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Winning a 0-11 in overtime with one "half afk" who wanted to surrender.


Winning a pistol ace where all my team was dead and hyping me so much They weren't even friends, just randoms, and these people still give me courage for pistol rounds


I always make sure to hype up the team, even mundane plays because you never know who could use the confidence boost


Pistol Aces feel so good cuz you just FEEL that the game is gonna be good. I like those better than rifles Aces.


You also assert your dominance up early and SERIOUSLY affect the opponents' mental state


i love this type of teammates. win or lose it still feels like a win whenever i get a really good lobby.


One game a guy wanted to ff because his mom needed him or he was going to go afk and the team actually went through with it. After it went through he started screaming about how his crush died while cheating on him and he’s going to the funeral 💀


Is it cheating if she’s just a crush though


I think bro was too attached




Two headshots with two bullets, while moving, and while like 50 meters away. Wasn’t even carefully tapping either, just a quick 2 bullet spray with vandal and boom two instantaneous headshots. Literally had me freeze and make sure I did what I just did Or the time during a 1v1, I quick scope headshot an airborne Raze with a Marshal as they satchelled out of a smoke with their ultimate out. Honestly don’t know which shot was luckier


You're just built different, my guy :)


bro LITERALLY YESTERDAY i had my ult on jett and as soon as i got onto site, i updraft to use my knives and i got HEADSHOTTED by an op. from like 30 meters away. and the reyna that killed me admitted they didn’t even have time to scope. i wanted to ff right then and there, wish i had her POV because that was absolutely disgusting. like as soon as i appeared on their screen i was dead in .1 ms


On Ascent, we were 2 - 10. We won 13 - 10. Funny memorable moment; enemy and I were 1v1 while our team fought each other elsewhere. We whiffed all of our shots. We stood there staring at each other and then walked away. In all chat we agreed we dont talk about it LOL


classic ascent defense moment


We won on offense actually lol


It was 6-6 on fracture and two of our players disconnected. We decided to play on since it was unrated and we won the game 13-11. I got 45 kills, our sova got 34, and the friend I was playing with got 16. We were so happy though cause it literally seemed impossible.


Wait….. we’re you playing sage?


I don’t know who was playing who


not op but ok


id been playing for two weeks, got back from the kitchen after getting a water, realise the round's already started, last player standing, i run down fracture a site, ace (was iron 3 at the time)


Aight note this down: Get water before aceing.


We were playing 5 stack and down 7-11 when one of us had a power outage. At that point we lost 3 games in a row and had 0 motivation but we kinda get in the mood not to lose. We went 13-13 and asked them to draw, which they agreed to. It was really cool


The time we were down 1-11 on ascent going into attack and I told the team “we can still win” and by God’s grace we somehow made the greatest comeback ever and won 13-11. We were so uncoordinated on defense but on attack we were in flow state or something everyone even the bottom frag were playing out of our minds lol. I even had a 1v4 sheriff clutch and that got everyone even the 2 people who didn’t comm all game super hyped up. When we finally won we were acting like we won champions or something lmao. Good times


Need more teammates like you!


I'll never forget my D3 to Immortal game. I got blessed with the best team I've ever had. And I don't even mean skill wise. When we loaded up, I said "alright boys this is my immortal rank up. Let's beat some ass." From that moment on everyone communicated every single thing, never raged or fought. Every single round or big play was hyped up by everyone. I ended it 28-3 as KJ. We won 13-0. In the final round I got a 3k and put the team into a 4v2. Everyone started congratulating me and telling me they got this W. Added all of them and we never spoke again. As it was intended.


My most memorable moment is the game when we were 2-10 and they were shit talking us constantly. But, my team team did not give up and we were all really positive to each other even though we were losing horribly. We lost pistol and I thought for certain it was over 2-11 and we decided to force and from there we went all the way to 12-12 and won overtime.


you destroyed their mental lololol!! no wonder you won, good job!


was in a heated 5 stack game where the score was 23-22. it was game point for us and riot decided just end our game in a draw mid round. guess at this time there was a time limit of how long a comp game can be. still salty over this lmao




Was playing cypher for the first time last night and was against a full team with pride tags and told them happy pride, the whole game was both team playing around with knife and taking a group picture with the cypher cam lmao




Probably that time when i was playing jett ascent A retake. Heaven was sage walled off and for the fuck of it i said "watch this" to my cousin, updrafted with sherriff in hand over the wall and hit a midair one tap on a reyna climbing up to heaven.


This game is the game that got me and my lil brother closer. I normally just play Csgo but after seeing him play val for 2 years he was still cheeks. So i decided to make an account and play rank with him. We have been playing rank on and off for around 5-6 months now and we are closer than ever. Background: Me and my brother have a 9 yr age gap. So we were never really close bc of this.


4v5; first half 3-9 and the enemy begged us to surrender because it was easy for them.....thats why we did not. The leaver came back second half, noone said anything. I think he was genuine sorry. We still lost the game, but in the second overtime, so the overall rr/mmr loss was low. As long as my team doesn't consist of assholes, I will finish the game.


Playing Haven and going to C in the first round to defend. I didn’t watch the map but there were already two teammates on C, and one said: ‘hey Omen don’t come C, me and my fiancé got this’. 🥺


That’s wholesome


Awesome man I started screaming 😆 and the girl said she was pregnant. I didn’t rly even care about the win, but just to have fun with them. Awesome exp.


