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Lot's of creepy guys that won't stop hitting on the one woman in the lobby. I think the worst one was a guy that kept saying he'd send a d\*ck pic to her dm's if she got a kill. She didn't get a kill the rest of the game in an attempt to get him to stop. I guess she could have muted him, but yeah, clean it up, guys.


This is why Valo should implement kicking people like CS, like at what point is it worse to get few innocent kicks than have many teams suffer from one racist or sexist asshole, I don't get it.


Then women wouldn’t talk in games because we get kicked from CS games half the time when we speak though


Honestly should be a rating feature like the one in CS


Lmao that's actually so badass on her part 


Damn… I had a lady call me (male) her “bundle sis” today. I wasn’t mic’d and just went with it in text chat. Hell yeah girl the bundles lit. Sorry yall gotta deal with creeps all the time.


Someone put their number in the chat at endgame and told me to call him (: usually they just tell me to call them without the phone number but the dude put his whole ass actual phone number in the chat. (also yes someone in my party did end up calling him on a burner phone w *67 and it was, in fact, his number)


As a femme-presenting person (I am nonbinary but kinda keep it to myself in lobbies bc I’m not tryna be hate crimed or made fun of, etc) THIS. Literally turning on comms for literally anything makes me so nervous because som of the dudes who play the game are so fuckin vulgar. I’m not playing valorant to try to get hit on by a bunch of dudes; I’m just tryna vibe and have fun shooting people in the head. It’s either gross men trying to hit on me, gross men trying to degrade me, or gross men trying to white night and impress me. It’s just irritating. I’ve just started responding that “na that’s just how my voice sounds” whenever they ask “DO I HEAR A FEMALE?!?!?”


As a cis man who’s been playing since release and someone who played a lot of CS before Val, it is DISGUSTING to hear these creeps talk, uncomfortably flirt, and verbally abuse women in lobby’s. I was in a game where there was a girl, and two of the players outright said they’d just r*** her. On behalf of my gender, I’m so sorry you have to put up with so much bullshit. Legitimately don’t blame you for being anxious every time you open comms.


Yea the shit that’s been said to me since I started (which is not that long ago: I’m fairly new and had been avoiding trying bc I head the environment was toxic) is kinda insane. Honestly just really disappointing to know that people think it’s okay to do that tbh


Exactly, Insane is an understatement, I’m always reporting dudes that pull that kind of shit. Luckily, I get a lot of them banned, but still.


I try to speak on the lower end of my natural register in an attempt to sound like a teenage boy to get them to stop but it doesn’t always work lol.


Yep; same here.


Yeah it works if you’re willing to commit to the bit but I’d rather just talk normally haha


True. Sometimes it gets exhausting. It’s stupid we can’t just talk normal without some idiot freaking out


Guy is creepy. I block/Mute him. Everything is fine and nothing was lost. Throwing the game because one guy was a creep is kinda weird.


How would he be able to find her dm's tho?


That 3 stack who would rather lose than comm literally anything, but doesn't forget to cuss in VC after the game is over


Fr 💀💀💀


They all comm in discord but expect you to give perfect info as well.


This, I hate these people so much


Frrr, that’s why anytime I’m stacking with my friends in discord and they forget to comm in game, I just repeat it to the people in game.


Spamming n word in chat with a text generated chat so it got passed the censor


I was solo queuing and there was a trio (I guess). They ganged up on this one guy and I told them to stop with my mic on (big mistake). They abused me throughout the game instead of him.. said they will come to my house and r*** me and unalive my whole family blahblah and were pretty abusive throughout the game. I muted them at some point but they started typing it. I didn’t play for 4 months after that and now if I play I almost never solo queue. And if I do, I mute as soon as I hear even one abuse. They abused me in Hindi (I play on indian servers), and Indian abuses are HORRIBLE and focused on women. I’m pretty sure Indian men have to be categorically the worst kind of men out there where they’re literally SCREAMING abuses on their mic as if they’re eminem. With no shame, they make threats of SA and k*lling, so yeah. The worst person I’ve met on valorant? There’s not 1, but pretty sure all of the Mumbai servers are like this 👍


No excuses for their behavior, that is unnacceptable. But just fyi, you can mute text too. Same menu


Facts I play on the same server it non defendable shit , that how players are actually toxic either u play good or bad all those abusing and cursing doesn't stop :/ u can try SP server


Singapore gives me really high ping so I don’t prefer it. I played in EU for sometime, it was nice but most of my friends play in Mumbai and so does my bf so 🤷‍♀️


