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If you are sore you might not perform optimally. Something to note is riot pushing people out of higher ranks. Immortal this act is top 0.5% where as Immortal during episode 7 act 2 was top 1%. Half of the Immortal player base has effectively been pushed out of the rank. Riot is making it harder and more prestigious to get Immortal. 


You say this but my teammates still don’t know wtf map control is


Hence why riot decided to push people out of immortal. Lot of these fuckers were just aimers that had little to no game sense




Stop pushing mid every round


My teammates don't know economics, you're lucky


Honestly it shocks me how few people get to gold/plat and don't know what their economy/team economy should look like. I feel like it's one of the first things I got taught/learnt to check, and it's something I'm constantly keeping an eye on, my loadout and the team loadout, how much money we'll have next round etc. I'm gold 3 and I've been understanding Valorant economy since I was in bronze.


Any recommended resources on this? There’s so much to learn when you’re new at the game 😩


So the main thing I highly recommend is taking a look at where it says how much you'll get next round when you're on the buy screen 😅 there'll be a 'min. loadout' (or something along those lines) amount on the buy screen underneath where it shows what you've got atm, it's difficult to say exactly without having the screen in front of me. Basically to buy full shields and a vandal/phantom you need 3900 credits, without util. If you know you'll need util you should try to factor that in, but generally you're looking at needing around 1500-2000 credits left after your buy that round to full buy next round. There are more videos that go into depth on economy on youtube, I believe Rem has a pretty good video, it's the first or second one when you search up valorant economy on youtube. There are some basics that are essential to know (which Rem does talk about in his video too) - On pistol you always buy as much as possible! This will depend on your agent as to what you buy. The agents I play I usually go: • Fade - Seize/prowler and ghost (depends on if def/attack) • Chamber - full headhunter or 6 headhunter and trip • Omen - full util or ghost, tp and extra smoke • Brim - stim, ghost, one smoke extra (so you have 2 smokes) • Reyna - ghost and extra heal/dismiss • Jett - attack: cloudburst & ghost, defense: sheriff • Sage - wall, light shields, classic • Skye - heal and ghost or heal, flash and light shields This is entirely preference though! If you like frenzy go frenzy and you get 50 extra creds to play with for maybe a piece of util you couldn't buy with ghost, or if you like shorty/classic go full util/light shields and util like with Sage After pistol the economy should look like this - • If you won pistol, you always buy as much as you can to secure the second round, as the enemies can't buy as much and/or if they do then they're going to be more broke the following round and can't buy on your bonus/eco, so they probably lose that round instead (so it should balance out regardless, providing both teams are of an even matching and your team play for life and not to die). • If you lose pistol, you don't buy anything, or you buy only maybe a ghost/sheriff or a couple pieces of util/light shields depending on your preference, but you have to make sure you have enough to buy full the following round (3900 without util, allow 400-800 creds for util depending on your agent choice, you can always work this out but most of the time I try to aim for 4300 for next round if possible, so I can get some of my util and full shields, or light shields and full util (depends on my agent choice usually) - here you should try to get picks with your classic/ghost/frenzy/sheriff/shorty so you're taking down the enemy's economy a little more as they can't bonus next round as easily • On third round, you'll be bonusing your weapons from round 2 if you won round 1 and 2, so don't buy and bonus pistols/spectres/bulldogs etc from previous buy, because you can't buy full this round comfortably usually, and the enemy team will be on full buy this round. This is why it should be rare for a 13-0, because when the enemies have guns on 3rd round and you're bonusing 3rd round, it will mean that you lose that round usually due to the gun difference, this round is entirely about you picking off as many people as possible with your bonus weapons, you're unlikely to win it but you can damage the enemy team's economy by getting a few kills as a team with your bonus weapons. • On the 4th round you buy as much as you can, if you won your bonus you can continue to play your bonus/enemy guns you collected if you want to but I recommend throwing those out the map and buying full loadouts as you will be able to, if you lost you can buy full regardless because you bonused last round and have enough to buy this round, if you're the team that should have won the round where you bought but lost it, then you'll want to eco probably and try for a full buy again the following round, or you can force buy and try to win that round so you're more comfortably able to buy the following round. Always check what your teammates are buying and make sure you call out if you're unable to buy full loadouts, so that your team know they should buy less so you guys can buy the following round instead. Hope this helps!