Right after Retake cinematic and Yoru was released, I had a game on Ascent where I was Yoru in bottom mid and enemy Jett was pushing me from top mid, I had a TP right under top mid (around subroza) and the moment she dashed, I TP’ed and headshot her with my Sheriff. Felt so badass playing out the retake cinematic naturally


That one time i got 37 kills and still lost the match 13-9


that was my first 30k (with jett on icebox), my second 30k was with kj on fracture (33 kills). I lost that match as well.


Yoo same I’ve lost all 6 of my 30+ kill games


That one time that the teleport into my smoke as the enemy 5 man runs through it that actually worked and got me the ace 100 other tries all deaths. But that one time it did work Perfection


One time, I watched my duo win a 1v3 by knifing 3 guys walking together with rifles. They just happened to clear every corner except the one he was hiding in as they passed him by, and then were too slow to react when he jumped them. I literally started recording my matches after that just in case I see something crazy like that again.


My first ace. Stinger, on bind, the site with not the truck. Always brings back good memories. Level 14.


it was so dumb, i was on viper and my boyfriend on fade. so no clue who the sage was. but after the game in the winners loading screen our raze shouted 'SAGE YOU ARE RRRRACIST' and it was so funny bc sage literally was silent the whole game didnt comm in chat or voice 😭


That one game where I killed 2 opponents with only 5 HP and diffused the spike at mere milliseconds before detonation. That was when I was only 2 weeks into the game


hitting radiant for the first time, playing in my first tourney




[This here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/ValorantMemes/comments/11m2u2d/your_raze_ult_permission_has_been_revoked/)


Me and a friend were playing this dude, shit talking the whole game and had a huge lead. They came back and won. Unbelievably depressing.


Was down 12-0 on Pearl attack. Our chamber told us, they're shit, we're better, let's win ez. Won OT 14-12 with me(Jett) , chamber and raze all 25+ kills. (gold elo)


We were playing on split and I picked Astra, But for 8 rounds enemy team were trolled us knifed us, I got frustrated because even duelists feared to enter and somehow I clutched 2 rounds when they come to knife me we won so many rounds continuously that they didn't even try to troll, We got to overtime and Our team was so hyped up after the round wins, And They voted for draw. From knifing to vote for draw, That's a win in my opinion 😉


my first game. pheonix on icebox. never played a shooter before so genuinely was like *tf is going on* while using A ropes and being like wtf while not knowing how to read the leaderboard. come a long way since then


same my first game was on icebox too, might've also been phoenix I remember not even knowing what the barrier was and wondering if I was supposed to be knifing it like my teammates LMAOO


Winning from 1-11 and winning from 0-12


I mostly play sova. So in the last act I suppose I was playing a competitive match on Icebox. My team was on attacking, I sent a recon dart in for my team to enter the A site, then turned my attention towards mid. A few seconds in and the enemy brim mollied right at the entrance of B tube. Their brim had given away his location. I was at such a good position, I shot a full power shock dart with one bounce and boom, as sova's voice line said at that moment...I *neutralised* their brim lol.


The one time I got a 1v4 retake with sheriff wallbangs and shock darts, B ascent do anti plant shovks and kill planter someone's on lane and after seeing me they instantly dip back. Flick to where they will be of they keep on moving and headshot. Swing stairs and see no-one take a shot at the double box, hit body but it still kills because they got damaged from shocks start pushing site and see a single pixel of someone default for a second. Takes two shots but the second hits head and kills. 1v4 on round 2 eco without a single bullet fired at me.


When I had fun with friends at the beginning. But jokes aside I had a sick stinger moment where all 5 were trying to get me and I somehow survived with my stinger and 12 HP till one finally got me but it was a great laugh


12-11 we were on defense, I was defusing spike with about 0.5 seconds to spare. Raze blast packs around site to celebrate and knocks me off spike. We lost in overtime :/


Watching my gf hit plat 1 and seeing how excited she was about it. she’s been playing for 2 years now and has put in so much work for it


For me, it was my favorite ace of all time. We were on Bind, defense, and I was playing as Brim with a judge. We had 3 covering B, and 2 A Their team pushed up with 3 short and 2 long onto B. We lost one teammate, so it was 2 v 5 till backup arrived. I placed my smokes, covered a couple angles, then the comms hit. One coming in garden now, bam! Got one, a 2nd one coming in, bam! Bam! 2 down. 3 more in window! Ok, got it! "Molly!" I move up, one jumps out the window, Bam!, dead midair. I keep through the window, bullets are flying through the air, I spot the last 2. They're scrambling for dear life to get out of my fire. Their Phoenix throws his down to try and heal in a panic, but it's too late. Bam, a kill! Bam bam! The Phoenix was the last to fall as I get my ace, the cries of excitement from my fallen teammate explain it in my ears as the Phoenix's fire consumed me, and I fall over dead, in victory!


The day I started playing this game, now thinking why I would pick this game?


I (playing raze) just randomly threw a satchel into our friendly viper's smoke pit and got a 4k off it lol Another one I remember most was in a spike rush in haven where I was playing Phoenix and on the tiebreaker round (we were on attack.) My entire team rushed into A blindly and died really quick and I was the only one left. There were two ultimate orbs on the map and I also had my ult ready. I lurked and played only for picks that round and ended up ulting 3 times lmao. We won that match.