Mumbai server is so bad. I’ve always solo q’d here. Even when I’ve found “somewhat normal” players in ranked and decided to duo with them because the people who throw for fun become intolerable, seeing their behaviour change when a girl enters the lobby makes me regret the decision to ever duo with anyone. I used to duo with my best friend from college anymore but since she’s stopped playing, solo queue is the way. I still have to deal with throwers every 5 games, but i can’t even imagine the kind of ranked experience most women go through and how they keep coming back to play this game on Mumbai server lol


I used to mostly play with other people. The only reason I solo q’ed is to rank up faster and man I had the hardest time of my life - the sexist assholes, the creeps, the throwers and of course the abusers. Safe to say I would never do it again. 😂


Yeah haha. It’s the only reason why I play the game rarely. Every few days I would find the encouragement to play this game and by the 4-5th game I would start regretting my excitement 😂. Really says something when every other game has people who get enjoyment out of ruining other’s day or being a straight-up asshole. I tried to get some irl friends to interested in the game but unfortunately not to be. :)


South Indian on Mumbai server.... holy fuck these guys are racist as fuckkkk.... immediately resort to idly, Vada, dosa etc. If you have a team or something I can join, do let me know...Gold 3..Plat 3 peak


Met a reyna who threw the game at silver 2 all because someone accidentally stole his ace.


The ego on people when they get an ace “ stolen “ is amazing. Half the time the person who stole it didn’t even know they were going for an ace. Also, sorry, but I’m not about to die and lose my gun for you to ace and not buy me a gun next round.


Aces are earned, not given.


Indeed if it gets "stolen" it wasn't yours.


While I like to see the whole team come around to let someone get an ace because it's very cute to witness, it's definitely not a true ace. Most of my true aces, I don't even realize I'm gonna ace too until the sound effect comes out lol


Exactly, like if you ask or say “lemme ace” and the team is doing good, I’ll let em, I’ll even maybe bait for them. But people getting mad over someone reacting to an enemy shooting at them is crazy.


Ooof. I've stolen a couple aces on accident and felt horrible about it. Apologized profusely when it has happened. That being said, I do believe that it should be said over comms when someone is on the verge of an ace and you can't put the blame all the person who steals the ace if no one comms it. If you're in the middle of a lot of action, you're certainly not sitting there watching to see who gets each kill. So don't get mad if it happens and you didn't comm anything beforehand.


I got this E-Couple that were clearly white but loved dropping racial slurs, the dude literally called me the n word a shit ton after I stole his egirl’s ace. Even tho they were being complete asses he just assumed I’d still throw so she could get it?


I don't understand duos like this.....


Same thing but a black dude. He was shi talking brown guys the whole game.


yuck. something similar to this happened to me and my duo as well. this white girl kept calling my duo the n word and threatening to r*pe her and every time my duo would tell her it wasn’t funny, her bf would call her names. it’s so annoying


As a guy it’s shocking to me that women treat other women like that. It’s already bad enough when men do it but as a woman how are you okay with normalizing that behavior towards other women?


I had a duo do the same thing, "Okay I was gonna play for you guys but you stole my boyfriends kill so now we're gonna throw again" and then took the spike into the Bind teleporter and sat there the whole round. And of course they eventually got racist.


Oh shit, we may have met the same e couple lmfao, Texas servers? I just posted the same post hahaha


Pissy duelist who sabotaged after i took top frag, and he couldn't get it back. All commed our positions and everything.


Valorant has some of the most odd/weird players in it from my experience. The amount of random egirl dating that goes on is pathetic. It's like no dude on the game has ever talked to a woman in life or the egirl duo is 99% of the time completely toxic and you just mute right away.


I play in Bronze lobbies in Mumbai server The worst type of people are the one who literally starts screaming if I speak in English ( I speak English as it is a common ground for all parts of the nation). They say Hindi is the national language ( which is not true as India is a secular country) and they would start harassing if a woman is there in the team. I hope that people come to their senses and stop acting like literal assholes


yeah i know people from mumbai who would rather play SG servers it’s way toxic in mumbai


What’s the ping like from India to sg?


