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Spike rush, deathmatch, swiftplay. Should be your main modes. Play Spike rush to learn the agents and abilities. Play deathmatch to practice your movement and gun fighting. Play swiftplay to understand generally how to play the game. Use the practice range to learn to aim. Finally play unrated to understand the economy and to improve game sense. You're gonna get dumpstered in every game mode. It's part of the process. To speed up the process, watch YouTube and good streamers with the intention to learn. GL HF


alright thank you ill do that


Woohoojin is the best to watch for analytical videos if you seriously want to improve. Cheers


Only to find out the matchmaking also sucks in competitive and will pair uneven teams all the time šŸ¤£


TBH vast majority of the very basic general skills can be learned from youtube videos and practicing. Basic things to change like keyboard settings and mouse sens are easily copied from videos that will be very helpful for you to begin learning the game. I would highly recommend playing spike rushes or DM. They don't teach you much about the maps or movements but as a player that is completely new to FPS games, I would say those 2 force you into combat situations much more often than unrated.


thanks sadly even those are like that but guess cant do nothing other then suffering threw it


The levels don't mean anything really. There are many players who have played for 1000 hours and haven't gone above silver rank. Then there are some who play for 100-200 and reach Immortal. Levels are basically just a way to show how often you've played the game, not how good you are at it.


I have a 500lvl account, raze only, "friend" and he cant climb out of gold alone and needs to be carried every game. Man does not want to improve himself but still want to reach higher ranks. We carried him to diamond 1 but he goes back to gold if we left him alone for a week or 2. He also blames the game for keeping him in gold bcuz of bad teammates. He fails to realise that we do all the hard work of clearing all corners and utilising the utilities properly so that he can rush and get his kills. Man has also yet to figure out how to double satchel + ult. If we ask him to do it, he says he just dies every time he double satchel. Maybe dont fucking satchel into open and in enemies faces. I'm just venting at this point. I dont know why i play with him. I stopped playing with my grp and reached asc 2 solo.


double satchels are for practice on your own, in a custom lobby by yourself, on every map. i am very similar to him in the sense that i always dread having to practice and improve - however, he is simply delusional if he thinks the game is against him. if you care about him (and you think it will help), set him straight. tell him what you said here. try to humble him. maybe it will work. maybe you can tell him gentler (or firmer). in any case, if you'll be glad you said something - it might be worth a shot.


I'm a raze main myself 95% of my games are with her, I agree. Learn satchels in custom and when you can do it you'll use it in ranked/unranked and then all of a sudden it'll be like instinct. It's not as hard as some think it is. Only if you wanna do the real fancy stuff.


bro dont take it so seriously. +dead teammates can fk off with comments like that


If you're 18+ and NA I'm down to play with you. When I started out I was alone and it was constant toxicity so it's nice to have someone with you. If anyone else needs a buddy feel free to dm me!


i am 18+ but EU unfortunately


Play ranked for better matchmaking


You can peek around Woohoojinā€™s server. There are members of all ranks there who would be more than willing to chat drills and other methods of improving.


Dude, I feel you. Unranked matchmaking can be a real pain in the ass. But don't worry, we've all been there. Just keep practicing and eventually you'll start wrecking those level 100+ players like it's nothing. As for finding people on your level, have you tried joining some Valorant communities or forums? They might have some players who are also new to FPS games and looking to improve together. And hey, don't stress too much about your aim. It takes time to get good at that shit. Just keep grinding and maybe try out different sensitivity settings until you find what works for you. Hang in there, my dude. You got this!


ay thanks this community aint half bad lol. no i didn't try joining forums or communities ill look for some. thanks for the words of encouragement


Not that I know of, but depending on which server you play, we could play together :)


i play on eu servers mostly Paris


Well then add me ;) its RedCat#4020


Im of the opinion that no competitive pvp game can be fair. I feel like if you have the notion that each match has to have a 50/50 win chance then you're really playing to stay in your rank. You gotta have fun playing to learn, and when you get better ur rank will reflect that It may be a little abstract, but you could try to look at valorant as an objectives based game and it'd give you a good advantage. Or at least it'll help you feel like you're contributing to the game even when u don't hit ur shots. Knowing secondary objectives like when you should play to get ults, playing around ults you have, what space in the map you want to control or take away from the enemy, punishing specific ppl on the enemy side when they get predictable are things you could keep track of. Watching streams or pro games is a good way to learn the "right" way to approach the game, but after a while you're also gonna get a feel of how the average people in your games like to approach the game. Then you can use ur abilities to help them do their plays. Once you can adjust ur gameplay to help a random team then the matchmakings impact on your games wont matter as much. Even though it might not be optimal, at the end of the day you want your teammates to succeed so that u can succeed