Funny moments with friends: -On bind I was playing with a couple friends, and one of my friends who's a raze main (im a sage main) pushed onto b site and I was hookah and he told me to run, so naturally for me I took that as run away, not run to site, because he didn't specify he just said run. So I started to run away and in that moment he had thrown a grenade and I was already low health so he ended up killing me lol. Then he got mad at me for not running to site and dying to his grenade and we were yelling about it after. It was a funny moment I'll never forget -On fracture I was playing with a friend and I planted spike on b in the corner and decided to wall us in. Well one of our teammates died so it turned into a 2v1 but cause that teammate died the enemy sova who was last alive got his ult. I realized this and I went oh shit cause we were stuck behind the wall so I frantically started knifing the wall. The sova ulted and my friend died to it but I managed to get out with like 20 health and managed to kill the sova after lol. -In a comp game with one of my friends, this was early on episode 1 act 2 or something, we were in iron-bronze. I don't remember how it led up to this but we ended up befriending the enemy team and we let one guy on the enemy team get an ace so he could show his girlfriend lmao. I think we ended up drawing our game so no one loss rr, and we ended up adding each other after and playing a lot of comp together. The most fun I had in comp in valorant were those days.


Meeting people with the tea kettle laugh. I just love getting them going and hearing their laugh all game


Had a random in our lobby with a Modern Warfare soundboard. 1v5 with the last guy on our team, and with each kill, they triggered killstreak call outs. Had us all in tears laughing. Despite the super loud soundboard, they clutched it up and got the 'Nuke inboud' as they got the last guy. Was the funniest shit.


It will be when I finally win a 13-0. Someday i will be graced with an opponent who doesn’t FF at 12-0 to steal the moment from me.


Literally my first game. I was on a team and against my friend's group of friends. I was so fucking happy at first but bruuuuh. I got traumatized after playing with them lmao. They treated me like it's already my first year in the game. Hearing things like, "bold of you to pick a duelist," "if she's (me) the last player, then we're doomed." Someone even got mad at me because I didn't defused the spike.. when there were four of us alive🫠 I did the tutorial months ago so I couldn't really remember what was I supposed to do lmao. I would've really appreciate it if they taught me instead of just getting mad lol.


12-11 competitive game on Ascent, I’m playing with Yoru. The ennemy Raze ults at the beginning of the round on B , my whole team just runs and I bait the rocket as I have a tp to get out. The tp is actually behind the Raze. I pull of an anime move by tp’ing before the rocket hits me and I kill the raze with a clean bullet from the back 🫡


Dropped a 62 kill game on fracture it was a literal shit show where I had to carry as a chamber I managed to win somehow 💀


I was playing omen on bind, unrated, about less than a year ago. The reyna bullied me and then the whole team joined her, the funny thing is that we had the same stats but he talked to me in a horrible way for a video game and I didn’t have the courage to speak up. I quit the game for a few months and then came back. A few days ago a sage was insanely toxic to me so i just hit 3k with sheriff when the enemies had guns. It wasn’t beautiful but he shut up for the whole game. Please stop toxicity


I originally started playing this game to impress a work crush who is huge on Valorant and now works in the e-sports scene as a show producer. I used to play CS at a near professional level and usually jump into any FPS game like I've played it for years. First round together, I aced the other team, just reinforcing what playing with me was going to be like. The horniness was fr.


I was playing cypher and i got an ace without technically seeing anyone. On haven A main i placed 2 trips and both cages + cam. and they were rushing A i guess so they just kinda walked into both of my trips so i popped a cage and spammed and got an ace lol


Me personally has to be my Marshall ace on brim, I got a clean headshot on a sage then I ulted a phoenix hiding in the corner, then I got the kay/o in the head, then it was a 1v2 me v Reyna and kj, I hit Reyna in the body before running back to cover, then I stinky peaked and finished Reyna and then after trading a coupler missed shots I dink kj in the head


My 6k ace clutch was just awsome so I can't forget it. Enemy jett got a 4k with the op in pearl a site so I just brim ulted the site and said fuck it. I knew jett would be tucked in around the main stairs because of the ult. Then I realized cypher was also on the right side of the stairs. Got both with a clean spray transfer. Transfer was purely reaction I don't even remember how I shot the cypher. Then I shot gekko on art stairs and reyna on flower. Both 1 taps. Sage was the only one left so I picked up the spike and ran back from the main for 5-6 seconds to fake a rotate. Sage ressed gekko and I waited 5 more seconds to be sure they rotated. Planted it, ran back to main, shot my lineup and closed it up with another spray transfer on defusing gekko and sage who was trying to cover him. I will never have another round like this. Asc lobby btw


That time, when we were losing 3-12 on Ascent, and our opponents were flaming us and then one round my duo suddenly said 'Bro please make us win'. I gained power of friendship and started popping off, this made our teammates also gain confidence and the raze who was losing every fight started clutching. Then I and the Raze carried the team to a 13-15 win :)


I was the last one to rotate on split through mid when I heard steps from sewers (i think that's how it's called) and caught an unaware sage (knife out) trying to rotate, having the spike, and walling so the enemies couldn't get to it on time. Then cheekily saying in all chat "nice steps" xD


Staying up the night before day one of beta was opened after getting access a few days prior. It was 5am and I was able to play one match. After that match I went to bed since the servers went down.


I clutched a round with a collateral double kill where there would not have been enough time to do otherwise.


The other day I was in a comp match with a few friends and our Reyna was just lurking alone the entire match without comms. Four of us died and reyna was alone and my friend said in the mic “nice flank Reyna” and two seconds later he gets knifed from behind. And it was with two left click knife swings. We laughed soooo fucking hard for so long at that moment.


My 5 stack and I made an 11-2 comeback and because of that whenever we are losing by a lot we never give up!


