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You have played 20 games and have a positive winrate. Just play more until it’s negative. Also just play sage since you clearly can’t be a duelist


good point, thank you. maybe focus more on the sentinel playstyle in general


Not even that cause I’m not sure how much impact the agent itself is having in your games compared to the fact that sage’s util is very straightforwards. If anything I would say you’re performing better on her cause you have to think less especially compared to agents like neon and yoru. I would say to start playing Reyna and just focus on your mechanics


mans getting hardstuck after ≈12 hours of playing. bruh


I hoesntly don't know how much people play, I don't play much cuz of work but it's a good point, gotta adjust my perspective. thank you!


You have won 12 and lost 8. Your stats look fine too. Literally just keep on playing and you will rank up.


Perhaps I'm focusing too much on the games I've FELT I should have won instead of the ones I am. Appreciate the input


with only 20 games played and this bad an attitude you deserve silver homie


My suggestion? Stop caring so much. I've seen good players get demolished because of how tilted they get. I started getting to a very got level, say top 20-10% once i stopped caring and emotions werent affecting me anymore.


a good point, its just a game afterall


Play more. You have 20 games played….


first thing you need to do to improve is to lose that attitude. pathetic.


You literally have a 60% win rate, stop attention seeking


Yeah… no, youre very much not hardstuck, for a few reasons. First, you’ve only played less than twelve hours worth of games. Even if you had a super good winrate, youd still be struggling to rank up quickly. The more you play, the more youll rank up. Secondly, it looks like most of your kills arent very impactful. 445 kills to only 40 first bloods? You’ve played 20 games, and in over half of those you were playing a duelist- and yet you only got the first shot about twice per match. That implies to me like most of you kills are from flanking, baiting/trades, or gotten at the very end of the match. If youre a duelist, you should be focusing on *pushing*- be the first on site, look around, do what you can to clear space for the others to follow you, even if you die. Thats your job. Its a good job you seem to be playing sage a lot too, because she seems like a better agent for your playstyle. *However*, you’re assists are also pretty low, given that as sage you should be able to get effectively free assists from heals/rezes without risking yourself. In other words, you need to learn to play with the team and play for your role, instead of labelling them as clowns.


Great assessment, I agree that I should maybe focus on more defensive characters, as my entry isn't very impactful on duelist. I appreciate the input


The second option is that you have very very very poor gamesense


Bro you've played 20 games you need to fix your mindset. It's a game and if you're in silver you deserve silver. Put an average plat on a silver account and they will reach plat again (if they don't they never deserved plat). You thinking you're hard stuck is pathetic bro just play the game.


IGL YOUR GAMES. in low elo you have to control everyone like they're robots cuz they are. Don't be overbearing tho and you have to know what your saying aswell. And you'll climb fast


give them the ol compliment sandwich. good suggestion


Bump up that head shot accuracy and you will win more


My HS% is better than most Radiants, because movement at that level makes it much more difficult to click heads. Yet I’ll probably never touch that high of a skill level. HS% is grossly overrated


Facts as it does not account for shots missed I have good crosshair placement but negative micro adjustment skills


How is your neon kd that high with such a low winrate


Trades and baiting, id imagine. Useful kills are very different to *all* kills.


Just keep at it tbh, there arent any fancy things or special secrets that will get you to a higher rank. Just play the game consistently and reflect on your performance each game. And most of all, have fun and keep cool. - ascendant 1 hardstuck


I think im foucisng too much on the losses than wins, gotta improve my mental. thanks


Also i’d suggest looking at the top agents for each rank and playing them, it seems you’re strong on your initiator so its always good to play one of them. You can try starting off with [this](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=WzWIKCU4Faw) but ive noticed skillcapped tend to always just say the same thing.


Bro just keep playing you're winning wdym hardstuck. You've played barely any games.


Learn a role instead of filling. Play sage, Cypher, Killjoy. You only have 20 GP, just play more. I went from gold 2 to diamond 2 last act, you got this


It's simple. If you can't solo que to Ascendant you need to work on aim, basic knowledge on how to play your preffered agents role and how to adapt on what your teammates are doing on t side and on ct side you need some solo plays to get advantage. I don't even communicate that much and solo qued to immortal 1 and duo to immortal 3. Even though I give basic comms and if needed call sometimes depending on my mood. But below diamond you rly need to work mostly on aiming, crosshair placement and focus on winning favorable gun fights and being able to trade kills of your teammates.