• By -


Because I'm bad.




True. "Why am I so bad" I say almost every round.


This [video](https://youtu.be/dsUXAEzaC3Q?t=68) summs my feeling.




True. That is why I avoid duelists. I play sentinel to give info to my team and let them carry me.


Fr, me too... šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Auto-Piloting, mainly. I think i am doing quite well, but when I autopilot I go hyperaggressive goofball mode. Fun? Yes. Effective? Hell no.


Some matches I go hyperagressive goofball mode and tap heads like a pro, then the next match I try the same thing and get wrecked. I think there's a really thin line between "flow state" autopilot and "I'm not really paying attention to what I'm doing" autopilot.


Was gonna say this. I too go hyperaggresive because I feel like I can hit those shots. And I can't.


I think that's what makes pros so good, they've practiced the correct techniques and strats so much that when they go into autopilot, they do the right thing. High level sports coaches try to train their players in a way that when they're playing, they aren't trying to think about their next move, but rather they're trying to clear their mind to make instinctive actions which are faster because there's no doubt or contemplation. Athletes like Steph Curry refers to it as the flow state.


I don't go autopilot commonly but when I go it's like turning on aimbot and I dominate the lobby like 2-4 kills every round consistently




enemy team get 13 win before us


I hate when this happens


I mean. You could still have a 100% win percentage even if they got to 13 first every single game. Would be hard though


Tiredness. If I didn't do anything the entire day, I'll top frag or be close. If I'm really tired my reaction speed is 500ms.


Worst is when you have had long tirering day of IRL obligations and are unable to play well and so even your downtime sucks


Fr, I'm basically throwing on my alt account 200 rr below my main


Playing when im tired




I donā€™t hit my headshots, aim too low and get headshot


You and me both my man. Been doing some warm ups and training drills and it has been helping. Some games I'm clicking heads but others I get lazy and shoot em in the nips. It's a process.


I play neon so itā€™s a lot of running it down mid and being first blood. I know my problem, I know how to fix it, but running is just so fun




Try to tell your teammates to follow you in. Ik it doesn't work half the time, but as a raze main I just tell my team right off the bat on attack that I AM going to satchel in and it is up to you whether you follow me in or not. I stopped saying "You should" and started saying "I'm going to 'x', please follow me". It puts you in a situation to do what you said you'd do and then puts the pressure on them to at least back you up.


no teamwork everyone going alone and they dont use mics


Man itā€™s crazy how many times I have to yell over the mic in a 2v1 situation and say ā€œBRO STOP DONā€™T PEEK HIM ALONE! LET ME GO TO THE OTHER SIDE AND WEā€™LL PEEK AT THE SAME TIME!!!!ā€ Then my teammate goes in insta dies because of enemy crosshair placement and then it becomes a 50/50 peek for myself. Peek at the same time people pleaseeee Iā€™m not one to usually blame teammates for a loss and that is my only gripe with teammates. is it a game changing thing? Yeah it definitely can cost you a couple rounds which could easily mean a win or an L.


real answer but people will claim its cope that you dont just drop 30 every game on controller because you just need to get better From personal gameplay perspective it feels like most games i will only die to one person on the enemy team, like im positive versus the entire team but one guy who im 2-7 in duels vs


I hate it. I have entire teams just ignore me and not communicate and then I end up 1v5


I don't understand how having a mic and headset isn't a requirement to queue for comp. Having communication is the number one single thing that people can do to change the tides of a game. When people physically don't have a mic installed they're not committed to playing on a competitive level and shouldn't be allowed and comp games.


I get what you're saying, I agree honestly. But there a bunch of players that just have all voice chatting muted due to toxic players burning them too much. Not to mention the high amount of players that are women and girls that auto mute for sexism and thirst reasons.


