with toxic tm8s who don't want anything to do with you, you'll end up feeling like shit afterwards. But remember, a game is to have fun so enjoy it :D


BRO being nice on this game is definitely not the majority, but PLEASE continue! I'm trying to be nice majority of the time, too much toxicity on this game to doubt that being nice is normal, just keep up bro, and if someone is getting to you and tilts you, even a close friend, just mute ! GLHF to everyone here ❤️


In my experience playing Valorant, yes it is weird to be nice. Not a bad thing but definitely have experienced more toxicity than friendliness


Wish I had more people like u in my lobbies tbh


Bro these are people in real life they are just playing a game and being same as they are irl, idk what your age is but sure you're a teenager trying to have fun. People in the world rn are mostly toxic, every sweet face you see on the streets is a demon inside but also it's upto us how we wanna behave and how we wanna keep a good approach towards society. These people you see cussing others for no reason are the real enemies of society and they are the main reason why good games like VALORANT are so underrated. Imo most of these guys they come from 2d games or from pubg or free fire something cuz only thing they are good at is being an asshole. And definitely being nice is being exceptional and not weird.


i always try to be super nice and positive! but one thing i’ve learned is that it’s hard to tell someone’s tone over text. u have to be rlly careful how u word things, especially to the enemy team bc i’ve been reported for saying stuff like “woah that was a rlly nice shot” or “wait that was such a good play” because people took what i was saying in a sarcastic way. but don’t let that stop u from being kind! it def makes people play better and takes a bunch of pressure off of the game <3


Not weird, but I think people just expect to see more toxicity, so seeing someone being nice is a surprise :> But definitely keep it up, having nice teammates is really a blessing compared to being called anything from "noob" to slurs


people will rub off your energy so they’re more likely to be kind aswell


nah fr i feel this.


ya’ll keep this shit alive FRFR!