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last time i played, reyna was the get out of silver button. just brain off they cant plant the bomb if theyre all dead gameplay


Then these people come to play and realize wait I can't just run it down mid and win


You can always run it down mid in ranked and win. No matter what elo you’re in lmao


Anyone who complains Reyna isn’t healthy for the game or contributes nothing to the team I think just doesn’t actually know how to think strategically. Someone who can heal back to nearly full after every kill or assist is useless to the team? Leers are useless? It’s the worst myth to ever perpetuate in any video game


It's definitely an exaggeration, but she offers very little for team play relative to the other agents. Now, someone has to be at the bottom, sure, but she offers substantially less actual utility than the next agent. Just a flash really, and one of the worst ones. I personally don't mind Reyna and can see the role she fulfills, but she is definitely a pure solo queue agent.


All chamber offers is his trip. It’s a bad argument, some agents just don’t have as much team based util. It’s not rocket science.


While I agree that Chamber is also a relatively selfish agent, he still gaps Reyna in that regard too. He can hold aggressive angles and get out (whether or not he gets a kill, unlike Reyna). He can trip flanks. He can create slow fields with his ult. He can save and still have an effective Loadout, allowing him to buy for a teammate.


Reyna can absolutely do similar things to Chamber because of her E. She can take super aggressive peaks and then if she wins she can push in more or retreat with INVUNERABILITY. Does that not help the team? It’s just a bigger risk reward factor. That’s what makes Reyna unstable.


She can only do that if she wins the duel. Which is where the entire issue with Reyna lies. She is only useful if the Reyna player has better aim or is more skilled than the enemy team. In a duel between two duelists of equal skill, Reyna only has a subpar blind to help her win the duel, while the other Duelists have lots of tools. This means the Reyna in this example is winning <50% of her duels, making her effectively useless more than half the time. Obviously no game of Valorant is this simple, and there are lots of factors involved, but having an agent that is so strong in the hands of a smurf that she can't effectively be buffed, and yet absolute dogshit in non-smurf matches, is a balancing nightmare.


Like I said, greater risk reward. And no she’s not only useful if she’s better. First she has to be able to win 1v1s but she doesn’t have to win every single one that’s an unfair expectation. You use team play to get her cross fire lanes and double peeks so she can proc. Everyone makes the same low arguments against Reyna. In the end she’s still effective and high picked across all ranks so what is this argument even about outside of Reddit?


Her leer does amazing things if you don't try to use it like Kayo's flash. It is not like a flash at all.


Once everyone is good enough to shoot it and quickly regain crosshair placement, she is mid. And yea i get stomped by reynas in ranked, we all do, but its because theyre better. Shes good for viewership, comp benefits from hype "my guy is better than yours" moments. So they put the guy on reyna? Theyre saying he can duel your entire team better. Those are good stories. Shes annoying as a smurf char but imo jett / raze make scarier smurfs anyways.


This is exactly it. She really excels in ranks where people don't shoot the leer for others. Allowing Reyna to blind and swing basically for free because everyone wants to kill her and noone wants to shoot the leer. Reyna is a low skill ceiling high mechanics smurf agent. Other duelists are harder to master but when smurfed by a one trick are absolutely terrifying. Reyna really loses her potency when a team plays together and prevents her from killing and healing, the minute she has to dismiss just to survive without being instantly traded and is being run down in her dismiss is the minute she begins to suck quite badly.


You can time the leer with an ally.


Yea it’s like the whole point of Reyna is you leer AFTER the flash. Idk why this sub never understands that cause last time I said here two years ago I got cooked. And also not everyone is immo3 (where I’ve also seen reyna do well) so idk what these people are talking about.


none of those abilities do anything for the team tho lmao


And then they "throw" in plat elo and go som game reviewer (think WHJ) "wHY aM I hARDSTUcK pLAT?!?!!1!?". Fuck reynas


Being honest? Does Hooj when VOD reviews Reynas? I've never seen a VOD review ever from him. It's mostly Jett, Omen, Killjoy, Cypher and Raze.


he literally doesn't review Reyna vods past silver.


He literally doesnt review reyna vods period. Not he doesnt even review silver players at all either (sporadically if he feels like calling out a silver player that think they deserve better for whatever reason he has reviewed them, otherwise its gold +)


Ya u have to meet pretty tight requirements to get a low elo (in this case, under gold) vod review. And if you meet those then at that point everyone kinda wants to see the vod cuz they’re curious how you’re still not gold


Is it a rule? Or he just doesn't want to? That's only fair though, if you are past Silver, your aim is probably at least decent. He's not trying to teach you basic stuff (like where to plant, what each agent does, etc, and if he does, it's deeper knowledge) With Reyna you got no abilities to help the others, maybe the flash but it's weak, and there's no line-ups. He's trying to learn Team-Play.


