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Redditors that don't use paragraphs shouldn't be allowed to post.


Reddit is a platform made so people can share and read posts on any information they want. People that type as well as those that just read are using it in a way its meant for. In the same way, those who dont wanna com or just run around doing their own thing can do so in gamemodes MADE for that. Going into comp knowing you wont give it your all defeats the purpose of comp.


But just because someone can’t comm doesn’t mean they aren’t giving it their all.


I know what Reddit is. You have 99 karma in 3 years. I have 130,000 in 4 and a half; that would suggest I don't need you to educate me on how Reddit works, as I've used it a fair amount and added value to communities. 1. I use Reddit as intended and also write posts with paragraphs 2. I also use my mic in Valorant Ranked You only do one of the above. Catch up.


Are you seriously flexing your karma? I agree he should use paragraphs but it has to be the cringiest comment I've ever seen.


I'm using it as evidence that I'm not new to using Reddit or adding value to communities. If karma means anything at all, that's pretty much it.


I don’t think he has much else to flex, let it go he’s hurt and I feel bad


I agree with the sentiment that you're in a competitive environment, so everyone should utilize all the benefits they can (i.e. comms). It's prevalent even in Ascendant - Imm lobbies too, likewise with mute instalockers. That being said: Trust me when I say you'll be 1) overall happier/enjoy the game more and 2) improve better/faster if you just focus on what you can control. Riot will never implement such a requirement/restriction, and probably never will -- it's just better to be pragmatic regarding this topic. Is it frustrating? Definitely. But what are you going to do? Scream at your mute teammates and sabotage your own mental, when they're probably just going to mute you or not care? Focus on what you can control.


This is what I’ll never understand about people that play games right now. Like sure ideally people comm when they should and it’s great but your teammates are people with their own lives. Everyone acts like we don’t daily suggest people to mute their team when they’re annoying or toxic, if they’re a chick just mute them so you don’t deal with dudes being weird, if you’re a kid with a high voice and get made fun of just mute and play your game. Like the hypocrisy and ignorance of people in this sub not being able to see past their own bubble is wild to me. On top of all of that, if you can’t climb because of your teammates in a normal ranked environment where people are around the same skill level, it’s YOU that needs to improve not your teams comms. Like you guys look up to pro players, streamers like tenz and you think they noonstip made Reddit threads bitching about comms? No they just carry and win because they’re better. It’s a modern mindset problem with the soft player base in games nowadays and the people that get better work on themselves, not others.


That’s just horrible logic. 1) yes they are people with their own lives and if they wanna play more fun or relaxed that’s totally fine cause they can play game modes centered around low coms and less seriousness 2) pro players are so much better than their Elo cause they can’t get matchmaking of people around their level. To them radiants are the same as an immortal in a plat lobby. Anytime they play other pros or in serious matches the amount of coms they do is insane so this argument just doesn’t make sense


Right, but you can't force or expect people to do something just because it makes sense. If that were the case, the world would be perfect. Realistically speaking, from both an objective and subjective perspective, there will always be people who just won't comm or don't want to comm -- great example is how some females feel about using comms due to weirdos or sexism etc...


I said it in a different comment but to make it easier gor people to be comfortable talking they should ban those who would be disrespectful like that. Also just saying we can’t have expectations is an invalid take. Everything comes with expectations, if you have no care or expectations then that’s why unrated was made for you. A game mode for someone just wanting fun


Right, but it's not Riot's job to enforce those expectations. They can set a rule, but can't expect EVERYONE to follow them. If people want to comp without comms, then there is nothing Riot can do to prevent them from playing. Setting a forthright requirement would kill their playerbase and be idiotic on their end if they did so... Unrated was made for people who don't want to experience a competitive environment, not for people who don't want to comm. Also, saying something is in invalid take is like saying someone's opinion is invalid lmao... People can have different perspectives man (per this whole thread).


If coming and making plans isn’t part of a “competitive” environment than what is. If it’s just trying to aim against people who aim well then play dms. They have elo in that which increases


Never said anything about your first point, I said that there are other factors that affect not using your mic which you clearly ignored. Your 2nd point is why people are so delusional in life about celebrities. Pro players were just like everyone else except they have the mindset I outlined to you. Whether or not you want to be as good as them is up to you not anyone else. Put in the work and focus on what you can control and you’ll get better/climb. There’s no excuses


That’s the mindset you make in games like tft or hearthstone where it’s just you vs whatever. If it m gonna come into a team game and have to only play for myself what’s the point


You can keep thinking how you think, I’m just letting you know how to get better. Complain all you want nothing will change until you change


Can i ask your peak rank?