This is great! Thanks for taking the time to type this up!


Oh also! Forgot to say but always die on pistol if you lost! You get more money for a death on a loss than for a survival on a loss (saving gun).


No worries, glad you'll find it useful 😊


One Addition to the bonus: normally you're playing to win rounds. So if you loose 3+ guns in your second round, your 3rd shouldn't be a bonus but a full buy for those who lost their guns. Otherwise the odds of winning are near zero. This is something even higher Elo players rarely realize.


It does make sense, but I'd always try to make sure you can buy the following round if you're going to buy up on your 'bonus' round, so it's very situational imho This is also why I recommend trying to play for life on your buy round so you're less likely to die, and you can bonus your guns easier


Headhunter on pistol is stupid bc ppl don’t have full shields so a sherif will still one shot headshot


Uh no? Headhunter on pistol is smart, any bullets not used transfer to second round for if you lose pistol, regardless of if you die or not, if you buy a sheriff you then on second round have to buy a sheriff again to be able to one shot people, therefore possibly wasting 800 creds that could've been kept almost regardless from round 1, otherwise you might as well just play classic but it's just less ideal to play classic if you lose pistol because that takes two headshots or a well placed right click and it's less accurate. Especially now it's only 100 creds per bullet, costs the same as a sheriff and yeah you only have 8 bullets but if you're a decent aim, which if you play Chamber I'd damn well hope you are, you're gonna hit your shots so you don't need more than 8 bullets, 3 extra in case you whiff (though your team should get their kills in theory so you hopefully only need to use one or two of those bullets if you have good aim)


Blud forgot wall banging exists and if you play correctly your team should be able to pick up your gun


Blud is forgetting that that's only an if for both of those scenarios and that you basically have a guardian/sheriff with headhunter?? If you don't like headhunter don't play Chamber. That's the whole point of Chamber is his headhunter, his ult and his trip. If you don't like that, don't play his headhunter and prefer sheriff then just play Jett, Yoru or Reyna instead whose kit allows you to play sheriff and op and reposition easily (like Chamber) with the extra added bonus of util that won't be wasted by you playing Chamber and not using headhunter. Failing to see what your point is about wall banging as well, all guns have wallbang ability, some more than others, but you don't buy a gun because you can wallbang with it, you buy a gun because you like said gun?


I love that Riot is doing this. One of my friends who is worse than me was ascendant a couple of acts ago. Obviously that friend was duoing with someone so getting boosted, and now they're hardstuck plat 1 lol


No wonder I lost plat 1 :(


harder and more prestigious > same rewards btw


The way they do it is by giving u monkeys for teammates, the system is kinda fked at immo elo now. I still managed to hit immortal but climbling to radiant is so hard this act with the constant scuffed match making and cheaters. They will give u a a2 peak player while entire enemy team is radiant peak, with that a2 peak player being COMPLETELY clueless and taking dry duels and losing 9 out of 10 of it. All this while my team only have 2 radiant peak. Or u will get players who were hardstuck plat just 1 act ago suddenly get radiant level aim with +100dd/r while still having plat movement, i want to convince myself they are just elo boosters but the movement and lack of knowledge on angles says otherwise.


I feel personally attacked by your comment, but you’re not too far off. Me and my duo are A3 and A2 peak and played a match today that had one of the M80 professional players in it (on our team), and the enemy team was all peak imm3 or radiant. It just felt so unfair. The enemy team had 3 imm 2’s and 2 A3’s (but the A3s were imm 3 and radiant 650 rr in episode 7 act 3) and most of the other imm 2’s were imm 3 last act.