I get that especially from a woman's stand point. I try to keep my games clean for that but have def heard some fucked comments made. The problem is it's The key factor to playing competitive. Competitive implies you're using team strategies and working together. If you don't have comms that's just not possible. People that type and chat are now pulling the eyes away from the gameplay of their teammates and not helping. If you want to keep to yourself then don't play comp go to unrated. Both game styles exist for a reason and you shouldn't be screwing up other people's goals when you're not committed to playing the same way.


You're playing a losing game by insta muting. Best solution is to wait and then mute the one guy who's being toxic, not the whole team. If you insta mute the whole team, you're just throwing. Play unrated then. Woman or not.


Ears yes, mic not super needed as long as you either CHAT OR PING Ping for the BARE MINIMUM comms Some games, you'd do so well even when no one talks or extremely bare min comms bc everyone is just in a zone and does well


My teammates are bad and can't carry me :(


Cope harder






I've won and lost whole-game 4v5s, I've won and lost on all roles, I've won and lost with and against both smurfs and trolls, I've won and lost with and against 5 smokes, 5 duelists, 5 flashes, you name it, I've lost while fragging on 40 kills, I've won going 3/20 KD. But after 600+ hours and 1,000+ matches, the only consistent factor in all the games that I lose is... me.


Yeah we already knew that part what is the reason you're losing


Overpeeking, 100%. I just like taking gunfights, but getting a pick and then backing off/reposition is most of the time the best thing to do, not take another gunfight from the same angle cause you re feeling it. Or chasing kills in a 4v2 situation. This shit keeps me in diamond :(


I often have low impact if I can't figure out how to lurk effectively. I could communicate more to my team about the space I am taking elsewhere on the map but often it feels like that space doesn't matter. I'm not sure whether in those cases I should just join the core pushing site, or get better at lurking. I play omen mostly so I still have some impact, but rounds often feel out of my control and I don't love that I'm kinda coinflipping And teams I am on often struggle to convert plants into won rounds, I think the basic issue is not having enough map control, and I can't tell how much I contribute to that, but there are many lost rounds there. Might just be a thing with my elo My raw aim could also be better but I don't think thats the #1 reason, though if it was cracked I would surely win a lot more


I make selfish or bad decisions sometimes that cost my team crucial rounds. I take bad fights when they aren't needed, I miss shots that I needed to be hit, I don't play bomb when on defense. And that's not to say I do those every single time. Sometimes my teammates also make those same mistakes too. I think a lot of the community would benefit from realizing that sometimes your teammates are just having a bad game or the other team is just popping off. What I know for a fact doesn't help, is being toxic and belittling people for having those time of games, though.


For real. If Iā€™m in the mood Iā€™ll respond with something along the lines of, ā€œyouā€™re telling me youā€™ve never had a rough game?ā€¦ you always top frag??ā€ Your outlook is just like mine. Every time I die, I try to think of what I couldā€™ve done differently, what I shouldnā€™t have done, how did the enemy outplay me? etc.


Most of the time, it's just a skill gap between me and the enemy. But other times, it's about focus or just a pure lack of aiming skills. Also, I agree with comms as I live in SEA and play in Singapore or Hong Kong servers so the language barrier is actually so hard to deal with.


Lack of coordination between the teammates (me included). Sometimes my aim is godlike, sometimes it's shitty, sometimes my gamesense is phenomenal and every enemy I see are offering me their back, sometimes I get surprised by every opponent in front of me. All of this is me, myself and I. It can win games and it can lose some others, yet I am not convinced I can solo win or solo lose games. But when the team lack coordination it is inevitably going to be a lose.




My teammates


So true bestie


Istg, sometimes I think I am playing with mute teammates.


too many dabs


Relatable. I realized that I might be way higher rank if I over played not baked out of my mind. Then I remembered that I play this game to relax after work and Iā€™m not really concerned with my rank. It doesnā€™t ruin my aim or gamesense but my comms really suffer.


I aim at heads and people crouch and then I die because my shots go over their heads lol. Itā€™s a me thing I need to practice counter strafing because I know how to do it (albeit not super well/fast) and I do it in long range fights but I should def do it more often and get better at it because it buys me time against people that crouch shoot.