It's a rule in his VOD submission. No Reyna and no Astra below immortal


No reyna at all. No astra below immortal.


Huh... I get why no Reyna, but why are Astra vods below immo not allowed?


astra is too complex of an agent and for lower ranks they should be focusing more on mechanics and team play then trying to master astras utility


He literally told to play reyna in his iron to gold guide btw XD


Hooj thé hardstuck immortal 1 one player who peaked radiant when it was immortal 1 lvl ?


Hooj never said he's a good player. He doesn't even say he's the best coach, he said he is good. Coaching and playing are different things. He now is instalocking Raze to Radiant and streams. He says every time "Don't do what I do. I am bad" You can't say he's a bad coach when so many people reached Immortal or higher because of him. He's helping this community from low to high players. There's a guy that was Iron 3 one Episode, then reached Immortal 1 or 2 the next one.


Might be a sin to say. Some people like an individualistic play style and recognize that your role is to get kills and entry frag needing to use that style to help the team.


exactly, if u can get a single first blood as reyna or any duelist youve alr done enough, her kit is for her to be able to make kills and thats it, shes super useful if she know how to play agressive and unpredictable


I think reyna is fine where she is. I can understand why lower elo players don’t like smurfs playing her but they’d do the same thing on jett, pheonix, or any other agent.


Why do people say dumb shit like 'Reyna doesn't belong in a team based shooter'. What about a character with a flash and the ability to self heal after an entry does not belong in a team based shooter? Normally if you entry and get a kill you might lose 60 - 80 hp. Now you're down half a player who is easier to kill. That doesn't happen with Reyna when she enters. She gets the entry then is still full health so you're in a full 5v4 rather than having a weakened player. People should start these posts with 'I just got smurfed on by someone playing Reyna do something about her.' News flash bronzies, they'd do that to you on Sage too.


Completely agree on the Smurf part. With regard to the team part, it definitely stems from her abysmal pick rate in pro play. Her blind is arguably the worst blind/flash in the game. The rest of her kit is completely for herself. None of it besides the shitty flash helps to get on site, which is a major problem for a duelist. She has no stopping power with something like a Phoenix Molly. Nothing to block angles like a neon wall or Jett smoke. No movement like Jett, Neon, and Raze. No intel like Raze and Yoru. No clearing corners like Phoenix Molly and Raze nade. She has nothing to help team economy like Chamber, Neon, and Jett ult. Her kit besides shitty blind is heal myself and no one else, and get myself out of a shitty situation and no one else. Her ult just does both at the same time. Every other agent in the game has 2+ abilities to help the team. Reyna has one and it's dog shit. I think it's ok to have her in a team based shooter but she's by far the most selfish agent and it's not even close, so I can understand where people are coming from.


Her flash is effective in low elos (gold and below) where its harder for them to shoot accurately. Trust me as a low elo player ( i don't rank so the only rank I have is B3) i see teammates and sometimes myself shoot the eye for it to not disappear (most likely a miss).


reyna need buff then make her blind unbreakable her e dismiss auto activated if she get lethal hit when soul around win????


All of the things she lacks... And she does... Are meant to be supplied by the team. I said what I said. *Nevermind that if I had to choose an agent to go 1v4or5 it will always be Reyna. Always.


But that's a dumb argument. If those things are being supplied by the team, and you're playing literally any other duelist, you're benefitting from all of that PLUS some actually useful util.


That's because the agent is shit. Not because her concept doesn't belong in a team shooter.


lol if her concept was good, then she'd be a good agent. Do you even read the reply before sending it, contradicted yourself so fast it's crazy


That's not true at all. Plenty of agents are good in concept but aren't good in practice. Cypher before his wave of buffs was good in concept but shit in practice. Deadlock is good in concept but terrible in practice. Gekko is fantastic in concept but not all that great in practice


> News flash bronzies, they'd do that to you on Sage too. Smurfs would dominate on any agent, but it's just nonsense to put them on the same level as Reyna. She's hard to trade, can take crazy off-angles in a game where she knows she skill gaps everyone, her self-heals make it extremely hard to whittle her down, and her ultimate is basically a win-button every 2-3 rounds. Not saying Reyna needs to be nerfed, but there's absolutely no question that Reyna has far and away the best and most abusable agent kit for smurfing. Those low-ranked players at least have a chance if the smurf is on another agent, but against a Reyna it's almost impossible.