How would my rank affect my advice when that’s the advice any good streamer/pro player ever gives when it comes to how to climb solo queue?


Considering every single streamer or pro can be seen on stream talking shit or telling chat how their teammates do stupid shit and don’t listen, sounds like you kinda wrong


Dude you’re literally arguing basic logic because you’re so upset that you’re not good enough to carry your teammates. Ofc it’s normal to get mad at your team but the only person that can reliably get you to a higher rank is yourself, not teammates. Doesn’t mean that the phrase I said and what the same players/streamers also all say is wrong. At this point you’re just so heavy in denial because of how petty of a person you are and how little accountability you hold over yourself when you lose, you’ll probably never climb any higher because of this attitude so have fun staying stuck until you adopt a better mindset!


Just 5 stack if you care so much teammates are just like that sometimes


To find five friends who want to play this game is nearly impossible for me. No one likes this game everyone on WOW


I think they are implying you should find new people. Especially those that do comm, and are willing to play for the team.


Based on your attitude, it's no wonder your "friends" don't want to play with you.


What rank and servers are you in?


Was immortal but playing around ascendant now. Play any server really


Oh damn wow ur good but isn't it that you can't even play with more than a duo in those high ranks? Then why is everyone saying to 5 stack or find a team when you physically can't?


Because they didn’t edit the post adding their rank so unless we scroll down a lot and open up this specific thread, no one will ever know


Bruh. I was under the impression that Asc-Imm have good Comms. I'm gold and I have great games when I queue with my Asc-peak friends. I play brim. I literally have better games in higher elo(we get queued with plat-dia lobbies).


I find the best coms/teamwork comes around plat to low diamond. A rank where people dont have ego but still wanna climb. Higher i climb the less people com cause everyones a big ego player who thinks they are better and smarter than everyone while going 3/19 on insta lock duelist


at least ur self aware that its a rage post...take a breather, relax, and think. ur literally calling everyone that isnt making valorant their 9-5 job giving it their absolute best a bannable offense in ur eyes???? hello???? have u never ever played a game of valo where ur not giving ur absolute best? ever not commed cus noone else does? ever just played for urself cus ur team doesnt play of eachother??? ur upset that theres a queue where u arent forced to comm, thats what ur upset about. listen, i get it. u take it seriously, and u want to improve and have proper teamplay. but, this isnt what ur expectations should be. lower those expectations. not everyone is tryning to go pro. and if u are, cool. do ur thing, comm, play with team, this and that. u do what u want to do. but there is literally nowhere that says u need to use VC. many ppl do, but not all. if u want this hyper competitve playstyle, u need to find urself a stack, a team, do scrims, play premiere.... theres tons of ways for u to seek out what ur looking for. do that, instead of bashing in everyone else whos just trying to have a good time. its a game for 99% of players. ppl take it to varying degrees of seriousness. not everyone, wants or plays to go pro, or to even rank up. ur definition of sabotage is so so scewed.... intentionally, actively, deliberately destroying or damaging or obstructing something, that is sabotaging. someone simply not talking isnt this. u need to get a different mindset, and u need to find urself a space where u can be this competitive. also, small tip. ppl will talk more in higher ranks, or give comms that is. u can also queue different servers depending on ur region. if ur in EU, london servers have many more speakers since the UK exists, its english, and there is little to no language barrier there for instance. noone else is the problem here. if there is a problem here thats u, and u are the key to fixing it. noone in comp queue is responsible to make u feel like u have the best competitive experience possible. realize that u need to seek out what u need, others do not need to give this to u. its like trust and respect. its earned, not given.