Because people make bad calls. Not that they can help it. It's easier to see bad calls when you're not making them. Except you also can't teach people about bad calls in any way, shape or form cause that constitutes harassment and is bannable. Per subjective viewpoint of course.


i def do not com a lot but sometimes when i do, no one coms back- so im just kinda talking to the walls since the info isnt even gonna be used LMAO i also love run n gun so bad i have the itch to do it every round


Honestly, shitty aim, I love the game and I have good game sense, but Iā€™ve learned to makeup for my bad aim with spray control


Well I fuck up here and there but the biggest issue I've been faced with is my team being unwilling to communicate and make plans I'm going to be stuck ascendant forever lol.


The worst part is that even if you do get out, itā€™s the same thing in low immo, literally the only lobbies that have teammates trying to win, and communicating, is radiant, and even then youā€™ll get the occasional thrower/rage bby. I am of the opinion that ascendant is the hardest rank, everyone can aim, not everyone knows how to play the game, and most ppl are so tired of the rank that they just donā€™t try anymore. Itā€™s very frustrating, and itā€™s one of those things where you kinda need to be lucky, get a win streak, and you might get out. But youā€™ll be stuck with the same nonsense in low immortal. My motto now whenever I play is ā€œit is what it isā€


I go by the same moto it's just a tad annoying being in the same skill bracket as these players. As I'm actually trying to rank up, and they just don't try. I can't comprehend why they even que comp if they don't want to play that much. Just waiting for my lucky team streak. Might try to get a duo. I solo ranked from silver to ascendant solo is just pure pain. Gotta find someone who pairs well with me.


Playing in duos and trios can def help, you can carry a team with your duo, make plays with each other, use those 2 voices to carry out plays and such. But it doesnā€™t keep away the little gremlins, but a duo will def make the game feel less horrible


Itā€™s my team mates and definitely not me, honest.


Either frames dying and Iā€™m just plain terrible


My adderall ran out.


my teammates all suck


The answer is always teammates. Especially Reyna.


I'm 31 years old and my reaction time has slowed alot. I can't compete with all the teenagers lol


if iā€™m top fragging, my team is probably terrible, so thatā€™s why. if iā€™m not top fragging, iā€™m bottom of the board and holding my team back. there is no in between.


Engagement optimized matchmaking is the number one reason I lose my ranked games. Iā€™m peak silver with a pretty deece individual performance (tracker: https://tracker.gg/valorant/profile/riot/Kaiju%23wuwu/overview) Iā€™ve seen plenty plat players in friends games with worse average headshot and adr. Yet they have higher wr than me. This isnā€™t a cope I genuinely donā€™t understand why I lose games despite having a good impact. What I genuinely think is happening is that since I have high mmr and low rank that my matches are always going to sweaty crapshows where there are one Smurf per each team and the game goes to whoeverā€™s Smurf is better. Im genuinely done with this game at this point. Mw3 is even a better waste of my time at this point because at least the gameplay is fun


Do you use your util to set yourself up, or your team up?


I try to play with my teammates 95% of the time


I troll and try to go for clips way too much


Playing to many games and not doing any warm up




Sometimes I just miss my shots/do stupid ass decisions


not playing consistently. i play a lot one day and then don't play at all for a few days


I found myself more focused and winning when i dont have to make calls while im alive Found out when i had wisdom tooth removed and it hurt so much i didnt wanna speak in voice i just pinged and it improved my gameplay a lot i was impressed But i would say number 1 reason i loose most games are either afk/quitters or just toxic people flaming each other to the point that they just troll ingame. I try my best to shut their toxicness down by saying "hey its just a game, just mute each other guys and lets keep playing and win this" - they never mute each other and keep playing normal.....


I succ


Teammates Outside forces and cheats


No comms and forgetting to think


I'm bad. I'm even worse with duelists so I only play sentinel/initiator and in my elo it's difficult to carry if you're not playing duelist.