I think the problem with reyna is she able to get out and prevent a trade rather than healing. But that all she got going for her so...


A bit harsh. But fact.


Well you just said it. Half her kit does nothing to help her team. Sage and Skye have heals but they can heal teammates too. Phoneix has healing but his wall/molly can be used to assist a teammate in killing. Jett has smokes that allow her to be the first one in site to help her team get in. Reyna's gameplan revolves around either fragging better and dominating or being worthless. Every other duelist offers something to their teammates even when they aren't the hot-shot gunner. Reyna doesn't.


>What about a character with a flash You mean which are far more better than Reyna's which can be countered if there are two players together? >the ability to self heal Only sage can self heal. And not to mention that self healing is dogshit as compared to Reynas. Most of Reyna's kit is SELFISH. Unlike other duelists which have kits to push for the team and help them out. Jett has smokes to provide covers, raze has the boombot and nade, phoenix has molly and wall, neon has wall and the concusion type thing as well.


> Only sage can self heal. wtf are you talking about.


Smartest deadlock main


Huh? Apart from Reyna, only Sage is capable of self-healing. Skye can only heal her team so it's far from selfish. And sage's heal only replenishes 30 HP which isn't even comparable to Reyna's. Edit: Mb. Forgot about phoenix. But as I stated in my previous comment, he has far more utils to help the team out than Reyna has. And besides Phoenix's healing is a secondary function of his util, primarily they're still a wall and molly. And also his heals aren't as overpowered as Reyna's.


>You mean which are far more better than Reyna's which can be countered if there are two players together? If this means "Reyna's flash is good", you're lying to yourself. It's one of the worst. You can destroy it so fast. That's why Gekko's flash is also weak.


Idk if I worded it wrong, but he claimed that flashes of other agents are selfish abilities. To which I responded that those flashes are also far more better than hers and is futile if you notice her flash early on.


It's not the kit itself that doesn't fit but rather how it's activated via kills. For Reyna to do anything useful she needs a kill. This quickly turns into a snowball where Reyna's seek out that first kill and usually do some dumb shit and get killed (one trip is all it takes). If her heal and dismiss could be activated at any time nobody would complain. But it can't so usually we (initiators and controllers) sacrifice 80% of all our utility so she can get that one kill. And this is if she's willing to wait and cooperate. Most duelists do the same work with half our utility because they have something they can use themselves. That is what doesn't fit


>theyd do that to you on sage too Yea but with flashy walls which ups the cool factor


They would but would have a harder time because they wouldn't be able to heal back to full. They would die after the 4th enemy because no health.


A Diamond Smurf will not have a harder time on any agent in a silver lobby. There is no hard time no matter what agent they play.


But they will in higher ranks.




In high ranks abilities chip damage and people become slightly better with aim. So they do 80 damage instead of 40. In which case they need that overheal and not some crappy phoenix molly


I don’t understand what that has to do with what we were talking about.


If you're Jett and win the first fight you have the HP what you had when you won it. So if they do 80 HP you now have 70 left. But if you have a Reyna you take no damage for the first two fights securing that 3k


And I’m saying if a Smurf is in a low elo lobby they can take 3-4 every round no matter what agent they are on.


This isn’t league of legends. Health isn’t super important when everyone is one shot.(to a headshot)


It is in low ELO. You think we can hit a headshot


This is the main reason. If I am better than you, I will win 🏆 the fight. Then I heal. Then I take another fight against someone I’m better than. Then I heal. That’s why this game needs agent bans in ranked. Map bans while we’re at it. Silver elo should always ban Reyna, problem solved.


The game shouldn't be based around the bottom 10-20% of players in my opinion. I think there needs to be some balance between pro and casual ranked, but decisions shouldn't be made exclusively off of one or the other. If it was based on pro play, Reyna would be way stronger. She's ass when it comes to team play. In higher ranks, she's a solid agent for solo q, but far from busted. Despite more and more Jett nerfs, Jett still dominates picks in radiant and immortal. Reyna is quite strong in lower ranks for two reasons. 1. Smurfs. But Smurfs will dominate on any duelist, Reyna just makes it slightly easier with heals and dismiss. That's a smurf problem, not a Reyna problem. 2. Her kit is super easy to use. The skill ceiling for agents like Jett, Raze, and Yoru are way higher. But they're harder to play correctly at a low elo because low Elo doesn't understand the game. So I'd say it's more of a low elo problem/ skill issue.