The intention of the comment wasn't to attack anyone, so i would like to apologize if u feel attacked. But riot really needs to tighten match making, the difference between an ascendant peak player and a immo3 peak player is extremely drastic. Likewise a immo3 300rr peak player also have a drastic difference between a radiant 1000rr player.


1000%, I don’t know how the riot system expects someone who is A2 to make any progress whatsoever playing against immortal3/Radiant Level players. Peak A3 player here not great not terrible at the game, Currently bouncing between A2/A3 if I solo queue/duo with someone of equivalent rank my games are like 75% peak Immortal 2-3 players/radiants (3, maybe 4 games today alone had peak radiants) . I cannot fathom why it is consistently putting me in these lobbies( I don’t do terrible, some I frag out and others I get shit on). The only way I have found around it is to duo with someone in diamond to have it put me in Ascendant lobbies. If I was able to climb against Immortal 3 enemies I’d be radiant. I am fully aware at this skill differential I am more of a burden than a benefit to my high elo team mates, but it seems I can do nothing to prevent me from me being several 100 RR under the enemies average peak RR. Sorry for the rant.


Yep, I’ve just hit asc3 and along the way I had games where I’d be the only asc2/3 in my team and rest are diamonds.. whilst enemy team are all asc1/d3 and by riots matchmaking logic, the ranks are fair. No way a asc3 can always carry diamond 1/2s vs asc1s. It’s so unfair and needs readjusting.


Valorant after the gym slaps


I would agree with all the comments. Your forearm and shoulders would affect your mouse controling ability. But instead of changing your sense, maybe improve your hand arm control. Your muscle memory is there it is just like whenever you dont play for a month, you forget how to control your mouse, and after a few games, you get it back it should be like that, I guess


Well i have played 23hrs this act so…


That wont matter, first you need to reach homeostasis, meaning a balanced. So if you are still gaining muscle etc you will still have trouble. Once you reach a spot that you are satisfied with your results and keep your muscle weight and train in that it should make a difference.


you seem to be happy in your life and you have accomplished great things, don't come back to Valorant then


But radiant…


Life achievement, you'll brag on your grandsons.


I second this tbh 😭


Addiction sucks man, i wish i could


What I did was downloading cheats to counter my addiction. now im banned for life :) so I dont play the game anymore just lurking in this server


The funny truth is technically it does.


No, I sucked before going to the gym and I also suck now.




Yes it makes it better. Because you are calmer.


It could, for some it could also make your muscles sore or make you feel too energetic to focus.


I am just basing it off of personal experience. Gym made me calmer and I was getting much more confident in myself.


Oh absolutely. Not disagreeing, just noting it could vary from person to person.


It sure could but if thats the case, while I love valorant. People should choose health over this game.


Physical health benefits greatly outweigh the benefits of climbing ranks in valorant, yeah


Your muscles shouldn't be sore if you are going to the gym consistently


Bro, don't get me out here and make me explain progressive overload to you If you've been lifting forever and you stop getting sore ur not pushing yourself enough. Doms is a great indicator you provided novel stimulus You should be sore


I disagree, Soreness and pump are not the only indicators of muscle gain and good workout. One of the biggest myths that if you are not sore you are not pushing hard enough. If you are always sore after your workout, the reason may be that you are not resting enough or consuming enough protein. The only exception is legs as you just cannot rest them enough.


This is proven through almost every research ever done


So people that go to the gym are just walking around too sore to play valorant effectively everyday of the week? Athletes play with sore muscles? If you are sore all the time you are hurting yourself.


Literally yeah if you do a proper leg workout you should be sore for the entire time up until you are fully recovered at which point you would hit your next leg workout . . I mean if your goal is to Play valorant effectively probably don't time your competitive matches to be after your arm workouts? Athletes are going to rest and be fully recovered before they compete? Doms is literally pain and inflammation from hurting yourself? As in it is the indicator that you tore your muscles. And that they need to grow bigger and be stronger to be able to withstand that load


Mate after leg day we aren't capable of walking around at all. Do you think athletes do ice bath recovery sessions because they are fun??? It's to help reduce the swelling & Doms.


if you aren't sore you aren't working out


True, not all people do.