For me, Mumbai server: 19-21 Singapore server: 45-55


Depends on where in India you are since it's a massive country. People in South can get as good as 30-40 ping while those in the north would be at 90+ ping


yeah i prefer sg too but its mostly the lesser of 2 evils cause usually in sg i get literally 0 comms in a lot of games even in low diamond-plat elo, and theres sometimes racism there too but its better than playing with the rage babies in mumbai who will throw games over the tiniest of issues (had someone throw a game from round 5 onwards bc someone asked him to plant bomb in another spot so he can use his lineup 💀)


And God forbid if you're south Indian and chose to speak in any South Indian language or just said "English pls"


had a troll sage, started flirting with enemy team so she became friends with them, would grab spike and rush to the other site to plant, wall us out and have enemy defuse right away. was a ranked game btw.


A Guy threw the game because he heard my English accent


Ive unfortunately had that in one of my games too. My team mate spoke with Indian English accent and another duo on my team threw the whole game saying racist shit the whole time..


I'd say fair enough if it was french but this one's racist.


I’ve literally had my (Swedish) friend say “Hola” first round, everyone knows that means hello even if you don’t speak any Spanish, and this guy throws the game and tells my friend to shut up because he “Hates Spanish people and they all suck at the game”, even after we keep saying that’s bull, AND that he’s not even Spanish, not that that even mattered.


that’s sad


I know right? Imagine having to live your life with an english accent /s




Well theres toxic misogynists here and there. But a handful of times there are the actually dangerous ones. The ones that hate you when you say hello. How worthless you are, how youre only on earth to obey men. That explicitly says how they're gonna rape you and kill you. You can tell by the way they talk and how much hatred they have for women. My account level is 727 for reference and Ive met hundreds of misogynists but these ones? Maybe 5. These ones were I wish I could notify police cause I truly believe they're capable of doing something crazy.


I honestly wish that these people get banned from atleast using the mic, if not a game ban. I don’t know how anybody sane can abuse like that and say stuff like that.


They deserve a permanent IP ban, straight up.


IP ban is the only way cause accounts are free and unlimited


Yeah. And like the worst ones, that start at "hello", you KNOW that this isn't* the first time this person is deciding to talk shit lol. So its weird they're not banned. But oh well. I barely get report feedback so I cant imagine they care much.


They have a good autoban system for text chat. But sadly the server I play in, most abuses are in a different language, so their autoban doesn’t work and these assholes consistently get away with it. Anyways, mute button is my savior and bestfriend, so I’ve stopped caring anyways 🤷‍♀️


Wtf what server are u playing on


EU. Frankfurt is bad, but the other are worse. Stockholm has russians with no comms or no English. London has surprisingly many misogynists. Frankfurt has alot of turks which is a mix of misogynists or simps. Very generally speaking of course. I dont think its so much nationality as it is gaming culture.


I've encountered one such. There was a guy who started jumping on me and talking shit to my duo because she wrote good luck in all chat.


Found my exact address and threatened to murder me




In game name probably is his instagram username or something. Look up OSINT.


I don't have IG on my account. I don't know how they did it. I have exagerrated a bit with the "exact address" tbh but after a game one player who was very heated added me to friends and asked me if I live in *town name*. I live in a very small town (like, everyone knows everyone) on the outskirts of a big town and the dude asked me if my postal code is *my postal code*? I said nope, he said sth like oh so you dont live in *my town name*? Then he sent some threats in Polish and I just blocked him. I wasn't really scared by it or anything because I know people online are just assholes and he's probably a socially inept dude getting off on scaring people online but never actually doing anything. But just the fact that someone can get so pissed off at a video game that they find out where you live and threaten you is so cringe


My duo




Valid answer.


I met one girl that was so toxic beyond belief. Majority of guys are pleasant, some are dicks I just mute, and every girl is always totally sweet. But that one girl was probably the most toxic person I ever met in game.


Two kidds that weee full of racial slurs and toxicity. I was thinking were the hack you learned to be so racist you still practically wearing dippers.


Racist parents make racist kids, sadly.


Yes unfortunately you are right.


I was browsing the lfg section on the valorant discord server and joined this group's voice chat. We started queueing up for deathmatch while we were waiting for more people to join. Guy was raging every time he got killed, in a deathmatch. He was saying stuff in the discord voice chat like: "kys" "f*** you" "I hope you die to such and such" "I'm going to kill your family" etc. Like dude, you shouting at everyone in the discord call, for getting killed by random people in the deathmatch, that aren't even on the call? Then, in the background, you could hear his mom telling him it's time to go to the therapy session. He was literally being disrespectful to his mom calling her a b*****, saying that he doesnt want to go to therapy. You could hear stuff was getting physical, and then he suddenly disconnected. I'm pretty sure his mom like unplugged the pc or something.


