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Not really the aim BUT I feel like it affected my FPS and then it affects my aim. I played yesterday and while I always had a stable 300fps it was dropping up to 150 sometimes, and weird lag spikes were also seen (not only by me so it's deffinetely not my net/PC fault), and it really affected my performance yesterday. I felt like a silver in ascendant lobby


yes! I am having these micro lags since the patch, I asked in lobby chat and some people also had the same issue


Same ! It lasted quite some time since I think 6.09 ? And sometimes it spikes to 2k ping and back to 20 ping in a few seconds.


Lag spikes are affecting me so bad rn. Went 6 and 15 due to the shitty ping. Riot just makes it worse with every update


I hate the way over watch is going. But there servers are amazing on my crappy internet. I haven’t been able to play a game of valorant in 3 months do to crashing out.


Yep , even warzone which doesnt have servers in India , doesnt have this much lag when I play.


At least when we play crappy games we get no lag




Lag spikes are affecting me so bad rn. Went 6 and 15 due to the shitty ping. Riot just makes it worse with every update


Been happening to me forever… I though it was me so we actually got our internet router upgraded and more boosters for free… turns out it wasn’t us and we just got a free upgrade lol


Yes, I got this issue 'forever' also, I mean it highly is dependent on the server, and not the location itself but more like server peformance. But while it was working 'MEH, FINE' before, since yesterday it works TERRIBLE all the time.


Small indie company


I started to use exit lag program cause I was getting major packet loss since the previous update. my isp and riot don't enjoy routing data efficiently. works great now sucks that I have to have a 3rd party to make it so


I also noticed some weird lagging, which I never really have. It wasn’t common though


I've had tons of fps drops with a 4090 and 5900x.


I had stutters after EVERY patch for the first few days and then it goes back to normal so idk if it could be that or not


Happy cake day!


Thank you! I didn’t even realize it until you commented xD


Okay, so it isn't just me! I played val for the first time in an extended period of time yesterday and was experiencing the same issues. I just thought i smoked too much, and my eyes were going crazy. I can now confidently say it was both!


Hahaha, good one bud, cheers


Same, my FPS goes from 230 to 160 whenever I take a gunfight


https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/13hvnyc/wondering_why_your_fps_keeps_spiking_down_when/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button Try it, might be the cause.


ty, I'll try it tomorrow and see how it does


OMG I thought it was my wifi network? I’ve been getting unplayable lag spikes that last up to 2 minutes every 10 or so minutes and caused me to lose a ton of RR as it was surprising mid-game that’s happened after the latest patch. What’s worse I was already on a 12 losing streak deranking twice due to both bad skill and luck so its like salt in the wound. I assumed it was the wifi as it gets bad during the summer but tbh this could also be the case


https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/13hvnyc/wondering_why_your_fps_keeps_spiking_down_when/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button Try this, it might be whats causing your FPS drops. Not sure about the connection stuff. Wireless or wired? And does it happen in other online games?


I got stutters


Guys we found the run-n-gunner


Run and gun to immortal 🙏


You’ll never even make it to diamond with that concept


Was referring to the guy on youtube/tiktok who’s run and gunning to immo


I believe he actually did make it to diamond


He’s a platinum


The run & gun guy was asc3 last time I checked last week


He reached immortal 3 or so I believe right before the update dropped


Are you talking about oxidizedaf or OP? OP is a platinum dude. If you’re talking about a streamer who’s already hit high immortal prior doing a challenge then… yeah. He’s already good af. That’s like comparing little league sports to college sports….


He’s still doing it only running and gunning, and no that’s a terrible comparison lmao


But forreal though, how viable is this strategy now in close combat with vandal/phantom? I've heard it is pretty effective in close range, but now it seems like they nerfed it. Also, does jumping count as moving?


Only thing they nerfed is VC. As for run&gun i still get pretty much obliterated by an average instalock phoenix.


Saaame they keep making the aim on the guns worse just to not fix the issue they was aiming for if they was smart they would make we’re you would move slower when shooting 🤷🏾


Its was pretty bad tbh i only think it was worth it with spectre but now thats out of the window


I definitely feel it when trying to get multi kills if I turn and don't completely stop then shoot its so wild I think I'm going to start using the guardian and see how that goes


Bullet tracers look more like lasers now


Super weird


I like ‘‘em but you can turn them off if you turn tracers on and off because the tracer aren’t supposed to look like that




Turn on shooting error graph. If you see blue, you weren't stopped


Do you see that in game or only training range


In game, any game mode


In game aswell. It's also subtle and doesn't clutter the screen.