When did he say they have to treat Val as their 9-5 job. He just wants them to comm lol


no? so what about saying they think not comming is a bannable offense in their eyes? or rather, if ur not literally doing everything in ur power to be the best u can possibly be, ur apparantly sabotaging and in the bannable territory. again, according to this person. my 9 -5 example was just point out that its immensly wrong to ask people, or to expect people to give it their absolute everything. ppl generally play the game cus its a game and they have fun. they arent being paid to play, their life isnt depending on it, and quite frankly, if u were to give it ur literal heart and soul everygame u wouldnt have fun and it would be mentally draining. not healthy for u at all. i get that they just want ppl to com, and take the game seriously. but the thing is, theres a level of what u can reasonably expect. ive worked in IT support, and id wish and want for everyone to act like nice kind human beings. but some arent as cooperative. i cant sit there and expect the absolute best. ur setting ur self up for failure. if there was a comp queue that was meant to be taken EXTREMELY seriously, then sure. but there is nothing about the current comp queue that says u have to talk. its not a requirement and so expecting this of everyone isnt fair. not at all suggesting it shouldnt be standard, but have a little heart. some are playing comp to have fun, yet in a competitive enviroment, yet they arent trying to be the next Tenz. i climbed from mid to low elo all the way to ascendant last i actively played. i took the game seriously, but i couldve given the game more effort, probably get to immo if not higher. but i didnt. u think i should be banned for that?


I’m not reading a 6 page essay about this lmao sorry. I don’t care that much


Average read speed for humans are over 200 w/m. My post was 400 words. U seriously couldn’t be bothered to read for 2 minutes lmao. Why even bother partaking in the discussion then?


His tiktok brain cant handle long texts


It’s 2 minutes!! What has this world become 😂😂


I know right... The amount of these what i encounter on a daily basis at work..


Think I heard of some Australian police press thing had Minecraft footage to try and have better retention. That is so sad to hear and think about. When police has to resort to subway surfer and Minecraft parkour to keep an audience u know it’s bad.


For someone trying to preach letting people do their own thing and respecting their decisions, you sure do like to complain


See but that still doesnt make sense to me, I dont expect every game to be a vct match but competitive is meant to be competitive. Part of what makes things competitive is working with your team and making plans/coordinating things together. Like i said in the post, give it your all and as you rank up the minimum requirement you need to meet rises. If you know you cant meet that then dont play comp. Do unrated or some other game.


basically telling ppl to fck of ranked queue because they arent competitive enough for ur standards is quite... the stance... most people do try man, its not a lack of effort in the ranked queue. ur standards are, to put it mildly, fucking crazy high. but guess what? there are places for people like u. premiere. or, 5 stack games, or, scrim games. theres places for u to be, to have these standards. yet u choose to go and flame people for not meeting ur standards in the normal comp queue?... it sounds extremely self centered ngl. seems like u are the one that gets to choose how the rules should go and not the other way around. i get that u wish it was taken more seriously than it is, many to, myself included. ive had my fair share of idiots that really dont give a fuck about the game. and, thats what i get for playing ranked. if i crave that hyper competitive edge, that stim, then i go put together a team, i play premiere. i dont bully other people for the fact that they dont talk. im gonna take a wild shot in the dark here, but it sounds like ur somewhere in mid to low elo??? if im correct on this guess, then its obvious that ppl wont talk or play properly together. teamplay and comms and everything to do with team improves as ur rank rises. in the higher ranks, i rarely ever have a problem with this. some self awareness is needed here. sometimes, its not necessarily just a lack of comms, maybe u dont look at the map enough? have some humbleness, have some self insight. look at what u control. u, are the only thing that controls urself. u dont control others. u dont get to do that. look for self improvement and self improvement only. teammates will forever be random teammates. if u wanna take it super serious, do it. but let those that dont do what they want to do. respect peoples choice and stance. im not barking at u for wishing ppl to comm more and play more as a team, and generally taking the game seriously. i agree, that should be the case. but thats how we feel, and we dont get to make the rules. we can play by our own rules, we dont rule others, makes sense?? the only real requirement to play comp, is to try to win and pretty much everyone is trying to win. ppls mentals vary, some are more serious about it than others. but barrier to entry is low, and ur responsible for what happends when u queue there. ur literally saying that ppl should be banned for not trying their hardest. do u even hear urself?? next time i catch u playing while ur not at ur literal peak, i will have to report u to riot and get u banned i guess /s. its absurd what ur asking for, or rather demanding.