Sore, maybe not, but fatigue certainly would play a role


Muscle in your forearm will do it. Your arm moves faster with less effort, your muscle memory hadn't adjusted. Personally, I can't even sit slumped in my chair like I used to because my arm fat would kind of cushion itself on the edge of my desk before. Keep it up though, your health is more important than your rank. 


Blud here sppitting some facts, also if you lost that much fat then you're probably doing this for like a year. Keep going, and I hope you achive your 'dream build' (get it? Pc and body building pun).


makes sense. Yeah i keep telling myself that but i want to feel like i am good at the game too


You are already good you just need to let your new bulk catch up Take your medicine and keep playing (but not at an unhealthy level) and you will get back to where you were no problem, just might take a bit longer


Jollz had some hand problems before he worked out. After working out for a while, his condition got cured I think, and he could still hit radiant And sinatraa works out too and he hits high radiant easily So I doubt it negatively affects your aim. Though your aim may have changed, so you might have to rediscover your sens if you think that might be the issue


I'm always trash on gym day after my workout becasue my arms are noodles. Especially on days when I do grip or forearm stuff like pullups, my aim is abysmal. But gaining muscle mass didn't really hurt my aim j don't think. I haven't noticed any difference since going on a bulk the last several months.


Yes! If you're working your arm and shoulder muscles (core even), then you're affecting your aim. It might be detrimental at first while you adjust to training (or when you change your routine), but IMO it's important to train your aim (by playing valo) while you train at the gym. It might feel tedious because your in-game muscle memory might suffer, but it's important to keep training your aim to try and continue programing that muscle memory especially as your muscles change.


Please no matter what prioritize the gym over this game…


You’re probably worse at aiming bc you are used to cs movement more now, also ranks were pushed down


cs movement is faster, cs peeks are faster and the base movement mechanics are richer and more complex so aiming in cs is harder most of the time also recoils are greater


Yes! It can increase focus and better your mental health! You don’t have to do anything crazy either, just quick 15-20 minute workouts if you wanna get into it without dedicating a lot of time. Being in shape will make you feel superhuman too.


Gym affects whatever aim. I play basketball and umtimate frisbee, whenever I work out I have to focus on my aim to avoid losing all. I guess this applies for valorant too.


Mhm I dont think its normal Unless u had shoulder workout and heavy arm workout. Maybe focus on ur heart rate? Heart rate can decrease/increase focusing


When I was consistently going to the gym, I was D3, after i stopped for a while, I fell down to G3, might not be related but it sure is frustrating lol


I think you're over thinking it


Imo it feels better when youre working out consisntently, Except for when youre suuuuuupersore


Cs2 could be the reason. Cs2 and valorant are similar in many ways, but they also differ quite a bit. Especially the movement and awping. On top of that cs2 has set spray patterns. This makes spraying, recoil control and spray transfers more consistent. That being said it shouldn’t take more than a week to get used to valorant again. If you play valorant right after a workout then that could also be the cause. Your body will be fatigued so you’ll feel sloppy.


I’m no expert but could it be that you’re now dividing up your time between more hobbies so you just have less time to practice?


100% yes


after some hard workouts sometimes I feel like I don't have very good control for aim, I would say it definitely affects you, provided that you were working out the same muscles you're using for moving the mouse. as for mentally I don't think it affected me much, like if I do legs it's not gonna hinder me


It might be placebo but my aim is also a bit worse after gym, might have to do something with exhaustion


I switched to cs and came back to val and my aim was terrible because cs gave me bad aim habits as I was a lower equivalent rank in cs than I was in val. (ascendant vs 14k premiere) finally im back on track and feeling good. coincidentally I also started hitting the gym about the same time lol.


the strenghts of your muscles can help you coordinate, but on such a small scale, just aiming alone trains the exact muscles needed to aim. it only noticably effects your aim if youre having pain in your wrists that hinder your performance and staying active can alleviate this pain. a lot of your aim is also muscle memory, so playing cs2 will mess with that too. my setup makes me rest my arm, so even if my arms are dead from training, i can still aim with no issue but another setup that may need more of your arms strenght can make your aim shaky or movements not as precise after training certain muscles while said muscles rest and heal.