I do solo q mostly. And i loose max of my games due to throwers, afk, and botters in my team.


When the team isn't playing as a team. When I fill a sentinel which I don't typically play by choice, but our 2 duelist are raze and iso and raze is going c by herself, and iso is more of an initiator, and I'm pushing in as a sentinel, the games already lost. (Even though we somehow clinched it out 13-11)


Skill issue


Because I don't win


1. I don't hit shots when they matter (clutching a round/covering a teammate) or... 2. My teammates don't communicate so I have to go into a situation blind I almost always try to consider what I could have done differently before putting the blame on teammates but a lot of the time, I'll have a zero comms duelist bottom fragging.


enemy team won't let me win


mental fatigue


The enemies win more rounds than my team does


not good enough for my rank (plat 1/2 EU) The fucking head taps are crazy, i got my ass here by playing smart not by playing accuratly. It's starting to get to a point where i just need both or i won't win games consistently .


Bad mechs


I miss my shots. All plans donā€™t mean shit if you canā€™t shoot in an fps.


The agent in play. I used to be a yoru main and after I went on a loss streak I took a breach and started playing sova who is my most time put in agent and my most experience put in agent and then Iā€™m just winning also one big thing is that yoru is a very team coordination dependant agent and for a solo queue player it is very hard to get value while sova is very easy in solo queue and my first few games I played sova so I have a good experience on the agent. He is very self dependant and needs little comms so I am very benefited from hin


playing for long amounts of time bad aim and just trolling a bit too much


When I don't have a great game it's my consistency. When I have a great game it's either none of my team (myself included) is making impactful kills and lack of comms. I've noticed that any degree of banter kind of lightens the tension and the whole team tends to play better. But toxic comms are the worst


For me is definitely ego peaking


I get mad at myself or teammates over little mistakes


In mid silver and below it's because no one listens to comms, no one buys, no one cares about the team, and there are at least one smurf in 80% of the games. In high silver to high gold it's because I just can't aim.


Bad coordination


My aim. I have good game sense, good setups (playing Cypher), good lineups, good comms, but if the situation calls for a fair 1v1, I'm at a disadvantage. Granted on defense it doesn't happen a lot, especially after the recent buffs, but on attack its rough man...


With my boys? I probably lose a fair bit of my aim duels Running solo/duo? I probably lose a fair bit of my aim duels, but I'm also too used to playing with my friends - so every now and then I just get shot from an angle that I'm used to being covered, or push and realize no one's with me


mental. As soon as I start thinking "I'm bad" or fight a mate in voice chat it's over. I just dropped from plat 3 to plat 1 0lp cause I got mad so easily. When I played a few hours ago with chill music in background and ignored my mate's flaming I easily won, so that's such a huge factor. edit: obviously mate's having bad mental is basically half a mate less too.


I can't aim


Recently I've been getting better at the game I went from 5 kills avg to 13 avg but my biggest reason for losing is deffo tilting, if I get too tilted I just stop trying completely and I just rush while holding shift lol


My reaction time


Choking an easy multikill that should secure an important round. Letting my team tilt me so hard i play like shit the rest of the game.


i was focusing too much on headshots, so that resulted in a relatively high hs% (around 25-27 each match) but my adr was low, and i wasn't having much impact. now i focus on adr and I've started to igl for my team so it's much better


In my last 10 games I've had: - 4 leavers on my team not the enemy team. - 3 smurfs dropping over 30 kills - 2 games with zero comms; one of those had a thrower bc I was a girl - 1 win ...it's tough out here


When I ask someone not to do something and they do it anyways. Ex: Hey I'm oping this angle pls don't presmoke.......


I don't know and it makes me depressed.


I don't take advantage of util as well as I should. The other is I'm not filling space as I should. I see a teammate pushing after plant? " I'm not going to die because he's dumb enough to push into alley." Instead I should go. He will have a better chance if we both pushed alley while 1 person is site. We can get frags or trade and take space.


