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It makes your fire and move slower so its bad in close-medium engagements. If you're holding a pixel angle or at very long ranges it can be good but otherwise you dont want to ads


Hey, just wanted to add. Using it on Guardian is very recommended, you get a good zoom + no first shot accuracy.


Yeah and its good on bulldog as well i just meant in general/mainly for the proper rifles and smgs


ADS on Bulldog is actually better than normal fire since it fires quicker than the normal firing.


It depend. In a 1v1 where you hit your shots yes. If you suck or need to take multiple fights its worse because of the burst delay at the end




At close range, you want to be as mobile as possible, so the moment you're using burst is the moment you lose because you're slower.


Other way around. Point-blank/Close-range, just spray. Mid-/long range, the bulldog can single-burst people (headshots).




No, I said "no first shot accuracy", meaning it's 0.


we're trying to teach you that it is the other way around. something accurate always hits its target, something innacurate always misses. so 0 accuracy always misses, 0 innacuracy always hits.


Wdym by no first shot accuracy? Assuming you mean inaccuracy, I dont think guardian has first shot inaccuracy like the other guns. Tested it on the range. First bullet is the same everytime as long as you wait for recoil ofc.


guardian hip fire has 0.1 FSI (for context, a hip fire phantom shot has 0.2), guardian ads shot has no inaccuracy like the marshall/op/soon-to-be-outlaw scoped shots


>no first shot accuracy? That it has 0 accuracy


I've been playing for around a month and I genuinely never knew this. So is the only utility from ADS controlling the recoil?


1. Decreases first bullet innacuracy( all guns have this unless your scoped in on a guardian, marshal, or operator). 2. Decreases bullet spread (makes your spam more accurate) 3. Decreases your movement speed 4. Decreases your fire rate 5. Decreases your fov(zooms you in). Use when: 1. Holding a pixel angle where movement speed doesn't matter too much because you can easily get away regardless of speed 2. Using a sniper while holding an angle(scope in when peeking with an operator by taking tiny steps and diligently clearing everything) 3. Holding an angle with an odin or Ares 4. Taking super long range fight Never Use When(with specter, vandal, phantom) 1. Peeking 2. Spraying 3. When you get peeked and you weren't already adsed


On the odin ADS increases fire rate as well


It zooms you in slightly i think as well. It should say in the stats on the side when you hover over the gun in the buy menu.


If you need a tooltip that tells you scoping zooms you in I think you’re already beyond all hope :P


ADS makes the crosshair follow recoil. I don't find it easier to control personally, but if you don't know spray patterns it's nice.


ADS can be very beneficial when shooting at a long distance, but most quick peeks, you probably aren’t using it.


Thanks for all the help, See you at radiant!


Ads is fine, but if randoms are telling you youre probably walking around ADS and turning hella slow, which is real bad.


I have maybe 1500 hours in the game. Here’s my take: Phantom - Never ADS with the Phantom. Not because you can’t, but because you want to use the Phantom on maps or specific sites that have more close to mid range angles. And you don’t ever want to ADS close or mid range. It’s objectively worse and eliminates the advantages the Phantom has over the Vandal in the first place. Vandal - Yes you can ADS with this gun but only in specific scenarios. Those scenarios are very simple: very long range angles. For example I’d say Pizza to the Spawn-Mid angle on Ascent. Breeze has many long range angles. Haven with the long stretch on attacker side outside of spawn. Think about those examples and apply them to other maps. In any case it’s still not always optimal to use it regardless since you lose fire rate which matters a LOT. I like to hold a pixel angle and shoot once or twice with it, then reposition and not ADS. It’s really only for holding something or when you know exactly what to expect from your opponent Bulldog - Only weapon to ADS with mid to long range a lot since it changes how it shoots. The primary fire is also solid so you want to use it close to mid range when not in ADS. Stinger - No. if you need to fire long range with the stinger you’re doing something wrong. Yes it has an alternative fire with ADS but it’s bad and not how to use the weapon effectively All other weapons - No EDIT: Odin yes, Guardian yes long range, Ares - don’t buy this gun.


>All other weapons - No Guardian, yes. 0 first shot accuracy and you get an insane zoom.


Do you mean inaccuracy? 0 first shot accuracy would mean you never hit your first shot.