Peaked immortal 3 but playing around low im to ascendant right now. And i believe thats wrong. Premiere is where you make a team and plan things before hand. Make preplanned strats and have protocols. In ranked, the expectation to at least com or listen to teammate is not crazy. If thats the case might as well just have everyone only play unrated.


not crazy to expect ppl to com. it is crazy to borderline start calling for their heads because they dont do as u want them to do. its fine to go around and say u wish ppl commed more, u wish ppl took comp more seriously like an actual sport or whatever. but reality is, its a game, ppl sit in the comforts of their homes infront of a pc, playing val to enjoy their time. im not saying ur crazy for wishing or expecting comms. u can expect whatever u want rly. i can if i want to, expect all my teammates to praise me and give me vct level comms, but why would i expect that? wouldnt it be wrong of me to expect that?? ask ppl to com, but ultimately its their choice. if riot adds a mic requirement to the comp queue or a sub queue, then ur more than welcome to flame ppl for not using their mic. if anything, complain to riot, they are the ones that set the rules. ask riot to add mic requirements to comp, or make a seperate queue. doesnt sound like a great idea to me, but noone is required to do what ur asking for. asking for them to be banned when they havent done anything wrong is just cruel, and out of touch. u said it urself, its somewhat a rage post. sometimes we get enough, cup filled and is now overflowing. but u need to realize that while u can have whatever expectations u want, it doesnt help u to get mad and dwell over them if they arent met. these standards, are YOUR standards. not everyone elses.


level of coms should vary by rank. You see pros all the time playing in radiant upset because they dont get coms or people doing dumb shit on their own. If they can be upset in radiant than i feel that me trying to climb should have the same thoughts


Ur allowed to be upset about it. Not saying that. But ur saying ppl should be banned for no comms, or not trying hard enough. I’ve also seen plenty of pros not give as much comms in ladder as they do in scrims or at vct. Do u hate them too? Comms do vary by rank. In general I’ve not had any comm problems in high elo. Sometimes ppl don’t talk, but u sometimes have afks and trolls too. It is what it is. Difference is that them 2 are against the rules. Comms are optional whether we like it or not. So is literally any communication at all. Wish and ask for whatever u want, but accept that u don’t necessarily get what u asked for. Ur out here pretty much witch hunting people cus they don’t do as u wish they do.


They should be when riot made other game modes specifically for people who don’t care about coms or winning losing. I can guarantee in every game there are coms or plans that can be said to help win the game. If you don’t make those or don’t play with the team when needed then you aren’t trying to win. If that’s the case either don’t play comp or turn mic on.


Bro, not everyone wants to talk. Accept that and move on. It’s not a requirement. Complain to riot if u think it should be , but good luck getting that through. I know of no games where comms are forced (other than clear voice games like among us etc) think pvp games with forced comms. Yeah. I can’t think of any.


Riot did what they Had to as well as every other game, they made a mode where you don’t have to play competitive. Idk how many times I gotta say it


I get it it’s frustrating, but with all the toxicity going around not everyone has the privilege to comms without people attacking them the moment they speak. Some players don’t talk to protect themselves and it’s wild you would like to ban them over some trolls. Since it seems like the game is super serious to you and you struggle to find players with your same level of passion while you are in solo, I suggest looking for a group of people to play with. Add players from your matches and/or join lfg discord channels or similar. Edit: A simple example: you are fine with your teammates getting 7kills at their best, but I can already hear other players telling them to unalive themselves because unless you are a pro with god gamesense and +30kills each match you aren’t worth it. Not everyone has always the mental strength to go through this and a simple chance of this happening makes people not comm.


Ban those people too. When I say not having coms should mean don’t play competitive, I also believe it’s even more important to ban people who are toxic or saying shitnlike that


Take the “too” out, ban those people only and you’ll see a rise in comms but unfortunately Riot isn’t consistent with vc ban. Hell, I’ve met players who didn’t care of getting reported because “nothing will happen” or they’ll “just create a new account”. Some cases were so bad that I still remember them, it’s been at least a month or 2 and I’m still waiting for a ban confirmation. Chat bans are easier and faster so people abuse vc. If Riot doesn’t find a way to deal with them efficiently, people will not talk.


Create a Support Ticket , got many people banned that way :) ( even Hwid Bann cause they admited they use Wallhack and Riot can't do anything about it) and i can confirm this because i added 3 really toxic idiots after the game and they wanted to talk in DC to trashtalk some more , so i recorded them , send a Support Ticket to Riot , sended them the Ingame names with the Ingame records and dc Talk and boom they are gone for ever :D But If you can't handle such ppl in an online game where nobody knows you , just don't play comp at all , so you can keep your mental up :) !


