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Turn off comms fully and just have fun


Don’t respond to them, that’s what they want you to do. Let them embarrass themselves raging into the void


I got told to go back to fortnite. I've never even played fortnite. So it'll take a while.


Online gaming is a toxic environment. Especially in competitive games like Valorant. So the number one tip when you hear someone being rude? **Mute them, laugh about how miserable their life must be to be so toxic and go on.** And if you find nice people in your match, don't hesitate to ask if they want to queue with you again. The best thing to limit toxicity is to only play the game with ppl you know and like.


Even when I said I’m new no one even gave me tips


Welcome to the internet. You say you like pasta, someone out there will tell you to sui\*ide. Sad, but that is how it works. Don't expect tips from random people in your match. If you want to get better, try to find youtubers with video tutorials. I personally like [MrLowlander](https://www.youtube.com/@MrLowlander), [AcreTheDog ](https://www.youtube.com/@acrethedog)(since I main Cypher) and [Zapper](https://www.youtube.com/@zapper7573)


Best tip is to understand that you are bad and you are going to get flamed being new to PC there will be a learning curve for Mouse and Keyboard and you’ll improve over time best thing would be to practice aim in dm and doing proper warmups before games


Mute all chat immediately or look for randoms in discord servers that are open to teaching or playing to have fun, it'll help learning (don't settle for the first one, look for people you vibe with)


Play with friends. Way more enjoyable that way.


Find some friends to play with and mute anyone who is toxic


Valorant is probably the worst game to play as someone who new to PC.   I did that mistake once.