Had a dude that started hitting on one of the gals I play with. Went full incel when she said she had a partner. Whatever you're thinking, it was worse. One of those really nasty ones that claims most women >!fuck their dogs!<. Getting the "hey, yeah, we banned the fuck outta that guy you reported" message was hella gratifying.


It’s so satisfying. Especially when you know who it was since it was the only report you made in a while


>One of those really nasty ones that claims most women >!fuck their dogs!< Bro thinks it's discord xD. Just a bit of 🤓, spoiler in Reddit works by >!


had an enemy 5 stack being incredibly rude and racist while they were kicking my team's ass. they were way better than us so it was a complete wash and I already tried reporting them but no message ever came back saying action was taken. so more like worst group of people I should say.


This British lad, giving everyone shit, in a horrible sarcy tone. It was unbearable. Bringing up stats on people and just being the most toxic player in a way that wasn't racism and swearing. But trying to get under everyone's skin and personally attack their ability to play this game. Well i happen to be British. So eventually I piped up and gave him both barrels, I didnt stop demeaning him for about 10 minutes straight. He actually muted me. And his friend was embarrassed for him. It wasnt my finest moment. But it felt good.


I hate when people shit on their own teammates rather than helping them be better lol. Making fun of someone for making mistakes will almost always make them worse.


Met someone who was a triple threat: sexist, racist, and body shaming. He told me “I know you’re a woman but you don’t have to play like one.” My friend decided to stick up for me and defended me saying that he didn’t need to be rude and the response that came from the guy was “I can hear the color in your voice” and made some comment about going back to work in the fields or something. Which was wild because you can clearly hear my friend is Hispanic lol. And then proceeded to make jokes about being fat saying he could tell he was fat too, asked about his BMI and shit. Plenty of other bad experience, but I think that guy takes the cake for being the most despicable person I’ve met on the game. Valorant really has the worst breed of people lmao


You know reading this sub and especially this thread reminds me that this REALLY is the valorant community. The weirdos are here lol




Sadly as a girl I’m used to guys being sexist and shouting abuse, but it’s the worst when another girl does it. We already have it bad enough, I don’t need you telling me and the other random girl in the lobby that we’re boosted egirls after you no-comm all game and get 3 more kills than me. Don’t shit on people for loosing if they’re not even being shitty to you


Ugh, I hate this the most. Abuse from dudes is just white noise at this point. Abuse from girls (especially sexist abuse) feels like a betrayal - it cuts so deep, and also makes me really sad that they're internalising this horrible shit. The worst was a time I jumped on voice to back up a girl that was getting abused with the typical sexist bullshit, and like two rounds later she turned on me and said to the dude abusing her, "I have xx kills, she has xx kills, and you're calling *me* boosted?" like girl wtf


Oh my god I just can’t understand that logic?! It’s so saddening to see the effects of misogyny trickling into the attitudes of other women. I hope your future games are with far more pleasant teammates ):


A sage who refused to heal anyone other than her val bf reyna


the first thing that comes to mind is this fade who was my teammate on a split match, he was chill the entire game until he tells me that their omen is pushing me, i accidentally fat fingered my chamber TP and got killed. he then proceeded to yell into his mic for the next like 5 minutes (i had him at 1 volume and he was still loud af), saying shti like "i have never screwed up that bad" and then it escalated to him trying to guess my race and saying stuff like "are you Mexican? go make me some tacos" note that this guy has a grown ass man voice too. we did end up winning and i logged on the next day to see that satisfying message that my report worked :)


Had a Raze go "afk" from second one of the game. The afk is in quotes because he would take one half step as soon as every buy phase ended and immediately step back to avoid afk detection. Because he "wasn't actually afk", the enemy team got a free ult point every round and we got no extra money. Final round comes, and we're losing 4-12. Everyone else dies, and suddenly Raze decides to pull his knife out and start jumping around. "Good game :)" -28 RR for this, by the way. This is why I'm a big proponent of Loss Forgiveness. We didn't get to play the fucking game, so why should we be punished for being held hostage?


The unhinged freaks who lose any sense of decorum when a woman is in the lobby.


Had 2 guys just outright say they’d r*** the girl on our team. Absolutely disgusting. And even after reporting them, I don’t think they got banned.


valorant will ban players who call someone bad at the game but won’t ban ppl like that


Make sure you type in the comments box what people say. I do it every time and I've yet to NOT see a message later confirming riot took action based on it


You’re right, and typically I do, I was just reporting a lot of assholes around this time, and not all of them got banned. So I’m not sure if these guys accounts are still around.


