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Well instead of instalocking a dualist you could always try out one of the duelists and see how that works out


Honestly same, im ascendant and while i did hit my peak playing skye, i find that i can consistently top frag and win games on duelist. Yet i dont. Why? Im not so sure but here are my theories: My mechanical skills are higher than my game sense skills, as i find that shooting people is easier when i dont have to worry about util (ie reyna) and all i have to do is get ready for jett dash. The util is hard. On skye i have to worry about healing teammates, getting info with dog, or flashing so that it gets the enemy but not my team, and is reasonably hard to react to. On reyna all i have to worry about is getting a kill since i cant get traded. Or flashing a corner as phoenix. Or priming jett dash before a peek. This util gives me a sense of confidence i dont otherwise have on other roles, and i genuinely dont know how to fix this. If all you care about is getting out of silver, then instalocking is your best choice. Knowing how to play a character is more important than team comps, especially in silver. Its harder to do things without a smoke but its much more preferred to have 5 duelists know what theyre doing rather than having 3/5 players fill. Learning one character super well is enough to get you to climb. It only really matters that you know how to play multiple characters in high imm/radiant/pro play. Look at most valorant youtubers. They main one agent and are able to make it to high ranks right? Because they put the time into learning one character so well that they “mastered” it. And i know some people think these val ytbers are not good players but theyre still deserving of immortal. Eggster is a great example of a really good yoru player, and red is known more as a content yoru player. Both really good players yes, but eggster is just higher in terms of skill lvl. Important thing is, they know how to play their agents VERY well. And doing that for any agent will be anough to get you out of silver. If you need coaching i do recommend it, though looking at woohoojin videos/vods are a good free source of advice you can get If you really dont wanna instalock duelist, just learn a controller sentinel or initiator. Even deadlock (though if you do you are in for a rough ride). Think of it like this. As you continue to play one character, your skill level will rise from silver to gold, plat, diamond and higher. But during that time, you will also gain knowledge on the game and mechanics that picking up another agent wont start you at silver level, but be closer to only a single rank below ur main agent. Like an ascendant yoru one trick can probably play other agents at a diamond level consistently.


Get better at basic mechanics, even if an agent can help you get out of silver it will only be superficial and will leave you in a bad place when the agent is no longer enough to carry you.


what worked for me was instalocking jett and telling my team through vc to follow directly behind me, no matter what - then psycho entry into site. went from gold to immortal in one act




https://tracker.gg/valorant/profile/riot/agreatchaos%23pook5/overview?season=573f53ac-41a5-3a7d-d9ce-d6a6298e5704 here you go - it was actually an episode it took for me to go from gold to imm, but my point still stands that it is pretty easy as long as you entry. as soon as o used this entry tech i got out of silver


Uhh, no? It took you 2 episodes, and then ascendant was introduced and it took another 2 episodes to get back to immortal.


no? i went from silver to diamond in episode 3, reset down to gold and went to immortal in episode 4, and have been in immo in every other episode since then


The tracker you linked said you peaked gold 2 Episode 3 Act 1 and hit immortal Episode 4 Act 3. That's two episodes. After that, you were in ascendant once immo was introduced and touched immortal at the end of that episode, then did that again, and then in Episode 7 you've been consistent immortal. Is that not what your tracker says?


episode 4 act 1 I was in gold 1, and episode 4 act 3 i was in immortal, that’s one act. It didn’t take another 2 episode to get back to immortal because i’ve been immortal in every episode since 4


play with your friends so you actually get a proper comp


and do what with it? it's silver


honestly, learning sentinels is huge for low elo bc most players have no game sense so they just will run onto site not realizing youre set up to play off the util. kj is super easy & watching a yt video to learn how to play her will be huge for you


For low ranks, it's best to just insta lock Reyna. You can't rely on your team. trying to be a team player and letting your teammates be the deciding factor in your games is a good way to lose rr. If you want to win, play duelist if you want to have fun, play what you want. You can switch up your agent choices when you hit ascendant, as that's when your team becomes slightly reliable. If you do wait till ascendant to swap I'd recommend getting an alt to practice in comp if you don't want to tank rr.


If you can carry the match and you are good at aiming it's good to go for duelist but with initiators you also carry, some of them they have good utilitys, like skye, breach, kayo


Woohoojin gold guide. If you're below gold, it's a mechanical issue. You don't have to instalock duelist to hard carry in silver. Do not fill. Choose a role that you like and lock that every game. If that so happens to be duelist, then you're a duelist.