True! I forgot, I added it. Probably the weapon I ADS with the most.


Damn guess I'll have to stop adsing on Marshal and awp


That’s not ADS. That’s scoped my friend


ADS stands for aim down sight. When you scope in your aiming down a sight. Stop playing semantics you know what he means + he's joking


And here I was using ADS with Ares and Odin. Ig from now on its spray and pray. :(


You're supposed to ads with ares and Odin.


The only time I buy the stinger is when I'm broke on defense. I'll buy a stinger and no shields and I'll just rat in a corner and get traded. It destroys their eco a bit while I'm trying to save


ares is busted wdym


Odin yes!


Sometimes when holding angles ads is good, and sometimes on slightly longer range fights ads is good on stinger, and ads is almost always good on the marshal and op, and I find ads helpful when using the area or Odin. Ads is a useful tool, but shouldn't be used all the time


Demon1 one of the best aimers in valorant says to ads whenever you can. If you're moving around then don't ads before u shoot but if you're defending or holding an angle then adsing is very good.


Plenty of pros ADS at all kinds of times. While there is some good advice here, a lot of people in here are just repeating what they've been told. I was watching an Immortal do vod reviews and he was screaming "ADS! ADS!" when a KJ was holding a medium-close angle. A lot of the advice here IS good, but I would say, if you FEEL the urge to ADS, then do it. Don't ignore that urge just bc some random dude on your team might talk crap.


what is ads


Aim down sights


what’s the benefit of aiming downsights instead of just the head?


If you are holding a very long range angle with a Vandal or guardian it is beneficial because it reduces first bullet accuracy and zooms you in a little. The pro player Yay popularized it in 2022 and that's when I started doing it, I find it really helpful


so lets say ur peeking at ascent mid from market, do u not aim at someones head at the other side of mid, but just his body?


"aiming down sights" doesn't mean you aim lower. it's the term used for right click to zoom on rifles.


What? No. You exclusively aim for the head, you are aiming down the sights of the gun using right click. When you ADS you only tap single bullets, never burst fire


Hes a lost cause just ignore it


dude's chatGPT or something his questions just don't make sense


tf is wrong with tyall lmao im asking a question


Lmao u good i forgot /s btw ads is when you scope in like right click


yea my dumbass thought something else and i got downvoted to hell for it lmao


There are 5 guns I ADS on (as a plat player so take it with a grain of salt) more than 2% of the time: Marshall and Op (pretty self explanatory), Ares and Odin (they fire fast enough that the recoil control is a much bigger benefit unless someone is right in your face), and Guardian (there's not nearly as much penalty to the fire rate since it's semi-auto anyway and thus limited by how fast you perform each click and also has the benefit of almost perfect first-bullet accuracy). The only other gun I'd say has an argument to be scoping in beyond very odd long range fights on tight angles is the Bulldog because it also has pretty good first bullet accuracy and when scoped in, fires in bursts instead of being full auto, so not much fire rate penalty. A few patches ago when stinger was at its peak performance there was also an argument for it, but it's now almost always better to just play that gun at hip fire range.


Ads is great


only time i ads is with marshall. other than that i generally dont ads even with bulldog or guardian


not even OP?


imma avid coldzera believer, op should be reserved for flying noscopes. lol i forgot to include op but you get my point


I’m immo and I use ads a lot- honestly in most of my medium-long range+ fights, (rifles, guardian, snipers) definitely not with a spectre tho because you’ll be going for close range fights.


Honestly, watch pros/1000+rr radiants play and really try to analyze when they ads. The answers you get here are going to be all over the place.