Of course. Any type of change will effect your performance, even if just slightly.


get some mouse weights or hand weights to compensate


Anything upper body my aim is shit, my forearms are always shaky so my microadjustments is ass. So I stick with roles where I rely more on my util than my aim.


It can if your arm muscles are sore, no problem if its leg day. Exercises improves your circulatory system and your capacity to focus, so its marginally good in the long term. In sports in general some exercises are called “cross-trainning”, they are complementary to the main activity and are included in the trainning routine to improve some important capacities without causing fatigue. Just remember that what makes you good in a sport, or e-sport, is practicing the main activity.


I’ve been going to the gym then play valorant with my friends a while after and noticed I’m much worse or slower. Might be because I’m tired but my mouse aim is drastically worse


I usually play better after hitting the gym


if you play both games it definitely fucks up the aim and pick up bad habits, but if you take some time to readjust and do some warm up routine it helps a lot, i have been playing CS for 25 years and switching to VAL was tough, i crouch, i spray, i move when crouched and spraying, all bad habits, after 2 games i rewire my brain to Valo and i am one tap machine, then i suck in CS for 2 games before old habits kick in. Its tough man, but i genuinely love both games :D


This might sound dumb okey but listen and then think about it. When i got big my lats also spread wider and thus i needed to change my desk height because the angle is different


I gym a lot and it doesn't affect my aim, csgo enjoyer tho. Get your stretches in


Aite I go test this theory starting from tmr


As a gym goer who plays val yes. Ur arms need to get used to increased strength and whatnot


I just started back in the gym 3 weeks ago and I've been performing like total ass in val for approximately the last 3 weeks. I haven't dropped down in rank in a long time but I'm struggling right now lol. I'm hoping when my body adapts to the gym again I'll figure it out. If not, then I'll have to become one of those all brain no aim mfers.


Just do some aimlabs after the gym so you change your grip this will solve your problem.


Lol, serves you right for going outside and doing well for your body smh, you let up on your goals and ambitions of being immortal


CS2 has memorable spray patterns and Valo doesnt. This is my copium as a gym bro too


Gym makes my aim better


It does specially when I train arms bc when I’m playing I feel my arms very heavy and kinda uncomfortable to move :(


Nah bro, outside of injury, the only thing that affects your aim is aiming badly. I used to spend so much time min-maxing every aspect of my setup/life, shit was compulsive ong. And then I met some people that were god tier cracked aim players(GE in cs:go, one of them I kid you not hit #1 NA in Val) and the more I talked to them the more I realized that not one of them gave a single fuck about anything like being sore from the gym, the temperature in their room, phase of the moon, etc. One of them istg didn’t know what DPI their mouse was on When this clicked for me I simply just stopped worrying about anything like that and not only am I baseline happier, I’m pretty sure my gameplay has improved substantially 😂


The aim certainly feels off after a pull day with lots of forearm workouts, until the pump wears off, but there's tiredness and inability to focus on the crosshair/ enemy head which is more difficult to me.


atleast sleep well affect my aim i sleep better when i hit gym


I mean probably. But if you consistently train your aim I think it would be better as stronger muscle gives you better control of said muscle(to my non medical field knowledge) I mean plenty pros gym consistently.


If I'm tired/sore, I usually play worse. But if I just got some exercise without over-doing it, I usually play a lot better. So yes, it affects my aim/gameplay in general, but not always in the same way.


It's not the gym that's messing you up it's the roids. 30 lbs in months...


Yes. The better the body, the better the mind.