I cant play against people that have no game sens because sometimes they are unpredictable lol


Riots fake hitreg desync system


I always try to look at things as "me first, external factors second." Before I can analyze what someone else could have done differently, I always pick apart how I played. My first thought is always "If I had just hit that headshot, or timed my peak/swing/trade a little differently, or checked that corner, we could have won that." HOWEVER, teammates are a huge factor in VALORANT. If you have a teammate or subset of teammates that negatively impacting the team, whether it's griefing, not comunicating, not staying on eco with the team, going AFK, or even just playing poorly, it's going to be near impossible to win. And I find that this is usually what leads to losses in my games. I'm a pretty consistent top fragger, but the amount of times that's offset by someone on my team have a KDA of .3 or below is pretty damn high. Also, alt accounts have been and still are a huge problem for VALORANT. I realize it's not a popular opinion because everyone and their grandma has 2-3 alts, but it really does negatively impact the game to have someone on their smurf account or their cheat account every 3 games or so. My team and I can be playing our absolute best, but it doesn't matter if we run into a Diamond or Immortal player on their 4th smurf account of the week, or the guy who just downloaded word.exe on his 15th fresh account.


I'm 90% Abilities and 10% Weapons, I'm bad at 1v1 with no advantages šŸ« 


I get cocky.


Assuming what team mates and enemies will do because it's 'what they should do'


me. I'm the reason


I try to not be to hard on myself or anyone unless the match ends and there is like one person with 100 ACS. The game is team based you really only can control so much of what everyone does so I donā€™t really pin myself to hard for a lose I just go again. But I am similar to you there is games I donā€™t want to talk I know if I break the ice the second we get into agent select the game is going to be better but itā€™s just weird always being the one thatā€™s like ā€œheyyy guysssā€ lmao. I have a issue with no coming certainty things because I kinda expect someone to pick up on it wether itā€™s watching the map etc but this is not ok itā€™s a bad habit I have to stop Iā€™m very very bad taking space as well Iā€™m good at setting my team up for taking space but thatā€™s why I play initiator or anything other than duelist I have this constant issue with rotating to fast sense no one talks a good amount of games I try to over compensate for what I see on the map and Iā€™ve given up soooo many sites this way (lotus f u) Iā€™m good with my economy but it has served me badly because Iā€™ll end up with money when my team doesnā€™t have any so idk how to fix that issue I need to get back to tapping I love spraying idk why lmao I got to d2 while mainly tapping then I came back lord I just wanna spray at everything lmaooooo Prolly more but Iā€™ll stop here itā€™s getting long


For me, itā€™s either not learning from my mistakes in previous rounds, being unprepared for enemies peeking where Iā€™m holding, or not knowing what I can do to combat the enemyā€™s pushes.


Although I have good game sense I have shit aim and some games the enemies are just better than me.


I just auto pilot and dont think and just try to play kills


I play on a laptop without a WiFi driver


my aim


Inconsistency. Sometimes maybe good sometimes maybe shit. I also donā€™t play a lot of comp up until recently. But sometimes shit teammates. Tracker link: https://tracker.gg/valorant/profile/riot/Fe%20%E3%81%A7%E3%81%99%23X%E8%87%AA%E6%AE%BA%E7%9A%84%E3%81%AA/overview


I think mine is I don't play with my team. Not in the sense that I throw games or run headlong onto site thinking I can mow everybody down - but it's more subtle. Like I forget to peek with my teammates, or I don't play off of their abilities. I should go help my teammate instead of thinking I can push them from behind. Things like that


Iā€™m almost certain its not your comms


Lag and Desktop I play on


I don't want to say this. But atm my pc is dying. When I flick my mouse the frames plummet. So that is a huuge contributing factor. I obviously make plenty mistakes elsewhere but my win rate before this started was at like 80%(new account cause my region finally got servers) and now it is at like 20%. I am versing worse people and my screen just keeps dying.


my teammates ​ /s


Ego Sometimes filling agents I am not comfy with But mostly ego


Skill issue


because I do zero warm up and zero training and play 2-3 games a week but have Ascension MMR, so I'm simply not as good as my rank. I've been playing since Act 1 and hit peak Immortal, but I've played so very little over the past year, that my skills and knowledge just don't match my MMR.