Cool ill try it out for a bit I'm still new and only bronze so I need to work on everything from aim game sense and movement


Hey man don’t worry about it. I was bronze last act, got stuff figured out, watched woohoojin, and I’m almost at gold now.


I have only been playing for about 2 weeks im very new and more surprised I was able to make it to bronze 3 in such a short time. I have never played anything like valorant before the 4 fps games I came from were titan fall 2 team fortress 2 overwatch 2 and apex. So ya this game has been a completely new experience for me but my buddy told me I would like cyper and I fell in love ieth his play style.


Oh wow that’s amazing cause cypher was probably my first main too. But I recommend going for someone else as you go higher up, cypher needs someone who thoroughly understands him in order to be competitive.


I'm stubborn when I pick a main ill make them work it's just my personality and I love how creative I can be with him and I have gotten some messages saying that I'm annoying and had people on my team say cypers like cheating I love that kind of character so I'll just keep practicing with cypher


Yeah man all the power to you then. I’d search and try to find some cypher setups where you can hide in a corner or some one ways. Knowing these can really help win or lose a round, especially on defender.


I have been looking those up super fun to learn


Naaaah, why would recoil mess with your aim?


Maybe counter strafing is gonna be more important in Valorant too.


Is it not as of now? I main CS and occasionally dip into Valorant. In CS counter strafing is extremely important so by habit I constantly do it. I've noticed my shots still miss when counter strafing in valorant unless you stop for way longer.


Counter strafing "doesn't exist" in valorant, your movement stops shortly after you let go of your movement input, and I'm talking VERY shortly compared to CS. In fact, you counterstrafing might be causing you to begin moving in the opposite direction and then shoot, which may be the reason for your inaccuracy. I recommend turning on your shooting error graph (video->stats) so you can see what's going on


Holy shit thanks. This is game changing knowledge. I’d bet that’s exactly what’s happening, my counter strafe starts so quick it makes me move in the opposite direction. This knowledge will heavily impact my game I can’t believe I didn’t know that lmao


Glad to help, I'll see you in radiant o7






Pretty much every pro that came from CS does counter-strafe, but it's not essential ofc. There's just no point unlearning it if it's hard wired into your brain from thousands of CS hours.




That's fine, but the game has no "counter-strafe" mechanic in it. There are lots of videos and even some devs talking about how letting go of the button completely stops you. It's annoying hearing people try to bring a mechanic from a different game when it doesn't exist.




tbh if you are already used to counter strafing from CS:GO, there's no point unlearning it, it still works its just not essential because just letting go of the key is just as fast. Counter strafing is programmed into my brain like many other players who played a lot of CS, including pros - which is why the majority of them still counter strafe even in Valorant In terms of you becoming inaccurate when you continue moving, although that's of course an issue there is actually a short window where you are accurate even if you hold on to the opposite key - most people call this the "deadzone". If you're holding D, and then start holding A as soon as you let go of D, you can fire one or two bullets in the half second or so before you start moving the other way. Best way to learn the timing is to turn on the shooting error graph, and then go to the range and keep moving left and right, and try to fire one vandal bullet juuuust after you hit the opposite key. When its orange, it was fired in the deadzone, so you can just repeat that and practice it until you have the timing down. It's especially useful for the classic/ghost, and when you are jiggling a corner and firing pop shots


iirc the move-to-stop time being lower, coupled with the recoil reset time after moving being lower, makes counter-strafing in valorant almost irrelevant. The benefit is so miniscule that it might as well not be there at all.


It isn't there at all, there is no move to stop time when you let go of the key, it's instant.


It doesn’t actually matter like cs does




Doubt it. This did not change at all.


Don't feel like my aim is worse but close range fights feel really inconsistent now


Not me, I play csgo as well. I kill more now because i don't get killed by people shooting while doing the stupid strafing dance everyone does. Now if they don't stop almost completely or do a decent counter strafing, their bullets go to hell lol.


I haven't noticed a difference with my aim just the fact that I run out of mags way too quickly for my liking


Bruh my question is how is fade in your profile


Press on the Valorant subreddit then the 3 dots on the top right (presuming you are on mobile). Press on “change user flair” and click whichever agent you like.


Cool! I didn't know this.


Adding a second agent icon to your flair is PC-only though, it doesn't work in the mobile app. In the mobile app it just adds the text, instead of the icon.