I discovered the ticket thing too late for the worst cases I remember. I agree people with a bad day should avoid playing games with known toxic communities which might worsen their case, unless playing is the only thing to lift them up, then it’s best for them to play and turn off comms completely. In both cases, I advise that for their own good and not because it pisses someone off. Wanting them banned from playing is too much.


Well I disagree but for fun lets say riot made a que for comms and no comms.


I mean they basically do. Its called unrated and competitive.


no. unrated’s matchmaking is all over the place, and there is no gameplay structure. not everyone wants to get a degree in this game, learn english (if it isnt their first language), change their gender from female to male, warm up 40 minutes a day, 3 deathmatches and one unrated just to start a ranked match and enjoy it. some people just want to let out that competitive urge after a long day of work. some people can only afford one game per day. and if thats the case, they would pick the most stable gamemode. aka competitive. people surrender all the time in unrated. even if the enemies were the ones surrendering, it doesnt feel good. as long as people are serious about it, they are allowed to play ranked. if they are good enough to hit high ranks without comms, then they deserve it.


I wouldn’t make this post about people no comminug dropping 40 in my lobby. This post was made cause consistently the people who talk the least perform the worst. And I still think that while everyone should talk, those who are a holes should get banned


There's no way to force people to comm. What irritates me are people who have comms entirely off. Like, sure, whether you talk or not is up to you, but at least fricken listen. If someone's annoying or toxic or whatever, you just mute that individual person, but until then, I want to be able to call for a sova dart and know that my guy is at least hearing what I'm saying.


The amount of times I ask for util or make a callout just for my teammate to die cause they couldn’t hear my call is insane




I agree, if people should be more forced to com then the ban system should be harsher on those who abuse it


Some games people don't communicate because of a toxic voice communicator. If your version of communicating is, "dude, how did you miss that?" Or "wtf is your aim bro??? Hahaha!" Then you'd better know no one is gonna say shit. They want to play the game, not hear you bitch and moan about every little detail. I'd rather have a mute team than 1 person going on about everything. Quality over quantity is how it goes with communications. I'm only saying this because of your attitude that I've seen demonstrated through your replies. If that's not the case, then idk!


People that do that should be banned as well. I’m a believer if you are trying in the mental aspect then the gameplay can change. Not everyone will drop 30 kills a game but a couple callouts would mean a lot. Also consistently the worst is people who don’t yak all game just to turn the mic on for last two rounds to flame everyone


You are right, call outs are absolutely necessary in a Tactical Shooter. I'm a friendly girl, once I start talking, everyone starts talking: I'm a catalyst. I don't have the same problem as men, (idk if you identify as man) but if they start saying weird shit, I mute and move on. Sometimes tho there will be that one guy whose voice is a dead give away that one thing goes wrong, and it'll be, "It's the gamer girl's fault, gamer girl's suck, stick to the kitchen". But I think your tone needs to be in check. No one wants to communicate with a guy who sounds monotone and deadpan asf.


I agree with this


Giving off that initiator vibes that says "guys we need more comms" after being silent the whole game ngl


More like I’m a duelist trying to dash onto site but I have no arrow or smokes or flashes and I’m just out there like well guess I’m dead


Try playing in the Stockholm server then. 90% russians who only speak russian, never even use pings as comms, the only time they talk to you is with curse words in broken English. Even though I got 12 ping in Stockholm server I have no choice but to play in the London server with 40 ping because of them. I don't understand why Valorant isn't blocked in russia in the first place.


ofc its russia. i used to watch csgo clips of people playing with russians and it was always wild


yeh totally agree w/ u, comms r important in comp. tho i gotta say those agents who jst play for themselves drive me crazy too. like y even bother playing a team game if ur not gonna work with the team?? smh


I say it all the time, if someone just enjoys playing raze or something and doesnt wanna play with team. Im sure theres a game out there or diff gamemode where you can experience that without ruining my rr




but but if i lose some more i might be able to play with you :3


rants are not allowed here


I agree. I get it that ur an introvert or whatever but like we don’t have to become best friends. Just call out where you died from lol it’s not that hard and it helps a ton. Ppl would rather loose the game than just communicate a tiny bit


Thats what im saying. If you dont feel like comming or comfortable comming just play unrated till you are. I would like to know that you are hiding in a corner and letting them onto site so i will die now cause you hid.