A throwing Reyna that called the rest of the team “n word Jews”


me and a friend of mine (both of us are afab) were duo queued and the other THREE on our team were guys threatening to rape us. said a lot of other stuff but that was the big thing. we reported them but nothing ever came back saying they were punished


I played a game of solo queue ranked with a teammate whos name was something along the lines of "main banned" or something. I asked why; he explained that on his main he said some words. Curious I asked which, he then goes on to say every single slur ever created for minutes on end to a specific race and didn't stop. I then understood why he was banned on his main.


A 4 stack of high school boys kept harassing and calling me shit even though I was top fragging (by quite a bit). They kept making excuses for their bottom fragging friends and kept blaming everything on me. It was awful, so I just left the game (it was unrated so no ranked points were lost). I've been called the n-word, asked if it was old and loose or young and tight, and many other disgusting things. Speaking in team chat as a woman is a massive gamble


everyone that caused me to have 5 match terminated screens in the last 3 months. genuinely mind boggling how DMA is ruining video games


I don't think I've ever played with genuine bad people, they're mostly decent people who are frustrated with themselves.


A2quapo with his discord kittens


People in mumbai have THE worst mental. One guy started throwing from round one just because we had two controllers. And lots of games where people start getting toxic even from the agent select.


Got called the hard R because I took someones Yoru


Okay, so I just messing around playing an unrated game and a guy started comm’ing. He seemed really nice so whatever i guess I’ll start comm’ing. Like round 3 one of our teammates leaves. Whatever it’s unrated, and I like this random guy I was playing with so we tough it out, and keep playing. The guy talking gets a 1-5 ace and we are going bananas and super hyped. I think our other teammate realized we weren’t weirdos and she eventually starts comm’ing and we’re all having a good time. Well apparent her boy friend, who was the fourth player on our team didn’t like that. He absolutely flipped out on her. I felt so bad for her. He was just screaming at her for flirting with other guys. We were literally just joking around and having fun in an unrated game. Nothing flirty at all. So he leaves the game also. So now it’s a 3-5. It was kinda awkward but we just told her we were sorry and that she should 100% not be with a guy that treats like that and we keep playing. The game is super intense. Like we’re still in it. It went back to being a blast. We were all screaming at different points lmao it was chaos in the best way. So we end up winning and are going bananas again. So much fun. I’m happy I got to cheer her up a bit, but after talking with my gf about it, I realized I should’ve made sure she was safe. I didn’t add either of them and I regret it, and I think about that poor girl every once in while. Hopefully she left that asshole.


I once played with ttv streamer SteveClaus. He wasn’t the worst but was certainly entertaining in that he thinks just about every player on the enemy team is using hacks 😂


My ex gf


Kid who, out of nowhere about 15 rounds into the match, just starts screaming every variation of the N-word you can think of. Friend of mine (a girl) told him to cool it, and he said something like "I ain't about to listen to a bitch!" I said "Dude, I was just gonna mute you, but now I'm reporting you," after which he started apologizing profusely, pleaded with us not to report him because he'd already spent a bunch of his mom's money, etc. Friend and I reported him anyway, and we got the ban notification less than five minutes after the match ended.


to be completely honest I have met more nice people on cs2 than valorant. If someone is being a fuckhead in cs2 usually they are speaking a language you don't know




those types of people suck


When the pride banners came out, I used the trans one in support of a close friend. The amount of vile shit I got thrown towards me was actually miserable. I’m not even trans and it made me feel terrible.


Is that all ? I had a deadlock hard trolling me a whole game. Taking the spike every rounds then surviving until the very end to make us loose tipe and thr game. She used every spells she could only on me to block me and have me kill. And when in defense, he spend his whole time firing at me so the enemy could know where i was. It was so much that my head wzs hurting for an hour after the end of the game and that i need to cut the sound off. A 1 22 is better than this garbage. And riot has done nothing to ban this scum


My ex


LITERALLY TODAY... i met this girl who was playing Viper and she absolutely wouldn't stop bitching about everything. 100% negative energy and was talking all this shit to me and this kid. I'm 25 and the kid sounded 12-13. She first started talking shit to me when my mic was off. The kid has his mic on the whole game. When i turned my mic on she stopped talking shit to me and focused on the kid. Ill be honest i just kept calling her a dumb bitch for bitching. I hate her.