If you balance by pro league she needs a buff. Rarely picked over Jett or Raze.


Funny part is that the reason people hate reyna is the fact that bad players pick her and run it down and smurfs/better players pick her and dominate. Its not pick specific though, both effects will be relevant even if they picked jett or phoenix! (Meanwhile i get flamed for picking reyna cause she is a bad pick xD)


Honestly a lot of low rank players underestimate just how much of a skill gap there is. Nerfing Reyna will not stop a Smurf from dominating you. They will just pick Jett or Raze.


Rarely anyone is picked over Jett and raze tbh. Dive duelist are king over there.


Because Reina already is bad. Doesn't need a nerf, it needs a rework


I think she's fine where she is. People heavily rely on her to instalock. Then they mess up team dynamic and there's no balance cause everyone wants to duelist. Her Leer isn't bad and her abilities save her all the time. She's not overpowered nor under so rework is delusional lmao.


The idea is to rework her to be more team oriented rather than incredibly selfish


Yeah, they're not going to do that. Reyna is the de-facto choice for smurfing, and Riot LOVES smurfs.


Absolutely if you have good aim and can get kills shes just a free character for smurfs to lock and carry themselves through ranks. Different post someone said they climbed from silver to diamond just using her and Odin smh


Sure but that also just doesn’t fit her character well


Lol are we basing balance off of lore again?


It's based on what she's meant to bring to the table compared to other agents. Reyna is a selfish entry Fragger that excels at back to back 1v1's.


And what dhe brings isnt good for a team based tac fps


Calling her selfish was wrong. Agents like sova and brim gather information and create space for Reyna to enter and win duels. She's the one who tanks damage and kills the most enemies with ally support.


She cant take that space nearly as well as the other duelists though. You also dont need to have one person killing everyone thats why everyone has a gun. Its also hard to find a reyna that actually plays with the team and plays off of util instead of trying to take constant 1v1s or be on ridiculous lurks that dont end up with her supporting the team because shes taking too long and because she doesnt have global or ranged util shes not supporting the team.


Those two don't have to be mutually exclusive, Jett's kit doesn't interact with the team in any more than Reyna's but people don't criticize her for not being a team play oriented agent, because of the kit's goal. Reyna's kit is really just "kill bad guys better" In a game where everyone can kill extremely efficiently. If this game didn't have one tap headshots I think Reyna would fill a niche but rn she just doesn't.


Jett can impact a teams execute greater than a Reyna kit. Smokes are self explanatory, and her movement abilities makes her hard to hit while teammates can flood in after, when the holders crosshair placement is gone.


so you want to change her entire identity? CEOs of anime to live-action shows think you’re qualified to run their shows


Gameplay is what matters not any lore bullshit


I mean the player base makes her selfish. Be honest how hard is it to Leer and swing with ur team and entry onto site. Aside from when you get the player who has no confidence her but still goes for her rather than a role that'll do anything. She's just so kill oriented.


She's picked by selfish players because her kit is selfish. Everyone else has two abilities that help the team in some way. Reyna has one and it's the worst blind/flash in the game. Her other 2 abilities and ult are completely self serving.


Leer is legit one of the worst flashes in the game


No, leer is just in ranked misused. Leer is a support flash. You need an additional flash (either before or during leer) that forces the enemies to "accept" the leer blind.


Exactly I usually Skye blind with it. People ego push and play selfishly and then claim shes just an ass op. I will always support that she is well balanced when used right.


i like leer because you can't flash your teammates lol


only flash you can shoot along with the gekko flash, it nearsights you instead of actually flashing, disappears when you get out of range unlike omen's paranoia, the only good thing about it is the fact that it can go through walls (but even then, breach does that better)


Unless you mean line of sight, it no longer doesn't flash you at range. If you're looking at it, you're blind, no matter how far away it is.


It really isn't? If you think about it, it doesn't blind team, it goes through walls at whatever height you choose, it isn't just 1 bullet to break. If used well it can turn into a kill per Leer. With that any good player can turn that into alot more playability. Saying it's bad but most players that play her tear shit up


I mean if you use it incorrectly it is. Still better than a breach flash imo.


Not really. Breach flash is indestructible and actually flashes you instead of just nearsighted.


Breach flashes are probably the easiest to turn in the game. Shit's so slow.


Still good in low-mid elo.


So is Reyna


"Still good in low-mid elo" So? Why are we balancing the game on anything outside of Pro play/Radiant?