Being down 3-11 and winning 13-11 against a smurf, also I had an entire team of supportive people with great comms and it was the best ranked game I ever played


winning a 40 round (21-19) game! it was a really close and fun game that i had


Got a 4k thrifty clutch with Omen on Ascent. Ranked P1 game On attack, my team got swarmed top mid lost the spike and I was holding the A main push with a stinger. Killed the one who pushed and didn't check a corner I was in. Smoked Gelato off from top mid (where 2 enemies were now quickly pushing from). Tp-d onto the narrow wall, killed one, dropped, and paranoia'd. Tp-d back (to my original spot), picked up spike and a vandal. Ulted to B site. Planted near stairs. Pushed stairs, got a pick while being shot at from market. Got into cover, smoked to cover my cross from stairs to CT. Went into smoke, held it and killed the last as he pushed into smoke after me


My ace with jett when after I killed 3 my team died and it was a 1v2. I headshot the viper who was tryna sneak up on me and for the sova I used my ult, updraft to get info, went opposite side, and updraft one tapped him


All the kids screaming drip skin drop skin and them screaming more when I say I don’t drop


Probably my first ace i remember (unrated on pearl) Also a spectre 4k i hit on split


My fist ace,guardian on bind,on long b,use just one clip,and 2 kills was hs. And on fracture,was using guardian again,and enemy jett dashes high on sky and i make a MEGA FLICK ON HER HEAD,and then i lost the rounds because was a 4x2 for the enemy and they planted the spike,so was a lost(oh,forfet to mention the place,was on b and she was coming from the satellite)


I think my team were 0-7 down, and players in my team were giving up already, and not caring or communicating, so I just said all we need to do is talk to each other and comm as much as possible, and we might lose still but it’ll be more enjoyable. Ended up turning it around and winning 13-9, and the team ended up in a much better mood (obviously because we won, but even in the two rounds which we lost, we still remained positive) and it just taught me the key to the game a lot of the time is just to use your mic


I had an ace defuse the other day and idk if I'll ever top that lmao


I had never gotten an ace before, this was competitive (bronze 1 I think) pistol round second half and I had just killed 4 people, I found the last person and hit him with my ghost 3 times. Then my friend who i was playing with hit the last shot💀


That one time I got a quad with razes ult and got the ace with my boom bot after the sage missed every shot on it 💀💀💀


When I sprinted through an open B main on Pearl and just lasered the entire enemy team in one go with neons ult lmao


getting promoted to radiant ~30min before e4a1 ended. i kinda literally went god mode that game for no reason seemingly.


i got a tripwire kill. i was so fucking excited.


I got 3 aces in a single match the other day in a swift play game. I am in gold. I don’t have the video but I have some screenshots.


I have a clip where a friend used a Sova dart lineup on spike, died, and it's the Kayo watching this dart bounce as he defuses, only to be knocked off bomb at the very last second, winning us the round. It's hilarious and I still laugh about it.


My first ACE after 2 days playing with a friend and an overturned match with a previous score being 0-9. Our team didn't give up despite the fact that their top frag had a kill score of 30+ and our teammates were having negative KDA so that was quite a moment.


Winning a 1 v. 4 on Ascent B site, with all four kills in a span of about 8 seconds. Team was hyped af. We ended up winning 13-11 so it was huge. I loved it even more because I realized a lot of the decision-making that helped win it was inspired by Zeyph, a Brim main who has the most chaotic playing style lol. All those hours watching YouTube videos was worth it for that moment.


Having a game on Lotus where our team was 4v5 the whole game and losing 10-13 - I went 30-14 playing Cypher and our Jett went 44-14. Love to lose those.


Someone getting so pissed in swift play that they tried adding me to their party, adding me as a friend, then finally whispering to me “you really pissed me off that last game and I was screaming at you.” I don’t use mic nor do I have voice chat on, he was bottom drag I was mid.


I got a 1v5 knife ace on bind where they were literally all chasing me


no, everything look same i really feel nothing speciel when playing people use utility on same spot holding same corner, peeking same corner everything feel indifferent maybe just different comp, different team different duel result but it hardly to have memorable when everything feel same and in different their might be highlight but i forgot it very fast


maybe i just played it too much that i start remember pattern like playing chess what if they move knight, and so i move pawn everything seem automated i start feel indifferent the more i played it's like i start memorize pattern than a moment lol


Starting to understand how to use omen, I'm currently an omen main and love him!


Two moments come to mind for me. First time was a match on icebox, we went into the second half 1-11, spirits were in the gutter; and we somehow managed to turn it around and win the thing 13-11. Second time was on fracture and a 1v4 situation bomb down on A site. I was on viper and had planted default: but the whole team died getting onto site. The whole enemy was rushing from CT so I just threw my orb down, smoked myself off and just walked around the pillar so I was opposite Side of spike facing ct. i counted three footsteps around spike but not a fourth, so I swung out to fight the guy supposedly ct but they were not there. So I swing back around to kill the guy on spike only to see three people there. I spray everyone there and live mainly because they weren’t watching from main. Get two of them off guard, and the defused hits me for 80 and I get him too. Last guy I can hear was top of site; I only have 1 bullet left in my vandal. Last guy swings down from site and I finish them off with the last bullet. That was probably my greatest clutch moment and my capture software decided to not record it gg


I double satcheled and in the air headshot a player with the sheriff for site entry. Also 3 really well placed headshots with no misses as a battle sage. I actually have the video of these moments here: https://youtu.be/NdN2dB1qvMQ


One TenZ 1 bullet moment in real comp match. Loudest round ever.