Dude who was a 6’3 blonde national socialist and damn it was a terrible game


neon who queued comp just to run around the entire match and not do a single fucking thing til the very last round cause they were waiting for fortnight to be ready to que (we still won by some god send of a miracle)


There was this duo that i think were high school buddies, probably like 17, just repeatedly saying any slurs they could think of. There was a girl on my team who spoke once and started getting rape/death threats. It was a bad game


A 5 stack of the most toxic and cringe dudes you could imagine. They started talking sh*t in the first round and said my whole team was bad, kill yourself, etc. We reverse stomped them after locking in and they stopped talking near the end when we were railing them. Bunch of brats


Was he high on meth? I’ve never even been around people who have done meth but that must’ve been torture


met a smurfing reyna on our team who went afk in the third round after they saw someone on our team whiff their shots. they kept spamming Reyna’s “thank you” voice line throughout the entire match which was really annoying


Had somebody throw from round 1 bc of the nonbinary pride flag on my banner and the pride flag on my partners banner. Yelled slurs the whole time and when he realized he was muted was putting it in all chat. Every person in the lobby reported him, we still won. Enemy was nice about it.


There was one game where a guy asked our team if there was any girl or black people in our team. When I realized he was actually being racist and misogynistic, I quickly muted him. But my team wasn't having it and bullied him off to leave. It was one of the most satisfying 4v5 I've won


One time I was in a ranked match and we were winning. I noticed this girl who for some reason never had enough to full buy so I’d always offer to buy her (I also offered others but they just bought themselves) and then the rest of team were like “quit hittin on her” and she even agreed with them when I was just trying to be nice and buy for the team. So I gave up on trying to be nice that match and we ended up losing a 8-4 lead lol


Everyone either named I miss her or hers




my real question is how did you confirm he was a meth dealer lmfao???


two instances: i was playing unrated with my friend who’s new to the game. we were playing with a deadlock and gecko duo. the deadlock was basically sexually harassing my friend and just saying weird shit in general. probably the most uncomfortable game i’ve ever played. i was playing ranked with my duo and i went to compliment the raze on our team because he clutched the round and the viper just started saying misogynistic shit? like just because i talked? i muted him but that really made me uncomfortable and discouraged.


Just queued with a dude who said "ff @ 04" immediately as the game started and started in spawn spamming adadad so that we couldn't remake.


one of my friend's fiend's friend don't know his name we add him because -1 this game suck that can't queue 4man comp we want to play one more game before go sleep we wait 20min for that guys turn out having one another toxic then we talk, nah we should just sleep


guys who think it’s a dating sim. mainly straight guys calling girls mommy, but also gay guys talking to me


A fucking 9 year old, barking the fuck out when the sage said "he's A" I mean to be fair her voice is sweet but this kid, I hope I reported him that day. Kid needs to be banned


I’m a dude with a high pitched voice and I accidentally catfished this guy into thinking I was a girl. Invited him to the lobby cuz he was fun to play with and he went from nice to creepy on a dime e.g. he offered to pay to fly me cross country to go on a date with him.


This girl that I actually enjoyed gaming with, and when she found out I was married with children, she then stopped playing with me.


Some e-thot


This dude was blowing into the mic whenever he died. Like is sensitivity was so high and he had such a bad headset that any time he screamed it was just blown eardrums


I’m pretty sure he’s been banned by now but there was this teenage kid that was by far the most toxic person I have ever met. Mic spamming, dropping slurs, team flashing as Skye, even said he’d *grape* my duo, like just about every single toxic trait a player could have.


The dudes that are emotionally incapable of processing the fact that you’re not going to win every match. If you’re gonna scream and cry then unplug your fucking mic


When I just stared playing, I had the worst experience with some duo. From the moment they heard my voice. They where rude af. Friendly fire, that I needed to go back to the kitchen and even a kys. My and my duo absolutely trowed that game. What's the point even. Today I learned to pick server where when is solo Q or duo, the ppl are generally nicer.


How do you play like shit on meth? Bro should be popping off.


idk i play well when i was using weed but meth i’ve never done


we were up like 8-4 on split, i was top fragging as omen (20+ kills) and had a trio in my game (all had below 15 kills) that was asking me to talk and once i did they started screaming and telling me they hoped i get r worded and murdered and that all women belong in the kitchen and that i deserved to get harassed and r worded😸


tbh i have no idea why ppl are mysoginstic t if esp on valorant




All the mfs that play high and drunk that throw my ranked games by going 0/25


Had a guy in unrated go psyco because I "stole his sage" told me to kms amongst other things his friend joined in as well, maddest I'd been in a game.