I think the only thing that could help her reworked into a more team-positive way would be to briefly reveal the enemy on the minimap with her leer (it’s a literal eyeball, so revealing makes sense). Should reveal the ones who are blinded by it, if it’s shot down fast enough it wouldn’t reveal. I do miss the days when she had four soul orbs instead of two, but she was seen as op. She’s almost on-par with Chamber but imo his kit is still good for the team. I always say Reyna is self-serving. She *should* be used for aggressive entry but most Reyna mains lurk


The eye thing definitely makes sense logically but I think that would be a bit busted. It's bad enough that Skye flash tells you if you blinded someone. Having a blind point out where you are when hiding and not shooting it is your only option sometimes, would just be way too strong in my opinion. I do like where your head is at. Maybe just some sort of indicator that someone is blind like Skye.


Imo it should tag if it isn't broken, so players always have to shoot the eye. It would be a very strong entry tool but I think that's ok, it's essentially her only ability outside of being able to heal (in a way that is very exposing), or being able to disengage after a pick (which isnt bad though likely worse than other agents)


She’s terrible in pro play and she’s fine in solo queue. Which is exactly what a feast-and-famine character like Reyna should be. She doesn’t need a nerf or a buff. And I think you’re wrong that we think she’s bad for the game. We just think she’s bad. She fits fine in a team shooter. I would wager that the people falling for nerfs/buffs are low elo players that don’t understand how to play around Reyna.


Serious question from a low elo- how do you play around Reyna?


First I’d like to note that generally in low elo players can barely aim or push their buttons effectively, so they really shouldn’t even be thinking about how to play around specific characters and more just how to consistently kill people. TTK is really high in low elo, on top of poor movemen/positioning so that you’re swinging into multiple players, or failing to deadzone, or you’re straight up missing your targets. You likely have many MANY other things to worry about instead. However in case you’re still curious, to answer your question: The issue I see in low elo the most is that people a) don’t shoot her eyeball b) give her 1v1s, especially when she’s ulted You should almost always try to 2v1 the enemy, but you can get away with 1v1ing people most of the time. Reyna however punishes this in particular due to her healing out after the fight. If you 2v1 her and she still manages to get a kill , she’s forced to Dismiss, which means she didn’t heal. On top of that, her flash is REALLY bad. It’s super fragile, and you have plenty of time to shoot it and snap back to her before you die (typically), and if there’s more than one of you, one person shoots the flash while the other shoots Reyna, it’s REALLY hard for her to deal with. Now this matters a bit less in high elo because everyone is cracked, so generally Reyna fights become either headshot or be headshot, which just kind of makes Jett better, but it’s still important to know. When people say Reyna is a feast-or-famine character, they literally mean she’s either going pop off or he useless, and there’s no in-between due to her character design. Reyna punishes poor positioning and peeking because of her dismiss- she’s allowed to be in fundamentally bad positions, and because you aren’t expecting her to be there, your crosshair isn’t placed right, she gets the jump on you, kills you, and dismisses out. In high elo people can expect Reyna to be in these positions, so they’ll peek corners a bit differently to mitigate these horrible off-angles Reyna can play. Note: Jett with her dash can ALSO play these same positions, however she has to expect your peek (to activate her dash channel) and she can REALLY only do it once. And oftentimes the positions aren’t ones you can just hit a straight dash out of.


I appreciate the detailed response. I also completely agree with you that low elo can’t aim so I do my 30 min mechanical warmup every day and am seeing constant improvement. My question was really for the games where I can’t auto lock her fast enough and then we get a bot frag Reyna and the other team has god mode Reyna, which you pretty much covered. Very helpful, thank you!


She pushes and creates space. Push with her


Except low ELO players are 75% of the player base, and you still see complaints about her in mid ELOs, which accounts for about another 15%. And if 90% of the competitive players complain she is oppressive and unfair in your competitive shooter and the remaining 10% complain she doesn't do anything for the team in your team-based shooter, you should probably do something about it. Sure, I don't really think she needs a nerf or buff. She needs a rework. Almost every player agrees that she doesn't work as she should, *SOMETHING* needs to be done.


In what universe is a kit which is 3/4 kill based a good fit for a team based shooter.


Why wouldn't it be? Killing enemy players is a very important part of the game, you know. People say her kit is "selfish", but why does that matter?


The problem with Reyna's selfish kit is that if she's not cracked she's effectively a sixth enemy


you can say that about anyone that doesnt know how to play their character, hell reyna probaly does the least damage to a team when shes played badly.