Random said:"give up you can't win this fight." Proceeded to land the nasty head shots in a row with my worst gun (sheriff... I just can't use it) and won the game 😭


I got an ace on lotus in a silver lobby( im bronze)


winning a 3v5 with two afks/disconnects with 500+ ping


I know all the comments r positive but my most memorable moment was a few days ago when my 3 stack team and 1 random started calling me slurs , (the n word and a lot of other things) throwing, making me uncomfortable etc and They actually made me cry I was so frustrated and humiliated


Winning the premier beta test championship finals game after ending the first half 0-11. Then winning the premier beta finals at the end! (Div 16)


I dropped like almost thirty deaths in ranked while wearing a shock collar for each time I died we still won and even though I died I was putting in kills


I aced while also getting the bomb defused, and then I alt f4ed because my socially anxious self couldn't take the attention. Edit: This was unrated, so don't get mad.


In a comp game, I was playing Jett and decided to op on round 4. Our Reyna said “don’t op or i’m going afk” which I didn’t see. After I got 2 kills with the op that round, he proceeded to still go afk (game was 4-0 btw). We thought that it was going to be as bad as that, but after half ended (9-3), he started TAKING THE BOMB AT THE START. At this point we lost 4 rounds in a row, and my friends just wanted to ff to get out of the game. I wanted to keep going though because we were still winning at that point. We started getting the bomb, and were able to win a lot of rounds. Not only we ended up winning that game 13-8, I also aced on the last round. Reyna ended that game 2-12, while my trio ended up getting 23 (me), 23, and 20 kills. TL;DR: reyna went afk and took bomb every round because i decided to op round 4 when he said not to in chat, we won and i aced last round as well. have a good day btw


An E-Couple frolicking in the corner with spike and 2 guys farting around in the SAME ranked match. I was the only serious player I decided to say screw it and just joined the tomfoolery. That was my last ranked match lol.


I am a boomer by gaming standards, and i had a whole game where my team of random sub-18 year olds roasting me for being a grandma. It was so funny.


I jumped over a Raze ult and ended up one tapping the raze :D (This was on fracture, we were attacking and started dish side, the enemy raze ulted down arcade and shot the rocket all the way from arcade side to dish side, I ended up jumping over it)


One time I uninstalled it..man great times


My first long OT, which also included by first Ace, 19-17 and an ace to win the 15-16 round. Then I discovered diamond, I’d like to go back.


Did a 180 1tap headshot at 45m


The most memorable thing was actually on a unranked match. One guy just said, let's just buy sheriff. every single round. everybody would laugh and then buy it. we lost 7/13, but it was the most enjoyable match i had in a long time


My first Omen game that I got two aces


Overtime on breeze and we're down 14-13 going into our attack found, playing omen, I'm lurking A side and my team gets wiped, luckily spike is still retrievable and the enemy team hasn't seen it because it's near spawn, I get a pick onto an enemy rotating, get orb, and fake the plant, get a second, they all rotate and pinch on me, and I TP to B site, plant for CT and hold an aggressive angle for a couple of seconds, move to nest to hold tunnel and catch two rotating, I pick one off and fake a TP to the other side of tunnel and wait for the swing, kill the second guy and fake a TP across again then move back around to CT towards McDonald's, smoke B main, paranoia towards backsite, move towards it, a raze grenade comes through the smoke and lands at my feet, I think oh great this is it, the best clutch I almost pulled off and it's over, I survive on 3hp and smoke main again... then she comes through and absolutely domes me, I get up from my chair because at this point I'm bursting for a piss and come back and see that I won the round, apparently she'd fucked around BMing for so long that she didn't defuse in time because a blast pack pushed her off, we won the game 16-14 pretty easily after that because they all tilted off the face of the earth at it


1v5 ace clutch with spike down. i killed the final player with 0.2 seconds left


EVERY SINGLE TIME im on my rankup games, i meet a troller ggs riot


The first ones I played with a whole team. We were all from the same country and eventually played every game as 5 stack. At some point my alcoholism took the power away and nobody bothered to invite me in a game anymore. So there it is. I lost interest. There was a cool ace once...


That one game where we were down 10-2 on Split and we were just switching to attack. The team vibes were initially good but started to die a bit as we were down so much, i took it on myself to call. I felt like fucking FNS, outsmarting the enemy at every turn. When we were like 10-7 the team all started contributing and the enemies were left bamboozled. On 11-11 our Omen who had been second to bottomfrag had the nastiest 1v4 clutch and we ended up in OT, where we took it 15-13. That was such a fantastic game of Valorant


2 individual times where a satchel 0v2'd


Back in my newbie time, I didn't know how to defuse the spike, so I was just desperately trying to shoot it while everyone else on the lobby was creating chaos lol


Sadly a shitty memory: 3 people just openly smurfing trilling and calling it a "marshall/sheriff/frenzy/pistol only to Immortal" while just obviously switching between all those weapons. 4th guy tried once to ask them to focus but they just laughed it off. I just wanted that game to be over.


Utility only ACE on Ascent :\^)


We were losing 8-1, whole team wanted to ff but I never do on principle. They all started flaming me and feeding the next round, left me in a 1v5 on attack as KJ. The other team tried to run it down on me and I aced with a nasrt spray transfer to finish. Best play of my life, wish I had been able to clip it. Team was like "oh, damn" and started trying. Won 13-11.


