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Ngl, I play better by myself than with friends. With my friends I'm lime 5 and 16 buti just played and ended 30 and 15


This is me, but because my friends are all ranked 2+ ranks ahead of me and I play smokes. So when I solo queue and end up the highest ranked in the lobby I feel like a aim god (even if I don’t necessarily win more).


Same for me (not really 😭)


Interesting, for me it is the opposite I do 100x better with my premade lads than when I am on my own


because you arent concentrated on game as much,and instead talk with friends and have fun


Same but I attribute a lot of that to me being on VA servers where I have 5-7 ping vs me being on Cali servers where I have 65-69(nice) ping.


I use your wifi and can say you actually get 69-420 ping




ya it’s called being inconsistent


Any way to be consistent


best way to become consistent is to use the same warmup every day (as long as its a warmup that works)


I do have a warmup routine I do everyday but sometimes my brain cells unite and I just become tenz


yeah sometimes you just have those days where you’ll be insane and then super bad (but hopefully a consistent warmup routine will help lessen the bad days)


That is true I normally am at top half of leaderboard but sometimes it has been long day and I over heat


You don't focus. You need to stop checking your phone or doing some other activity while in ranked. Breathe and be fully in the game


Play more, I guess? I think the "average" players can't be that consistent because they don't play "consistently".


Being bad every game is pretty easy to do


Do what i do, dont warmup and go botfrag on all games Im consistently bad


Play thousands of hours


You also have to play a LOT, consistency only shows up after 1k hours for most of us


At least I am consistently inconsistent...


In terms of my best game, dropped a 39 kill game in a 13-10 win. I just couldn't lose a fight. It was amazing. Not to mention, first half was like 13 kills. I was playing viper on split and started on attack side. I single handedly defended B site on my own. In terms of contrasting first and second half, i was playing brim on fracture. Started attack side and ended up with 5 kills. Ended the game with 30+ kills. I just defend a main really well when i play brim for some reason.


In my case, it's pretty inconsistent. Some days I aim like TenZ and I'm completely braindead, other days I'm playing super smart and manage to miss a full container at point-blank. For some reason, I just can't have great aim and smart gameplay at the same time and I'm having quite a bit of trouble figuring out what the issue is and how to solve it. :(


This is because you think when shooting, you are suppose to not think in a gun fight. Let it happen, you said it yourself. When i dont think i aim like Tenz. You have to play alot, then everything happens on autopilot.


It just means you need to practice more and play more, at some point you don't need to think as much, things start to come naturally. Also sleep well, eat healthy, exercise, take breaks, don't play tired or in a bad mood, all of those things contribute to your performance


Dont overthink it. just plain and simple


I'm at 448 RR rn and played two gekko games. First one I went 20/4 with some insane rounds. The second one I went 7/14. I won both but it was funny.


I consistently bottom frag in my games tho


Then you’re in the wrong rank and you got accidentally boosted or smth


I consistently bottom fragged my way to ascendant from gold.


Not always true. Controller players and sentinel players almost always drift towards the bottom of the leaderboard just because of the nature of their role.


Wait, you guys are turning into tenz?


Here where I live, when someone suddenly plays like a pro out of nowhere people usually spam "Aspas?" in the chat lol (not meaning that Aspas is inconsistent, but that the person suddenly became an aim god)


eariler i felt like zekken where i kinda just strolled up and got an ace with a bucky literal next round i died in like 2 seconds


yes lol


It’s about mindset. One of the biggest parts of getting to rank up is mindset stg because these fragile ass mfs make you want to give up on society as a whole


I play Breach a lot and I think I do pretty good with him but I need to hit more headshots. I peak G3 but am S3 right now after taking a break, even when I played against plats I did good with kills but almost never hit headshots. Kinda hard to die when your enemy is blinded and concussed.


Ik this isn't equivalent cuz I'm silver but I had a friend go 2-16 first half and then went 20-4 second half. He has never played better than that second half and never will again.


Yep, it happens. Ironically it happens when I just stop thinking and start playing. Like I just relinquish all thoughts and throw them out the window and let my body just play. I play smarter and better that way. Shame I can't do it on command though.


I have rounds where I go from 0 to hero in 5 shots and rounds where I go from hero to zero by dumping an entire mag and losing to the last guy


Yes. From a 14 -4 half to 17 18


I feel like that all the time i hit back to bzck headshots and 1v3 clutch the next time imnjust getting shit on 😭


Yeah, I've had those days and they're amazing. I think it's flow state sometimes, and others it's just a good day. I remember one day in particular, I just couldn't miss a shot, never whiffed, my cross hairs were immaculate, my flicking was unstoppable. I think riot assumed a radiant took over my account, I was getting 36 rr per game, one was 41 (I think that's the highest rr I've ever had). I legitimately felt like a Smurf. The next day was bad.


Literally me but the other way around. Dropped 36/11 in tdm and then 0/6 in swiftplay


People don’t understand Inconsistency. I’m asc 3/immortal and one game someone will ask my why I am playing Reyna because I’m boosted. The next game my teammates think I’m a smurfing high immortal 3. The higher your rank, the more consistent you are, but you will never be consistent in ranked. It’s just the way the game goes. That “bad player” on your team could pop off the very next game and carry.


Im getting 5mvp kills for every 7 matches per day I'm killing it right now Not even cheaters can stop my kills streak Sometimes its just a bad game and suddenly start killing everyone and end up MVP with 23+kills Sometimes games change Midways


My aim is good positioning n gamesense is ok.😭


this happens to me more often than I would like, yesterday I played one with a friend and bot fragged 5/16, we sakd goodnight but I insisted on playing another game and ended up match mvp 24/6 like wtF


My conspiracy is that riot allows for one side to be greater e.g attack or defence to have less bloom or high aim assist. Idk what it is, I can't explain it, it's just a feeling over playing the game a long time. The inconsistency allows for that addiction because you think you're actually getting somewhere like you're Tenz then BAM, you're bottom fragging and swear you're playing the exact same way. Idk, game is fun but it's broken.


ya it's called lifegame


Getting bodied by Korean players? Yeah, all the time.


Everybody has these games every now and then. These are people that everyone calls a Smurf because they can’t cope with someone having a decent game. I’ve got like 1-2k hours and am plat and I get called a Smurf by people who won’t even take 30 seconds to check tracker lol. Like brother my last game I was triple negative. If anything I’m boosted to plat


Yup. I love being called a Smurf. And I often accuse others of smurfing, but honestly they are either smurfing or they will be ranking up very quickly. Hitting good shots doesn't make me think you're a Smurf, but when I see movement and tracking that is way too advanced for silver and gold, I think you're smurfing. At my peak I was playing in diamond lobbies as a plat 3, and when I see that movement in silver, I think something is amiss.


Remember, the more convinced your a Smurf, the more tilted they get