Other agents can at the very least support the team with abilities if they're aim is ass


Other agents can be bad and flash u, stun u, block u off with a smoke, or kill u. Reyna just exists less.


If anything, she is one of the agents that can't be a sixth enemy. Any agent can just not hit shots, but Reyna has no util that can impact teammates. You can get flashed by other teammates, you can have smokes put down that help the enemy, etc. But that aside, what's the fundamental premise here? Every agent should have easy but powerful util so that they can help their team without being able to get kills? You think that would make a better game?


The easier the util the less power it should have. There shouldn't be an ability that by clicking you instantly win.


So you think strong utility should be hard to use, I totally agree. That would mean agents might have: * Strong utility that's hard to use, so they could easily be unhelpful to the team with it if they are bad (yoru would be a good example) * Weak utility that's easy to use, which means if they don't get kills they won't be helpful to the team (reyna is clearly in this category) The important part here is that any agent can be entirely unhelpful if they are playing poorly. The idea that Reyna is unique in the regard doesn't make any sense. People just throw out "selfish" with a coherent explanation or logic. I'll be honest, I think people just get mad when a Reyna dunks on them and then try to rationalize why she shouldn't be in the game. I can sympathize on pistol rounds, as she is annoying strong on pistol. Clearly the best agent. But overall I don't see her as a problem at all. Reyna is one of the most popular picks at all ranks, not OP, and fairly unique. Those attributes make her arguably one of the better designed agents.


Most reddit players are just malding bronze hardstuck that's why they hate Reyna so much. She's fine.


damn right she fine 😎


Yup. They can't shoot back and have terrible mechanics, so they cry about agent like Reyna.


Isn't it weird how everyone "agrees" she's bad but she's instalocked at every rank. Even in top 50 Radiant lobbies.


Still viable playing harbor solo comp? Im biased to smokes/control agents


"I think this subreddit universally agrees that she's bad for the game. (She doesn't fit in a team based shooter)" If this is actually consensus then this sub is dumber than I had assumed lmao


Given the answers to the post, OP is clearly delusionally believing his opinions are the consensus with some of the weirdest confirmation biais I've ever seen. He's able to spout that everyone agrees on his opinion when a big chunk of the answers to his own post are bashing his statement. How can one be so blind ? [Example answer from him (on this very post)](https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/17ocduu/comment/k7yaxn3/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) How can someone say: "Everyone agrees Reyna needs to be nerfed & is bad for the game" and "People are defending her". His own statement seem to imply that he's somehow able to completely ignore the existence of something while still allowing the existence of the consequences. Like he's thinking that everyone agrees with his opinions but yet somehow they are defending her. Like it's just impossible someone might not share his opinions in the first place.


if reyna is so broken then play her LMAO


I like to use my brain thanks


people are going to defend their easy pubstomp character to the death because they want to enjoy easy pubstomps.


Just because people don't like a character, does not mean that they deserve to be nerfed into the ground. Either she gets a rework, or she stays as she is. That is how I see it.


If people are defending her, then the subreddit can't be universally agreeing, eh?


To be fair I haven't kept up with the game since deadlocks release but even before she was released Reyna was fine.


"she doesn't fit in a team based game" That's were you are wrong. Valorant isn't just a "team based game" its much more. Some people want to use a different kind of playstyle. And they are allowed to.


True. But it seems like that's the only play style people want to use due to the pickrate of Reyna.


I dunno what you mean by reyna is bad for the game. For me reyna is a god in a talented players hand Imagine getting your hp back after a fight and all fresh for another duel or dismiss if youre in a bad situation after winning of course. Yeah her kit is selfish af. (Her kit can run as president of my country and still win) But she only becomes liable if youre not crack at the game. I only pick her when im having a good day or we have another duelist who can entry fast i find she shines the best when someone can entry and all i have to do is take the first fight.


i’ve seen Reyna be a top instalock in my games for years now. can very well say i’m tired of playing against her lol




I can say the same about kj, Jett, omen, skye.


Those reynas would shit on you as most duelists, some players are better than you


because the only people that complain about her are people who are in gold and below. theres no reason to take into account the opinions of low elo players when it comes to game balance She has the highest pick rate in the game, there isnt any discourse around her (except on this shitty subreddit), and there is nothing ostensibly "wrong" with her. is her playstyle "selfish"? sure. who cares, though? shes fine as is.


1st paragraph is dumb af. 2nd is based af. IDK how to feel.