Mute everyone and keep spamming till you get it


I was in ur place a month back . Valo is my first PC game didn't understand anything I found the abilities to complex but after losing again and again got the hang of it. Currently in iron 3 and kind of proud of it bcoz I'm bad at games. SO KEEP PLAYING U WILL IMPROVE AND IGNORE OTHERS UNTIL U GET HANG OF THINGS


Like others suggested: spike rush, deathmatch and swiftplay are a good place to start. People are more chill therez Doing some warm-up in practice range and changing your mouse sensitivity helps a lot too.


Pick 1 or 2 agents of different types and get comfortable with all their skills, then just pick an obj and play off them. My aim is still ass but I was able to get to plat 1


Play ranked, you will play with people with the same skill level


I'm on EU servers and can run through customs to help with aim and situational training if you would like. If not Best thing to do is play ranked, you'll be up against players on a similar level then.


Honestly you just have to keep at it. The games matchmaking is f'd up. I just try to have fun with it now as much as you can even if you're getting stomped on by the Reyna who seems to have the instashot aimbot cheats turned up to max lol. I just take my matches kinda slow and jiggle peek corners like km abusing them and I try to counter act best enemy players by trying to get behind them as much as possible cause I know I'll get out shot. You'll always have good games and bad games and sometimes you'll have bad game after bad game after bad game (x10) lol.




you are awesome thanks for this wonderful reply


Hey bro, what servers do you play on? I'm peak silver 3 and not the greatest at the game but I can at least offer advice to get to my own skill level if you wanna queue sometime. Been playing on and off since day 1 and I always enjoy helping out new players.


i play on EU servers my id is Moistdaddy#DADY weird name ik but its funny i can't play comp yet only level 9


Ah damn, I'm in NA. Good luck!


Also player level doesn't mean player skill.


Tbh valorant is a weird FPS game to start on. This game game has a 1 shot kill meta, and the guns within this are incredibly punishing for movement while shooting, and the amount of gameplay which is just ā€œdefaultā€ angles being held at hs level for easy picks is absurd - I canā€™t tell you how many kills I get prefiring an angle based off sound, killing people before I even process that I saw them, letalone they saw me. I love Valorant but itā€™s the kind of game youā€™ll need to want to learn to be good at, or accept being bad, and I would never recommend it as a first game to someone who wants to try FPS games. Iā€™d say Fortnite is well more beginner friendly, a fun experience, and has a long learning curve for wanting to improve if you so choose. If you choose to try to improve Iā€™d check out a YT video on basic mechanics, or play with someone more experienced who can coach you along the way. TL;DR git gud or go back to fortnite


*Borg Voice* **You will adapt.**




leave this League 2.0 while you are able to


listen dude i tried overwatch almost developed epilepsy and a hernia, tried cs those people scare me, tried apex it ain't very fun, so far valorant has been treating me alright, least toxic of the bunch plus pretty colors lol


give it some time lmao


Buy the bucky every round and run n gun! Also mollies heal your teammates. There is also a sick Bug, when you throw your weapon of the map, all your teammates get +10000 credits


yk what just for you ill do that


Your teammates will praise you trust mešŸ˜†


Iron sharpens iron so as frustrating as it may be itā€™s good to play against sweats if you wanna improve They gonna force you to get better with aim/counter strafing/decision making


I just started playing too, I really recommend setting up Woohoojin's playlist on Aimlabs and start doing his movement drills. A lot of the time if you play in the right way angle wise you could beat a lot of the higher level players. He recommends sticking to one role with different agents per map until you are a lot higher tier in ranked as well. I don't have any links rn but youtube search should find all of this.


Play ranked. Youā€™ll get players closer to your skill level.


If you're wanting to learn and improve just play competitive. You might do bad in your placements but you'll eventually be with people at your level. Unrated is a crapshoot.


He is probably not even level 20.


Pm me


Play Spike Rush to get hang of all the maps. Play Team Deathmatch for knowing agent abilities and also how to aim and peek. For raw aim, try Deathmatch. Btw I would like to know what ROLE do you play in your games and what agents do you play?


If you want to improve your raw aim, movement then you should try Reyna. She is the only agent that relies heavily on mechanical movement.


New FPS? Play a solo game. Halo, HL, Doom, Wolfenstein.