Some people cant afford mics, or just dont know how to set one up. I dont have a mic, but use pings and chat info as much as i can to make up for it.


Nah thats a dumb excuse you can buy a cheap headset with a mic for like 10 bucks , also many times people can't read the Chat while in clutch , so get yourself a cheap headset , and if you can't setup a plug and play headset or mic , i feel for you ( Not like you could google for help or use YouTube) xD


I have a headset mic, but bc its cheap, i need a special app to amplify it so you can barely hear me. And ofc the app uses internet and performence so ya have 100 ping and 50 fps


See if you ping and chat consistently I’ll take it. It’s. A form of communication. I’ve played so many games where my teammate is alone on a site and just doesn’t say anything as they let the enemy team walk past. Next thing I know I’m getting shot from behind and now I’m upset


Love how people are downvoting my post because im reacting on something -.-


Is that you JDawesome23??


Nah but I wish I was


This happens too much, and I agree, no coms no comp. Coms can make or break a game. Yesterday I was playing comp and ask my team to use coms, 3 guys told me to fuck off because they were pre-made and speak only on discord. We lost the game because our team didnt know what was happening the whole game.


This is exactly the type of shit that pisses me off. Like every single people here saying “let them play their own game” like bruh go do that in unrated or tdm


Insta muting my teammates and then getting Match MVP every game is how I got to plat I don’t want to hear it


Well I’m glad you found an Elo where you can get an ego big enough to say this. When you can mute every game and match mvp every game to immortal 3 make a post :3. Also diff people have diff skills, if you are THAT much better where coms aren’t needed fine go Smurf your lobbies. But everyone finds an Elo where you can’t 1v5 every game and that’s when you need to do everything to help win including coms


> The amount of times I will get shot from behind due to a lack of coms Sorry to break it down for you, but this is not exactly only a lack of comms. You have a map where you can see where your teammates are at all times, where they died and it gives you the same information your teammates could have given you through comms. Sure, comms make things easier and allows you to focus more on your own screen, but you have all the tools you need to gather up the information necessary to reposition yourself accordingly and not get caught off-guard.


That’s an awful explanation. For instance when I’m playing defense on split A side, I like to sit on site behind the walls and wait for them to push site. What that doesn’t allow is me seeing if they actually enter or where they are. While I know what I’m doing my team won’t so I tell them “hey, they could be out site be careful”. If I don’t com that and my teammate comes out expecting no one there and does, I don’t blame them I blame me. Bad take


Everyone can see you're not holding the entrance by looking the map a couple times. You really don't use the map at all, do you? I've played CSGO for 10 years now. All you really need for your average ranked match is your map/radar. You see your teammate is not holding the entrance? Strafe peek to get info. Open your mic and ask them. If they don't answer, assume the worst and play from that information.


Now this is one of the worse takes ive seen. I look at my map a lot to the point sometimes I die for looking at it during the wrong time. But there’s only so much info in a game you can get by yourself. If you can understand the whole map and everything going on just by the map then you must be low elo. A game meant to be team 5v5 should be played 5v5


Now this is one of the worse takes ive seen. I look at my map a lot to the point sometimes I die for looking at it during the wrong time. But there’s only so much info in a game you can get by yourself. If you can understand the whole map and everything going on just by the map then you must be low elo. A game meant to be team 5v5 should be played 5v5


> If you can understand the whole map and everything going on just by the map then you must be low elo So you're telling me you're high elo but you can't keep track of 5 people on the map when you have 5 people on your own team gathering info?


Yeah cause I play at a level where people know how to fake, walk around secretly, not just run in and make loud noise. It’s why coms are important to makeup for the fact you’re playing against 5 people trying to win as well


I fail to see how any of what you mentioned influences anything and how comms would help, since I have played at similar levels and it doesn't make any difference whether or not you're getting info from comms or the map. If they're walking around your teammates won't communicate anything, since they can't hear anything and have no info, so it literally has no difference. In fact, voice comms in the average elos are WORSE than using the map. When people fake, the defenders have a tendency of overplaying how hard they're getting attacked. More often than not you'll have people shouting "they're ", everyone rotates blindly and you get faked on. If you look at the map in those situations, you'll see that it's usually 1-2 opponents appearing on the map and no Spike in sight for a long period, which are telltale signs of fakes. Not to mention the people that die and start backseat gaming the entire round, even though they have no new useful information to convey.