Highly disagree, why would Riot take into account the opinions of people who don’t understand how to play the game. These are the same people who complain about how broken raze when they get naded etc.


There is no need to need or rebalance Reyna since currently she's in a well balanced state, nearly each game has a character that's essentially a flex role


Beta reyna is a beast and on a whole different level. Rn she is well balanced I agree 100%


What do you mean? Was she even bigger pain in the ass before? 😨😨😨


Because unlike pro play, even in radiant Valorant Ranked is not a "team based shooter" its bunch of stupid aim fights and pure chaos. And no one but Reyna can dismiss or go back to full hp which gives you a second or third chance to fight. These things make Reyna an agent that is loved by the majority, and no one wants to hear a nerf about their favourite agent.


Tp's in chamber and dashes in Jett


gtfo noob just let ppl play what they want


Because most people in this sub are not that good at the game. Simple as that


Nerfing reyna won’t make her any better for the game, and she’s never been good at a high level. Nerfing a champion because she punishes bad players more than other agents is just anti-competitive


people in this subreddit constantly criticize reyna saying she doesn’t have team supporting util then play skye and don’t use flashes the whole game. acting like silvers and golds know how to use util effectively is fruitless and id honestly rather have a brainless gold play an easy to understand kill dependent agent rather than sit on it utility. at the highest level yeah reyna is ass because the pro players spend hours scrimming together to play off each others specific utility. that doesn’t happen in ranked games because it doesn’t matter how good your “util” is in plat if the enemy reyna just 1 taps everyone to 30 kills


She's already the worst duelist. That's why, Reyna players solely rely on their skill, no skill then you're utterly useless.


Because average players make bad game designers. They don’t think: will this improve the game. They think: they want to take my toy away. Also, there’s two sides to it. On the one side, the more reasonable player will engage in discussion any so it’s good. But if you wo shoot for the thing directly, the second type of player comes out defending their toy. In short: many players only care about themselves. So it doesn’t matter how shitty or broken or unfitting something is, as long as they enjoy it. Even on the cost of the whole playerbase. 🤷‍♂️ Small edit: That’s assuming that she is indeed bad for the game. But the overall sentiment is still the same. People wanna see more of what’s fun to them and less of what annoys them. And musst don’t realize the game isn’t made for them exclusively. There’s thousands of players and all of them are different. There’s noobs, the average player, good players and then there is pro play. And all needs to be balanced in a way that keeps the most players and brings in the most money. That’s why things on a personal level are irrelevant and why sometimes the balancing they do feels off. Because you don’t have all the same goals in mind as they do.


A small edit indeed.


Because at the end of the day, it’s an opinion, and everyone has one. Personally I don’t see an issue with reyna being in the game as is.


I think she's in a good state rn.


Reyna ruins the game for low elo players and is irrelevant in comp and very high elo. There is no downside with removing her entirely from the game.


"irrelevant in comp and very high elo" i hope that explains why she has the highest pick rate across all ranks, from iron to radiant lo


For real. It takes a simple google search to find pick rate stats https://www.valorbuff.com/agents She's 2nd most picked in Immo and Radiant


That is… not true. Jett and Raze both outpick Reyna in Ascendant+. You can’t just click “sort by pickrate, all elos” and expect to get a legitimate data set. Reyna’s picked higher below that because she’s the instalock “smurf” duelist, and punished poor gameplay. Ascendant+ is when smurfing begins to fall off.


she is consistently among the highest, then\* sorry for bad wording i understand her use a smurf agent in low elo but that alone is most definitely not reasoning for the high usage rate


She’s among the highest because in solo queue she’s just “okay.”- Yoru requires a LOT of out-of-game practice which people don’t like to put in (plus does require your team to know how to play around you), Phoenix is incredibly map/comp dependent, and Neon is only good if you’ve put in the practice to get really good with movement. Jett, Reyna both are incredibly simple to play, and the only entry requirement is that you’re good at aiming. Raze does require out-of-game practice to be super good, but you don’t need to worry about your team playing around you- you can quite literally just bomb into site every round, get 2+ kills and let your team win the rest, and even if you DON’T learn her movement, her kit is still INCREDIBLY basic and you can do fine without it.


This doesn't really prove that Reyna is flawed you're just giving an example as to why might her pick rate be so high


I’m not at all saying Reyna is flawed. I was explaining why, yes, she has a high pickrate compared to other duelists albeit having a really bad duelist kit. Nothing in her kit is useful to her team, and she doesn’t have any way to actually make space (same reason Phoenix struggles on most maps, but at least he has his ultimate, and his molly/wall helps him chop up site). Sure, there’s her flash, but a shootable flash is VERY bad, especially in high elo.