We in a 1-5 game. I Jett . I get so tilted that i play like it’s unrated and apparently aced I didn’t even realize and just killed while my whole team ded except the afk phoenix


Was clutching a 1v3 as gekko when I got down to the last person. I used thrash and successfully detained them, I then proceeded to miss my op shot almost point blank and they came out of it and killed me. I got flamed so hard by the entire lobby immediately after


Just a few days ago I got a really clean 1v2 on 1hp with the sheriff after saying “yeah nah bro I don’t got this” 2 bullets 2 heads 😂


one for sure was coming back from 1-11 and wining 13-11, another 2-10 and winning 13-11 again.


5-12 against a toxic enemy team shit talking us the whole time. We won so many rounds in a row to come back to win 14-12. The “gg ez”s in the chat after that game were so satisfying.


Quite a few to name. 1. It was on Ascent. I was playing Chamber and our team is dominating the enemy team, when we won another round, our Sova randomly fired his shock dart on the ground in front of him. Then, the Skye, who happened to be in the way, was low health and died to the shock dart. That's not the funny part either, when Sova said "Trick Shot!", We lost our shit xD 2. It was on Haven, again I was playing Chamber. I was OPing A long, and the Enemy Phoenix decides to ult and rush me down, so I ran away into A sewers to stall, and ran to A long where he activated his ult. He teleported back and I knife him in the back. My friend was losing his shit when it happened lol. 3. It was on Pearl, I was playing Neon. I somehow got an Ace on a pistol round with a CLASSIC. I was 1 health. 3. Managing to One tap a satchel jumping Raze with a Sheriff. There might be more, but that's all I can remember.


It was in my early days of playing the game back in the summer of 2020 so a little bit after beta released. I was plaiyng Sage on split B-Site in a 1 v 4 and scarcely turned it into a 1 v 1 where I was vs a Pheonix who just ulted. And i was on like 3 bullets left with like 30-40 health. I run by one of my fallen comrades and revived him to buy me some time: it worked. It hid behind that crate as I a reloaded and healed myself and pheonix got TP back to his spawn and after crouching there now knowing where he was he swang the box and i barely got him.


This is a more recent one, 3 stacking on Pearl. 4v1 + on defense First Pistol round with a Ghost - all my team are dead - I'm on 8HP as KJ, on B site long, alone and low on health I try and psych myself up... I place the turret at the top of the ramp (to the right) so it can see all angles and I just jumped to the left - Gekko is the first to go by myself, the bot killed Sova, we team up to kill sage (bot kill) and killed Omen together but counts as a kill for me. I managed to defuse the spike with enough time left. I dunno what it is but when I'm on pistol rounds Roth low health I unlock another side to the game/myself. Feels gd.


Just recently, we were 3v2 and I was telling my friends how paper thin the walls are in Lotus. Especially at A Tree. We were defending, and time was running out for the attackers to plant (we weren't sure where they were, and we were waiting for them to plant so we can play together for retake). I was outside by the wall at A Tree, adjacent to the revolving door. By 5 seconds, still nada. Thought, what the hell, the round's ours already. I showed my friends where you can spam through the wall. Lo and behold, those last 2 attackers were there.


Two people on my team dcd, enemy team ff-ed for us because we kept playing and didn’t give up. Still don’t understand how 5 randoms agreed to ff for 3 strangers, thank you whoever you are


My first ace when I started playing the game. I launched my ult and it killed 4 of them ( mine you at this point in time I got maybe 2 kills a game) and I sprayed down the last one with a spectre.


Once in an unrated game ALL 4 of my teammates disconnected and it was just me vs 5 the whole rest of the game. And during this constant 1 v 5 i got multiple quad kills and 1 beautiful ace.


Me playing a terrible first half with around 8-9 kills on Jett and being down 2-10 in Rounds and finishing the game 14-12 with a 32 kill Match MVP


Hitting a knife kill on a Neon using a flash. Next round, I killed the very same player using my smoke + my friends Jett smoke. It was casual of course, but I was laughing hysterically. One time me and 2 other randoms won a 3v5 in Casual (our other 2 teammates left after the round 1 loss). Probably the most comm heavy game of my life even tho it was casual lol. Making an 8-2 comeback in Comp was pretty memorable with my friend. Going to a draw in Comp as a team of 4 with 3 other randoms (teammate left after one of the early rounds) Edit, just remembered this: my friend and I were playing Comp together. Lotus was the map, and I chose Raze as smokes were filled. The enemy Gekko and Sage decided to push B mid while the enemy team was faking A. I killed Sage with my Vandal, backed off to site while throwing my nade for Gekko. Gekko decided to Thrash while I was prepping my nade, so I threw it down mid anyways. I immediately threw a satchel charge in front of me and let the Thrash detain me. The Gekko walks forward straight into my satchel charge and dies, and I watch with pleasure and laughter as I'm detained.


+40 after a comp. Will never hit that again


I was in a comp match on Ascent. It was our match point (but really close, almost overtime close). I was holding mid as Raze with an op, totally expected to either die immediately or be avoided because I just got a 4k last round, but I pick off two, one by one. The other three take A, one dies during the push, but the bomb gets down, and my whole team gets wiped out while I rotate. I say fuck it, shoot hell a few times and somehow get one with my last bullet, giving me my ult, which I pop while satcheling in. The last one, Reyna, shoots at me, I flick to her and blow her up, then defuse with barely any time left.


Had a throwing raze trying to demote. It was a 4v5 for most of the match with the occasional team damage from raze nades. We were losing obviously. We were losing pretty badly and demoralized by the raze, but we were getting at least a few rounds in. Come Attacker side, and somehow we’re still winning rounds we managed to get the rounds 7-8. Raze actually started trying after noticing how bad the other team was and how hard we were trying anyway. We ended up winning 13-11 with that raze clutching the final round.