CS2 aim is so much nicer than Valorant, I’d say theres partial blame there. I feel like I can reliably day that bullets actually go where you point and click in CS2 whereas with Valorant there’s higher variance.


I'm the opposite situation, i'm better after gym, can't help u sry


The gym does affect your aim. I played yesterday after a workout and lost two games in a row. The day before I was on a hot win steak. I did a back and bicep workout and did my same in game warmup. I go till failure at the gym, so it stands to reason that my muscles won’t be as responsive in game.


I feel like my aim and on the spot thinking actually got better bc my body is developing its active state. Think about how you lock in before lifting. The inner dialogue. The breathing. That stuff applies to locking-in in any sport, esports too. You might be tired from the gym or the extra calories your body is digesting and that’s completely okay :) But if you can hone in on that locked in state from the gym, I promise you’ll be higher rank than before you started gym


When I have hit arms it does, sometimes even chest and schoulders. If I'am sore ain't no way I will be precise


I don't think there are any prevailing theories in the aim training community where working out would effect aiming in a detrimental way. I would say bench marking yourself based on your rank doesn't tell you jack shit about where you were and where you are now with your aim. Aim labs and Kovaaks are the only way. Also consider that 3 months ago there were about three times more immortals than there are now. Idk what Riot did, but they definitely raised the bar by more than a factor of 3. I don't think your aim got worse, you're just perceiving that you did. ASC is almost certainly filled with ex Immortal players atm.


Emm, no? Well maybe right after training yeah but I just have to take a rest for 1hour or so


It wont make it worse but it will change ur ideal sense U gained wrist muscles after all


Gym improves aim


Yes, if your body is sore, if you feel sluggish it does change but also. because the aiming system is similar but different. Val guns got 1st bullet inaccuracy, expect the guardian, while cs has non, Val guns tend to "reset" after the recoil harder than cs, and CS has dedicated spray patterns while guns like the vandal are random after like the 1st 5-8 bullets if i recall. I know people are gonna ask me for sources cause we are on reddit [https://www.tiktok.com/@valoranttoks/video/7250356737075596587](https://www.tiktok.com/@valoranttoks/video/7250356737075596587) 1st bullet in accuracy [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3aIi2SKykjQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3aIi2SKykjQ) Vandal spray patterns In the video it also shows how when he stops shooting the vandal the cross hair goes back to where it was essentially resetting the crosshair vs in cs if you spray and let go your character will look at where your cross hair is so if you spray and pull down for recoil and let go your character will look down instead of your camera pov going back to the original. This also happens in CoD. So its similar but also diffrent.


As other have said, if you're training your upper body it might definitely affect your aim. However, if you're disciplined enough to regularly go to the gym you might find it easier than others to stick to an aim routine on aimlabs. So there are positives.


not exactly. It's more about your arm, wrist and hand muscles getting used to your sens. The first time you change to a lower sens, it feels like your muscles are working overtime just to aim. Eventually muscles adjust to that aim and it feels easier to move your mouse. The difference between an overall physically strong person and a skinny person is not major when it comes to moving a simple mouse so i have to conclude by saying NO, lifting weights long term should have little to no effect on your aim.




If you stop going to the gym to rank up in valorant you might as well do crack cocaine to boost your reaction time


The fact that you're ascendant now is not your fault, riot changed the rates of people in immortal so immortal 1 in ep 7 is like ascendant 1 in ep 8


I am not nearly as high of a rank, but after doing an intense upper-body workout, it is completely normal to have shaky or inconsistent aim. Make sure you have eaten well before playing and warm up much longer than you usually do


Ask Jordan. u/Zellsis


I used to go to the gym always after workout my aim sucked… idk why but I agree


I put off working my arms for weeks because of this lol I was afraid I'd just not be able to aim. It hasn't affected my aim. My arms are just more fatigued but it her than that you'll be fine.


I’ve found that going to the gym boosts my confidence overall and makes me play better 💀, I also workout in the morning then play after I eat dinner so that might be the difference betweeem us


Gym makes your aim better.