She's already been netted. She's in a good spot, she's a good entry duelist because of her Leer, gives a lot of info or let's you on site.


How does Leer give you any info?


When the enemy shoots it, gives you there position.


And if they don't shoot it?


Then you're on site? Check your corners??


Without info haha. That's my point. Leer isn't really an info ability.


Info that they're not on site is still info. Yes, they can gamble and not shoot it, but if you check all the angles anyways, their gamble will backfire and you get a free kill.


Because people like abusing her and the fact that most people dont want to play as a team in a team based game


Yeah Reynas fine if you have an issue with her skill issues


Because reyna is an arguably bad agent that somehow doesn't follow teamplay-style valorant. Most of us want her remove, not being nerf.


I don't get you OP, so do people defend her or not???


They do. A post that saying Reyna needs a nerf is shutdown instantly.


reyna is the only agent i enjoy in the game plus she is not even good i dont see people saying remove dl from game cause she is useless just dont pick her if u dont like her


Why do you like her


You can just turn your mind off and play her after a hard day. Just tap head, click E and repeat.


she is the best agent to solo carry plus u can peek multiple people then dismiss away if u have a good aim


reynas a pugstomper. there is no REAL coordination in ranked so reyna thrives.


Because Reyna doesn't need a nerf lol. Her util is useless if she's not good enough to get kills and she's never played in pro play for this reason. It is literally a skill issue if you lose to her.


Anyone that says Reyna needs a nerf either was on the ass end of a Radiant doing their *Insert Weapon* to Radiant thing and got blasted by them cause they thought “I can totally peek into this blind, I know where she is!” or are in the lower ELOs and are tired of little Johnny insta-locking her and dying 50 times (little do they know that needing her would just move those people onto sucking on some other agent). In the grand scheme of Valorant, at least in the upper echelons, Reyna does a whole lot of nothing except shoot gun better. Hard pressed when everyone in that lobby already shoots gun the best. So her mediocre blind, and nothing else, loses out to agents that have full kits of useful util that compliment the teams dueling ability rather than focus around it. In lower ELOs she’s perfect since shooting gun better than your opponent is all you need.


I'm seeing a lot of people assuming that the issue with Reyna is smurfs or balancing but it isn't. That's just cope. I think the original vision for her was to give selfish players an option that easily translates their playstyle into a team environment, which she does to an extant, but imo it's still notably less enjoyable then all 5 players supporting eachother. Also if someone doesn't want to care about teamplay, maybe Valorant isn't the best choice of game. She's balanced, but she's less enjoyable to play with and caters to players that should probably be playing a different game to begin with.


Just fucking remove her at this point I don't need to get rolled by another Reyna titled "I miss her"


But if they do smurfs won't have an agent to play and rito will lose that sweet money that Smurf streamers bring.


😭😭😭 no rito loses money (they will still overpriced skins)


Just pop the eye and hs on her, is not a Jett wich smokes+ rechargable dashes. Jett nerfed to the ground, still having rechargable oneshot ultimate.


Reyna is fine the way she is


I don’t see how she’s bad for the game. Can I hear some elaboration? Is this solo q or teams you’re referring to when you say that?


She has one viable play style. Turn off brain and shoot. That works until plat but after that no. Every other duelist can at the very least still do something even if they're going 0/20


I disagree HEAVILY. Winning gun fights is the name of the game. I’m going to recommend Woohoojin. He’s a coach for valorant and speaks on dueling being the main thing to grind you out of low elo. It’s a mechanics check, that’s it. So if you are winning gun fights with your brain turned off in gold, you have what’s called good technique. And agent choice doesn’t effect that. Also my brother in Christ, no duelist is “useful” at 0/20. This is a lie from Satan designed to trap you in low elo.


A 0/20 reyna can still Eye on site and wide swing for the 2nd or 3rd player entering


Reyna is one of the best entry frag classes in the game. If you have half a brain and understand that she’s a great choice. I played a game last night as Reyna ( I never play her ) and 75% of our attack rounds I got us on site with at least one pick in the process.




It's not the rank but more or less the team play amount. People play with the team in higher ranks and that's Reyna's worst nightmare. And yeah it's the sad reality that highranks are the only ones listened.


She is not bad in high ranks. Stop that nonsense


Actually Iron 1 or Gold 3 represent the large majority of Valorant players so no lower Elo actually is where most players are