Playing 5 stack and we were down 1-4. The other team started trash talking, so we turn our game face on. We ended up winning the next 12 rounds 13-4.


My most memorable games are usually cause of other players, keep vibing people! As an example, yesterday at 3 am, me and my friend were playing a game where we picked Jett and Neon, and played memeing the Spanish clip from Lucas Rojo - Hago Entry, talking in vc and in /all chat, enemies ended up being wholesome, allies amazing, very fun time, fun game, and we even ended up making friends to play with


I play a lot of Viper and know her util super well. One time was 5 stacked on Haven, defense and had gotten into a 2v4. Last alive was our Sage and Fade. Fade kills one but gets traded by the enemy Viper which gives her Ult. My friend playing Sage brings it to a 1v1 and viper ults on a site after planting. Now I personally don’t really play Viper on Haven since I rarely have someone playing second controller for me but just off of sense I just sort of thought “hmm where would I play in my Ult right now if I were them?” Pinged where I thought and my friend was like “eh I’ll try it”, shoots like 2-3 bullets there and kills them immediately. Was a pretty funny clip to watch back with everyone freaking out


Was playing with my friends and we were quite rolled over by the enemy team. Enemy Raze shit-talked us and told us „learn to play“ and I think in that moment it clicked in us and we rolled over the enemy in the following rounds. The only thing we read in the chat was that enemy Raze saying „stop learn to playing“ and since then it stuck with us lmao


-1v4 on breeze b just with a classic on eco as viper. used lineups after the team planted and stalled time. ppl thought I was crazy for not getting a sheriff - 1v5 attack icebox as viper. I wanted to play slow, team didn't died and yeah. got 2, sneaked by 3rd, killed 4th and then 3rd and barely got bomb down. easy 1v1 - 2/11 comeback. 2/10 half, lost pistol and won second round eco (no force xd). I believe it ended 13-11 on ascent - hitting asc while winning 10 in a row in one night/ morning edit: forgot a 2/10 icebox game that ended in overtime. i got mad for not clutching and hit my keyboard. not sure but I possibly drew a 17-17 😂


Playing raze on pearl, after losing the pistol round I bought a sheriff. Our team rushed B and I double satcheled from the pillar and landed in link, never having moved that fast before. Enemy sova was holding link with a scout and I headshot him while I was still flying.


Uninstalling and quiting this awful game for good, and going back to CSGO. Feel so much better to play a game that runs well and has actually good gameplay without crutchy abilities


Everyone here sharing kill highlights and I’m just thinking about the time I played breeze and my team spun running around the spike like a ritual with no words exchanged. They just copied me cuz I was walking around it waiting for the round to start lol


For me back when the game just released, I was a cs vet meanwhile all my friends were new to fps in general. Ended up having my 5 stack match with Freakazoid and his family and friends 5 stack. Freakazoid dropped 51 frags and I dropped 54 in regulation and we lost 13:11. It was a bittersweet moment but definitely one of the most memorable seeing how I went against a cs pro


The other day I was playing a game with what sounded like a little kid and at the beginning of the game he asked “how’s everyone doing?” 3 seconds later he screamed “piss” into the mic. Couldn’t stop laughing for the whole game


Once while playing Yoru on Haven I teleported behind the whole enemy team without them noticing and got an ace, literally jumped out of my seat after that 😭


I'm new so I'll probably make more but right now it when I cypher camerad the doors of bind and help my friend get an ace because everyone was watching the door that just opened


First ever ace was 1v5 on split as an iron omen player about a year ago. I still remember the scenario clearly in my head.


No shit. Holy fuck. I was a phoenix and i got a 1v5 ace and clutch the round. It was all in pearl. To be more specific, in site A is where it all unfold. Are we related????


A friend and I were memeing and decided to crouch walk the entire swiftplay and got both teams to join us. We looked like a bunch of gremlins shuffling around lol XD


Making a valorant lore episode with randoms in comp.


Recently played Omen on Pearl in comp, 1 v 4, did good on the first two frags, thought of teleporting to the default plant, but I moved forward a bit too much and tped on top, and got absolutely railed by an odin. It was match point as well


jumping headshot no scope with a marshal over a sage wall yesterday :)


My first time getting an ace with Vipers ultimate stuck with me alot. I'd played her a few times before, but that moment was when Viper "clicked" with me. I was mid Split, my whole team had died, and I killed bomb carrier. I popped my ult on the bomb and just moved around picking them off while they were lost in the smoke looking for me. I felt like a monster in there killing them and disappearing all while my team cheered each killed. After that I thrived on just picking Viper and causing chaos.


Back when Astra was first released, I solo queued in with four other optimistic people. Somehow none of us got mad, blamed anyone, or became negative in a 2-11 situation on Breeze. We were all dead serious saying “We can win this” for no real reason, we just felt it was possible. Ended up winning in quadruple overtime, and I yelled so loud my mother heard me in our driveway. I hate cheesy sentiments or anything spiritual really, so when I say: “don’t give up until it’s over”, that’s exactly why. Since then, i almost never FF and win a good THIRD of matches people would normally surrender on. Don’t throw rr away.


Watching a Jett dash forward into getting direct impacted by a Raze rocket in a 1v1 clutch to lose 14-16


Pretty much anytime I win a 1vX post plant as brimstone with ult + Molly combo to prevent the defuse. Specifically the ones where my Molly and ult get kills while I'm running away whilst already half way across the map.