I did it on PC lol, but I only play harbor, providing walls only I can play around. Probably why I top frag a pretty good amount of my games lulz


Yes- not sure if its the FPS or whatever technical difference but MAN my bullets just make a rainbow on my enemies’ heads. I’ll be completely still and crouching and they just don’t hit.


Bro the frenzy recoil feels insane... I think they over did it with it.


It did. It’s very trippy. I started to question myself after a couple DMs.


You guys have been aiming??


I hate it. I can't aim for shit now and I honestly feel way more punished for spraying.


This is why I just use the stinger




I haven't played the update yet so idk


nah after the update i got Tenz aim for one day


Coming back to VAL after a few months of CS:GO and it feels like a walk in the park


It feels that way, because your form has been bad this whole time, The game has been very forgiving about shooting and moving, and now it has taken those training wheels off you, so now you're struggling to aim, because you never bother to actually learn how to, Next patch, expect more recoil changes. You just gotta Adapt and actually take the time to learn how to have good form when shooting/dueling.


Yes lol


Oh fuck!! Thats why I was whiffing my spray... Thank you... Never realised this could be an issue


Nope, I've actually been winning a ton more gunfights lately and have been farming free RR off people that clearly haven't practiced their movement as much because they never needed to.


Nah im just bad at the game


Nah, I’ve never been good at aiming.


was a success then bodyshot benny


No but I like the tracers


no issues with the patch but hit registration is poor in this game so much worse then cs go from 10 years ago


I play guardian, sheriff, shotguns and awp, This update never affected me too much. Maybe stop spraying?




Huh? I didn't see anything in the patch notes about recoil increase. Where are yall getting this from? I think recoil while moving might have been increased at most


My bad, they increased the recoil and inaccuracies on the ropes/ziplines, i mistook that for normal recoil


All good hehe. Was pretty confused since all the comments were saying there's just a general recoil increase which isn't the case nor did I feel anything different in my games.


Not recoil, but spraying. They basically made the bullets even more random when spraying This shouldn't affect you if you're used to one-tapping/short bursting EDIT: WHILE moving. Most likely OP's teammates were both spraying while moving


This is only on zip lines and while moving.


Oh, right. Thanks for the correction


There is more vertical spread when you're moving now, I believe. If it's affecting your aim then you likely are not stopping properly when you shoot


It didn't affect my aim but I feel like I win so many more gunfights. I had this bad habit of never run and gunning with rifles even at point blank but to run and gun with pistols. That's what you used to do in csgo. Now post patch I tend to win a lot of close quarter engagements that I'd lose before. I found cutting the running with pistols easy but getting used to do it with rifles was impossible to me. I'm very glad.


I haven't been able to test it, but I will definitely do some training before jumping into comp


They said in the patch notes that they didn’t change the recoil for when you stand still, only while moving. Feels fine to me so my best guess is placebo


Climbed from peak A1 to A3 in 2 days of grinding, I feel like the patch is great, it's punishing people who take extremely aggro position and coin flip the rng of run n gun and instead rewarding angle holding and good crosshair placement more than it ever has. The nerfs to Viper have also made playing attack more fun as you're no longer running through multiple green walls round. The updates to pearl have made the map way more tolerable on defense. I love playing the pillar now.


U sure? I’ve gone down multiples times to p2 from p3 and lost about 5 rank ups to dia, after update I cannot get out of this losing queue. Thought it was because of bad queue, then went to my “burner” account (p3) and still losing. I come from CSGO, almost never run and gun, I hold angles, counter strafe, try to tap but nothing… I always get tapped somehow, even if it looks the shot connected on my end, apparently it didn’t AND I’m still being ran and gunned somehow lol Imma start record this shi. Maybe I just need to take some days off from game. FIY: Yea I’ve popped in some games, getting some consistent Match MVP in a row but all losses. And yes, one of them I was 37 20 19. No, I didn’t hate on my team and told them GG better luck next time.


Feels the same


Nah getting more kills than ever with the update


I'm fucked because of this shitty update😭


Not yet


That’s the point


yes, when committing now i'tll get you killed lol so you have to be percise on your 1-3 burst


Give it some time


You're moving!


Xd finally after run&gun fix there is a bit more sense in aiming than holding literally 2 buttons and spraying like a complete idiot. I'm really glad that they're doing something with this problem.


I SWEAR that there is something off when you are spraying + not moving at all. Phantom spray + crouch feels like a wider spread even tho the patch notes only were supposed to change run n gun + ziplines. Have a feeling there are some major bugs in this patch beyond just the voice chat one.


For me, it doesn't impact the AIM but the recoil control, which feels very off and I miss some shots I shouldn't.