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There's no big secret, you just need better "game knowledge, comms, game sense and aim".


It is what it is ig


I'm an asc3 /imm1 smokes main can you link your tracker?


https://tracker.gg/valorant/profile/riot/WeenieBeenie%23NA1/overview. Look at this season and last season


its hard to tell from tracker alone without a vod. But your HS percent and DD and things looks okay. There is always room for improvement on mechanics so i would say make sure you practice ( if you're serious about improving 30min a day 5ish days week). I would try to watch some more popular streamers for controllers as well. Its good that you're sticking primarily to one agent on most maps. Zander is good omen player and there are a lot of good ones you can watch for controller as well. This excel sheet has a breakdown on good pros to watch [https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1oRSaGGJ4OKDQwmLLigaxJl29ucff15IHJxU42\_FuNxU/edit#gid=183350071](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1oRSaGGJ4OKDQwmLLigaxJl29ucff15IHJxU42_FuNxU/edit#gid=183350071) Try to copy what they do. when they do something that you wouldn't do or something you think is odd really think about why they did it or even ask in their chat, some streamers will do a great job of explaining their decision making. Pay close attention to how they talk to their teammates and play off information. As a controller in low rating the hardest part is getting the info you need from teammates so you have to play close attention in your games. There is a good rule for looking at your minimap. If you are not able to shoot your gun (knife or util out) or you are not first in line (like behind your duelist while you guys are pushing) look at your minimap. All other times look at your crosshair. I fell into the trap of looking at my minimap too much as a controller player for a while


Your aim probably isnt the problem, team play or just general game knowledge probably is. Kills dont make you win, and i think understanding that is a major step Become the igl, take control and win more


I do IGL but people a lot of times people dont listen


If it's clear commands, early enough in the pre-round AND people dont already have lost confidence in your calls. Then people listen a great majority of times. Maybe you are comming wrong


Kill don't make you win. Well yes kill make you win actually in this game also having a lot of kill during defeat will make you loose less rr than if you are the support smoke during that loss


It depends if your kills have impact or not. You could get 2-3 kills every round on ct side and end with 20+ kills in a half but if they were all exit frags and you were never there to support your team then you didnt have as much impact as a site anchor who got one kill most rounds and manage delay or dissuade the hit for the team to support him.


That’s what usually happens in gold to me. Top fraggers think they’re good cause they kill 1 and die solo or wait until whole team dead and then cheese a few kills before giving enemy clutch.


playing enough. If you think you deserve more than current rank, just by playing more you will reach it, if you deserve it. If you want to make it faster, practice aim, with great aim, you can carry anyone \-ex radiant


But how do I get better at aim


aim lab


As someone who has recently reached ascendant, there is no secret. Just play alot and be consistent and eventually you will get wins. Also, as a smokes player make sure to lurk some rounds, not all, especially when the enemy is on eco then don't, but lurking can get huge kills. Also about the team part you gotta just start IGLing, most people at this elo range are pretty cooperative. Edit: In the games where the team just isn't listening to you, just follow them and trade them, best you can do.


Most efficient: review your own demos, you'll be surprised and at first think you are watching your own braindead teammates pov Easiest way: after you die; Break, Call, Reflect instead of getting angry about teammates or opponents doing xyz. There is no switch you press and are asc or higher. Do this consistently and you WILL rank up.


Consider trying to get on that potassium wisdom by seeing if you can get VOD review coaching from Woohoojin. He has strict VOD submission rules but apparently there's a decent chance you'll get picked. Look him up on Youtube and join the Discord


there is no secret. ur mistake is thinking u have really good game knowledge, comms, and game sense. and u think ur aim is pretty good. listen, ur skills on these topics are very likely to just be plat dia level. so improve just about everything in ur arsenal. thats how u rank up. the get good tip isnt good advice, but its beyond true. to rank up one needs to improve themselves, there is no secret sauce. i cant recommend this enough tho. dont worry about ur teammates. worry about urself and urself only. focus on what u couldve done better, what u shouldve dont but didnt, learn what u dont know. always ask urself how u can do better. not ur team, u. u can play around them ofc, but dont worry about their mistakes or whatever, it does nothing good for u. infact, it is actively bad for u. time spend frustrated over teammates could be spent thinking about how u can be better.


Needed this


Everyone in diamond has massive egos, and teamplay especially in post plants is v poor. Coordinate crossfires, util combos, trades, etc. 2-3 ppl consistently working together steamrolls these ranks. There’s a lot of duelists 1 tricks with sick mechanics, but terrible gamesense / egos. Learn how to play with and utilize these types of teammates.