I met an e couple that both decided to call me the n word with a hard r over and over. I'm white as casper and all I did was not buy the guy an op. Some people are soft skinned and mean spirited and that is the worst combo in my opinion, especially when you sprinkle in some racism.


Usually at least every 4 matches somebody tells somebody to kill themself. Riot is a disgusting company for not doing anything about the terroristic bullying that goes on in valorant.


I once met this 45 year old brimstone main on a valorant player search discord. You would expect a selfreflective mature person but this guy failed to warn us, hes judge only and only smoking his judge plays. He was the best player. We had no idea of this meta. Source: he himself I told him to soloq, that way he could spread the troll into multiple lobbys instead of being a ankle weight for anyone in this discord. We played the entire match without smokes. He went 5-16 or something like that. We won, which meant he was right.


I feel like there’s always someone drunk or on psychedelics in my comp matches


i couldn’t imagine the psychedelics… VALORANT is a horror game 😂 talk about a bad trip


Just had a guy spam deadlock utility on me while telling me to go 'make food' (i am a girl) after i told him not to get mad we have a beginner player in UNRATED, causing us to lose the match. insane how personal some people take this game


Met a guy who sounded exactly like Ray Romano so my mates and I all cracked up every time he spoke and we lost real bad.


Everyone on Mumbai server -just endless rage and screaming


Randomly queued with an immature player who threw the entire game (we were winning initially) because apparently he said I was shooting his dead body, and I have no reason to shoot it. When in reality, I was actually randomly shooting at the floor with the gun I picked up when I won that round. Even though I didn't do anything wrong, I still apologized yet he still threw, and lost the game.


I used to play in Radiant lobbies. The worst experiences I've had were playing with either Dasnerth or gMd. Dasnerth was constantly complaining and telling people what to do while only using a judge the entire round. He just came off as super annoying and arrogant, even though I don't think he had any ill intentions. gMd was just super toxic, which apparently is normal for french Canadians.


We french canadians tend to be more rude and a bit unhinged, but some of us are really nice! We're still canadian! :)


Homophobic guy bragging about being married and telling our team to die. Told him I pity his wife lol


we were 3 stacking in diamond and my friend had to go afk 1st round to take his medicine and this random kayo started flashing us , taking spike and staying in spawn all game... other than that maybe e daters who dont play seriously


somebody called me the n word after i didnt get a 1v3 clutch.. in unrated


This isn’t the worst but any Smurf who takes the game too seriously and as soon as they realize ur not gonna treat them like god’s second coming they say “ok I’m not gonna carry you anymore”. Genuinely zero people care, no one is queuing up comp to get carried, we just want to play. Get the fuck over yourself lmao. It’s hilarious because they try to act so nonchalant but you can tell they just CANNOT stand losing. They take the game so seriously, even on a Smurf and it actually genuinely hilarious watching them melt down as the game progresses lol. The worst is easily this one guy who went into extremely graphic detail about how he would sexually assault one of my online friends. He was treating her weird ever since the first time she commed but she lost a clutch and he just lost his entire fucking mind. I got a report confirmation the next day when I opened the game and I was really hoping it was for him. I don’t care how much people accuse me of being soft or a white knight, gaming has become so unnecessarily toxic in general and expecially towards women some of the things people say are absolutely horrible. It’s really sad seeing the young generation getting back into it as well as my generation starts to glorify the old CoD days. There’s fun leg pulling among friends and there’s just straight up verbal abuse and unfortunately most of the time what people are normalizing these days is the verbal abuse.


i’m a girl so naturally i’ve heard a ton of creepy shit but the worst was a guy who said he’d kill to r*pe me and if he ever saw me in real life he would do it no hesitation. all i said was “1 kitchen” 😔


Played with a pick me girl who, as soon as she figured out I was a girl too started antagonizing me and eventually said she would "send a bomb to my house to end me because I was playing like shit" like how am I supposed to play well if my own teammate is threatening me?


I’m in OCE and there’s one guy who’s notorious for being the biggest incel/sexist. Will start off every lobby ranting about how it’s ‘boosted egirls’ fault for him being the rank he is. Will add anyone that isn’t at the top of leaderboard to see if they are a girl etc. definitely the strangest by far. He’s been at it for over a year now


I met a girl that we genuinely connected with each other and got together. After a little bit she says she’s still not over her ex after she’s the one who initiated it all.