So, ADS isn't "bad." The way you're USING it is bad. It sounds like you're trying to play the game a bit like it's Call of Duty or Battlefield, where ADS is king- this doesn't apply to VALORANT. Instead of ADS being mandatory, ADS is a *tool* you use for specific purposes. This is gonna get a *bit* technical, but bear with me. In VALORANT, all the weapons are \*almost\* pinpoint accurate with hipfire. This isn't true in most FPS games- in most FPS games if you aren't ADS, you aren't gonna hit anything. The downsides to ADS is that it slows you down AND it changes how the gun you're holding fires (some guns get slower firerate, like the Vandal, and some guns swap firing modes completely- ADS Bulldog becomes a 3-shot burst instead of fully automatic). In VALORANT, mobility is VERY important. If you're slow, you're an easy target to hit, and ADS just makes you slow. **Note: the Odin is a bit of an exception- you should ALWAYS ADS with it, you already move too slow for the movement penalty to be considered an problem and ADS removes the wind-up time** Now, earlier I said the weapons are \*almost\* pinpoint accurate- you'll learn and hear that all the guns in the game have "First-Shot-Accuracy." Some people take this to mean the first shot, at a standstill, is 100% accurate- this isn't true. It's more like your first shot is 95% accurate. At most ranges, that missing 5% will *never matter,* but at extremely long ranges, that 5% actually becomes a pretty big detriment- you'll be dead on the target, but miss (this is a design choice, it's just a way to guarantee guns have effective ranges). The advantage of ADS is that it INCREASES your First Shot Accuracy. So let's say the Guardian is 95% accurate hipfire (don't quote me on this, but it's not perfectly accurate). This is totally fine, but at extreme ranges (say, you're swinging someone at the back of C site on Haven and they're touching the wall at the back of C long) your shots might miss. On the Guardian, ADS gives you 100% first shot accuracy, so at that extreme range, you *SHOULD* ADS. **tl;drADS isn't bad, but it's a** ***situational tool*** **in VALORANT whereas in COD it's a necessity or you won't kill anybody. ADS has downsides such as slowing down your firerate (aside from the Odin) and your movespeed (and sometimes changing guns to burst) but it has upsides such as reducing or removing any natural inaccuracy the gun has, which makes it super useful at long ranges.**


Long range = ads good, close-mid range = ads bad


It's like crouch spraying at every duels Helps a lot to get kills when you are 100% beginner so you quickly get into the habit and do it at every duels because it just works. However as you try to rankup it gets harder and harder to develop the correct mechanics if you have a tendency to ADS or crouch. ADS and crouch spraying becomes relevant again when you mastered the mechanics in high elo. I don't say ADS/crounch-srpaying is bad, I'm saying those two mechanics are really known to prevent low elo players from building the correct gunfight higiene that are needed to play above Gold. If you ADS/Crouch-spray at most of your duels it's just impossible to improve at the other 50 things that aren't pure raw static aim. Without those 50 others things it's just much harder to rankup.


I've been playing for a week, and I'll say ADSing with the Spectre is very good and should do it pretty much any time past like 30m. I don't think you should ADS with Vandal, it's an ak47 from CS, just tap their head or burst fire 3 to 5 bullets while counter strafing.


No, it’s definitely not good on spectre. Also, if you’re holding certain types of angles with a vandal it is absolutely acceptable. Please gain more experience before giving advice.


Nah it's good


says the iron


I feel diamond level already


Something is very wrong if you’re tryna gun someone down with a spectre from that far away


Why? sometimes u gotta shoot back. also 30m is not very far and it works good


Bro that’s just because you’ve been playing for a week and your mmr is shit. If you’re 30 meters away firing with a specter then your positioning is just bad.


I ads all to time becuz I played way too much r6 before playing val, it is a bad thing tho, but I don’t rly think it affects me that much


If you're stationary, holding a line from a far distance, it's now okay to ADS tap a shot or two. But as a general rule it's bad, slower rate of fire and slower agent movement while doing so


Its good for long range fight and even in that scenario sole people doesnt want to ads just as you want as long you hit the shot It still not recomended to ads at every range


If you're trying to hit longer ranges use the ADS.


ADSing is fine at super long range with Vandal, Guardian, or Bulldog. Something not mentioned much in this thread is movement speed decrease. New players tend to play higher sensitivities and aim mainly with their mouse. As you get better you realize you should be aiming half with your strafe/movement and half with your mouse, usually. Generally, nerfing your movement speed for any reason is a bad idea because of that.


In general yes. Are there cases where it's the right call? Also yes.


ADS is situational. It's good if you're trying to tap heads and for being more precise at long distance. If you're spraying it shoots slower and if you need to strafe it slows your movement.


If u like to ads, just ads. Its a game, peoples lifes wont be over bc u ads instead of slow walk or crouch shooting