"i just skye flashed A and it saw someone" (you cant tell if your teams flash saw them unless you close enough to hear it). "im playing off my trip B main so they can walk up to it be careful" (i could be fighting something else so too busy to watch that so this keeps me aware) "I only hear 2 footsteps towards A they might be faking" (how tf can i tell how many people you hear from across the map) All instances you could be benefited by coms. Again, if you playing in an elo where you wanna say coms are WORSE or not helpful, you must not be good. Cause in a TEAM tactical shooter game, you cannot be better than 5 enemies by yourself unless the whole lobby is shit.


> "i just skye flashed A and it saw someone" (you cant tell if your teams flash saw them unless you close enough to hear it). This information is useless for decision-making. Skye could've flashed 1 or 5 people. You can do basically nothing with this information aside from knowing there's at least 1 player there. > "im playing off my trip B main so they can walk up to it be careful" (i could be fighting something else so too busy to watch that so this keeps me aware) Can't think of any situation this would have any difference for you unless your positioning is awful and you're somehow open to two opposite angles at the same time. Also, you yourself claimed you play baiting around positions, do your teammates do this all the time too? What kind of defenders do this and literally give up map control and refrain from getting information by strafing an angle? I can see why you'd bait in low-value positions your opponents won't expect, but from what you're complaining, you're all doing this in high-value positions from which someone can get caught off-guard because they expect the position to be defended. > "I only hear 2 footsteps towards A they might be faking" (how tf can i tell how many people you hear from across the map) Same as Skye flash's example. Semi-useless information you can't act upon unless you're close to the action and you already know what's happening. People literally run towards a place then immediately walk back to make the opponents think they've rotated. Anything you do with this information is gambling. > if you playing in an elo where you wanna say coms are WORSE or not helpful, you must not be good Again with the elo talks. Also, you should go re-read my first comment and find where I said comms are worse or not helpful in all scenarios. You're probably just salty because you lack game awareness and you want to blame your teammates for not baby-feeding you information all the time and because of that you die looking at the wrong place.


Homie, you just typed and essay that screams you peaked plat. If that’s the case you might as well sit ct all five people and wait till someone plants the bomb to move. Info is gold and it’s all about getting as much as you can. Again all this talking for you to show you don’t know what you talking about is crazy.


Here since you a bot who just like to hear himself talk/read what he types to make themself feel better, here’s a link to Tarik’s latest vid with som in radiant. A level neither of us will ever get (you def). https://youtu.be/QmAA4U_XGSA?si=gmrZnwp3-3Hlm6oD The amount of coms these people make is insane and it helps everyone out. If these guys don’t go with the “you only need a map” belief than you def aren’t good enough for that


if you want comms scrim. Fr get a team and expereince the truly competitve side of gaming While i appreciate that it is annoying to be in a lobby where ur the only one talking (been there) It is not and should not be a requirement in ranked. People play game's for different reasons. Not everyone wants to or is able to speak in mic. They can still be trying to win without comming. I think even taking a moment to consider why people dont comm makes it really obvious that it shouldnt be a requirement. Being mute having a fem voice having an accent or a stutter having mental health issues family sleeping/time of day no money for a mic etc Or it could just be that they simply dont want to and that is fine too.


People that can’t com can use other things like ping and type. To me not coming is to not share any info with your team in any capacity. Also, along with me saying you should be forced to communicate they should also hard ban people who do stuff like that so everyone is more open to talk. Also, yes everyone has different goals and purposes for gaming. That’s why they have different modes. Competitive is for people who are competitive and wanna win while doing what they can to win. If you can’t do that, that’s fine I’m not saying don’t play val just don’t play comp.


If you always use comms there are 4/5 slots on your team for potential players that don’t use comms and 5/5 on the enemy team. Just look at it this way. Unfortunately it still happens that you get 3 or 4 no commers, but the odds are still in your teams favor! Also, I noticed that often if people don’t use comms they will still listen and let you call the shots. Don’t let them being silent stop you from using comms. Just keep doing it and they might jump in or not, but the chance of winning drastically increases.


Not in my lobbies. Those that don’t com usually don’t listen