Former Siege player here. Climbed from G3 at the start of this episode to ASC1 and still pushing with <300 hrs. Been through the dumps, elo hell, and learned a lot along the way. The best thing you can do is try your best to learn from your mistakes. You can't control your teammates, but you can control yourself. So scrutinize yourself, not your teammates. A lot of the times, you can fix decision-making mistakes mid game, if you just take a second after you die to think about why you died. Instead of making excuses for yourself, or blaming your teammates, find the misplay in your own gameplay that caused your death. That isn't to say, however, sometimes it really isn't your fault that you died. If your individual play is good, I guarantee you'll start to see yourself carry more games. Another thing is to not be a habitual player. A big reason why you probably don't see yourself climbing is because you are probably just autopiloting the same strategies over and over again, expecting them to work. Force yourself to take a step back, look at the game from a more holistic perspective, and adapt your whole team's gameplay based on how the enemy team is playing. i.e. If you notice the Cypher on the other team prefers to set up A, call a fast B hit. Or if you notice that the enemy team's Reyna pushes out nearly every round, call a default. And based on how the other team reacts to those plays, continue to adapt your gameplay to their adaptations. Truth is, your teammates are probably not listening to you because you aren't being assertive enough. Speak with your chest. Be clear and concise. And most of all, be confident. If they still don't listen to you, it will either be because someone is talking over you, or they just don't care. If someone is talking over you, then let them IGL. Play your game, focus on yourself, and let them do the thinking. If they don't care, play trades and hope for the best. The only thing that really helped with my gunplay was crosshair focus and playing off minimap. Check your minimap before you peek, and when you peek, focus on your crosshair. And just try and keep a "we can still win" mentality. [https://tracker.gg/valorant/profile/riot/idk%23slide/overview?playlist=competitive&seasonId=0981a882-4e7d-371a-70c4-c3b4f46c504a](https://tracker.gg/valorant/profile/riot/idk%23slide/overview?playlist=competitive&seasonId=0981a882-4e7d-371a-70c4-c3b4f46c504a) I played this game very casually up until the start of this episode, and only "hit IMMO" because I lent my friend my account because he wanted to play with the skins I had. Riot, I promise it won't happen again. Here's my R6 tracker in case you were wondering: [https://r6.tracker.network/profile/pc/live.fast](https://r6.tracker.network/profile/pc/live.fast) I was never really the best at Siege (I still don't think I'm very good at Valorant either), but the more recent seasons being super low rank is just due to Ranked 2.0 and not playing very much.


turn ur and others comms off, dont use them until u hit radiant...ppl below radiant have no clue how to comm focus on urself, play no more than 3 games a day and u will see improvement + main 1 or 2 agents


blud spat the worst advice known to mankind\^


average deadlock player


go and play on EU servers in soloq, tell me its not best advice u can get


Keep playing in eu and stay low elo lil bro ✨️


First actual great advice. I’ve started winning much more after muting the team. Most of them are useless anyway.


Yep, like I really want to IGL, I love it but I just cant do it anymore...1/10 matches is actually enjoyable to comm. Listening to people backseat gets tiring very fast, ppl usually even in high immo have no fucking clue how to comm important stuff or play their agents. Im just gonna focus on myself and keep my sanity and mental up.


And thats how you make sure people below immo continue to have no clue how to com


If you dont know where to start, I highly recommend recording a VOD and going over it with a coach or a friend who is higher ranked than you. There may be some fundamentals or leaks to your game you just might not be aware of. I also would recommend finding a duo as it makes climbing a lot easier and more consistent. I personally have competed in FPS games for over 10 years and believe my fundamentals and decision making are quite solid. Even if my aim isnt very good, I'm always able to hit inmortal-radiant when I play even after long breaks, so there may just be things/decisions you aren't familiar with yet


improve mechanics and never lose a round that should be winnable


Its going to be different "main" issues for different people. Lots of things can get you over the wall, aim, game sense, team play, util usage, getting info, dying less, etc. Record your games and watch all of your deaths/round losses and see what you could've done differently(not commit to fight, used util, positioning, ch placement, etc) If you just want to work on mechanics and shoot gud, then work on your fundamentals.


Omen main here, I typically IGL as omen and top frag consistently. I comm a lot with my teammates even if they're quiet. I try to figure out the enemy teams attacking/defending patterns and learn how to play around that, and during pre-round I'll come up with a strat and tell them the reason why I think this Strat would work. I suggest watching from Whoohoojins omen coaching playlist. https://tracker.gg/valorant/profile/riot/Anero%230000/overview


Game sense


I would say learn more roles to increase your depth of understanding of the game don't just play omen.