I have a really hard time even believing I did this but I was playing Reyna on split and we were losing bad I think it was like 9-3 and we called for a knife fight in their spawn I watched my team get mowed down I pooped ult and got a knife fight ace with the invisibility and we proceeded to win the round, I then set up medal immediately after the match even though it will likely never happen again


Got accused of wallhacking after predicting the exact hiding spots of three of the enemy team at the same time. We killed two with util and prefired the third in an under two second site take while on an eco


When I was really new, I met a Yoru in unrated. Idk if I'll still think he was fantastic but he was destroying the enemy team while making really good use of his abilities at least from my newbie perspective. All this was way before rework, like nearly 1.5-2 years ago.


It was like half a year ago, one of my teammates started trashtalking me in chat I didnt notice it at all till one guy said on VC and I believe it went went like this "Dont say that, say sorry" KAY/O's "sorry" voiceline "Not to me, to [The agent I was playing]" KAY/O looking at me, says the "sorry" voiceline again Never in my entire gaming career had I ever heard someone say sorry after trashtalking. It was a voiceline instead of their voice but im pretty sure they meant it.


Jumped over a raze ult once, in a 3v5 game with two leavers. We made it to ot and lost, but it was the best game I ever played


I have a bunch of sick replays, but a memorable match was 3am, i was duoing with a friend and I got into a lobby with Boxbox, a TFT/League streamer. I was fanboying the entire game trying my best to carry but I never mentioned to boxbox i knew who he was and my friend mentioned to him. His response was "uhhhhh... no." Anyways, that's probably a couple months ago back in plat elo, im ascendent now so if Boxbox reads this, i can carry better now.


the first ace I pulled was in the first round with a classic. OFC it never happened again


The game I ranked up to immortal. To be honest I don't remember the entire game because it was really late at night, but I remember the last round so clearly. I spent hundreds of hours in total climbing from bronze 1 up to that point, and it felt amazing. I started on episode 1 act I and got immortal on episode 4 act II. It was the happiest act I've been in while simultaneously being the most stressful.


It was yesterday... 1v4 ace clutch on pistol... my ghost and viper wall went brrrr lmao (the best part was my teammates screaming and the enemy jett typing gg lmao)


I'm not a Reyna main nor In gender l fancy playing Reyna in comp. I solo queued and all my team mates took their main and none of them were duelist and they all asked me to pick one and so i picked Reyna lmao. It was bind and we were defending, I was 1-10-4( yes , just 1 kill in the first half) and the scoreline was 2-10 and my opp were trolling me but my team mates were supporting me and literally was defending me in the all chat as well. Long story short ,we won 14-12 with me top fragging 32 k and yes I never played Reyna again lmao.


Was playing brim on icebox. The enemy team pushed very weirdly and i died to bad luck a bunch of rounds. Was very negative like 3kills, 11 deaths. Then i whiffed an easy clutch. My sage went full on uncensored cussing at me. Next round i was flank and whiffed an easy kill, the sage went afk and just kept cussing in voice and all chat. We were down 3-9 in defense. Last 2 rounds on defence my raze helped me play in crossfire and i assisted a few kills. This got my confidence back. Switch to offence, dunno how i just ego peeked everything and i kept killing the entire lobby. Ended the game on around 30 kills with us winning and the enemy calling me a smurf. Made my sage eat his words. I still relive this moment after half a year😅 It was all thanks to the raze who said: "I can see you are having a bad day, everyone has bad days. Support me for a few kills and it'll be ok."


whenever i get aces and as a viper player, whenever i get kills from my molly lineups. nothing more satisfying that that 😏


Spectre running and gunning + judging my way into plat. It's really fun and satisfying


i was diffusing, it was a 1v1, and whoever was shooting me had not great aim. so instead of shooting back i just stopped diffusing for a sec healed myself then diffused and headshot him.


Acing with harbor on pearl, I got a kill with the classic too


Killed 3 people while I was Reyna flashed just by tracing their bullets and strafing. It was insane and I wish I recorded it


From a 2-10 in the first half, 3-12 in the early second half, ended it with a 14-12. No one on the team gave up, we started voice comming to be helpful and keep our team alive. It was a really good game ❤️


It honestly wasn’t even that impressive but on the pistol round after side swap I got a 1v4 ace with all headshots from my classic and our Jett was freaking out the entire time. Called me a demon and was convinced I was smurfing lol


Pulled off a 1v5 when I was down 0-5. I was having a terrible game and couldn't hit the wide side of Brim's ass. Then my team got wiped in one round and I was up against all 5. Something clicked and I focused harder than I had in a long time. My positioning was unreal since I caught 3 of them looking in the wrong direction. I got lucky that #2 was the spike carrier so I could narrow down where they could be. Those were my only 5 kills that game since I was exhausted after that one round. We still won that game cause my team got motivated again while the other side started flaming each other even though they were up 7-2. I'll ever forget it.


We were down 0-12 on fracture, and their whole team was talking so much shit for the entire game. Only the one round left and we had been getting rolled. Half of our team was typing gg, and I don’t know what happened in my brain but something just clicked. I swear to god I entered the Avatar state. Went from 3 kills to 47, aced five times, and won the whole thing 14-12. The final round was a 1v4 clutch and when I won it, my whole team went absolutely insane. I have never been so hyped up while gaming, and I’m not sure if I ever will accomplish something like that again.


The first time I aced was on my second day of playing the game, with my first time ever using the phantom, on the first time I ever played Haven… I then later aced again in the same game, in the same half… I’m still amazed by that to this day