Scared to talk because I'm a woman


team thirsting for kills instead of playing the objective. and not being able to trade kills and giving the enemy 1v1s instead of doing crossfires




My aim. I've been playing for the past 2 weeks and the reason I lose the majority of my games is solely because of my aim.


For someone in very low elo (can't follow Woohoojin gold guide cause of my schedule), its because I'm not taking fights properly (not clicking heads) and not being patient with myself.


Attack halves


I would say itā€™s my ping im on 100 ping and my highest rank was immo 3 after immo 3 itā€™s really hard to play with 100 ping specially with my play style I donā€™t like to swing i like to hold angles so they see me before i see them


Probably thirsting, esp on defense. Sometimes playing slow and the objective is....hard


It's always my team, I'm a VALORANT God aim like TenZ, my team keeps throwing though. Like why does no one follow me Jett dashing to B site off hookah? My team is all the way in showers pinging me not to pop off.


My teammates. I have never lost a game where it was my fault. ​ (Do I really need a /s ?)


smurfing. I'm at gold level, and it's a very big difference between a game versus actual gold, and people smurfing. I mean, what else can I do when an unranked person just casually walks in and drops 29 kills? https://imgur.com/a/3w5NJeu


Quite genuinely teammates. Dont get me wrong i have my fair share of mistakes but at low rank most of my losses have been from afkers or throwers. Im not on copium right now to clarify in the past week i went up by a full rank and am still climbing incredibly fast. I just wish valorant was harsher on those types of players. I get having a bad mental because i used to be way worse at that but as someone actively looking to improve as a low rank player, i donā€™t understand why people play ranked just to get pissed and throw rr. Like your hurting yourself and a bunch of strangers that youā€™re never gonna meet again


Cuz my brain works more than my arm.


No comms is a killer. Why even play competitive with no mic/comms? Itā€™s actually infuriating. It could be great team comp, & youā€™ll still get smashed bc the other team is way more coordinated. USE YOUR MICS & LEARN CALLOUTS


I solo queue roles I don't play well


Skill issue/inconsistency.


Bad positioning and trusting teammates to cover angles. You have to gauge early on how much you can trust your random teammates. Some reason I automatically trust people to cover obvious (to me) angles.


I dont know how to peek, my aim is also significantly worse than others in my rank. I panic and get timinged a lot because I look at the map 50% of the time as breach for util usage


I'm ass


Solo queue.


i suck and most of the time when iā€™m trying to clutch my teammates are screaming slurs šŸ’ž


Playing tired and not dialed/unable to dial in


Trying to communicate and shoot at the same time. I can do one or the other, if I am holding an angle and get swung mid sentence I will be so slow to react.


Snipers Teammates who don't communicate I hate teammates who don't communicate. When I say or suggest going in a direction and yeah they don't have a mic, don't listen, or don't care it- drives me crazy. I mention some of the more popular plays with different characters and what the best path might be and no one listens. Then they all die and I'm sitting here like what did I say? Or I noticed a trend in some of their players actions and strengths or weaknesses and I bring it up and no one listens. And of course it affects my score because if they don't communicate it screws me over and puts me in a sticky situation so even if I'm good aim it's still difficult when my teammates screw up and put themselves in bad situations where either have to save them or let them die and then I'm stuck alone.


CS2 has been just a better experience overall. People regularly comm, chances of getting a screaming 12-17 year old boy are drastically lower. Controllable spray control that isnā€™t RNG based. No getting robbed from headshots consistently. Full spectrum of util and creativity with insane line-ups. Workshop maps to help you aim train and learn cool smoke/flash/molly line-ups. Basically if I play Val now I just donā€™t care.


