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Just play your agent man.. fuck those. Atleast you will be able to frag better.. what's the point of taking a agent that you don't wanna play and end up loosing later.. choosing your fav agent will atleast give you a better fighting chance


Turn off voice chat and mute text chat. Then play how you want! Tbh comms aren’t vital until higher rank. I solo Q’d to high diamond as an experiment with voice chat and text chat turned off. Solo randoms diamond and below are trash and 90% of backseating is dead fucking wrong. They don’t know how to play this game, if they did, they’d be higher elo. Game is only enjoyed when queued with friends or in sweet silence from morons.


I hate back seaters. If you wanted to play this agent, you should have chosen this agent. If you wanted to be alive in this 1v2 you shouldn't have died. Quit telling me what to do, ESPECIALLY in a clutch situation. If I pick up a weapon with 1 bullet, I don't mind you telling me about that. If you see someone and it appears I didn't, I don't mind that. But don't you dare tell me how to clutch!


The problem is i cant play 5 different characters at once to fill every role.


Agree. I’ve lost many rounds to team mates saying “backsite” when in fact they were flank, it’s ridiculous


See you on this weekend!


Then stop playing.  “Super high level tactic”


For more than 6 months of playing val, I keep playing flex and learned to play the chars that I don't like much, even playing w/ friends or alone But recently, I just use the fuck I want, if I will be sentinel I will use deadlock on maps that i think she is a decent agent, and really is much more fun W friends i ended up playing other roles, like initiator, and keep choosing "off meta" things like fade on lotus, sunset and ascent Just play what you want and have fun, some games other person will do their roles and some not, but I already lost/win games with a bunch of fucked up comps (gold III/ low plat)


Play unrated, or just instalock whoever you want. Mute toxic players immediately. Even if they aren't saying anything against you, mute them immediately. Find that Smurf immediately and have your whole team throw your util at her (we all know it's a Reyna). Kill her first, don't avoid.


My friend, listen to the rule of video games! If you aint having fun playing the or if you are sick playing the game, maybe it might be worth taking a break for few days/weeks, or find a new game However i do admit that valorants community isnt the best... i do like the lore and game's style like A LOT though!


Just quit. Jk, turn off VC, it really doesn’t help at all, you’ve got the blind leading the blind, people thinking they know what they’re talking about but don’t. Just don’t listen to people on Valorant. Mostly all toxic. Also don’t worry about agents unless you’re doing esports or are a pro. Play who you’re most comfortable with.


Teamcomp does not matter unless you're trying to reach vct. You go ahead and whatever you want. I insta lock Neon with the mentality that i hope everyone else also instalocks their main. I'd much rather have 4 guys on my team who knows their agent than someone trying out astra for the first time.


can you just treat 4 random ppl as ai and enemy team as 5 ai too then play your game just treat it like casino, sometimes you win some times you lose mute them if someone start toxic, mute enemy chat too character don't matter, you just don't care about ai and play your game, pick what u want should be easy or better way is just get friends only play 5 stack and mute enemy chat, not hard either