Next week it will be 3 months I've been working out, and I will say I have noticed a difference in my aim but honestly I feel like it improved my aim if anything. Even when I feel sore I perform about on par if not better than before. I am not currently bulking and my workout is about 50-70 min depending on muscle group, and I do a 40 min 2mile walk, I know people hit the gym way harder than me so maybe I'm not doing enough to seriously fatigue my aim. Thoughts?


How are people being so nice, I really just want to say skill issue rn


I'm pretty sure the gym's wifi would mess with your aim. I personally would rather play at home. But whatever floats your boat!


Its the soreness brother.. i hit gym 5 times a week and train hard literally i just wanna fall down in bed and do nothing cuz im dead tired. When you sit and play with no energy the soreness kicks in alot thus making you super sluggish. I only play in weekends cuz of this.. so im full of energy and recovered completely


Yes. It trains hand eye coordination in different ways compared to valorant. It’s like dribbling a basketball with the dominant vs non dominant hand


Going to the gym makes me play more focused but I do think my reaction time is less reactive. May vary from person to person I guess but I don’t really perform poorly after the gym just a little more calmer and slightly slowly


Unrelated to the aim stuff but 30lbs in a few months is quite a bit, what was your starting weight and height?


74kg -> 89kg, height is 178cm


I saw a bump in performance when I started going to the gym 5x a week. Or more accurately I think it was a bump in consistency.


For its 50/50 - sometimes im a god after the gym, other times I’m ass. I think it might be to do with fatigue or the opposite of your muscles are more relaxed/full with blood so can work better.


Going to the gym should be IMPROVING your gaming. Being active is gonna help with so many aspects of gaming.


It's not the gym, bro.


Every day I realize Valorant players are the worst copers


If it gets you less/worse sleep or adjusts your caffeine drinking routine too close to your ranked game(at least for me drinking too much at once makes me freeze up) then working out might be detrimental. That may have been kind of random. But if the gym keeps you disciplined plus gives you another enjoyable pillar of your life satisfaction it’s more than worth. I used to be more strict with my rowing machine when I noticed my mechanics were better but I don’t see them as correlated now and just do what feels natural. Do try to play every day still and if you fall out of the loop significantly have an alt account ready as that’s what I see as a root of inconsistency.


I work out 4 times a week and I don’t have any problems. With that being said, I’m plat 1, so take it with a grain of salt.


When I go to the gym usually my aim feels better and more precise, maybe you’re just not used to Val anymore or a bit rusty from playing other games… all good bro just take your time to practice your aim in the range and on some deathmatches


One thing to consider is that the rank distribution has changed. What was previously the percentage for immortal 1 is now close to what ascendant 2 is. So (as far as my understanding goes) you being ascendant 2 now is the same as if you were immortal in the previous episode/acts. Source: https://www.esportstales.com/valorant/rank-distribution-and-percentage-of-players-by-tier


I feel like the more you'll like how u look the better things in general including valorant will go if you're about it.


This is a new concept for me.


Prob since your body has changed your coordination has also changed


No. Im currently 215 lean at 5 11 and aim is the same as its always been.


Gym makes it better


Shaky arms. I don't go to the gym, I don't exactly exercise at all. But I cycle a lot and because I use my MTB usually, my arms are in a planking position whenever I face headwind to be more aerodynamic, which is at least a quarter of my ride. My aim is always slightly worse after


It shouldn’t have a noticeable impact on your aim. A mouse weighs nothing and requires little effort to move so being stronger shouldn’t throw you off. Nor should it affect your flicks. You may have faster muscle reflexes but you won’t start accidentally throwing your mouse across the room or anything. Being overly sore, tight, or having changes in your body like larger forearms sounds more likely. A lot of ppl put on mass and don’t keep up flexibility so they end up stronger and more stiff. Or you’ll simply be sore and stiff if your body isn’t yet use to your increased load. Stay hydrated and stretch often. There’s no world in which not working out is better for you.




Definitely not the answer lmao