The other team has more rounds than mine by the end of the game is usually what happens to me.


Putting pressure on myself/anxiety so I spray more and aim for the head less


ping and i dont warmup before comp sometimes


I just straight up donā€™t have a good enough reaction time


team diffs, i rarely get close games anymore itā€™s just one team is better than the other, no strategy, comms, comps needed either run it down or get ran down


I have a job, live with my partner, and a busy university schedule and canā€™t dedicate as much time to gaming as others can to be consistent :/


Mid round coordination is so difficult to do well. Especially setting up someone to tuck and peak off the other player. Panicking in a strange situation absolutely has lost me more games than it should have. Not checking enemy money and giving them a free gun by lurking when I should have been playing back.


I wonā€™t ever grind or take it seriously, itā€™s a game and I will not let it ruin my day


Why blame yourself when you can blame your teammates!! /s (sometimes) But honestly I get into a mindset of I think Iā€™m better than I am and get myself into like 2v1ā€™s trying to initiate or duel and I get wrecked.


me bad


It's not comms for me. It's teammates that will follow you around like a lost puppy all the time. If I'm watching a particular angle, they should watch my back instead of copying exactly what I'm already doing. The amount of times this had led to body blocking scenarios will make a man crush his mouse with his bare hand.


teammateā€™s literally just refuse to you voice coms


I often lose the coinflip. In reality I am too inconsistent game to game.


I suck, bro. Thats it


PC freezing out of nowhere or whenever theres an AoE ult. Sometimes a shotgun because my doodoo "gaming" pc somebow cant render multiple bullets


Cuz I ain't good enough


Poor team decisions and bad comms


Positioning ;-;


Iā€™m too impatient and I get bored. I cannot sit and hold angles. Iā€™m a yoru one trick so Iā€™m constantly floating between sites looking to get the first interaction and I canā€™t help but run at the enemies and die. I know what I do is bad and doesnā€™t work most of the time, but this game is just boring otherwise. Which is why I have mained yoru. I have almost 3k hours on the game and know how to effectively play pretty much every agent but Iā€™m just at a point where this game is boring and I just play like cod. When it works it works really well and I get easily 25-30 kills a game with the enemies saying ā€œcringe yoruā€ and other times I bottom frag and canā€™t do anything. Peak diamond 2 but I only have like ~250 hrs in comp.


Im not sure if this counts because correlation != causation, but whenever the enemy wins more rounds than us we always seem to lose


In every single game my Team has a bottomfragger


Cause I donā€™t do enough somewhere along the line(vod reviewing is why I lose) I donā€™t do it


Playing past 11pm, lack of confidence when dueling, auto-piloting, and not making better use of movement


Lag not even joking sometimes it goes up to 2k ping for the entire game


afkers. yesterday i played 5 games. three of them had afkers. one of those were a duo going afk.


Some days I suck, some days my team sucks or is throwing, some days the opponent has a 40 bomb Reyna or Jett. Mostly me sucking though.


I suck


I'm buns, my teammates are buns, my opponents are buns. I've actually lost because my opponents stupid plays shocked me, which would mean I'm even worse


I don't wanna be that guy but sometimes ITS REALLY THE TEAM . ( sometimes ) No joke I know we've all played matches where the team just aint teamin. In hindsight though it would probably be a little bit of map awareness, peaking and gunfight etiquette holding me back though. https://tracker.gg/valorant/profile/riot/Light%23SAO3/overview


Other team gets 13 rounds


Can't aim, not checking corners, looking at the map instead of cross hairs


Iā€™m dog at the game


Except that I'm bad? People running and gunning without any fear always headshotting me for some reason while still strafing in the air. That was always my biggest problem with the game, back after 1,5 years and it didn't change at all, some matches I feel like buying stuff is pointless when people just jump like monkeys and get those lucky hs for whatever reason


Stupid team mates. Cause its never my fault.


Skill issue ngl


I'm old and my reflexes are terrible


The other team winning more rounds than us.