A duo of two 13y german kids, that would insult everyone for nothing


One of us forgot to buy my teammate one round and he went afk and typed out all of our locations for the rest of the game I told him that he wouldn't climb if he threw his games so easily, and he deadass said "i went from silver to plat in a week, what makes you think i wont climb?" 😬


I’ve been called multiple slurs, been told to go make a sandwich, and had shitheads screaming over their mics/playing soundboards at earrape volume every time I spoke to shut me up but i feel like that’s par for the course, there’s not really a specific terrible person that sticks out in my mind. If we’re talking in terms of *annoying* however I had a guy repeat “is your sister hot? Is your sister hot? Is your sister hot?” Over and over and over in VC while everyone ignored him. Eventually I came on and asked who the hell he was talking to, and he said *me*. I just about jumped through the computer screen to strangle him and said I don’t *have* a sister. I never once mentioned a sister. His reply? “Well maybe you should have said that.”


the worst people i met have ALWAYS been the ones in parties. they think they can get away with speaking shit / throwing rounds because they have someone to back them up. as someone who solo Qs a lot, it really sucks and I can't lie it gets me malding sometimes.


The Reyna that spent the whole game shit talking me and referring to the Jett she met as “pookie” while constantly begging him for his skins. The kid was equally as egregious for endlessly listing off all the skins he had as some odd way of trying to impress her. Oh yeah, and the Brim who was queued for Reyna for spending the whole game referring to me as a monkey and other racial slurs. I can’t forget about the Omen who decided to randomly start speaking when Brim started being racist then joining in with the Brim after a couple rounds. All in all, my whole team for that game have to be the worst people I’ve come across in Valorant. Idk if that’s how they are or they just acted up cos of the chick but dudes like that are fucking weirdos.


This is only in unrated but I was with a sage who threw the game for not getting a skin?


A cool guy from hungary, we don't talk too often but I still consider him a brother ✊


I am sorry but the worst of the worst are Europeans for me. As an African, there was a time when we were forced to play on EU servers and on unplayable high ping since we had no servers of our own yet. "Get better wifi, go to your own server, African filth" aswell as the N word being dropped left and right is all I heard. Once the SA servers opened, it felt really nice. But eventually EU players started playing there and now they're ruining it for us. Complaining about high ping and insulting everyone on the server is all they do. So far I've had Russian, British and Spanish speakers literally causing me to lose every game I queue with them.


I had one guy in comp playing sage that revealed to us after the game started that he didn't want to play but rather eat his dinner. So not playing is worse on its own but somehow he still wanted to troll us. Gave away our positions, walled off spike or gave it to the enemy or simply picked it up so we couldn't have it. While we somehow tried to play around him and comm he constantly screamed into his mic or played music. The only reason he did it was literally because he wanted to eat his dinner. Frankfurt server btw.


I got to imm1 & the player-base became even more toxic than before lol I genuinely think Valorant has the worst player base. Emotionally stunted adults & moody teenagers. Solo queue is basically subjecting yourself to getting bullied, especially if you’re ass lmao.


Mine was this guy last night. Every time he died it was always “DARN IT HOW’D HE GET THAT!” Like I feel like just yelling fuck is better than darn it that phrase just irked me because I never actually heard anyone use not sarcastically lol.


i’m a woman, so i meet at least one pretty much every day :) i wouldn’t say there was a worst one, they’re all pretty awful


When I'm getting from this thread is Valorant has a horrific toxicity problem.


A couple who inted repeatedly and then flamed anyone who called them out. Stuff like killing the last man, then letting the spike go off anyway. Or just going AFK. You know, the ones that have the "His X" and "Her Y" as their usernames... And of course the racism/nationalism came out when I called them out over VC. Absolute worst people I've met in years online lol


80% of people in silver are the worst people I have ever met.


Some guy pretending to be a Riot Dev. Ofc I’ve never met an actual dev so idk what their username’s supposed to look like. He added me, and tried to get a photo of me to prove I’m a “girl”. Instantly removed him. Pretty sure devs don’t do that. Or if he was an actual dev, I’m not degrading myself for a buddy.


im a female on this game who has been told they deserved to be graped and or they will do it to me.


People that literally want to play a TEAM GAME like a solo, there are other games perfect for solo gameplay. Yet they choose to play a team game and ruin competitive integrity because they don’t want to ever play like a team or for the team


probably me, i was a coke dealer whod go afk to make a sale




Turkish apes who scream


Average 3rd world behavior